Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 8 Nov 1924, page 4

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THIS Store is full of New Goods, and with a range large enough for many city stores, and its local supremacy in these lines just as undoubted as in groceries, or ladies wear. HEREWITH we enumerate some of the lines: -- OVERALLS Grey Stripe, Blue Stripe, Plain Blue, are Ee a $2.25 & $2.50 SWEATERS--AIl colours, all sizes, Light, Medium and Heavy Weights, Coat or Pullover from $2.00 to ODD PANTS--Dress, from $3.00 to .. Work from Cotton, at to the finest Mackinaw, at ...... MACKINAW COATS--AIl sizes, from 34 to 36, plain and Leather Lined, from $8.00 to ...... $20.00 CLOTH OVERCOATS---Plain and Leather Lined from $20.00 10...) vi seid cassie, MOCCASIN S--from $1.50 to . LUMBERMAN RUBBERS--{rom $2.50 to BREECHES--DBlack, Khaki, and coloured checks, from $4.50 to COMBINATION UNDERWEAR --from $2.00 to .. $7.00 TWO-PIECE UNDERWEAR--from $1.00 to $3.75 per garment. : FEL HATS-om $2.80 10 coi, vennnr revs BOOTS--Work or Dress--from $3.50 to . LEATHER VESTS--from $13.50 to SHEEP LINED COATS--Short, $12.50 to Long, @ MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHES--Suits and Over- coats, from $30.00 to SHIRTS--Work or Dress--from $1.25 to Tr TT TS I SS IE J RCI SI BS SY PEE AS EI SC SCR I SCC BC Re ses eee nae DRCRCRCRY © Pe ev eee ees esas eae ese esse ees ss as see ee seas an RE RE SS RE SS SY DR RE RN EA NECTIES---A large assortment from .25 to ., GLOVES--Dress or Work--from .35 to WOOL GLOVES---from 35 £0 «ovr vuerinsvrasens . MITTS--Dress or Work--from $1.50 to SUSPENDERS --from .40 to HOSE--Work or Dress--Co tton, Silk, & Wool, .25 to $1.50 HANDKERCIHIEFS--Plain White, Coloured Initialled from .10 to ; se eee DI BCI CUR RY LT ET Sr SS SSS SPS LI A SCTE SS Sr PS Be Sr JC TC Sr SY SCP CAPS--Work or Dress--from $1.00 to CUPE BUTTONS from 50 10.0... viii iin, COLLAR PINS, and all the little details of Jewellry : in good dressing. MUFFLERS--Wool or Silk--{rom $1.50 to BELTS--from .50 to : $1.50 READY MADE CLOTHING--Browns, Blues Serges, and Tweeds, from $15.00 to esses es ease DE ET AT SS SPS ET Sr Tr Tr Sr Tr SSP ERI EEA Tr Er THESE Goods are well priced, but in order to meet all com- petition we make a special discount, provided cash is paid, and the purchase is over $10.00 THE Discount is.10 per cent and you get your goods when you want them, instead of waiting. FURTHERMORE you see and examine the material, try things on, and know what you are getting at the time of purchase, ALFRED PITT, Ltd. DRYDEN, Ont. ll School Reports , cent for a pass. Jessie Fleming, Evelyn Adair,* tin, Olive Lewis, Madge Hunter,* Jack | bull, E. Louttit, M. Nadon, W. Moore- | Nicholl, ea 00 Ome 3 --DRYDEN-- The Bimonthly Examination System Covers all the Subject on the curriculm during the two months; giving a fairer standing to the pupil. Honours requires seventy-five per cent average on all subjects and sixty per Those marked missed one or more exams. * Equal Names in Order of Meriti-- Sr, 1IV.-- Honours-- Grace Gough. Eve Kentner,* Alma Larson, Astrid Edgrer Howard Kentner, Minnie Reid. Pags--Grace Robinson, George Mar- Stewart,* Lulu Hunter, Wm. Koshon. Gladys Noble, Lillian Pilkey, Bol Berrvey,** Grace Hardie,** Eldon Wright, Rolph Nelson, Eugene Na- don, *** Forest Nadon.*** Jr. IV--A. Robinson, R. Davis, E. Trist, V. Smith, R. Whitley, E. Turn- house, V. Oliver. Sr. IIL.-- Honours-- N. Reany, F. Foulis, D. Mercer, H. Wilson, A. | Williams, A. Doudiet, E. Silver, P. Pinkerton, P. Blair, R. Spears, J. Reid, C. Dixon, R. Nelson, J. Volkmar. Pass--E, Willard, E. Buchanan, E. Halderson, W. Spicer, E. Wice, A. Carney, R. Edgren, K. Wilkinson, G. Plotts, J. Willard, M. Trist, G. Mackey, C. Bauer, T. Yaworski, J. Smith, A. Berrey. Jr. IIL.--Richard Kelso, Jack Ayres, Cecil Law, Charlie Gammon, Elsie Moorehouse, Phil Wright, Rosaline Madder, Katie Steiner, Lenora Stefa- niuk,* Harley Wallin,* Leonard Had- ley,** Frank Whitley,** Geo Gough,* Duncan MecKellar,* Vada Robinson, ** Gordon Campbe]l,** David Mercer, Lily Moore,* Roma Nadon,* Wilbert McQueen, ** Margot Cole,** Fred By- ington,** Patty Wright,** James Yaw- orski,** Fred Yaworski,** Austin Andrews, Richard Trist,* Olaf Smith, Christine Colliss,** Phyllis Hawke,** Edna Whiting, Bella Blake, Edward McMaster, Alice Halderson, Eric Sr. IL-- Honours-- Elsie Hunter, William Moline, Evelyn Pinkerton, Walter Davis, Evelyn Hudson," Phyliis Barber,* James Rigby,* Vera Bailey, Margaret Anderson,** Rrnest Cur- ley,** Pearl Stefanuik,* Richard Cole,* May Bartlett, Eunice Gough. Pass--Evelyn Strutt, Lloyd Brisson, Billie Baker, Alice Vankoughnett, Jessie Munro, Yola Sfreddo, Frank Me- Monega], Lottie Dixon, Ivan Kelso, George Sherwood. Sr. L--Honours--John Chaschowy, Marie Ball, Mary Blake, Aylmer Wii- son, George Moore, Gweneth Jones. Pass--Mona Proudfoot, Lloyd Offer, Tila Allen, Olive Burton,* Lily Lewis, * Lena McMaster, Marjorie Crawley, Frances Ernewein, Mamie Reany,*- Philip Moline,** Katy Chaschowy,* Henry Sfreddo,* Rose Yaworski,* Margaret Hunter, Howard Ayres, Os- car Nymark, Grace Klose, Fred Lap- page,. Willie Hardy, Jimmy Baker, Harold McQueen, Fred Mellery. Jr. I.--Honours--Amma Andrews," Sofia Trasiewicz,* Bonnalyn Kent- ner,** Lavern Smith,** Isabella Nor- gate,* Lester Pronger,* Cyril Wright,» Barbara Jones,** Kathleen Millroy,** Dorothy Walmsley,** Jack Bartlett, Mary Livingstone, Bobbie Hawke,* Lillian Davis,* Andy Volkmar,* Gladys Byington,** Lila Buchanan,** Wilfred Moore, Carrie Doudiet, Ray- mond Hatch, Orval Robertson, Mary McMonegal, Ross Munro,* Neil Camp- bell,** Marian Beck,** Anne Bourock, Charlie Madder, Vivian Wice, Edward Bullard,* Aubrey Moore," Allen Moore, Olga Steiner, Leslie Herring. Jr. Primary--Jimmy McMonagle, Duncan Reid, Alma Brisson, Hazel Adair, Arnold Nymark, Esther Mercer P Groce French, Fanny Olson, Geraldine Duncan, Clayton Bailey. Sr. Primary--Buran Barker, Gladys ' Buchanan, Clifford McGuire, Gladys Vankoughnett, Elva Sanderson, George Ernewein, Carl Heard, Esther Robin- 1 son, Ann Smith, Leila Foulis, Jessie * Cole, Colin Proudfoot, Violet Moline, Muriel Frazer, Shalen Olson, Margaret Nevins, Norman Hardy, Tommy Crawley. Jr. Primary--Marguerite Nicholl, Violet Bourock, Agnes Smith, Clem- mie Wright, Robert Clarke, Dorothy Stratton, Llody Adair, Hubert Bart- lett, Alfred Houde, Joseph Cook, James McKay, Jack McKay. K. Primary--Hilda Davis, Monty Robertson, Muriel Bailey, Jean Hutchi- son, Alfred Kelso, Bert Kellar, Alvin Hudson, Ethel Fido, Hughie Reid, Ray- mond Wice, Harry Martinson, Doris Doudiet, Charlotte Dixon, Grant Buch- an, Adela Foulis, Marie Herd, Nellie Sfreddo, Ruby McGuire. B.--Margaret Ayres, Eileen Wigle, p Mary Dixon, James McKellar, Emma ats § - J.B, GATES --BLANKETS-- Men's all Wool Double size, Flannellette, per COMBINATIONS Te RA SaagfAl sizes, oi Ln A Bee Grey or White, smaller size, Boys' Fleecelined DECIBEL Lio vain 13 275 COMBINATIONS ERC Ba $1.40 Children's COMBINATIONS Also 2-piece Suit Underwear, Good Heavy Quality, .... 840) peranit. 6. iii $1.40 Strutt, Bobby Foote, Minerva Me- Monegal, Willie Allen, Florence Dage, -- THE -- Helen Chaschowy, Agnes Blake. A--Norman Hunter, Nora Bouer, Centr al < afe Edna Martinson, John Kelso, Ross iN Doudiet, Ruth Norgate, Billy Van- koughnett, Mickey Pronger, Earle GO CQ QO Srith, Bdward Wannacott. OXDRIFT Class IV.--Edith Lewis, 80; Clara Mc- Gonegal, 46; Ruby McTavish, 40. Below 40--Alfred Pollard, Stella Jackson, Ray McTavish. Sr. III.--Kenneth Browning, 60. Jr. III.--Loretta Dunlop, 63; Skene, 46 Below 40--Allan Skene, Pearl Pol- lard, Willie Jackson, Beatrice Spalding Jr. IL.--Clifford Boyd, 52. Below 40--Cyril Kennedy, Oberg. Jr. I.--Marjorie Ellict, Gordon Me- Tavish, Stanley Cooke, Cecelia Spald- ing, Edna Neely, Victor Pollard. Sr. Primary--Jennie Jackson, Dorothy Mabel Anton Griffiths, Reta Cooke, Clarence Neely. } Intermediate Primary--Mary Corner, ? Helen. Jackson, Grant McGonegal. Jr. Primary--Gertrude Fleming, Em- ma Fleming, Erecka Oberg, W. Oberg, Ruby Elliott. No. on Roll 34. 3 Perfect Attendance--Cecelia Spalding, Dorothy Griffiths, Mary Corner, Helen ; Johnston. I. HAMILTON, Teacher Notice FOR SALE--WOOD LOT, Six Miles from Dryden, approximately' 1500 cords wood, including Tie Timber, Spruce and Fuelwood. Terms: Cash, ar 'arrangements could be made with responsible person. Full particulars A: J. LOCK, Dryden ST Board and Room, per week $8.00 Meal Ticket, 21 meals ..... 8.00 els ri Candies-- Mixed Candies, per tb ..... .35 Chocolate Bars, 6 for ..... "2% Chocolate Boxes, 1-1b from .50 a EE 1.0¢ "=O 0--0--- Fruits-- Oranges, per doz... i... ... .50 Bananas, per.db ....0..... 15 zdbs dor iu hn .25 perdozen ion. oon .50 Pears, per dozen ......... .50 Appled. per Ib... 0 .10 Geter nnn .50 Grapes, per Wo... 00 Jo .35 Tomatoes, perth... .10 he tor: oven .25 Mixed Sweet Dry Biscuits, Bh a Ts 40 Wilk: Bread, 'perMosf ...... .15 2 loaves for i... ohh 25 --0--0--0-- ICE CREAM, per quart ... .6o A Slogan-- A butcher in a certain town had read considerable about the "Milk from con- tented Cows," and wanting to keep up with the times, he placed this sign in his window: "Sausages from Pigs that Died Happy." "Impossible Without You" WRECKAGE Cast Out by Society Body, Soul salvatiol 'Salves the Wreckage of the Community by the Power of the Living Gospel of Christ, Ministering to SALVAGE 1 Saved bythe Gospel Pl and Spirit FOUR INDUSTRIAL HOMES ~ through which hundreds of girls passed last year, many giving evidence of a real change of heart and life. FOUR CHILDREN'S HOMES~--ac- commodating 225, in which 410 were: cared for in 1922. FOUR MATERNITY HOSPITALS --which cared for 3,083 pat- ients last year. GIRLS' INDUSTRIAL HOME (West Kildenan),-- Delinquent girls are sent here by the Mag- istrate instead of the jall in case of first offence, thus sav- ing them from the stigma of a prison sentence, and giving them a chance to make good. YOUNG WOMEN'S BOARDING HOME--where working girls find good, home-like accommo- dation at small cost. PRISON WORK -- 629 meetings were held with prisoners, 325 sent to .employment, and 955 met on discharge and assisted to find employment during 1922. EIGHT FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS--through which 4,- 245 positions were secured last year. WORKING MEN'S HOSTELS -- accommodating 608, where poor FIGURES ARE ® Here are some FACTS and FIGURES for Western Canada: ® men find clean beds at nominal prices, amid wholesome sur- roundings. CHRISTMAS DINNERS AND WINTER RELINR --- including clothing for needy children, food, fuel, medicines, etc. MISSING FRIENDS BUREAU om which locates scores of missing friends every year. POLICE COURT WORIK -- An Army Officer 'attends court every day, ready to give a chance to first; offenders or others. 'A Woman Officer also serves the community as Police Matron. i. TRAINING COLLEGE {(Winni- peg)---where fifty young men and women are being trained each year for all branches of Salvation Army service. 176 CORPS AND OUTPOSTS -- where meetings in the open air and indoors are held regularly. These are the centres of many helpful activities, such as: League of Mercy, Life-Saving Scouts and Guards, Young People's Legions Sunday School, Corps Cadets, . Home League, Bands, Songster Bri- gades, ete. It is largely by this means Officers and Soldiers are recruited for carrying on the work. BARE BONES They show, to some extent, the scale of working; they cannot show the essentials FAITH HOPE LOVE in the Power of even for the most which seeks out God to save to Gi Se God even in the utmost couraged the vilest Annual Sen Dryden, Nov. Objective ¥ A. PITT, Treasurer, Dryden 166 13, 14 & I5 : $300. SAY We are having a big Sale on all our to fit all your family ----0--0--0---- If you figure to send out in the line of shoes. Tt will sure pay you to examine our different styles of shoes We guarantee you to save money on our Sale Prices. Our range of shoes is com- plete. You do not take any chances on buying them from us. If you can't examine them right in the Store, you can take them home, and after a fair examination, if not satisfactory, money will be gladly refunded. ~----0--0-- 0 --0--0---- will continue until change of this advt. ----0---0---0--0-- NEW & SECOND HAND STORE Goods of every description Bought and Sold

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