Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 25 Jul 1924, page 2

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THE RY) MRVER FOR BEST QUALITY AND RIGHT PRICES FRUIT AND VEGETABLES in Season All Kinds of COOKED MEATS Br AND GROCERIES i CAR LOAD OF ROBIN HOOD FLOUR JUST ARRIVED Phone No. 49 T A Columa Dealing With Milk and Its Products i 'Pasteurization ---- Preservatives -- | Commercial Buttermilk -- Cheest From High and Low Testing Milk HE HANDLING OF MILK The Market {HOUSE TO RENT, Corner of Van 1 Horne and Albert St. Coal Furnace | Cistern, Electric lights and Telephone. 180[7]24 J. S. CORNER, Oxdrift. ORD CAR for Sale.--Apply MUTUAL Life Insurance is a form of public ownership. The policyholders own the Company and, through its elected directors, control its affairs, subject to regular government audit and inspection. The Mutual Life Public Owsership. | OWN YOUR OWN HOME OUR PRICES ON LUMBER ARE LOWER THAN THEY HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS We can fill any bill of material from Yard Stock. rr OT Gel | Milk From Sweet Clover el MRS C. E. SMITH i atin and Bacteria in Ice Cream. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Following are summaries by the ' Department of Extension of thé ' 0.A.C, Guelph, of work done in thai | institution with milk and some of iti : products: Value of Pasteurization. To test the value of pasteurizatios as an acid in keeping milk In a usahblt eondition for a long period, a stud) | wag made by the Dairy Department of the Ontario Agricultural Collegs | durfag July of 1923. Similar sample! of raw and pasteurized milk subject: ed to a temperature of 53° to 54° ¥. | gave results as follows: The raw | milk did not keep for twenty-foui hours, while the pasteurized milk was sweet at end of third day. Similas samples of raw and pasteurized mill held at 37° to 43° F., gave the fol' lowing results: The raw milk kep! . sweet for less than forty-eight-hours, while the pasteurized milk was stili 'gweet and in good condition at the {end of two weeks, The trials sho% 'the great value of pasteurization in ! the fluid milk trade and the necessity' | of low temperatures for holding the \ milk after pasteurizing. Bailk Preservative. ! Investigational work carried out by "the Department of Bacteriology, 1 0.A.C., that is of special interest to the cheesemakers and managers of i factories, was concluded during the 'past year. Many factory managers had experienced trouble in keeping the! composite samples of milk in good: *! ¢ondition for the period required by ! the Dairy Standards Act. The result of the 0.A.C. Bacteriological Depart: / ment investigation shows that not B & H PURE LEAD PAINTS. FURNITURE SCREEN DOORS BEDDING BABY CARRIAGES AUTOMOBILE TIRES, from $8.50 ACCESSORIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS BICYCLES. REPAIRS See our Window for SPECIALS IN C.C.M. CLEVELAND BICYCLES. Specia! Reduced Prices One USED CAR For Sale. A wonderful Bargain Fine REED BABY CARRIAGE, Only $23.95 OILS. GREASES. -- GAS. rr HEE Wm. Rogers and Sons SILVER PLATE In the popular La France Pattern. TE. | TT AE TEA SPOONS, per doz. --.-------- $4.00} BUTTER SPREADERS, 6 for 4.60 DESSERT SPOONS, doz. «ou 7.20 { PIE KNIFE, each cco. 2.65 TABLE SPOONS, doz een. 8.001 CREAM LADLES, each ----.._... 1.20 DESSERT, FORKS, doz. ..----..--- 7.20] GRAVY, LADLES, each ----..__... 1.60 MEDIUM FORKS, doz. «eur 8.00 j Cold Meat FORKS, each __..__.. 1.35 PICKLE, FORKS, from 80c. to 1.00 In Lined Gift Boxes:-- SPOONS atts Coffee, 6 2.00 Cutlery :-- . Five o'clock, § -- mmm m om ~ 2.004 pegsert Knives, solid handle (12) 9.70 ORANGE SPOONS, 6 ----..cc.e--. 3.20 Dessert Hollow Handle (6) --_.... 10.70 SOUP SPOONS, 6 --_.ccmee 4.00 | Table, Solid Handle (12) ----.--. 9.85 BERRY SPOONS, each ----..----... 2.15 | Table, Hollow Handle (6) ----..--.. 11.80 ~<a A. G. Ripley's Ask Your G ria rocer or Confectioner. EVERY Monday, Thursday, Saturday | BROWN HEALTH BREAD Fresh Every Wednesday RAISIN BREAD Chock full of plump, delicious Raisins The DRYDEN BAKERY ¥ ¥ 'ate. This amount should be used once or twice a month. Commercial Buttermilk. tario Agricultural College during the past season a few lots of commercial - buttermilk were made by using either pasteurized skim-milk, or the butter- | milk from churnings of pasteurized sweet cream, not ripened before churning, To the milk was added 20 per cent. water, Bb per cent. culture and one- half ounce of salt per one hundred] _ bounds of milk. This was allowed ta; stand until the next morning when it; was nicely coagulated. The coagzu- lated milk was then poured into the churn and churned for about twenty minutes. This made a buttermilk that was in good condition, had good flavor, was smooth, and did not separ- After churning one lot for fif- teen minutes a small amount of "cream was added. The churning was then continued and in nine minutes the cream had churned into fine but- ter granules which gave it the ap- pearance of "old-fashioned" butter milk and was well liked: Comparative Yields From High and Low Testing Milk in Cheese: making. Investigations carried out by the Dairy Department and the Chemistry Department of the O.A. College with low and high testing milk used in the manufacture of cheese gave re- sults that are interesting to cheese factory patrons. The low testing milk contained 12.01 per cent. solids and 3.41 per cent. fat. The high testing milk contained 12.29 per cent. solids and 3,62 per cent. fat-- not very much difference between tha two samples. The yield of cheese per 1,000, Ibs. of milk was 89.85 lbs. from the low testing lots, and 95.84 Ibs. from the higher testing lots, or nearly six pounds of cheese more per thousand pounds of milk for a very small increase in the percentages of fat and total solids. less than six grains of corrosive sub- | ~ limate is required to keep a one pint ¢ | sample in good condition for forty - days. ff if the butter fat tests are made either "In the Dairy Department of the On-' This is further . H North of Track. ' PIANO for Sale--cheap for cash, or on deferred payment plan.--Apply 237 |24 Mrs H. G. STRATTON Dryden, Ont. Loa | ANYONE WISHING TO PURCHASE | TR RES of any kind, Apple or Orna- 'mental, Handy Shrubs. Small Fruits, 'all kinds. Strawberry plants of all | varieties would do well to conuslt J. K. LIVINGSTON Local Agent of E. !D, Smith and Sons, Limited, Winona, Ontario. . Nurserymen Fruit Growers and Land- scape Architects i : = . FRESH BUTTER MILK at the Creamery for 25 cents per gallon If you bring your own container. 3 i 1 3 YOUNG MILCH COW. Apply to Mrs FRED HARRIS 25/7/24 Wabigoon, Ont. Reed PULLMAN BABY CARRIAGE, just new, $50.00 Sacrifice $34.00. Apply to DRYDEN OBSERVER BOARDING HOUSE, with Refresh- 'ment BAR in connection, well located. Hy : Further particulars from P.O. Box 26 ! Wabigon, Ontario, i re - : En es Pa | ANY FARMER wishing BUTTER- |/ MILK for his PIGS will do well to enquire for price at the Creamery. i TWO YOUN freshen in August.----Apply D. M'KELLAR. EH} To Rent--SUITE of ROOMS, furnish- ed or unfurnished, for light house- " keeping.--Apply 1 MRS SPEARS West End King St. 20-6-24 c. the following papers, give your renew- al to John K. Livingstone, local sub- scription representative-- The Family Heraid & Weekly Star. The Saturday Evening Post. The Country Gentleman. The Ladies Home Journal. FARM FOR SALE-- S. %, N. 5, | Township of Van Horne, close to town line. 160 acres, 50 under cultivation, balance bush and pasture. Good house, grainary; chicken house, implement shed, two good wells, at house and in barnyard. Electric light and telephone. For particulars apply to-- G, NELSON --Dryden, Ont. GOOD PROPERTY for sale, lots 8 & 9 S. Albert Street, with good sized House, newly decorated; good weil on property. For particulars apply G. NELSON, Dryden, Ont. Box 154-- 165|c --- WANTED -- Secondhand FURNITURE. We would like you to give us the first chance to buy your furniture on leaving town.--S. DAITER. evidence of the injustice of paying ! for milk on the basis of weight only and not eonsidering the fat and solids : : content of milk when dividing money ' among patrons of cheese factories. Milk From Sweet Clover. The Dairy Department of the On- tario Agricultural College made four lots of butter during July when the' cows were pasturing on sweet clover. The butter was scored when fresh, end again after holding in storage, but none of it had a flavor that could be attributed to sweet clover. These results are similar to those obtained in 1922. Gelatin and Bacteria in Ice Cream. With the great increase in the con- sumption of ice cream and the de- velopment of the ice cream manufac- | turing business various schemes have | ! PREDICTS GENERAL ELECTION. been evolved to take care of the de- mand in a way profitable to those manufacturing and selling this food. { In making examination of various i samples of gelatin sent to the Bae- teriology Department of the Ontario Agricultural College some samples were found to have a bacterial con- tent as high as 960,000 per gram. { Wholesome ice cream cannot be made if low grade gelation is used In its Preparation. Cowpeas. As a rule cowpeas should not be cut for hay vpefore the pods begin to turn yellow. The best quality is pro- duced and the hay cures most readily if the vines are cut when most of the pods are full grown and a consider- able number of them are mature. At that stage of growth none of the best hay varieties will have dropped their | TO INVESTIGATE ROAD WORK. Toronto, July 28.--Inquiry into the , administration of the Department of { Public Highways under the Drury Government by the Public Accounts Committee of the Legislature next ; Session was hinted at last night by the i present Minister, Hon. Geo S. Henry. For some time an investigation has been proceeding quietly, and although Mr Henry refused to divulge the nat- jure of any of the points which he is jonas bringing under review of "the Committee, he stated that there would probably be something. | Vancouver, July 22nd.-- Opposition : opinion in Ottawa is that there will be ¢ a general Federal election this winter, i according to Senator S. J. Crowe, who thas heturned from Ottawa. Premier King's recent attack on the Senate is regarded by conservatives as indieat- ing that the GGovernment is preparing material to use in impending elections. { yead every newspaper in this city and re-write the traffic accident stories in them each day for six months in his own handwriting, was the punishment (meted out here yesterday to W. G. i Lovell, 18, charged with speeding. G COWS For Sale, to a When renewing your subscription for! with furnace in basement; barn and; Los Angeles, July 28.--Sentenced to works on a safe, sound, conservative; actuarial basis. {Our Service is the same for a Board Profits derived from the business of : or a Car lot. the Company are paid back to the We can sell you any bill of material at policyholders. That means that. less money than any Mail Order insurance in the Mutual Life js in-: House. gurance at a minimum cost. i This is not a line yard concern where SY % h t it lar rofit. ; ur The Mutual Life be Hy a Assurance Co of Canada' Plans and Estimates Free ! District Agent. SCREEN WINDOWS AND DOORS FRANK HM. ROBT. SWEENEY LUMBER. SHINGLES. General Blacksmith OFFER CEMENT. BRICK, PLASTER AND LIME. LATH. SASH AND DOORS. BEAVER BOARD. EMPIRE PLASTER BOARD. Agents For- SILOS, ete., ete. . PAPER ROOFING. MOULDING. Massey- Harris And All Builders' Supplies. tmplements | J. Winterbottom Agent for-- Carbon Removed HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE Co. from Cylinders by WATKIN'S PRODUCTS Acetyviene Burning Complete Line = For Farmer or Citizen Ai REMEDIES, SPICES, EXTRACTS, \ SOAPS, TOILET PREPARATIONS. Dick Trist HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES Best for over 50 years Iryden Livery, Transf rll = T. (DAD) ROWLAND and | emesis mem T--" Sa Exchange Bara fay. GARDINER General Merchant, ; a i JORYDEN © ONI.E : EAGLE RIVER. SE TE NS \/ Agent for j ES NMcFADVER I Frost & Wood IMPLEMENTS. A SEAL ESTATE # COCKSHUTT PLOW COY. ® % x Xx yay Sharple's Cream Scparators. BRYBEN . ONT. b RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. § O.0.F. DEYPEN LODGE, Ms 417 meets st the Town Monday evening zt eight Visiting Members cordially 'r +4 i Hall every o'clock, invited. CON. ANDERSON, N.G. ALEX. DUNCAN, Secy. LOI. DRYDEN LODGE Ne. 1884 meets the frst Wednesday of 'each month, at eight p.m., in the ; Town Hall. Visiting Brethren eer- : dially invited. : J. E. HARRIS, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Secy . FOR TRIMMING HEDGES. "Cutting grass, edging walks, weeding | hoeing, turning sod, seeding, planting, and for the hundred and one jobs : bout the lawn, garden and yard, you i need the proper tools and implements. : We have them all. Come in and have Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, 2 look at them. Prices as low as any the Second Tuesday of each month | big city store or mail order house. Visitors Cordially invited. : H. HUMPHREYS, W.M. ALEX. DUNCAN, Secy. La SS SE Sa Golden Star Lod: No. 484 AF. & AM, GR.C. : PE |E. A. KLOSE I BD a] KEROSENE TRACTORS SAVE YOUR HORSES + well ag the driver. How about pulling a load besides? In these days of scarcity of horse and man power the heavy farm work such as discing can be done most speedily and economically with a Case Kerosene Tractor. The 10-18 or smallest Case Tractor can pull an 8 ft. double action dise harrow set to full depth. Busy farmers can work the "iron horse" day and night if necessary. Don't forget that Case tractors operate over dusty fields without dust entering cyle inders. The Air washer fully protects the Motor, The all cut 7 ALKING over plowed ground all day tires your team as steel spur gears are fully enclosed and run in oil. The weight of the Case 10-18 is only about 8,400 lbs. this, with the liberal sized tires prevents soil packing. Other important features explained in full descriptive literature sent out for the asking, Let ug tell you more about the 10-18 or larger Case Tractors, F. T. BRIGNALL OXDRIFT ONTARIO

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