Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 10 Oct 1924, page 4

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"A Most Unusal Offer which please read for your own sake if not for ours. WE have taken the stock, and these goods must g0 out of this Store -- (00 This is The Stock 18 MEN'S WATERPROOF, Fawn and Dark Shades sizes 34 to 42. Price $12.00 to $20.00. +» LADIES WATERPROOFS, COVERTS & RUE BER finished, sizes 34 to 40. Prices $7.50 to $17.00 J a This is The Offer These 40 Garments are all in one of the Windows, easily seen and easily tried on. They will have been in the window for a day or so pefore the Sale, and October 13th, this Sale starts Monday morning, 1924. On Monday and Tuesday, October.13 and 14th, anyone may buy any of these Coats for $3.00 On Wednesday and Thursday, October 15th and 16th, Anyone may buy any of these Coats for $5.00. On Friday and Saturday, October 17th and 18th, any Coats left will sell for $3.c0. Now then figure it out, if you say we will leave it until Wednesday, you probably will have missed the best bargain. You are at perfect liberty to watch the Sale, you are at perfect liberty to wait until Saturday and take your anos. But you might lose money. Please do not ask any Clerk to This would be no credit to the put a garment : aside for you. intelligence and honesty of the Store. | Prize Winners | Pair Wyandottes--Mrs WwW J Martin. HE SE Pair Wyandotte chickens-- do. Plymouth Rocks, parred--1 Mrs A E Browning, 2 Mrs Hellam. i Ladies' All Wool, Cashmere IOS io ieee ee sg 95 Ply Rocks, chickens--1 D Reid,} Ch ; ; he Sy i ee 1 Boys and Girls Heavy Rib, Wool HOSE ... ovina beres 6H Pair Buff Orpingtons--1 Mrs H Hardy, I.adies' SKIRTS, Heavy Flannel, assorted colors ........ 4.75 Addison Dean. Yo 0 - = . ; ; Pair White Orpington Chickens--Mrs Heavy Winter COATING, 54m. wide, in Brown Heather, Hellam. rar Se i ne et a TE 1.50 Any other Chickens--Mrys H Hardy. Pair Goslings--Mrs H Hardy. 0) Pair Turkeys--Ed Dawkins. : Pair Turkeys, Spring--1 E Dawkins, | 4 9 Jas Hutchison. } Rhode Island Red Chickens-- das Hutchison. : Class XVIIL.--Grain-- Bus. Peas--1 A BE Browning, 2 Mrs WwW J Morton. Bus. W. Oats--1 T H Lewis, 2 Jas M Hutchison. ol Bus. Barley--A E Browning. Best Sheaf Wheat--1 A £ Browning, 2 Herb Wright. Best Oat Sheaf--A E Browning, 2 Alf Salton. Best Sheaf Barley--1 Mis W J Martin, 2 A E Browning. Best Sheaf Red Clover--T H Lewis. Best Sheaf Alsike--T H Lewis. 6 Stalks Sunflower--1 Mrs A Hunter, Mrs W Turner. ! Special--Sheat Oats--1 T H Lewis, Jno Crerar, 3 Jas Hutchison. Class XIX--Field Roots-- ¢ Field Carrots--1 A E Browning, , TH Lewis. 6 Swede Turnips--1i Mrs J French, Sam Stephenson. BY no Do 6 Mangles--1 Mrs T B Wall, 2 AE Browning. 6 Intermediate Mangles--A E Brown- ing. 6. Sugar Beets--1 A BE Browning, Z , Mrs Addison Dean. 2 Pumpkins--W R Parker. 2Squash--W R Parker. Class XX.--Garden Vegetables-- 6 Carrots, Oxheart--1 A E Browning, 2 A L Wiee. 6 Carrots, Short Horn--A E Brown- ing, 2 W R Parker. LG Carrots, Intermediate--1 T H Lewis, L' 2 Wm Milroy. ; 6 Table Carrots, Long--1 A E Brown- ing, 2 Mr J French. § Table Carrots, Short--I1 Mrs J i! French, 2 T H Lewis. | 6 Beets--1 A L Wice, 2 Wm Milroy. _6 Beets, Long Blood--1 A E Browning, oT H Lewis. ¢ Parsnips--1 Mrs J French, § Salton. 2 Cabbage, White--1 Jno Adams, 2 Mrs W J Martin. 2 Cabbage, any other--Mrs W Turner. 2 Celery--1 Sid Wright, 2 Wm Milroy. '6 Onions, Red--1 W R Parker, 2 Mrs W Turner. 6 Onions, White--1 W RE Parker, 2 Mrs Turner. 6 Tomatoes, ripe--E W Wice. 6 Tomatoes, green--E W Wice. 6 Onions, pickling--1 A E Browning, 9 Mrs W Turner. Barly Potatoes--1 T H Lewis, 2 Mrs J French. Late Potatoes--1 T H Lewis, 2 Jno Hutchison. 14 bus. Large Potatoes--1 Jno Hutchi- son, 2 T H Lewis. 9 Cucumbers--W R Parker. Special--Collection of Home Grown Vegetables by H Willard and J W Collison--1 W R Parker, 2 W Mil- roy. : Class XXI.--Fruit Preserved 1924-- Blueherries--1 BW Wice, 2 AL Wice. 2 Alf Raspberries, tame--1 W R Parker, 24 Mrs H Hardy. Raspberries, wild--1 WwW R Parker, 2 Mrs A P Kellar. : Strawberries, tame--1 Mrs G Wice, 2 E W Wice. Strawberries, wild--1 Mrs J French, 2 BW Wice. Currants, white--1 A I Browning, 2 Mrs H Hardy. Currants, red--1 W R Parker, 2 A E Browning. Currants, black--1 W R Parker, 2 Mrs Alex Hunter. Rhwbarb--1 W R Parker, 2 E W Wice. Gooseberries-- 1A E Browning, 2 W R Parker. Cherries--A E Browning, 2 EW Wi ce Crab Apples--1 Mis G Wice, 2 W B| Parker. vab Apples, other--E WwW Wiese. Marmalade--Mrs P Horsley. Pears--1 Mrs Hellam, 2 Wm Milroy. Pluras--1 Mrs T B Wall, 2 Mrs A J Lock. Jelly-- Raspberry--E W Wice, 2 W R Parker Red Currant--1 Mrs H Hardy, 2 Mrs A J Lock. Black Currant--1 Mrs A Hunter Mrs A J Lock. Any other--1 Alf Salton, 2 BE W Wice. Peaches, --1 E W Wice, Alf Salton. Walter Turner. Horsley. Pickled Onions--1 Mrs Geo Wice, 2Alf Salton. : ART p= Pickled Cucumber--1 Mrs Jas Hutehi- aE RY PRE Yd Tomato Catsup--1 Alf Salton, 2 Mrs Do. Any other--1 Mrs Turner, 2 Mrs Phil SCHOOL DRESSES Tor Misses, 6 to 12, Blue Serge....... ' Pickled Tomatoes, green--1 Mrs A Ej Browning. Browning, 2 Mrs Jas Hutchison. | Lady's wool Scarf, knit--1 Mrs MF Pickles, mixed--1 Mrs Lock, Mrs ddas Cook. Hutchison. Child's wool Dress--1 Alf Salton. Pickles, other kind--1 Mrs H Hardy, | Boy's knit 3-piece Suit--Mrs F Hardy. rs A E Browning. , Childs cotton Dress--Miss G PaPrker. Currant Wine--1 Mrs Hellam, 2 Mrs, Fancy Apron--1 Mrs M F Cook, 2 Miss W Turner. : ; G Parker. Grape Wine--1 Mrs Hellam. | Child's Bonnet--Mrs Jas Guthrie. Wine, any other--1 Mrs W J Martin, | Any other, knit--Miss G Parker. 2 Mrs Hellam. | Crochet: single piece--Mrs M F Cook, Rasp Vinegar--1 W R Parker, 2 E W 2 Miss R E Barker. Wie. Novelty in Fancy work--1 Mrs F Mor- den, 2 Mrs Alf Jones. Plums--1 Mrs A P Kellar. 5 XXIL--Cookery. Pillowslips, embroidered--1 Mrs Frank Pan Buns, white--1 E W Wice, 2 Mrs Hardy, 2 Mrs M F Cook. 1H Hardy Buns, any other--1 E W Wice, 2 Mrs H Hardy. : Biscuits, plain--1 Mrs Jas Hutchison, . 9 Mrs Hellam. Biscuits, any other--1 Mrs Jas Hutehi- son, 2 Mrs H Hardy. Day Pillowslips, embroidered--1 Miss F Barker, 2 Mrs F Hardy. Pillowslips, crochet--1 Mrs M F Cook, 2 Miss G Parker. ; ' Lady's Night Gown--DMiss G Parker. Do., crochet yoke--Mrs M F Cook. . Table Runner, embroidered--1 Miss F Ginger Bread--1 Mrs Alf Jones, 2 Mrs Barker, 2 Mrs A E Berrey. Chas Skene. : 'Table Runner, Crocheted--Miss F Layer Cake, white--1 Alf Salton 2 Mrs! Barker. Hellam. ' Lady's White-wear--Mus M F Cook. Layer Caks, dark--Mrs Addison Dean, Art Needle Embroidery--DMrs MF 2 Alf Salton. Cook. wruit Cake, light--1 Mrs Jas Hutchi- Tand-made Dolies--A E Browning. son, Miss EE Waldron. . | Betweenmeal Centrepiece--1 Miss F Fruit Cake, dark--1 Mrs A J Lock, Barker, 2 G Parker. 2 Mrs A P Kellar. i Betweenmeal Centrepiece, embroidered | Roll Jelly Cake--1 Mrs Addison Dean, | in colours--1 Mrs A E Berry, 2 A { 9 Mrs A E Browning. E Browning. Any other Cake--1 Mrs Jas Hutchison : Between meal Centrepiece, eyelettte-- 9 Mrs BE W Wice. A E Browning. Shortbread--1 Mrs Jas Hutchison, 2° Hand Bag, any kind--Mrs F Morden. Alf Salton. | Service Tray, mounted--Mrs F Morden Ginger Cookies--1 Mrs A Dean, 2 Alf Guest Towel, embroidered--1 Mrs M F Salon. i Cook, 2 Miss F Barker. "Thite Cookies--Mrs A Dean, 2 Mrs Guest Towel, crocheted--1 Mrs MF Jas Guthrie. Cook, 2 Miss F Barker. Plain Tarts--1 Mrs Geo Wice, 2 Mrs Set, Embroidery--Mrs A E Berrey: Addison Dean. Boudoir Slippers--Miss E Waldron. Pastry Tarts--1 Mrs Jas Guthrie, 2 E Child's Rompers--1 Mrs M F Cook, 2 W Wice. | Mrs Alf Jones. Puffed Tarts--1 Mrs Hellam, 2 Mrs W Tea Set--1 Mrs M F Cook, 2 Miss G Miliroy. I Parker. Apple Pie--1 Mrs H Hardy, 2 Mrs W Factory Cotton Bedspread--Mrs Ww Millroy. { Turner. 4 Pumpkin Pie--1 Marion Hellam, 2 Mrs : Class XXIX.--O0il Painting-- Jas Hutchison. Copy Landscape--Mrs A P Kellar. Lemon Pie--1 E W Wice, 2 Mrs Frank ; Class XXX.--Water Colour-- Hardy. Landscape--Mrs Geo. Wice. Two Loaves--1 Mrs Jas Hutchison, 21 Animal or Birds--Mrs Geo Wice Robt McGregor. Collection of Three--Mrs Geo Wice. Tyuit Loaves--1 Mrs F Hardy, 2 Mrs | Class XXXI.--Drawings-- H Hardy. : Pencil Drawing Figure--1 Mrs AP Roast Chicken--1 Mrs A Dean, 2 Mrs] Kellar, 2 Mrs Geo Wice. H Hardy. Pen and Ink Sketch--1 Frank Furtz, Homemade Candy--Alf Salton, 2 Miss 2 Mrs A P Kellar. : Bessie Blair. Business Penmanship--A J Lock. 'Brown Loaves--1 Mr Robt McGregor, Special--Men's Bathrobe, by W.IL.-- 2 Mrs 8 W Wice. Mrs H Hardy. White Currant--1 Mrs A E Browning. SPECIALS Nut Bread--1 Alf Salton, 2 Mrs Henry | Child's Suit, Knitted, by Mrs D Frejd Hardy. -- Mrs Alf Salton. Bran Mufins--1 Mrs W Millroy, 9 Mrsi --Mrs Alf Salton. J French. Men's Sweater, knitted, by Herh Rehill Class X¥IIL--Dairy. --on ----eoom ---- -- Mrs Alf Salton. tter, 1-oz prints--1 Mrs H Hardy, | Child's Suit, from old garment, by Mrs > Mrs W J Martin. J E Gibson--1 Mrs Alex Hunter, 2 rin crock--1 Mrs A Dean, 2 Mrs Wm Milroy. ~ : Jas Hutchison. Homemade Coat, by Mrs Humphries-- Butter, Tb prints--1 Mrs Jas Hutchison Miss G Parker. 2.9 W J Martin. ; Buffet Set, by Mrs Skokel--1 Miss F Class ¥XV.--Horticulture, Barker, 2 Mrs A E Berrey. Double Geranium--1 Miss E Waldron, § Bedroom Set, by Mrs Pitt--Mus Alex rvs W Turner. Hunter. Fern-- Miss Waldron. Collection Fancy Tecoration Plant--1 Mrs W Turner. . Asters--1 and 2 Mrs J V Johnston. Patience--1 Mrs W Turner. Class XXVI--Cut Flowers. Collection Panzies--1 Mrs J V John- ston, Wm Millroy. i Col , Marigolds--Mrs W Millroy. Collections, Asters, Giant Snap-dragon, Seabiosa, Gladiola--Drs J V John- ston. | Bouquet Sweet Peas--Mis Hellam. i Shower loose bouquet--Mrs Turner. Special, by Dryden Pharmacy. Collection of Flowers in pot--1 Miss E i Waldron, 2 Wm Millroy. | Class XXVIL--Ladies' Work. | patchwork Quilt--Mrs Henry Hardy. To. woollen--1 Mrs Turner, 2 Mrs H Hardy. : Wool Comforter--2nd Mrs F Hardy. Woolen Stockings--Mrs W Turner. | Woolen Sox--1 Mrs Turner. Woolen Mitts, single knit--Alf Salton. double knit--Alf Salton. . Woolen Gloves, knit--2 Mrs Alf Jones. Touse Dress--1 Mrs W Turner. ' Kitchen Apron--1 W R Parker, 2 Mrs A E Berrey. Men's Work Shirt--1 Mrs Turner. Child's Wool Sweater--Mrs F Hardy. : Ladies' wool Sweater, knit--Mrs A E | Hardy. Work, by Miss Browning. Articles of Dress, made of flour-sack cloth, by Mrs J Rhodes--1 Mrs T B Wall, 2 Mrs H Hardy. son--1 Mrs A E Berrey, 2 Miss G Parker. Homemade Candy, by Mrs Campbell-- 1Alf Salton, 2 Bessie Blair. Bathrobe--Mrs H Hardy. 10-1bs Butter, in Crock, by C O Self-- Mrs Chas Skene. 51hs Butter, in prints, by R Trist--Mrs Chas Skene. __1 Mrs Jas Hutchison, 2 Mrs Addi- son Dean. Exhibitors taking most prizes in Ladies work, by Mrs D Hutchison--Mrs M F Cook. Exhibitors taking most-prizes in Horti- culture and cut Flowers, by Wm Connon--Mrs J V Johnston. Exhibitor taking most prizes in Home Cookin, Cannary and Preserving, by Mrs D G Dingwall--Mrs E W Wice. \ Exhibitors winning most prizes, points to count, by A R Hutchison--1 A BE ¥ BE Kennedy--1 Miss F Barker, 2 A EI Collection, 'Xmas Gifts, by Mrs G Nel-- Bread, from R.H. Flour, by D W Scott | Browning, 2 W R Parker, 3 Mrs H| expenses pe am] We are going to handle a Second Hand as well as New. full tine of Clothing, Some of these Second Hand clothes good as new, and they all are practically as come from the States. You will find that some of them has been worn only a few times and sold, It may be out of style in the States, but just coming into style in Canada. I would like some of the ladies to come in and lines in Second Hand Clothing, which Winter Suits, examine our New includes : Ladies Coats, Skirts. In all lines mentioned Dresses, and we have a good selection to choose from. JR, § Ty Bad MEN'S SECOND HAND CLOTHES Odd Coats--Trousers--Over- coats--Sheep Skin Coats-- Suits-- Breeches and Puttees. 0 0--0--O0--= SECAND HAND BOOTS & SHOES Also other articles too numer ous to mention. Sorry 1 cannot publish a list of prices this week, as 1 did not get invoices in time. You will find our prices are exceptionally low. sree 30 0 WE ALSO HAVE A FULL SUPPLY IN NEW CLOTH- ING & READY-TO-WEAR. NEW BOOTS AND SHOES to fit the family. funded for every pair of Shoes Money re- if not satisfactory after exam- ination. --0--0---0--0-- SEE US FOR SECOND HAND FURNITURE Get your Heaters, Box Stoves before the cold wather comes. | SUIT 6 and WINTER OVERCOAT } Y, Made-to-Measure from the N REX TAILORING COMPANY I Satisfaction Guaranteed it or J Money Refunded i S DAITER, Agent bid RIFLES of all Calibers, boug and Sold. --0--0--0--0-- NEW & SECOND HAND STO Goods of every description Boug and Sold

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