Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 26 Dec 1924, page 1

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ca gig Seg sad fel oS ule tu Tor gr Ln WAS | be ~~ ae duped did pa A SE NE OTA tar HE SRE ES z * details x collecting ronts, paying taxes 3 ing: i genties in yepaln, H WILL ARD'S )ryden Dryden, Ont, December 26th 1924 Number 28 our Clocks and Watches by Mail Order. and. inswiance, securing tenants, keep- eollonin With Kind Thoughts and Best Wishes for he New Year from Ci & SHOE REPAIR = nd Harness Store. DAY throughout the rst' Class J ak i Watch Maker : wh 0 wore Short Waves. EMEMBER Nomination Day is on So Be on the job. - Mr and Mrs Bob Murray went to Minnitaki, to spend Christmas. B. Levinson, Kenora, was in Dryden on business, Tuesday, Mrs W. H. Martin is spending 'Xmas with her daughter in Winnipeg. Miss Nera Noreus is spending Christmas with her parents in Norman Mayor Rhoades, Ignace, was a visi- tor to Dryden this week. Myr and Mrs W. Winnipeg Sunday, Sutton went to to spend Christmas. My and Mrs Pat Myles were down from Kenora to spend "Xmas with her parents. Mrs A. McDonald, of Port Arthur, has been obliged to return home owing to the iliness of her son. Rev. A. J. Fieldus, the popular pas- tor, spent a few days in the western metropolis this week. Tommy Fairfield, assistant electric engineer of the Town, is spending the holidays at his home in Kenora. Mr O. Bowidon, who has been visit- ing friends in town, returned to hi. home in Sturgeon Falls. Miss Hanlon, Minnitaki Schoo! Teacher, is spending her "Xmas holi- days in the east. ¥. M. Offer, of the Mutual Life In- surance Company, made a trip to Ke- nora this week. S. Woods, manager of Dryder Creamery, left Monday for a short visit to the west. Rev. H. A. and Mrs Rivers, visited their old home in the west during thc week. Miss Ethel Davidson assisted in R J. Pronger's Variety Store during the "Xmas rush. Norman Howe came down fron Eagle River to spend Christmas with his parents. The Misses Gardiner, of the School Staff, are visiting east during .the holidays. Miss Rena Morton returned from Fort William Monday, where she at tended her sister's wedding. Miss Amelia Kearn and brother, of Eagle River, spent 'Xmas with Mr and Mrs Payne. Mr A. R. Pitt, of the Second Pre- Medical Year at Wesley, is spending the holidays at home. Mr John Trasieviez of the Central Hotel is once more at home to his numerous friends, being granted the official recognition bestowed for merit- orious conduct. * Selah. Matt Waxdale, the versatile concer! instrumentalist, has ~ returned from Winnipeg, where he has completed summer's engagement. Mrs Sandy Hutchison and baby Ross have gone east to Sudbury, to visit he. father and mother for "Xmas, and will stay for the winter. Miss Edith Pitt of the Fourth year in Arts at Wesley College is home foi the Christmas vacation. Miss Pitt, as Lady Stick, is in charge of all the ladies' activities in the student body. I. T. Smith has been restored to hic family for "Xmas thanks to the efforts of those who exerted themselves on his behalf, He desires the fullest expres- sion of gratitude to the people of Dry- den who in this and other ways assist ad Bfvs Smith and the children during his involuntary absence. Oxdrift, Dec. 22nd.--The Oxdrift branch of the Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs John H. Elliott on December 18th. As the day was very cold, only a few were present, and the meeting was mostly catching up ef arrears of Institute business. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs J. Tuckey, on January 15th, 1925. Mrs A. M. ELLIOTT, Secy. Vp DRYDEN COUPLE MARRIED IN FORT WILLIAM. A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr and Mrs W. Johneton, when Miss Elsie Morton, eldest daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs Charles Morton, of Dryden, Cntario, and Thomas W. Graham, brother of Mrs W. Johnston, i were united in marriage by Rev. R. W. i Rumley, \ Church tr immed with steel beads, and was at- of the First Presbyterian The bride wore a crepe dress, sister Miss Rena Morton, a navy blue canton crepe Harold Johnston, Tr of. ha [ey "IN the effort to stir up a little excite- ment round "Xmas time, many Dryden merchants sportingly offered valuable! premiums to be given to customers. The method of award varied with the inclination of the merck ' some offer- ing a small gift to er /hild, others preferring to lump the ilue on some competitive basis. Every child who purchased anything at the Wright store during Xmas week was given a present, regardless of the amnunt of the purchase; while at least one little chap, who couldn't even toddle down, had his sent to him. Angelo Sfreddo was the lucky winner of the handsome Colonial clock given away by D. W. Scott. After the official winding it ran for nine days, finally stopping at 7.07 a.m., which corresponded with the sales ticket held by Mr Sfreddo. The $25.00 cash prize offered by O. H. Pronger was won by Mrs Billy | Christmas Gifts [® THE Martin, Glengoland, for the largest® amount of cash register sales coupons | received by her during the past three months. | The $50.00 Electric Train announced ! last week to be given free by Pitt's! store upon simply entering your name and getting a number, whether a cus- 'tomer or not, was drawn for on Xmas Hve, J. H. Davis of Dryden being the winner. The Line-up. | JANUARY 1st, 1925, at 10.30 a.m. Harry Wickens' Corner, down Van Horne St., to Pitt's Store And here they are in alphabetical order--not as they will finish-- Ernest Curley with "Tam" Joffre Dixon with "Sport" Eugene Nadon with "Pal" Forest Plotts with "Nigger" Jack Stewart with "Carlo" Willie Tuckey with "Brownie" Eldon Wright with "Bob" Phil Wright with "Gyp" Prizes to the value of $25.00-- Set of Dog Harness--H Willard. Camera--Dryden Pharmacy Skates--Durance Bros. Knife--Pitt Ltd. sSleigh--E. A, Klose. Walderman Pencil--A G Ripley. Pair Golf Stockings--Mrs J B Gates. Sleigh Singletree--T C Plotts Box of Gum (special)--Dad Rowland $3.00 Cash (special)--Frank Porter. Now then if anybody says we haven't a bunch of good sports in this hamlet, then we'll take 'em up to ths hospital and prune ther tonsils. The following have consented to act as officials for the Derby Starters--Cyril Durance, A. Clemp- son, M F Cook and Frank Porter. Stewards of Course--H. Wilde, in charge, and Messrs Jas Klose, H. Willard, Chas Wright, C O Self, assist- ed by the Junior and White Mule Hockey Teams. Judges--A E Berrey, A Burton, J W Collison, M D Hambly, Jas Me- Fadyen,. Mayor Pitt will distribute the prizes immediately after the race, so that everybody will be able to get home in time to sharpen the axe and finish the siblets of Turkey, Goose, Chicken or Rabbit as desired. So with many, many thanks, to all who have so cheerfully helped to make this little celebration a success, we say with all sincerity THE DRYDEN PHARMACY extend to the Community Their Sincere Appreciation and thanks for generous patronage and support received during the past year. ar 0 SRY ; SS SE A Wish ; In wishing you the old, old wish we hope that your Christmas will be a "Bright and Happy One," New your and that Year will be crowned with Prosperity and "Gloria in Lxcelsi Peace. s Deo; of in Terra Fax Homintbus Bonae Wolmtatis." Town of Dryden By-Law, No. 180. ----0--0--0-- A By-law to provide for the establish- ment of a Public Library in the Town of Dryden. WHEREAS the Council of the said Town of Dryden consider it expedi- ent to establish a Public Library under the Public Libraries Act. Be it therefore enacted by the said: Municipal Council that,-- 1 In case of the assent of the elec- tors is given to this By-law a Public Library be established in this Muni- cipality in accordance with the provi- sions of the Public Libraries Act. 2 The votes of the electors shall be | taken on this By-law, 5th day of January, 1925, commenc- ! Monday the ing at 9 o'clock in the forenoen and continuing until 5 o'clock in the after- noon, at the Town Hall, Dryden, J. E. Gibson, Deputy Returning Officer. 3 On the 3rd day of January next, at the Town Hall in the Town of Dry- : den at 12 o'clock in the forenoon, the : Mayor shall appoint in writing, signed by him, two persons to attend at the HAPPY NEW YEAR : final summing up of the votes by the TO EVERYBODY i Clerk, and ons person to attend to each KENORA, Dec., 22 polling place on behalf of the persons Dear Sir--Please enter me in the desirous of promoting, and a like single Dog Race, to be held at Dryden. 'number on behalf of the persons deir- The name of my Dog is "Harry 0Us of opposing the passing of this Wickens Ritchardson" owned by Frank By-law. Noseworthy, Kenora. 14 The Clerk shall attend at the This dog was bred in Ireland, and Town Hall, at the hour of 12 o'clock has a bad temper, so we all expect tol: the forenoon, on the 6th day of see him bring home his share of the January 1925, to sum up the number Mayors Pants.--Yours truly, of votes given respectively for or FRANK NOSEWORTHY. against the By-law. Read a first and second time, Decem- ber 15th 1924 ----00000-- A --00000-- Masquerade MAYOR BALL will he held In tHe CLERI --DAITER BLOCK-- Finally Passed this day December 31st, 1924. of 1925: Come along and Dance the old sss year out and the New Year in. LUNCH WILL BE SERVED. Twenty-five dollar in Prizes will be given. for best home-made and hired costumes. DO NOT MISS IT! You are sure to have a NOTICE BY CLERK. The above is a true copy of a proposed by-law which will be taken into con- sideration by the Council of the Town of Dryden after one month from the 19th day of December 1924, being the date of the first publication thereof, and the polls for taking the votes of GOOD TIME. Admission 75¢. each the electors will be held at the hour, dey and places named in the By-law. Hl } DRYDEN TO PARENTS OR GUARDIANS OF CONTINUATION SCHOOL PUPILS. WE, the teachers of the Continuation School, wish to draw the attention of Parents or Guardians to the fact that every Continuation School pupil has a them for the last four months. We would also like the Parents or Guardians to know that a large num- ber of the pupils attending are not doing sufficient home work. Some in- dividual effort is necessary for success in the finals next year. Some pupils are doing remarkably good work, and we hope that they will continue, and that the others whose work is not up to the mark will be en- couraged at home to a little more effort. IRENE C. CRONE. GRANT BARNES. ; ---- ! -- HOCKEY PICTORIAL. Second Edition The second edition of the Hockey Pictorial is on the market, more com plete and up-to-date than the oviginal edition, which was received with such acclaim by followe.s of the great wim- ter sport. Most favorable comments have been passed non the publication by sport writers the continent over, and the general copmion as expressed by players anil serites is that no more comprehensive or handsome book in the sporting line was ever printed. A feature that should possess a marked appeal not only to puck-chasers of tlie present, but to old-timers, are the many group pictures of champion teams, dating back to the early his- tory of hockey. The new edition not only contains the history of hockey in Canada, but covers the history of the game in the United States also. with 300 handsome engravings of Canadian and American teams, and is right up to the minute in every respect. Any further information pertaining to the book can be obtained by writing to the Hockey Pictorial, 84 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario. Gough's Confectionery ----ONTARIO The Lkausanne Cafeteria ® ® kk Kk We wish to announce to People of Dryden that we have opened a Restaurant in the old Burgess stand. We will carry a complete fine of Candies, Cigars, Fruits, Ice Cream, and Confectionery of all kinds. Our Specialty-- MERCHANTS NOON LUNCH HOME MADE BREAD ~ Fresh every day. Puff Pastries, Doughnuts, and all other Cookery. We cater for parties large or small, Lodges, etc. All at Reasonable Prices Lunches Served at All Hours. Bat © han © ete d Drop in when you are down town, after Rink or Theatre or any time, i | Church Services. : SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28th. roman {DRYDEN BAPTIST CHURCH 'Regular Services Morning & Evening. ; 11.00 a.m and 7.00 p.m ol The School and Bible Class Wish Alf A HAPPY NEW YEAR. : NOTE--On Wednesday evening, Dec. 81st, an old-fashioned Watch Night Service will be held beginning at 11 o'clock. Will you not join with us in praise to God for His Bountiful Gooed- ness to the children of men? Join us in ringing out the Old Year, and heralding the New. We Welcome You A. J. FIELDUS, Pastor. The UNION CH URCH. Morning Service 11 a.m.--Reception Service followed by Communion. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. ; Evening Service 7.00 p.m--Our Vows As it is the last Sunday of the Old Year, put in practice your New Year's resolutions, by being out to both ser- vices this Sunday. We will expect you. 'Wednesday 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Prayer and the reign of law. Come and join with us in service \ H. A. RIVERS, Minister B® THE OLD BURGESS STAND. Report of his or her work to submit to

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