Royal Agriculture Winter Fair. ® ® % =® 1 A Correspondent says: Enclosed you will find a letter from the manager of 'the Royal Winter Fair, also prize list. it will interest the farmers of the district, far more than all your clip- pings from the Port Arthur Chronicle, <Q Arthur ne Last Stab at the Shoe otock. draft of the prize list of the Seed De- partment of the "Royal" for 1924. This has been revised with the hope of being able to interest a number of growers distant from the "Royal." The quantities required for exhibition have been reduced so as to reduce » transportation costs, the classification slightly changed and some increases made in the individual prizes. Anything you may be able to do in encouraging exhibits among the grow- ers with whom you come in contact will be very much appreciated, as it is desired to make the "Royal" of as great service as possible to the whole of Canada. ' A. P. WESTERVELT, Mgr. Fair Dates--Nov. 18th, and 26th, Entries Close November 1st. Arrival Exhibits--Toronto, Nov 13. I think if this is published kefore long which would be better left in Port? Dear Sir:--I am enclosing herewith a Class 652. Grain in Sacks First Total Class 654. Clover & Grass Seed First Total what we can give for $1.69. Of course they will be off € Ciuves.. Toh Styles aud mortars nob mall 3 J El range of sizes, but they will be € °Tmoty ---- oo. 5. most excellent value and Cs i worth consideration. = Clin ; 1 Flint, any white variety $9. $44. : . 2 Flint, any yellow We shall probably run this II pep Bl sale for ten days, or at least BREIL either as long as the interest § Gm ay cer © . keeps up or the stock lasts. bi tio > - Class 656.--Potatoes First Total Prize Prize These must be for Cash only See. ! Sec. Prize Prize To clear up our stock as far as § ; pier heat =~ 85 wt a ing Goose... 10. 29, poseible, we shall put 3 to 5 2 Some i, AY, EA : ats, white (early hundred pairs of Shoes in the @ res w window, starting Saturday @ iu of 2 12 2 7 Rye 10. 33. morning, September 6th. § Bukwteny 5m ie CAS ane i : A . 10 Field Beans (small These Shoes will be mostly ee . . . correctly named __..__. i 3 Children's, with possibly an @ ,, =" "= oda sprinkling of Misses, Boys, Tol) ons $560 Class 653. Grain in Sheaves and Ladies'. : Tigh To : 1 Wheat so nm - $10. $78. : a - v 2 Oats 0. oT 0; 43. We are endeavoring to see 2 Barley, Growd 10. 43. THE DRYDEN OBSERVER al COAT SWEATERS, at A HEAVY TWEED ® E A Heavy ALL WOOL SWEATER, roll collar, all colors PULLOVER STYLE SWEATERS BOYS BLOOMER PANTS ... $3.75 2.50 cee eR LE 1.50 rE le CEE Ce $301 PRIZE WINNERS Married Ladies' Race 1st Mrs Hardy 10-1bs Tea (Western Grocery Wpg); 2nd Mrs Ferguson, 98-1bs sack Flour (Western Can. Flour Mills); 3rd Mrs Carney, Sterling Ham (Gordon, Iron- side and Fares); 4th Mrs Weaver, 24- ibs Flour (anonymous; Other com- petitors, Fancy box Biscuits (MeCor- micks). Sack Race, Girls--1st 0. Moore, $2; 2nd Phyllis Barker, $2; 8rd Gladys Noble $2. Egg and Spoon Race, Ladies--1st Mrs Ferguson , 5-Ibs Chocolates (an- onymous); 2 Mrs Carney, case Prunes (Sterling Fruit Co.); 3rd Mrs Bowen, 2-1 Chocolates (Pauline Chambers); 4th Mrs Allen, 1-1 box Chocolates (Pauline Chambers); 5th Mrs Hutchi- son, %-1b tin Biscuits (Scott Bath- . gate). 100 yards Open--1st Mr Ralph, Club i Bag (Adams Bros. Wpg.); 2nd Ernie | Dickson, Fountain Pen (Gage & Co., i Toronto); 3rd B. Carney, pair Gloves ¥ (Anonymous). Band Race--1st H. Gammon $3; 2nd C. Henckel, $2; 8rd A. Tatosky, $1.00. Fat Mans Race (160-1bs)--1st A. Henderson, box Cigars (Anonymous); 2nd H. M. Davidson, 24-ibs Flour Labour Day Sports (Anonymous); 8rd M. D. Hambly, 2 bottles Heinz's Catsup. ; Slow Horse Race--I1st Swan Swan son, $10; 2nd S. Swanson, $5. Relay Race, 4 men to team--1st A. Clempson, $10. Biscuit Race--1st 9-1 tin Biscuits, | Tom Foote & Ella Russell (John Mar- | rin); 2nd case Peaches, F. Moore and | Marjorie Maunsell (Sterling Fruit | Co.); 8rd Box Chocolates, F. Proctor and Bessie Harris (Pauline Chambers) 4th six tins Pork @ Beans, 0. Jack- son and Clara Self (Heinz Co. Ltd.). 5 EG) Your Family from FE Vo We are going into the shoe line more than anything else. There- fore we made sure to have a good supply of shoes on hand to fit all the family for fall wear. Wheelbarrow Race,--1ist- Tom Foote i > and Ella Russell, case of Plums (Mr | Wilson); 2nd Mr and Mrs Ferguson, ! 5-1bs Baking Powder (Melrose Co); | 3rd F. Moore and Mrs Dixon, 3-1b tin i Baking Powder (Melrose); 4th No: Winner, donated to Hospital, 6 thi 00g---- HHT 8 Spaghetti and Tomato (Heinz Co. Ltd). | A mdow Three-Legged Race--1st BE. Whiting $3.00; 2nd F. Moore, $2.00; 8rd Tom We have a sample of cach pair of Foote, $1.00. shoes in the windo 220 yards, Open--I1st B. Carney, w for Jou to $5.00; 2nd D. Ralph, $3.00; 8rd A. examine them. You can also be Clempson, $1:00 ;sure that you won't buy shoes Pie Eating Contest--1st L. Bower, cheaper elsewhere as we bought $2:00; 2nd Jim Davidson, $1:00; 3:4 our stock in shoes practically at Victor Nymark, 50c. 5 jour own price. Therefore we can Ladies' Special--1st Miss Nymark, meet all ; tit 5-1b Salada Tea; 2nd 10-Ibs Biscuits et 2 our compeiliors. (John Marrin). | Money always refunded for All three selling at BRAN, special clearing price To arrive next week, 2nd and 3rd of September :-- "RIPE TOMATOES FOR FALL PICKLING AND KETCHUP GREEN CUCUMBERS FOR FALL PICKLING PLUMS FOR PRESERVING Leave us your order and we will deliver on arrival of car in Dryden 'Also special clearing price on Feeds as we are sold out of Flour and must make rootn for another car load. 'These prices are good up to September 6, 1924 :1-- FEED OATS, special clearing price CRUSHED OATS, special clearing price BARLEY CHOP, special clearing price SHORTS, special clearing price FEED WHEAT, special clearing price if charged--usual price. shoes if not satisfactory after taken home. ~--0--0--0-- WE ARE HAVING A BIG REDUCTION con all our summer goods to maka room for our fall stock. ------000 ree Pants L E Rex Tayloring are having a sale until the last of September. A free pair of pants given extra with 75 per basket ath 1.95 , Sinn 2,10 jevery suit made to your measure. reel ioe 2, Ea 2 45 We have also received their fall etna lI ge [samples which consist of a nice denn 2.45 assortment of goods. It would be wise to leave your order now while the sale is on, as it is only (for one month that you are get- || ting two pair of pants with each 'suit for the price of one. It will The following are the quantities re- quired in the various competition in this Department. Alfalfa, Clovers and Grasses, %-bus. Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye, Buckwheat, Peas, Beans, Flax, Potatoes, 1-bus. Field Corn, 20 ears Corn for canning or table use, 10 ears } Sag wes AILORING LADIES & GENTS CLOTHING REPAIRED, CLEANED ! And PRESSED | Quick Service JIMMY ALLEN (Old Latimer Store) ERE J ¥ i ALFRED PITT, Ltd. DRYDEN, Ont. SY Fie Pronger's ge A150 pay you to see our samples j for fall overcoats, 8 | -- 00m i : S43 1 Green Mountain Group Second Hand COOK STOVES and tried on, and positively No. 1, certified __.__. $15. $66. & RANGES, also HEATERS of no approbation nor returns 2 ye 15. gg. | RUBBER WORK APRONS, neatly hemmed, many colors, each. 1811 sizes and sure to suit your 3 Rural New Yorker Group, ELASTIC LISLE QUALITY, new stock, %-inch, white or black, yard .05 pocket. Also other household allowed. No. 1, certified --..__.._ 15. 66. SAFETY PINS, assorted sizes, 12 on card, 2 cards for __.__.__._____ 05 furniture on hand: Gramaphones 4 Green Mountain Group, : ¢ Jelly TUMBLERS, 8-o0z size, metal lid, per dozen 70 [of all makes; Sewing Machines, uncertified mses orem 10, 2% . Glass BERRY SET, 1 Fruit Bowl and 6 Nappies, the set for __..__.__. .80 Whyte & Singers; Violins; Baby : > = Broad 10. so. TOWELS, extra heavy terry, 40 x 20, each __. 59 | carriages ; one horse saddle; Rifles : 6 Rural New Yorker Group, CASHMERE HOSE --for girls--in fine rib. for all makes; ons Massey Harris 06S or uncertified _--.o--. 10. 39. 1 Colors, Cordovan, Grey, Sand Bro wn, Black, from .63 to .90 per pair _separater, practically as good as | 7 Any other variety __... 10. 389. | = secording To size. new, guaranteed to be in good : : shape; Butter Churns. Total... $354. MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION a | High | rg prices Suits Made-to-Measure from Sd SUCCESS Contractors and Builders Full Stock of LUMBER, Sash and Doors, Shingles, Wood Fibre, Brick, Lime and Cement. Cstimates Freely Given OR TO ANDE $522.00 up Our Guarantee: Satisfaction or money refunded. RSON & HARRIS NEW & SECOND HAND STORE Goods of every description Bought and Sold