Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 10 Oct 1924, page 1

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i (} SATA phe Notice ! A special Report of the proceedings at the District Convention of Women's Institutes will appear in the various district newspapers next week. oo BR 3 Volume VI. Dryden, Ont. October 10th 1924 Number 17 E. NADORN First Class Jeweller and Watch Maker | EXPERT REPAIRS. Clocks and Watches by Mail Order. QUICK SERVICE GUARANTEED. 'Office in the Robinsvn House. mr aE psp Send your i U Pianos AND Remington Typewriters for all makes of Typewriters in stock. wm ASNS gold by:-- A. J. Lock Issuer of Hunting and Trapping Licences for this District. EC (ER CI (CE (ER OBE LARGE. RANGE OF SUITS OVERCOATS SWEATERS, &c READY-MADE or M ADE-TO-MEASURE All the LATEST STYLES & SHADER. At. Prices to Suit Everyone. T. PROUDFOOT'S "THE DRYDEN TAILOR" Ld OTE EES (ED (ERR OE 08 BOOTS . SHOES HARNESS, Etc. Our Goods are Cheap But they are not Cheap Goods H WILLARD'S BOOT & SHOE REPAIR and Harness Store. PRONGER'S GASH GROCERY. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE GROCERY IN DRDYEN --r cart he insured Rotect yout propetly OW 'while it has a definite value INSURE WITH J. E GIBSON, Ager*, Dryden. i i ! | THE body of gentlemen composing the | tion, capitalization, in the order named. } a roads were not sufficient to make {a settlement; side roads were equally i important. Where every quarter sec- ' tion in a township was taken up, as was often the case, with no side-roads Agricoltural Enquity at Oxdiit Agricultural Enquiry Committee, who | ; ; 2 visited this district last Tuesday,' a oy 2 serious Tandiap in. yams represent the most important effort , © fail. Btataln Labour should he towards establishing good relations abolished aa helng. out, of dote, ang with the territory west of the Great prongs hits wader Supplementary Tord Lakes ever made by any Ontario | SE Ta ee shook] be group. Government. ized after a definite period of settle- Distance from he. seat 'of Govern: { ment. A normal school in this district { would provide teachers more suit- ment has been the great barrier so far! | p fe ; able to local conditions. Too much to development of Northern Ontario; | Foanhis eho Sa i «tandardization was a weakness when and while the natural wealth of farm, : re ® : ; il 2 3 2 . conditions were so different to eastern forest and mineral resources 1s ap-j x : Regulations should not in- : i Ontario. parent on every hand, it has been? 2 Ee : on school buildings in a new ¥ qist difficult for succeeding administrations j shy : to realize the fact, or even respond to} country beyond the means of settlers. attempts to demonstrate them. | But long desired investigation has Robert Duncan, Minnitaki; thought ! permanent settlers who were obliged come at last, and the method and to pay the school taxes should have extent of the enquiry, the amount and 'some control of the disposition of lots, ted, and | 2nd so keep out timber hogs who quality of the evidence submit the obvious advantages of government escaped the burdens they helped to create. intervention in the development of this country evidently made a deep impression on the members of the' Committee. While the results of the jin comfortable homes. Governments Enquiry will be submitted in the form | should encourage gravel-hauling in of a Report when the Legislature ! winter by teams, when it could be done again meets, a number of suggestions : economically on ice roads. Trucks were and recommendations were forwarded j useless till roads were built. Do some- within a few hours after the meeting : thing for the settlers in the back in Oxdrift Community Hall, which] countries, who were all Canadians, may be expected to produce results "good and loyal tooy within a short time. Mrs Milling, Quibell, would like a The direct personal contact between little advance against the future, to government representatives and the} build and equip schools, and make the plain people, capable of great benefit, s best of the growing boys and girls. is characteristic of the Hon. Howard Tim Crowley, Quibell, advocated long term rural credits, to place families selected personally. While the majority { needed, as there was difficulty in dis- were naturally of Conservative persua- | posing of produce except sion, the Liberal, Labour and U.F.0.7 cattle feeding should be cultivated, as groups were also represented, to en-¢ there was plenty of roughage. Sun- cove that the Committee be non-:gowers were the salvation of this partizan. country, and trench silos would give By is na a a Ap. 7 Mr M. F. Cook, agricultural re-'vesy round service. Numerous veteran ec ative throug - 5 ; presentative, through whom the Com-, claims everywhere were a hold-up. mittee had made arrangements, with | Weeds were also a problem, To en- . nher of laps fp ii a number of settlers from over the ; courage improved stock, government Ait ri AT, ees ot 1 i 3 \ district, were at the train to meet the | might assist towards Committee, who were introduced by Peter Heenan, M.P.P. The govern-, ment party was divided among the ; breeding stock on terms similar to the present method of supplying seed. : i { P. Schoonenberg, Waldhof, said qumerous autos and each by a different : : ¢ everything was dar th - et in ce district sight-seeing, all converging at: a = . : Eagle River, where an excellent and mah he he setflors. The policy x enjoyable lunch was serve 3 tthe restriction against land being taken oyabli ch Ww 8 x a ; ; Costin Toate The party then re ¢ up except by British subjects discour- . QA. cA. in 3 . . . € ¢ 'goed many desir ; v turned to Oxdrift, where the afternoon po CR & Sah a - was spent in the Community Hall a aT i . A collecting information relative to the Te ree ana > > as favourable as possible for home- conditions under which settlers in this 3 2 : . seekers, and the country would develop + of Ontario live and carry on the | i oi Lig sd Bl itself. All they wanted was that the Setunaty Lag ? ¢ government show an interest in the welfare of its people. sere wok kk ors rs Peter Heenan, M.P.P., opened pro- : ceedings by introducing the Committee Dr Jamieson, Durham (Chairman); T. A. Thompson, Almonte; N, W. Tre- wartha, Clinton; W. D. Black, Par- ham; W. A. Belanger, Clarkstown; F. G. Lethbridge, Glencoe; with P. i Cronin, secretary. He proceeded to emphasize the need of a normal school at the head of the lakes to serve the whole district, and suggested that the Committee endeavour to have negotia- FOR tions opened with the U.S. to secure the lowering or removal of the tapi on paper, the manufacture of which was so important now and in the future over all this territory. Like. farming, it was one of the industries native to this country, developing its natural resources. Dr Jamieson replied, congratulating the District on having a representutive so energetic as Mr He:enan. "The only things in Toronto that he couldn get for them were things that were too heavy to lift or too hot to hold (laughter). If what Mr Heenan said + Passes down there ever needed support, he assured them that what the Committee had seen that day assured the backing of all its members to his requests in the near future (applause). The Com- mittee were here to get information to be reported to the House, and would listen to anyone who wished to be heard regarding conditions in the district, and its influence would be behind any suggestion for the general welfare. Mrs T. H. Lewis said the regula- tions regarding the employment cf teachers were too rigid in a new district like this. Settlers should be free to choose teachers with less re- gard to qualifications than to suita- bility in other ways, to avoid unneces- sary changes where teachers were sometimes hard to get. Selection might be left more to the trustees. W. W. Howell thought our greatest Dryden THROUGH TOU To W. St. John, N.B. we Dec. 9g for Dec. 13 for 1T SPANS needs were Toads, education, popula: od M. F. Cook spoke of the great need ! I op 001] Ci o lor Fo 1] . Ferguson, Premier of Ontario, by! of roads, referring to long settled far- } whom the Enquiry Committee WeTe 015 who had no roads. Markets were in bulk. a foundation | Prize Winners OF DRYDEN AND DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION Class I:--Heavy Draft Horses. Pair Horses hitched--!1 Robt Johnston. Class YI.--Agricultural Horses. Pair horses, hitched--1 J H Parr; 2 A P Kellar. 2-yr old gelding or filly--J JH Parr. 2-yr old gelding or filly--J JH Parr. Class I1l.--General Purpose Horses. Pair horses, hitchedt --Rd Trist 3-yr old gelding or filly--Jno Guthrie. Class IV.--Horses in Harness. Pair horses in harness--1 R Trist; 2 Merino Zentil. Roadsters in harness--1 J H Parr. Special by Royal Bank. Best equipped Team--1 Robt Johnston Class VI.--Pure bred Holsteins. Cow calved or in calf--1 E Dawkins. 2 Herb Wright, Wabigoon. Heifer, 2-yr old--1 and 2 E. Dawkins. Heifer, 1-yr old; Heifer Calf--1st for both classes--E Dawkins, Bull over 1 year--H Wright. Class VIII.--Any other pure bred. Bull over 1 year--J H Parr. Class IX.--Dairy Cattle, grade. Cow in calf--1 D Reid, 2 E Dawkins. ! Heifer, 2-yr old--1 and 2 E Dawkins. Heifer, 1-yr old--1 E Dawkins. Heifer Calf--1 D Reid, 2 C C Pilkey. Class X.--Beef Cattle, grades. Cow in calf--1 J H Parr, 2 D Reid. Heifer, 2-yr old--Mrs H Hardy. i Special--by Central Hotel. : Best herd of Cattle--1 Ed Dawkins ; 1 2 J 0 Parr, : . Class XI.--Sheep, pure, long weol. Pair Ewes--1 Robt Johnston Pair Ewe Lambs--1 R Johnston. (lass XII.--Sheep (pure) short wool Ram, Shearling--1 R Johnston. Clags XIII.--Sheep, grade, long wool Pair Ewes--R Johnston. Pen of Sheep--1 R Johnston. Class XV.--Pigs, bacon type. Sow, 1924--1 John Crearer. Pair bacon Hogs--1 Jno Crerar, 2 J H Parr. Class XVI.--Pigs, lard type. . Fat Hogs--1 M Zentil. | Special by A. Pitt.-- Best bacon hogs--1 Jno Crerar, 2 J H i Parr. > | Class XVIL--Poultry. 3 . Pair Leghorns white--Mrs W J Martin {Pair Leghorn white Chickens--1 J ohn { Guthrie, 2 A L Wice. i (Contined on page four) 4 ; OCD GREE (TE SH GH SO i Dry den Lodge, No. 417, Regular Meeting, Monday & f evening at 8 o'clock. INITIATORY by et Your Reservations CHRISTMAS SAILINGS From Winnipeg to W. St. John, N.B. Dec. DIRECT TO THE SHIP'S SIDE Tor Sailing S.8. Montclare Dec. For Sailing S.S. Montlaurier Dec. 2nd and 9th 12 for Liverpool 5 for Liverpool. RIST SLEEPERS Passes Dryden 3.46 p.m. Dec. 2 for S.S. Montclare Sailing Dec. 5 to Liverpool Dec. 7 for S.S. Minnedosa Sailing Dec. 10 to Cherbourg Southampton, Antwerp Dee. 8 for S.8. Metagama Sailing Dec. 11 to Belfast, Glasgow S.S. Montlaurier Sailing Dec. 12 to Liverpool SS Montcalm Sailing Dec. 16 to Liverpool FULL INFORMATION FROM ANY AGENT OF THE CANADIAN THE WORLD THE DRYDEN PH Introducing "FLAVILI " Compound Vanilla Extract. This preparation is preferred by many Chefs because of its Powerful Excellence. "FILLAVILLA?" flavouring will not Bake, Cook or freeze out. You only use half the quantity of Flavilla as you would of any other Vanilla Extracts. = We have a real measuring cup in glass, it is graduated for Dry or Liquid measure, to give accurate measure from 1 to 8 tablespoons, %, %, %, %, and 1 cupful. 1 to 8 ounces in liquid measure and the equivalent of weight for Flour and Sugar. A real household necessity, worth easily 3sc¢. Now to introduce "Flavilla" to the Community, with the first thirty-six customers buying one bottle of "Flavilla" regular 30c., we are going to give you FREE one of these measuring cups--only one cup to any one household. : COURTESY. SERVICE. id i QUALITY. Quibell Entertains Ralph Pronger Was in Vermillion Bay and Quibell lass Thursday and' Friday. While in Quibell he attended, the Pie Social in aid of the Catholic Church. New Discovery Mr E. G. Rognon is personally con- ducting a large party of New York capitalists, who are investigating the Contact Bay mines. Recent discoveries there, which are being kept: quiet, are This was a real Community gathe- | being followed up by vigorous opera- ring. During the evening, Mr I. T., tions which indicate unusual develop- Brignall of Oxdrift and Mr T. Crowley ; ments. addressed the gathering on roads and the settlers problems, the meeting then nominated six delegates to meet the Government Agricultural Enquiry Commission at Oxdrift. Two solos were sung by Mes Walker which received hearty applause. The rest of the evening was spent in dancing to the melodius strains of the Waldhof Orchestra. At midnight, a break was made while Mr D. O. Parades took the floor and auctioned off the Pies containing the names of the fair ladies present. Bidding was hot and lively---eh Bill. One Pie bringing as high as 88. A generous supper as then served, afer {4 which dancing was resumed till the | wee sma' hours. Ralph says, for a real Community spirit to visitors, Quibell is top hole. better ~ Shoe Repairing I have opened a SHOE REPAIR BUSINESS at No. 4, Duke St, All Orders Receive PROMPT ATTENTION Prices Strictly Moderate 'L. GREENHILL Shoemaker. Mrs Waddell, McIntosh, was a visi tor in Quibell on Friday. : Mrs A. Browning, Oxdrift, attendel the dance in Quibell Machine Expert Here-- Frank B. Warner, of Winnipeg, has been in Bowman for the past several days, repairing sewing machines. Mr | Warner is an expert in this line, and now he has about all the worn-out sewing machines running as good as new. Mr Warner arrived here this week and those wishing to have repairing done may leave word at the Dryden! Hotel. Why discard your old machines when he can make them as good as new-----or better ?---advt, "ental ~~ O--=O-- Cream Puffs, per dozen .60 Iced Cherry Furit Cake, per 1b .40 Maple Fudge, rer 1b .40 Peanut, Walnut and Cherry Creamy Toffee Board and Room, per week $3.00] Meal Ticket, 21 meals ..... 8.00 im Candies-- BEY 1b .36 . Mixed Candies, per Ib ..... .35 Satu : Chocolate Bars, 6 for ..... 251 gst i Chocolate Boxes, 1-b from .50; We have a fresh BO TER TE LL 1.004 Fruits-- iv : : Oranges, per doz. ......... .50 arrival of Oata rio Bananas, perth ........... 15 . a lbs for ceiver 25 Fruits per dOZEl oor ere annie .50 Pears, per dozen ......... .50 for week=end. Apples, per tb ,........... .I0 GeIhs for i. viene .50 --p ge Grapes, per tb ............ .35 Agent fori-- Tomatoes, per eR 10 BODLEYS FRUIT CAKE zs for ...... FER 25 NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES Mixed Sweet Dry Biscuits, EODAKS & BROWNIES perih on.e vhs 40 King's Old Country Ginger Beet Milk Bread, per loaf ...... 15 ' : : : glogves for .. v0 0 25 Gough S Confe tionery : ICE CREAM, per quart 60 guerra ES mee ag

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