Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 27 Jun 1924, page 2

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FOR BEST AND RIGHT PRICES Fruit and Vegetables In Season 2 All Kinds of COOKED MEATS and GROCERIES Phone No. 49 Drive a car that is underpowered, ~ when you can have all the power 8 you need with A SUPERIOR CHEVROLET : The SUPERIOR Chevrolet has more h.p. than any other car of the same size. The price of a 5-passenger Touring, ~~ tully equipped f.0.b. Dryden is $835 Note these "Superior features:-- Valve-in head Motor--Pump lubrication Extra heavy frame--Pump water circulation "Alemite patent grease cups--Extra large radiator Gas tank at rear--Vacuum Feed New Departure ball bearings-->Silently operating Cone Clutch Cord Tires--Extra heavy Top and Upholstery-- Curtains open with Doors Standard Equipment Includes Speedometer, Dash Light, Oil in- dicator, etc. Also complete Electric Starting and Lighting -- Qutfit. ASK US TO EXPLAIN the EASY PAYMENT PLAN 32% Cos Dryden CSE SRE a Ask Your Grocer or Confectioner EVERY Monday. Thursday. Saturday BROWN HEALTH BREAD Fresh Every Wednesday RAISIN BREAD Chock full of plump, delicious Raisins DRYDEN BAKERY 2 Gift Suggestions BROOCHES. = CHINA CUFF LINKS CUT GLASS FOUNTAIN PENS TIE WAT CHES PEARLS SILVER PENCILS SILVER WARE PINS The Watch Chain for Vestless Days:-- You can add to your summer comfort by dispensing with your vest and still know that your watch is securely fastened. These watch chains have an artistically designed clasp that fastens securely to the belt. They are of attractive design and excellent workmanship. A. G Ripley's PENDANT" Church Services BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday June 29th. Sunday School--10.30 a.m. Public Worship 11.15; subject "The Holy Spirit as Sanctifier." 7.00 p.m.--Subject "Baptism" Prayer Service--Thursday at 8 p.m. Pustor--H. E. Buchner. BEDWORTH. Working in conjunction with Mr W. Bicknell, Service will be conducted every Sunday by Mr Buchner. Sunday School--2.00 pam. Service--3.00 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these meetings. i - RICE LAKE. 2.00 p.m--Sunday School. 3.00 p.m.--Church Worship. "WABIGOON Church Service at 7.30 pam. in the School House. : : J. D. SMART. OXDRIFT CHURCH 2 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 7.30 p.m. Evening Service at Oxdrift. A. E. MENZIES, Pastor The Market MAID WANTED.--Apply to Mrs Winterbottom, Dryden. 'YOUNG GIRL WANTED to assist 'with housework.--Apply Mrs HUMPHREYS, Sr. The Cabin, Dryden, MARE & GELDING, 1400-10, 7-years old, with Harness and nearly new Wagon. $450. --F. M. AGGIS, Minnitaki. 2716 For Sale. -- 8Roomed DWELLING- HOUSE, with good basement and half acre lot; good well and pump; large chicken house. Desirable location close 1to river. Snitable terms.--Apply : Mrs J. B. HILL, 1147 |24 Dryden, Ont. LOST. From Miller's pasture, 5-year-old Bay Gelding. Black feet to knees, foretop | cut short; white spot on forehead and on one nostril; short tail; weight about 1400-1bs; in good condition; small split on front hoof, never shod. Five dollars reward for whereabouts, and Ten for return of horse to A. CAMERON, Richan. Health Talks A few evenings ago I visited an On- tario town where a meeting on Pubic Health was being held. Just before the meeting I was attracted to a base- ball game played between local teams. Quite a considerable crowd of people were present, but only the players were getting anyexercise. How much better it would he, I thought at that moment and since, if all the people could take part in sports and games instead of only a few. Nothing is better for maintaining and protecting public health than exercise in the open air, and yet a comparatively small number of people do get enough evercise. Especially in cities do sedentary oc- apation previal and even then the journey to and from business is made by street car orautomobile. Have you ever noticed a family go- ing for an outing How often this outing consists of a spin around the city, the occupants of the car never leaving their seats until they arrive back at the door of their house. - And yet many people regard this as exer- cise. True, an automobile ride is ex- hilarating and benefical, but it is not exercise in the true sense of the word. Exercise to be really benefical should aim to put the muscles into action and 'the more of these muscles are used, the more effective the exercise will be. How much better it would be for city folks and country folks to take a brisk walk of at least fifteen minutes twice a day. Brisk walking is one of the: \ . . . 3 1 finest exercises a person can indulge in. ' It is said that of all the natural ex-: ercises one can take, swimming occu- ies a foremost place. Swimming how- ever, is not easy to indulge in. Walk-; ing is accessible to everybody. The] convenience of a street-car system in, cities and towns is a mixed blessing. The tendency is to ride comparatively short distances which could be covered by walking with much greater benefit to health. Some day the health authorities will take a keener interest in exercise and recreation for the masses, and better health will be the 'For Sale--80-Acre FARM, : 27/624 result. : To-day the practice of attending ball-games, cricket matches and other forms of outdoor amusement is beni- fical to only a few. In time to come facilities will be provided for all the people at convenient times fo take suitable forms of exercise. When that day comes, the public health will be FOUND ! Collie Dog, strayed on the premises of Wm. J. Martin, Lot 10, Con. 2, Wain- wright Twp. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this advt. To Rent--SUITE of ROOMS, furnisi- ed or unfurnishedfor light house- keeping.--Apply : MRS SPEARS 20-6-24 ¢. West End King St. For Sale-- FRESH MILK HEITER, also YEARLING HEIFER.--Apply W. H. BLAKE 27/6/14 Dryden, Ont. For Sale or on Shares at Oxdrift-- HILLCREST FARM, Lot 9, Con. 1, on main road, resident of Dr P. V. Helli- well, 2% miles from station. Seven Roomed HOUSE (large airy rooms), with stone foundation and good cellar and other buildings. A never-failing well; 160 acres of land, 60 acres and more under cultivation; nice wood lot, Sale price $3500.00, small cash pay- ment down, balance on terms with low interest.--Apply to Mrs P: V. HELLIWELL 4/7124. ; Oxdrift, Ont. FARM 1 ALE 8S. %, N. 5 Township of Van Horne, close to town line. 160 acres, 50 under cultivation, balance bush and pasture. Good house, with furnace in basement; barn and grainary; chicken house, implement shed, two good wells, at house and in barnyard. Electric light and telephone. _For particulars apply to-- G. NELSON Box 154-- -- Dryden, Ont. 30 acres under cultivation, balance easily clear- ed. Small house, Stable and Chicken Coop, within two miles of Dryden, on main road to the Beach. Apply to DAN KEATLY For Sale--DUNLOP FARM, a splen- did location, valued by the late owner at Two thousand dollars ($2000.00). For Sale at One thousand ($1000.00) Apply to JAMES. A, KINNEY Kenora, Ont. GOOD PROPERTY for sale, lots 8 & 9 S. Albert Street, with good sized House, newly decorated; good well on property. For particulars apply G. NELSON, 16|5|c Dryden, Ont. MARE for sale--1750-1bs, nine years old, in best condition, good worker.-- Apply to improved and a happier and healthier FRED OLSON, race of people will be the result. 27/6/24 Wabigoon. : ai REERCER Te HSER ES RE ueen Helena and Queen Mary were escorted through the Canadian Pacific Pavilion at Wembley by Lord Stevenson, with whom they are geen leaving the building. The polissmen are members of the Canadian Pacific detachment from various parts of Canada. The Old Man One of the saddest sights is the old man, compelled to work for his daily bread. A sadder sight is the old man who has to beg for it. Not every young man will become an old man, but every old man was a young man! Taking a chance of becoming a peor old man, is the extreme of folly, especially when by starting out in early life with a mutual Endowment Policy, one can pro- vide against being poor in advan- cing years. The Mutual Life Assurance Co of Canada District Agent. FRANK M. OFFER ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksmith OWN YOUR WN HOME * kk kk OUR PRICES ON LUMBER ARE LOWER THAN THEY HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS. We can fill any bill of material from Yard Stock. Our Service is the same for a Board or a Car lot. We can sell you any bill of material at less money than any Mail Order House. This is not a line yard concern where we have to make large profits; our overhead is small. Plans and Estimates Free! * %* * *® SCREEN WINDOWS AND DOORS At Special Prices. LUMBER. SHINGLES. CEMENT. PLASTER AND LIME. BRICK, LATH. SASH AND DOORS. Agents For- : BEAVER BOARD. ; M ; EMPIRE PLASTER BOARD. assey-Harris SILOS, ete., ete. : PAPER ROOFING. MOULDING. Implements Carbon Removed from Cylinders - by Acetviene Burnin > rae > And All Builders' Supplies. * ok % kK J. Winterbottom Agent for-- : HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE Co. SS Dick Trist dry fire Insurance Companies), Represented by Douglas Lane 15. 3 t > 3 British North-Western Fire Insur- | Gen Liver y J ransi: I ¥ ance Co. Js Commercial Union Assurance Co., § and ; i Ltd. of London, England. ; Britany 23 5 7 i Canada Accident and Fire Imsur LXchange Bai i ance Ce. : Fidelity-Phenix Fire Imsurance Co. New York. Guardian Assurance Co., Ltd. o. London, England, established 182. General Animals Insurance Co. ox Canada. The London and Lancashire Insur- ance Co., Lid. : Nova Scotia Fire Underwriters n nd REAL ESTAYE BED INSURANOER DRYDEN . GNT. Agency. Northern Assurance Co., Ltd. ofp q VT London. England. 1 LOOF. DRYDEN LODGE, Ke 417 meets at the Town National Fire Insursmee Co. of aR : : Hartford. "i Hall every Monday evening at eight North British and Mercantile In- surance Co., Ltd. _ Ocean Accident & Guarantee Cor poration, Lid. Queensland Insurance Co., Ltd. The Sun Insurance Office of Lon don, England (founded 1719, old- est Insurance Company in World.) | Union Assurance Society Ltd. of London, England, established 1714. Niagara Fire Insuraree Co. WATKIN'S PRODUCTS Complete Line For Farmer or Citizen REMEDIES, SPICES, EXTRACTS, : : SOAPS, TOILET PREPARATIONS. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES j the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors Cordially invited. Best for over 50 years H. HUMPHREYS, W.M. E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND ALEX. DUNCAN, Secy. i o'clock. F. COOPER, N.G. D. ANDERSON, Secy Visiting Brethren Cordially Invited. 1.01. DRYDEN LODGE Ne. 1694 meets the first Wednesday 5f each month, at eight p.m, in the Town Hall. Visiting Brethren ecer- - dially invited. / J. E. HARRIS, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Secy 'Golden Star Ly 1; No. 484 AF. &AM,GRC. SAVE YOUR HORSES + 7 ALKING over plowed ground all day tires your team a8 W well as the driver. How about pulling a load besides? * In these days of scarcity of horse and man power the avy farm work such as discing can be done most speedily conomically with a Case Kerosene Tractor, The 10-18 tosh Case Tractor can pull an 8 £i. double action disc a set to full depth, Dusy farmers can work the "iron horse" day and night if necessary. Don't forget that Case % tractors operate over dusty fields without dust entering cyl snders. The Alr washer fully protects the Motor, The all cut steel spur gears are fully enclosed and run in oil. The weight' of the Case 10-18 is only abotih 8,400 Ibs. this, with the liberal § sized tires prevents soil packing, Other important features xplained in full descriptive literature sent out for the asking. us tell you more about the 10-18 or larger Case Tractors, F. T. BRIGNALL OXDRIET = 5% 0 Cail Be ONTARIO

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