Volume VI. Dryden, Ont. August 22nd 1924 Number 10 \ E. NADORN, First Class Jeweller and Watch Maker EXPERT REPAIRS. Send your Clocks and Watches by Mail Order. QUICK SERVICE GUARANTEED. Office in the Robison House. Pianos AND Remington Typewriters gold by:-- A. J Lock Ee Pwr we wan For Every Dollar You Spend in This Store, You have our assurance of guaran- in Material, and backed by the guarantee of a manufacturer teed quality workmanship, of national reputation. If It's not right, you have the privilege of bringing it back. What more can you ask? ~--Qm--P--O-- Expert CLEANING, PRESSING REPAIRING --0--0~--0-- B.V. D. UNDERWEAR, CANVAS and TENNIS SHOES Large Assortment to choose from. T. PROUDFOOT'S TAILOR and OUTFITTER. 200D BOOTS Reasonable Price Just drop in at H. WILLARD'S known up and down the line for their Quality and Hard Wear. H WILLARD'S BOOT & SHOE REPAIR and Harness Store. hind every flame and smoulder- ing ember lies the constant dande: of Conflagration Financial, Safe insure in THE EHOME, IKSURANCE COMPANY Represented hy J: E. GIPSON, Agent, Diyos, TAX COLLECTOR WANTED Tax Collector wanted for the Muni- cipality of Machin. undersigned up to August 23rd. GEO. RUETE, Clerk. : bY Fagle River, Ont, Salary $150.00. Applications will be received by the | | Stafted Olives Miss Allison Donaldson, Winnipeg, ig visiting her cousin, Miss Clara Self. Mr and Mrs Ponton were up from Wabigoon Saturday. Mrs Geo. Ruete, Eagle River, spent Monday in town. Miss Eva Stratton is back from her holiday trip. Miss Ethel Wright returned from a two weeks vacation in Kenora. Mrs Hoyland and Miss Alice left for Toronto Monday, after visiting here with Rev. and Mrs S. N. Dixon. Mrs Fraser and children of Noth Bay, have ben visiting her brother, Mr W. S. French. Mr AL Millings, Eagle River Merch- ant, was down Monday on business. Miss Amelia Kern, Fagle River, is visiting her sister, Mrs J. A. Payne. Mrs Wardell, from Dyment, was shopping in town Wednesday. Mrs Keurvorst, Dyment, visited Dry- den Wednesday. A Meeting of Van Horne Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Saturday, August 28rd at 2:00 p.m. on Special. A Course in Sewing will be held on Mondap, August 20, at 2.30 p.m. in Town Hall. Miss Collins, Institute speak- er and demonstrater will begin her series of ten les- sons in sewing. Anyone in- terested in these lessons, may learn further from Mrs T. J. LATIMER, Convenor, Home Economics Committee, Women's Institute. RASAASPUINIS AURIS INIA LATS Mrs Larson and daughter, Alma, returned from a trip to Detroit, North Bay, and other points east. Mr and Mrs O. H. Pronger ani family has moved back to town after camping for a few days at their farm. Mrs J. M. Stewart and Son Jackie, are spending a couple of weeks in Kenora. The Dryden Juniors and several rooters went to Kenora Tuesday morn- ing, and played Kenora Wednesday. Mr and Mrs A. Zollner, Vermillion Bay, announce the engagement of their daughter, Tena, to Mr Lothar Euler, of Waldhof, Ontario. X Mr and Mrs Kingaby have taken up their residence in the new rectory at Eagle River, which has been completed in record time by Dryden Lumber Co. Miss Constance Kerney returned Monday morning, after spending a very enjoyable holiday in Kenora and Winnipeg. Mrs A. J. Clempson, Mrs W. A. Ray Miss Valeria Ray, and Miss Ella Rus- sell left on Monday to camp for two weeks at Eagle River. O. H. Pronger is reported to be moving his north end Store down near Dryden School, where he will open a branch, A Present from Waldhof The Dryden Observer rec- ceived a very acceptable present from Waldhof the other day---a big basket of assorted vegetables. As a collection of district produce they would be hard to beat, and as an expression of friendliness from a pro- gressive community their value is inestimable, To the friends who sent them we send our best thanks, and as- sure them that we greatly appreciate their kindness. A gentleman very prominent in Dryden sporting circles, visited the Johnny Jones shows at Port Arthur last week, and = with his customary luck drew the winning number in the prize drawing for a swell piano lamp. It is over five feet high, on a Roman Ivory stand, with a handsome blue and fawn shade. Retiring from Milk Business: -- T. J. Lewis has decided to retire from the dairying business, and holding an auction sale of his Cows and equipment on Saturday, 30th of August at two o'clock. Mr Lewis has been longer in the milk business here seven days a week, and long hours at that. someone else a chance to secure the i business. is than anybody, and is tired of working {: So he is selling out to give. Certificates Issued Big Programme je THE following Students have heen issued Certificates by the Department of Education. These Certificates will be forwarded to the new Principal of the Continuation School for distribu- tion in September. In addition to the subjects listed be- low, all the students were successful in passing their Form of examniations in Latin, French, English, Geometry and, with two exceptions, Algebra. ® $k Xu The following Departmental subjects were written by the First Form: Bot- any, Zoology, Canadian History, and English Grammar. Verne Campbell--Zoology, Can. Hist., Eng. Grammar. Frank Colliss--Bot. Zool. Son Hist. Eng. Grammar. f Sara Cummings--Bot. Zool. Can Hist, Eng. Grammar. : Frank Kerney--Botany, Zool. Can Hist Eng. Grammar. Eng. Grammar. Alice Morrison--Zoology, Eng. Grammar. Alan F. Offer--Bot. Zool." Can. Hist., Eng. Grammar. Olive Reany--Bot. Eng. Grammar. Rose Reany--Bot. Zool. Can Hist. Eng. Grammar. Eva Spiers--Bot. Zool. Can Hist. Emmet Tatosky--Bot., Can Hist.* Mylo Upton--Bot. Zoo. Can Hist. Eng. Grammar. Wandie V. Weeks--Botany, Zool. Can Hist., Eng. Grammar. Kenneth Wilson--Bot. Zool. Can Hist. Eng. Grammar.* Dwight Wright--Bot. Zool, Can Hist., Eng. Grammar. Can. Hist, Zool. Can Hist., *Granted Certificate on year's work. The following Departmental subjects were written by the Second Form:-- Latin, Grammar, Botany, Arithmetic, Physiography. The following students passed in allf of these subjects: Bessie Harris. Louise McGogy, with Zoology. Mildred McGonegal. Warren Morden. Lewis Pinkerton. Oscar Swanson, without Latin grammar, with Zoology. George Wigle. Victoria Williams. Alexander Wilson, with Can. Hist. JEAN C. MacPHAIL. Uxbridge, Aug. 12, 1924. CARD OF THANKS Alex Upton and family desire to express appreciation for the great kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent bereavement, and for the beautiful wreaths, and flowers sent by friends, who shared their sorvow. Dryden, August 20th 1924. bp. } Dies in England :-- In a cablegram to Mrs T. J. Lewis 4, word has been brought of the death of her brother, Albert Richard Shel- _ sports day. and carried unanimously. & | Louise Monty--Botany, Zool. Can Hist.® for Labour Day. | THE suggestion of C. J. Wright to hold a sports day on a 1st of | been ! and ar- September, Labour Day, has taken up with enthusiasm, rangements for a great programme are going right ahead. At a meeting held in the Town Hall last Tuesday, an encouraging number attended, and committees were appointed to carry out the plan. On the motion of Dr Morison, seconded by H. Willard, C. J. Wright was appointed Convenor. J. 0. Gough moved that F. Porter, H. Willard, R. J. Pronger, Dr Mori- son, be a committee in charge of the Seconded by E. A. Klose A sub-committee has already made the round of the merchants and others | ; interested, and funds for prize money hove been collected. t is so long since a real sports day has been held here that there can be no doubt of the success of this one. are being offered. Negotiations are going on to bring the famous ladies baseball team from Eagle River to play the equally famous Dryden aggregation, and that alone should be worth the price of admission. Other attractions of interest to the Town and District are being prepared including competitions of every kind for boys and girls, as well as grown ups, and only 25c. will be charged fo: admission, every cent going to sport. So it is to be expected that a record attendance will be present from al over the district, ----000. Master Verne Campbell and his grandad, James McFadyen, Custom Officer, are away on a long trip east. CROPS RUINED ON 10,00 ACRES IN NORTHERN MANITOBA Winnipeg, Aug. 20.--Meagre reports up to an early date indicate that the severe electrical storms which have been passing over Manitoba during the last few days have played havoc with the crops in a number of sections of the Province. storm which broke Manitoba, brought hail which ruined the crops on ten thousand acres, fifty farm suffering losses estimated as averaging eighty per cent. The electri- cal storm was also accompanied by a violent wind and torrential rain. The storm sweeping over the North- central part of the Province, laid to waste between three and four thous- and acres in the Carberry district. 2A number of farmers ave said to have been completely hailed out, while many others reported partial losses. While Neepawa escaped the force o the storm, a considerable area threc riles Northwest of Brookdale sufferec what is estimated as a 35 per cen' loss by hail. LOCAL POTATOES AS SEED rs don, at Wells, Somerset, England, on Tuesday the 19th of August. He had'! been there on a holiday visit to his brother Jack, intending to return here | about the middle of next month. The late Mr Sheldon came to Dry- den with Mr C. O. Self about fourteen years ago, and for a few years he stayed at the Dryden House. For the last seven or eight years he has lived at the Lewis home, and was employed by the Dryden Paper Company. Among the large circle to whom he was well known here, he was noted for his kindliness and generosity, and the sad news will bring regret to many friends. Coming-- Rev. Alexander Torrie will conduct a two week campaign of Evangelistic Services in Dryden Baptist Church. Beginning Sunday, August 31st, as follows: --Sunday 11 a.m.; 3 to 7 p.m., week nights 7 .45p.m. Oxdrift Notes-- Mr and Mrs W. Jackson ani family are leaving this week for the Western Harvest Fields. Work is progressing well on the road north of Glengoland School, in the Saddler settlement. FIRST CLASS TABLE BOARD AND ROOMS CAN BE SECURED FROM MRS C. W. HARRIS, Corner Duke and Van Horne Street, Dryden. Growing importance of the potato crop "is seen in the increasing demand of 'the tuber for seed purposese. Potatoes grown in this district are not afflicted with disease found ir some of the older settled portions o the Province. The potato bug is no general throughout the district, al though an occasional garden or field is invaded by this. pest. Possibly in time the bug may become acclimated and thus be able to make its presence felt, but for the time being potatoe: grown here are not affected by the ravages of the potato bug. Seed free from disease and sold un: der certification by Government in spectors may help the East to over come the troubles experienced by far mers and gardeners in producing quantity and quality of potatoes. Dryden Juniors Defeated---- Dryden Juniors suffered a defeat at the hands of Kenora, on Wednes- day in a Baseball Game. The score was 8--1. Dryden was also beaten by Keewatin in the evening by a score of 6--2. MARSH HAY-TO BE CUT ON SHARES. Apply W. K. EDYE. FOUND--CREAM WHITE HUSKIE (female), owner may have same by paying for chickens killed and her keep.--J. OVIENSTON, Dinorwic. Everybody is going to take part, andf f no end of ideas for a good day's fun Especially is this true of the Fox- warren district, where, it is reported, a § over Northwesi§. .: at the PHARMACY. Stock. §8% Pais olive Palmolive A Full Line POLMOLIVE Preparations always in THE PALMOLIVE SOAP COMPANY HAS ARRANGED WITH US TO give you Two Cakes of Palmolive Soap Free WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF ONE BOTTLE OF Sha POO Do not miss this great Opp portunity. You are actually getting 40 p.¢c discount ONLY ONE FREE GOODS DEAL TO EACH CUSTOMER This is for a limited period only. St. Gooree's S.S. Picsic. | DINORWIC, Aug. 18--St George's Sunday School pienic took place here Monday. Unfortunately, owing to the rain, the children had to be entertained in the Schoolroom. However, everyone made the best of it, and games were indulged in until five o'clock when the children and their friends sat down to a dainty supper of sandwiches, cake, biscuits, tea, coffee and lemonade. Rev. R. A. Smith (who is a host in himself where kiddies are concerned) wag assisted in his efforts to amuse them by Mrs Isbester, Mrs Rhind and Mrs BE gar. The rain ceasing after supper, the children were sent in search for a key hidden in the school grounds. The find- er to be rewarded with a prize. It turned out however, to be a draw, the ark, rid refur A to the om where oranges and can- dies were disposed of. Three hearty cheers were given for all who had helped to make the picnic a success. s are due fo the Hudson's Bay Company, and the Great Lakes Co., for their kindness in providing Tea, Coffee, Candies, Biscuits, Oranges ete. Also the Ladies who kindly sent cakes an dto Mrs Isbester who made the Tea and Coffee. Mrs B. A. Smith is spending a few s in Dinorwie, the guest of Mrs W. Rhird.' We are pleased to welcome Mr and Mrs Peter Finlayson and family to Dinorwic. Mr Finlayson succeeding' Mr A. B. Hall as Manager of The Hudson's Bay Company. I THE entral ¢ --0---0--0O-- --FRESH FRUIT S-- NEW APPLES, per 1b 2-ibs for i Be] LARGE ORANGES, per doz. STRAWBERRIES, per basket .. 25¢. PLUMS, per'dozen .............. 15e. Sdogen for ol iclion 25. TOMATOES, per Ib 0 2200, BANANAS, per L1B8e,1 per dozen 50c. BULK CHOCOLATES 50c. to $1.00 per Ib CHOCOLATE BARS, Mixed 6 for 25c. All Kinds of FRESH MIXED CANDIES, per Ib 35ec. BUTTERNUT AND MILK BREAD : per loaf 10c. ICE CREAM, per quart ----.._ =x 70¢. We make a specialty of Lunches |! Picnics and Parties. Come and visit our Ice Cream Parlour, its nice and cool. We serve all kinds of Ice Cream and Cold Drinks Service from 6:15 a.m. io 1:00 am. BOARD $7.50 per WEEK. ME TICKETS, 21 meals $7.50. ran Al, aes, RE TTS Specials Ontario Tomatoes 11 Quart Baskets $1: 25 Ripe Pears 50c. per dozen Tokay Grapes 40c. ps ib ETE eB 1 oi Dryden Ice Cream 60c. per quart. Crescent Ice Cream 75¢. per quart We can supply you with Fresh TABLE CREAM daily Der pint = PRE EEC ° 25c "Home=-Made" Chocolates 60c. per Io. box We carry a , Tull supply of | KODAKS, FILMS & SUPPLIES Bring us your Films for Development GOOD WORK QUICK SERVICE Fresh FRUIT & VEGETABLES For the Week-end. Agent for:-- BODLEYS FRUIT CAKE NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES KODAKS & BROWNIES Kings s Old Country Dap: Be: