- THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Trying to get U.S. as Market for More Paper Would Help Our Wrapping Mills (from Financial Post, Toronto) MONTREAL.--It is learned that some leaders in the pulp and paper industry are taking up quietly the question of inducing the United States to lift the duties on Canadian wrapping, book and writing papers. The Saber industry in Canada has looked to Ottawa to utilize the threat of an embargo or export tax on pulp- wood shipments from this country as a lever to gain free access to the American market for our papeass, but "I can say with absolute confidence that Fort William and Winnipeg will be connected by highway within the next three years, that the road from Kenora to the Manitoba boundry will be completed by fall and that the en- tire trans-Canada highway will be finished five years from now." With these glad tidings to Fort Wililam, Dr P. E. Doolittle, past presi- dent of the Dominion motor league, breezed into the city, east bound. He has only recently completed an auto- mobile tour from the Atlantic to the Pacific through Canada and the United States. Had Good Time-- The doctor admitted he made good time though he was held up through Highway Ready in Five Years Minister of Lands in the west, who ac- companied him from Calgary as far: west as Banff Park. The minister, said Dr Doolittle, was doing everything within his power to push the construc- tion and survey work on the trans- Canada highway. In comparison with the difficulties faced by the west in road construction, the eastern provinces have an easy task he said. Enormous obstacles have to be surmcunted in many places | before a good road is assured. He clearly defined what he Soni by saying that Manitoba has $8 miles of muskeg swamp to build a road through before they can reach the On- tario boundry. The road from Kenora ' Dr Doolittle met Hon. James Lyons, i Sr dr Our Sale will only be continued until August 27th. Do your shopping now, {while you get your 10 per cent off "on every article in the store. In as no move has been made by trade department officials, individual paper men are looking into the question. If such a concession could be obtained in exchange for which Canada would the west by rain. If he did not get|to the boundry will be completed be-| the benefit the crops did. for the Manitoba loop.--Times-Journal Cl oth in o and insure the United States mills of all sy; X; Sea Hg a tite pulpwood they want without re- ot Fur nitu re strictions on export, the prosperity of bY . z the Canadian book paper and wrapping 000-truiin paper mills would be at once establish- Newest Shades Newest Styles We carry a full supply of Men's and : Boys' ready-to-wear. No Substantial Improvement There has been no substantial im- provement in world's market for kraft pulp and paper during the past few months, and as a result, the shareholders in Canadian Companies manufacturing these products cannot look for any substantial improvement in earnings this year. Europe is not consuming its usual quantity of kraft and wrapping papers, due to umsettled economic conditions on the continent and the Scandinavian paper, pulp and paper mills have lost most of their European market. We also have a good supply of Ladies' which we Hose, Dresses and Underwear 000------ | Shoe Repairing aa nl BUSINESS 'us first about: your Furniture. You at {will find a big assortment in T A I I 0 R wy | When Srting up house keeping, see LADIES & GENT.S CLOTHING As a result a great deal of Europ- ean pulp and some paper is being REPAIRED, No. 4, Duke St. Ran es thrown on the United States' and other CLEANED AN Orders Receive : z And PRESSED Quick Service JIMMY ALLEN Dryden's Situation (Old Latimer Store) The situation has male it difficult a for Dryden Paper Company to bring | = a a profitable state of affairs out of its present receivership. Dryden's machines have been closed down for a few weeks, and will not open up again until September first. Advan- tage has been taken of the shut-down 2 f to, effect repairs and extensions to the See our Dry Goods Window for plant, but these have not been of an markets at very low prices. Some of the Scandinavian kraft mills have very low costs and are selling their pulp at prices that are hard to beat. PROMPT ATTENTION Prices Strictly Moderate lL. GREENHILL Shoemaker. Cook Stoves Heaters Box Stoves HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE New and Second Hand Men's one-finger, five-finger GLOVES AND MITTS rough, but serviceable, worth 50c. to 80c. a pair if bought and sold regularly --0--0--0-- Musical important nature. The real reason for BELDING CORTICELLI YARNS Instruments . shutdown is the weakness in markets AUSTRALENE WOOL, all ¢olorS cece 20 = i Two Hundred Pairs for the company's products. SYLVERPLOR WOOL, all colors ote arg VIOLINS & GRAMAPHONES Effects on Wayagamack Wayagamack, another leader in the ! kraft industry, has been keeping its} plant running, the pulp mill on full! time and the paper machines at 75 per cent. It is not believed that the com- | pany is making a great deal of profit The Newest and Latest Styles in NATURE RIVAL BRASSIERE, & all makes CIRCLE SASH, 2 -.90; $1.50; $1.75 We Have a Full Line of Public School READERS, SCRIBBLERS, DRAWING BOOKS, ARITHMETICS, HISTORYS, GEOGRAPHIES, COMPOSITIONS, and GRAMMARS SPELLERS, Ete. at the present time, although its sales are holding up well. Leave us your orders for One of the difficulties Canada faces] EASTERN & WESTERN FRUITS--APPLES, CRAB APPLES, Italian PRUNES, PLUMS, PEACHES, TOMATOES, - BEANS, CELERY We have a good size TENT, which we will sell reasonable. 3©Oc. each or 3 pairs straight r assorted for $1.00 5 » Sewing Machines Singer and Whyte A Few BABY CARRIAGES Women's Misses & Children's CANVAS SHOES, AND OXFORDS Canvas & Leather SANDALS One Dollar per Pair in the building up of large kraft paper industry is the fact that the semi- finished product, plup, has access to any market in the world where com- petitive prices can be met. But the finished product, paper, must find its market in Canada and in foreign coun- tries. The biggest market and the logi- cal market for Canadian kraft papers is the United States, and it is not open to Canada. If Canada were able to get the southern market for its kraft wrap ping paper it could build its wrapping | paper industry almost as gigantic as it has made its newsprint industry. Getting the U. S. Market Canadian kraft paper is charged with a duty of about 85 per cent when entering the United States, and this effectively eliminates Canadian i competition in that field. A good deal of Canadian kraft or sulphate pulp goes into the United States, but none | of the finished product. ~The mills | ne wrapping paper, such s Wayagamack, Dryden, Eddy's, ete., | ad their market in Canada. Bromp-} | ton meets the situation by having its! finishing mills in the United States. Maurice Paper Company manufactures ] 1 sulphate pulp, but ships the plup to ; ' the United States, where it is finished ; i in the paper mills of the Union Paper i Corporation. 7 It has been effectively argued that | EE ane DTONGEN'S Variety Store bare on pulpwod to bargin: with the NEWS STAND OPEN TILL 8 O'clock EVERY NIGHT. : United States for free entry for all our | "kzmmssas ca RIFLES--AII Calibres CUCUMBERS, Etc. PRICES ACCORDING TO MARKET = OO Phonographs lachines =O Before buying elsewhere in the line of Foot Wear. We expect for Saturday, new lines in Ladies' Men's and Boys' BOOTS. You will fiind that our prices are the ! Pianos lowest. If any pair of shoes THIS IS THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS THE taken home, are not satisfactory CITY CANVASSER AND MAIL ORDER SHARKS after examination please bring them back, and we will gladly re- Worth much more than this if the weather does keep wet and cold, for indoors or house wear. Our Low Selling Expenses, and Direct from Factory buying en- ables us to give Liberal Discount for Cash Very Easy Extended fora without interest. Call in and talk it over fund your money. $1.00 per pair g & pn Made-to-Measure from 4 $522.00 up | >. Our Guarantee: Satisfaction or B money refunded. < We are paying High Prices for Good Rifles. NEW & SECOND HAND STORE Goods of every description Bought and Seid "paper into that country. Undoubtedly | t kraft and wrapping paper industry, to 1 | Hl {have access to American markets. ! Such a company as the Dryden Comy- | 'any which now has a daily capacity of | x 5 Contractors and Builders kraft paper could add another machire ! to manufacture all this pulp into paper : 3 + in Canada and yet readily marset the Fu 1 Stock of LUM BER, Sash and , entire product at a profit. Brenpton | Doors, Shingles, Wood Fibre, 'and St. Maurice also. Wayagamack | Brick ii ie and Ce ment. "would add at least another paper 2 machine. : it would be the making of the Canadian ! i SUCCESSOR TO ) ANDERSON & HARRIS <a 75 tons of kraft pulp and 50 tons of ould build paper machines in Canada @ 1 Cstimates Freely Given A ---- ve