, ; the head of the lakes the House last ~ would be no . verge of bankruptcy. { Heenan, 'I do not think that we can - it before the Minister myself." WHEREAS in the District of Kenora RESOLVED "That this meeting call ® Oxdrift Holds (Continued from page one) job, to do his best for that end and that alone. At this juncture a voice from the crowd suggested = that Mr Heenan take his coat off. This he did, both literally and metaphorically. In short snappy sentences he showed his large audience the machinations of 2 small party of political intriguers who, while posing as friends of the people, were in reality seeking to stab him (the speaker) in the back and create a diversion in favour of another individ- ual who had political aspirations. instanced the journey of the clique to to meet the Minister of Lands on his visit here, and then turned his attention to the doings of the gang in their attempt to run Kenora, with the result that the town had been brounght to the 'No' said Mr blame the Government for the delay in the road work, nor yet the officials | in charge, they can only act on in-§ above ! I was positively assured in| structions from authorities them. session that there discrimination against Northern Ontario in the matters of road grants, therefore the blame must be laid at the door of these political nobodies, who are doing it for their' and letters littered the table in front of the speaker when he had finished, for he referred only to things of which he had the proof. It was a different Heenan who wound up more than an hour's talk. He felt that the fighting spirit of the North was with him. His apparent apathy and lethargy were thrown off, and he caught the atmosphere of his audience as they | applauded him at the end. 'Pass your resolution" said Peter, "and I will take it straight to Toronto and lay The resolution was then read by the! secretary to the audience, and un- animously adopted on the motion of Mr Murdick seconded by a score of voices from the hall. Copy of reselution, passed at Oxdrift | July 26th, 1924.-- there is much good agricultural land, and many settlers without adequate road connections, caus- Hef' Road Work to ameliorate the con- ditions complained of; The passing of the resolution brought the meeting to a close excepting the vote of thanks proposed by Mr Mill- ings to the Chairman. The thanks of the district as a whole are due to Mr Brignall for the attitude he took on the road question, as by bringing all together we now present a united front to those who by artifice, intrigue orpropaganda would seek to disinte- rgate the democratic spirit so pro- nounced in Northwestern Ontario, W. W. HOWELL, Secy. The Crop Situation Waldhof, Ont.--Farmers are having much trouble just now getting. their hay in, on account of the showers. The 'crop generally is better than expected. "ing much hardship and incon- venience amongst the settlers, as well as holding back the settle- ment of the district, and WHEREAS we view with alarm the small amount of roadwork being done as eompared with the past five years: and WHEREAS owing to poor crops last - year and certainty of light, if not _boor crops this year; also in view of the fact that the facilties for pulpwood sales last year were absolutely poor, while the pulp- mill at Dryden has been idle for months throwing hundreds of men out of employment and kiling prospects of sales of pulpwood for the coming winter: upon the: Provincial © Government 'to take the situation in hand, and enlarge the Rural adequately Alsike is filling well and will give good returns. Red cover is also filling, but it is too early to give report about. ot Wheat and oats are & ted by the rain showers of the It last ten ; © youn and old. Even potatoes are green again, = 'and will give some return in spite of i the cutting down by the recent frost. days. ---0--0--0-- Peter Heenan, M.P.P, going through from Quibell to Oxdrift, held a meet- own selfish ends." Papers, Newspapers ing in Waldhof Community Hall, and 'explained why, in his opinion, there . has been no start made with the much A needed roads. He thought we could mot th blame the government-- yet, because there is much evidence that the gov- ernment is quite willing, but only ill- advised for reasons we do not really understand. = And for that same reason Mr Heenan advised the people to keep up their organizations, so we will be . able to present a true view of the situ- ation to the proper authorities. A resolution urging the completion of our road system without delay was adopted without any opposition. A hearty vote of thanks was tender- ed the speaker, Oe Gone Oe The Girls Baseball Team from Eagle River played their first game against Waldhof, which ended in a victory for the latter. But they are going to do it over again, andwe sure will buy tickets for the match, = Be (EE The First shipment of Blueberries went west Saturday 26, just three : weeks later than 1928. If reports are correct, there will be only a 50 p.c. crop of fruit this year. Ea SE EE Miss F. and Mr M. Bischot spent the week-end with their parents at Waldhof. Mr O. C. Kurtz has made a record in building, the new Wabigoon 'Public School, which he and his staff complet- ed in about five weeks. * Mr H. Appel, Vermillion Bay, has Wheat which is well over four feet high, and forming splendid ears. The field is about two and half acres and shows a wonderful views, com- pared with other fields. (Did you know there were farmers in the Bay?) You will get the surprise of your life. = TN Get the Genuine Repairs for your ormuck- Deering - : Haying and Harvesting ~ Machinery Order Early MOWERS, OILS, TIRES, RAKES ss BINDERS & TWINE M. J. CROSIE: { : Ete. GAs, J. S. CORNER, O=arify, Ont. Agent for i NTERNATIONAL b HARVESTER COMPANY of Canada, Ltd g carriage. | Successful Picnic To the Editor of ! The Dryden Observer As an old picnicer, I thought I would drop you a line regarding the joined picnic of Beaver Lake, Rice Lake, and Cairnbrogie, which was held at Mr Jim Sherwood's Farm on July 24th. I must say that I enjoyed myself beyond expectation. And I am sure that ever y one who attended this picnic will agree with me that it was one of the best picnics ever held in this Community, And I for one would say let's have a couple more before winter. The variety of sports was great for the children and grown-ups. Especially the pillow-fighting, sack-race, Kan- garoo race, Potato race, Hurdle race, young couple's race, pole jumping, Tug o'war, barn yard golf, and numerous others. Also the Ice Cr eam stand In conclusionthanks to Mr and Mrs James Sherwood for the use of their field and all they provided. . Yours for another picnic of the same kind. : HAPPY SCANT. honoring Miss Hewitson, | Sorin marriage to A. Sidey, will take place shortly. Miss Jean Diggins convey ed the lovely variety of gifts to the] 'Dbride-elect in a prettily decorated doll At the supper hour refresh- ments were served from a table cen- tered with 'a miniature bride and groom. Smith, Mr and Mrs A. W. Diggins, Mr and Mrs W. Diggins, Mrs Carl Scott, Mrs' Borland, Mrs Gordon, Mrs Pederson, the Misses Hewitson, Ket- trick, Pederson, Roerig, Cathmoir and Salimens, Mr Sidey. © : Sidey--Hewitson A pretty wedding took place at 7:15 at St. John's Anglican Church, Port Arthur, when Rev. officiated at the marriage of Helen Hewitson, daughter of Mrs Hewitson, - of Dryden and Alec Sidey, formerly of Dryden, now of Port Arthur. The church was en with friends of the bridal couple. ~~ A. W. Diggins gave the bride away and the atten- dants were Miss James Riddell. The bride wore a «graceful gown of white crepe de chene with pearl and brilliant trimming and picture hat of white. The bridal bouquet was a shower of roses and lilly of the valley and she wore also the groom's gift, a diamond pendant, The bridesmaid also. wore white crepe de chene with a large black hat and § carried carnations and poenies. Her gift from the groom was a pearl and amethyst bracelet. The best man received gold cuff links. followed at the home of Mrs A, W. Diggins, 178 Cumberland Street. Poenies were used as floral decora- tions in the home. Roerig. Mr and Mrs Sidey left for i Dryden on their honeymoon trip, and on their return will reside in the Dig- f gins block. FOR-- Dry Goods, Giroosries. : FLOUR AND FEED : FRUITS, VEGETABLES, CIGARS, CIGARETTES, : AND TOBACCOS CANDIES, ICE CREAM BUTTER AND EGGS GASOLINE 2 Bo To +n i JEWELL & Cy --ON TARO OXDRIFT-- : General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ! ONTARIO Dry Goods Groceries : Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produce fe Frost & Wood and i Cockshutt Implements 3 7 i H i 3 k i "to amuse both | 'Those present were: My and : Mrs, Hunter, of Dryden, Mr and Mrs Keppel W. Hill§ Sissie Roerig and R. Wigle visited Kenora last week. Miss Eva Stratton is spending a vacation at the Lake of the Woods, Mrs Geo. Skene and son returned from the west Sunday afternom, A. H. Skene spent a rew days in town: this week, C. A. Brad, Wabigoon, was a busi- ness visitor to town Monday, Mrs Fisher, Wabigoon, spent Satur- day in Dryden. E. FP. Griffiths, Oxdrift, spent I'ri- day in town. Constable Patterson, Kenora was a visitor to Dryden early in the week, Mrs Millroy and daughter left for the West Wednesday morning, A. Millings, Eagle River, was a visitor to town this week, Jim Burgess was up from Watson Thursday Miss Veitch is down from Kenora this week for a few days. 3 Gordon Mackey i in sday. ho Jim aren of Eagle River, Spent Monday in town. Magistrate Pronger from the east. Mr Ball sr, came down from Kenora to visit for a few days with Mr and Mrs G, H. Ball. Constable Hake left for Kenora Wednesday morning on official busi- ness. : There was a big crowd fon Dryden up to the meeting at Oxdrift on Satur- day night. Reggie Dixon is Shending a holiday in Kenora, the guest of Mr and Mrs Taylor, Mrs Geo. Ruete and Miss Anderson, of Eagle River, were down to Dryden early in the week, Mr and Mrs J. Hardie, Mr and Mrs Hake motored down to Dinorarie Sun- day. Mrs G. H. Ball sete] Roe Sun- 'day after spending a few Says in Kenora. : Mrs Pat Myles returned to wr home in Kenora Sunday, after visiting her parents Mr and Mrs F. Pinkerton. Rev. Robt Nairn, Kenora, was in | Dryden Tuesday on his way to Oxdrift to officiate at the McTavish- ~Brignall wedding Wednesday. Mr and Mrs L. M. Beat, Sioux Looks out, were the guests of Mrs Beath's 'parents, Mr and Mrs A. M. Taylor for a few days last week. Misses Lena and Ella Holm are visiting friends in Port Arthur and will tour the States before returning to Dryden. The largest crowd Shore has been at any dance this season, attended the dance in the Community Hall at Ox- has returned drift last Friday night. Church Services SUNDAY, August 3rd. Ed * 2 ® * * - About thir ty guests attended the reception which | The hostess was | * assisted by Mrs John Smith and Miss Stee SSE Mr Sidey is employed | | at the Port Arthur 'Pulp Mill. --News ; ; Chronicle. SOFT DRINKS AUTO TIRES. AND TUBES] 2 pm. Sunday School and Bible Class.] BAPTIST CHURCH A.M.--Power for Service P.M.--A Challenge. 7:00 p.m.--*Fire Wolshibts » Prayer Services, Thursday at 8.00. [: ALL WELCOME Pastor--H. E. Buchner. ie : re BEDWORTH. Working in conjunction with Mr W. Bicknell, Service will be conducted every Sunday by Mr Buchner. . Sunday Schooi--2.00 p.m. 'Service--38.00 p.m. : fA cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these meetings. CAIRNBROGIE SCHOOLHOUSE © 2:00 p.m.--Sunday School ~ 3:00 p.m.--Church Worship Thursday at 7:80 p.m.--Choir : Practice. BEAVER LAKE, at BOWMAN'S 3: 30 p.m.--Sunday School. 6:30 p.m.--Church Worship RICE LAKE SCHOOLHOUSE 3:00 p.m.--Sunday School. WABIGOON Schoolhouse 7: 30 p.m.--Church Worship J. D. SMART. CHANGE AT OXDRIFT. 3. 00 p.m. --Service i in Community. Hall. A. E. MENZIES, Paster _| ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS] + Ek kw Day or Night Calls Promptly : Attended to. sas PHONE-- tDav. 82 R 2: Nicht e2 R 4 | rowing exverien ting to Oxdrift, and it was noticeab! i {LIGHT DELIVERY ... | TOURING | "Correspondence LEE The meeting called by Mr Brignall in Oxdrift Hall Saturday was largely attended, representatives being there from all parts of the District--Kenora, Quibell, Vermillion Bay, Eagle River, Waldhof, Minnitaki, Dryden and as far east as Dyment. These were not reg- ularly organized, but that did not de- tract from the evidence bearing on the subject advertised for discussion which was road requirements. e Mr Brignall, who displayed a great deal of tact, ably filled the chair, while Mr W, W. Howell acted as secretary in his usual efficient manner. Among descriptions of conditions in the diflerent neighbourhoods the more noticeable were the well-balanced remarks of Mr Crowley, Quibell, and * Wall of East Aubrey. The large nuraber. of automobiles from all parts was "evidence there ntered in that no complaints were made by those having anything to market. One could only gather that anxiety to get the money paid by the government for making roads was the dominant factor in the minds of at least most present, with no consideration of pre-election asked-for and promised economy A 7 most regretable feature was introduced many that the whole business was a carefully prepared political m move -- interested, Mr Heenan. Mr Heenan, our provincial represen- tative, expressed his great regret at being compelled to inject politics into ere no very har-|py the matter; but it is perhaps difficult for some to understand the necessity to do so. The gentleman was in good form, and made his most happy effort in this locality, To be sure there was ; his usual self-exploitation and eulogiz- ing of his own activities; the usual mis-statements, one of which was ab- solutely false, due possibly to lapse of memory, added te rather childish vitu- peration and violent attacks on his political opponents and so ad infinitum (I came very near slipping by saying "ad nauseum"). But the public has come to expect this sort of declamation le: an, and lightly charge memorialize the Department regarding road matters in Kenora District; and it might be well to recall that It's a long, long way to Tipperary." --ICONOCLAST. The ~ Limit of fifteen bars. 100-ths. SUGAR, Limit one bag. FLOUR One bag limit. SHORTS, BRAN CEO Ce SODAS, in packages, regula SHREDDED WHEAT po ~--*PURITY" or "ROBIN HOOD" AC Jo 6. Grocery wn Specials for this week | From Monday 4th, te Friday 8th. COMFORT SOAP, 15 bars of Soap for Apa iE Ble $1.00 Yeni La 9.35 Crna 3.05 a re per sack 1.10 Sr eb al four bars for 25 1 Ma fore 2 2 Palm and Olive Oil Soap, 1 Infant's Delight. DAIRY BUTTER... 28c. DRYDEN CREAMERY v-35¢ two for WOOD, Good and Dry, per short cord, $275 Pronger's Grocery Store Send in your Mail Orders and get benefit of these Special Prices. 0. H. PRONGER. £4 » " » AMBURGER STEAK y ow 6 CR SS IC SSN TOURING, TOURING, TOURING, TOURING, 1920 TOURING CHASSIS . FORDSON TRACTOR | 1923, slightly used. . LE SO BS AT "e Drvden Go to gn FRESH KILLED VEAL td » EACH DAY. COOKED AND SMOKED MEATS, PORK SAUSAGE. Ww. $505.00 COUPE .. . $630.00TUDOR SEDAN FORDOR SEDAN ... 1923, slightly used. ..., 1923, slightly used... :, * 0 'S for BEEF PORK LAMB GROUND FRESH KELS 0, Prop. Din rah Garage FORD DEALERS ERE SS Sa Used Cars, in good running order, and i in first class mechanical Condition, Equipped with Self-starter and Electric Light er atale iia ines 425.00 200.00 sens ane LE Te 0 RR LE LP Sn Prices f.o.b. Dryden, Both New and used Cars can be bought. on the tinie payment plan. : Datacria | which fully verified the suspicions of launched by the one most personally