Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 2 Jan 1925, page 2

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pm a pay 4 4 Gently Assists | --INSURED FOR--- Sentry Horeond There Run ron : 70 THE DOVIOR Six Million Hr i S Dear Sir,--Will you allow gne," Shipments of grain from he B through your columns, to pass a few gpande Prairie and Peace River AND STILL WANTS MORE. remarks re the coming Town Council? districts over the Edmonton, Dun- : I am not doing this solely on my own Vegan and British Columbia Rail- Mr Rodman Wanamaker of RK a bit we ave hoping to benefit the whole bil er i dn avy to Philadelpha, considered by own if possible. { and 1,700,600 bushels of other some to be a successful busi- In his speech at the Nomination | grains. . § meeting, the Mayor gave a good ne- 4 ness man, has instructed his The longest solid train of red 5 3 "Cet the Limit." : count as to how the Town of Dryden® ,oqay ne grain shingles ever a to Get the Lol TO: ALL OUR stood financially, and reminded the hauled across the continent left The maximum he can insure " . ratepayers that it was up to them to A Joslyn iy for is $7,200,000.00. CUSTOMERS i od itn 1 cago and the Easte s. - Las Te alr vets ou Seton. bo get the G01 other long trains of this prod- What is vour limit? and best men in it them, as the' pet will be shipped in' the near fu- aris your Jumigs : a Jouncil wishe far as possible | jue by she Wining Mons Lum- § We can carry out your wishes FRIENDS * : hot + her Company, by whom the consign- : : : ; as to sult ther t get much of + Slo Gas forwarded. in this regard! WE EXTEND OUR enlightenment from some of but we all re year it has bee We believe the year's work g Councillors, 'A despatch Ferenily Jot fom : * : Bo BEST WISHES : re sf London states that Professor Lar- 2 A 2 Le iyle, of the E. P. ranch, is sailing : The Mutual Life Tor A : one iely bat, for Canada shortly, taking back Assurance Co of Canada with him a number of brood mares but as som of th do not wish | and other stock for the ranch. The > District Agent. H, ap [234 N ew Yea r 7 = a to be returned t tis up to us Prince of Wales continues to evince FRANK M. OFFER . : : to see that we pu who are will- we dep 5 ier CT a & fia Shi o feo ngs o e ra I . cr, 00h 30 0 as A. § Te £2 | Pe g = Y 2 Gay ing to give their energies for close touch with things there. EV FY CEE EA 2 the benefit of th make this burg- Province. a8 There were sO the meeting as tot clean and beautiful passing visitors. as it goes, but sur of Dryden, have | ! pride in our Tow ach individ- Piione ual householder eep their own The value of boots and shoes ex- <p Is.. © 1 ported by Canada during the year No. 48rd, etc, d 5 the Gounel} ended March, 1924, more than dou- would keep the § order. As ol yled the value of Canadian boots the sidewalks ( is of them) | and shoes bought by other countries they are dange ces to the | during the preceding year. Last elderly and lame j god ty and Approximately the same acreage . [¥} best in the as produced thd West's bumper ¢ crop last year will be under culti~ ts made at vation {hs Be outlook i nt! now is that over 14,000, acres of poy top! land will be ready for seed under generally favorable conditions. The estimated acreage to be seeded this | year, by provinces, is as follows: - i Manitoba, 4,450,400; Saskatchewan, '8,354,190; Alberta, 8,472,315. 4 DRYDEN ----- wt ----ONTARIO - e E. A. KLOSE © [<) = SY c N Ew) i=] wn M. J. CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO ear the exporfations were valued at $304,918, and for the preceding ; 3 Dry Goods Groceries something was d em, or per-| year at $130,084. The United : : 5 I'T IS Sn haps there will be ident, then | States was the chief buyer, taking STOVE SIZE Boots and Shoes i MY SINCERE WISH fs Coumellwitl De 0 on to make 2,227 pairs, with Japan second, tak- ; i Hardware and Farm Produce ; TO CONVEY MY APPRECIATION good. = ing 1,628 pairs. PER TON Frost & Wood and FOR THE PAS r SUPPORT I would suggest neil that Concluding her round-the-world Cockshutt Implemexts YOU HAVE GIVEN ME r | eruise, the palatial Canadian Pa- they ask all property supply | eruise, DP; SINCE:T HAVE Hable b for to og) Clie steamship "Empress of Can- BEEN IN suliable hoes ty 02 C., 88° Jaa docks at Vancouver on May BUSINESS, that would then help : places . 24th. Reports indicate that this clean, and would Jnake for the four-months' pleasure voyage under the genial care of Captain _Robin- son, hero of the Japanese disaster, t, be pas been a splendid success, the INSURANCE passengers being loud in their dec- uo BEER rp erotfom | mmo During the fiscal year ending t March Sis, 1024, Capel Spies Agent for-- AN : N & HA » goods to the value o .335,491, HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE Co. DERSON LE EB 1 BRIS 34 neon ot $91,000,000 com- | _ IRSURANCE Co 1 58) IAIN p pared with the previous similar ; = ; fwelve months, while she exported DRYDEN L £ HNe 0 $1,045,141,056, "an increase of about LO.OF. bo or obs Be FUNERAL i IRECTORS a $110600,000. 8 The totes oe in- | hn . . meets » ; Town ' ereased in that twelve-month pe- Hall every Monday evening at eight fay or Night C v fod by about $210,000,000, com- {gcloek, Visiting Members cordially y g Calls Promptly and : scavenger to clear it a I trust you WE ont] i . to that effect would, if ¢ will continue the same : 5 3 a good thing for all con THROUGH THE COMING YEAR. There is another thing | like to suggest (it is not r gestion, but I am in favou RK : the ratepayers form an ass ANP discuss the problems that co the Town at times, and let tl Council know what we think He halso to try and send A VERY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. best suited to represent us on PLEASE ACCEPT MY BEST WISHES FOR TREES been registered by the Council of The itinerary of the personally & Ambassadors. The council instructed conducted tour of the Canssion '(Gglden Star Lodge its secretary to draft a note notifying Tagen Dh eld No. 48 the German government that the Co- their annual fonve : 4 : t Victoria, B.C., August 12th to oo 3 logne Bridgehead will not be evacuated 16th, has just been announced. AF. &AM, GRC. £ AX Carbon Removed 4 on January 10th, 1925. Starting from Toronto, a special allt ods EE wenchers will proceed ]Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, from Cvlinder Te ited Abe Ssedors wore wan west by Canadian Pacific Railway, the Second Tuesday of each month 3 i S mous in recognising that Germany isi nalts being made at Western Can- ¢ 1 Council in the future. The idea i pared with the corresponding pe- |. iq Attended to, . C. J. WRIGHT. i a the Come. to help xiod 2 year ago. : CON. ANDERSON, N.C. P HONE-- - pong Ho good work, end ity is worn ft 1s expected that negotiations ALEX. DUNCAN, Secy. "Jay, 62 R 2; Night, 62 R 4 in harmony together. | between the British Government ns Ean RI - Thanking you in anticipation, and: the Province of Britis olumbia Sli ~ i Lest r 2 ; 1 wil lead to the settlement of several . L.O.L, PRY DEN LODGE No. 1694 : trusting I have not taken up too mucn 2 BOY : : . : shiploads of immigrants from the ; meets the first Wednesday ROBT SWE, ENEY b space.--Y Li py on Hebrides in th province this sum- 3. each month, at eight p.m. in the . ior en. ¢ a e: es § y: ; ¢ 111. iy : a A oe i oh%%s | Town Hall Visiting Brethren cor-, General Blacksmith i each family and shelters will be dially invited. 1 - 2 | Dae for provided them tes is i J. E. HARRIS, W.M. Agents For- \ Sy : ; : \ | alleged violations of the treaty of Ver- where they can ¢ gproLiianty | BADEN SMITH, Secy | - by i H. d M. L : 9 sailles in respect to armaments, have! in their accustomed pursuit, fishing. ; yo Massey Harris A ~ | Implements MeClary Heaters and Stoves SC . | ® ] re-arming and the progressive with-i ada's chief points of beauty and a= Visitirs Cavdighy fuvited. ] : by r - z : Fl o cirl F : 0, : : drawal from the Rhineland must await} terest. It 3 Sports that about H. HUMPHREYS, W.M. Acetviene Burning : C ; IX Ur £S : upp 1€S Further investigation. 150. will make he ep. sm Ape DUNG a, Sty. : ! | ; ; ; oe : oe 5 2 et om wm moras Lo Seni rn soe 3 25, 40 and 60-watt Lamps, | i LB I HAVE OPENED MY So 29c. each : : | : r 1 1S % AND GENERAL STORE Ete ; at EAGLE RIVER, Ontario = KEROSENE TRACTORS © RIFLES and AMMUNITION Hi AND WILL BE PLEASED TO MEET MY OLD CUSTOMERS, i : ? AS WELL AS BE ; { { NR DEM Ry i FERNY ; E En Gn, i 7 ! SKATES, SKIS, SNOW-SHOES ll E NEW ONES, GIVING THE BEST SERVICE TO SAVE YOUR HOR SES «~~ Ny . Ean ady SAY : . : = 7 ALKING over plowed ground all day tires your team as z Buby Sluis and Children's, Sleight L ORDERS Receive Prompt Attention. Af well as the driver. How about pulling a load besides? LL . ertuiy In these days of scarcity of horse and man power the : ; : heavy farm work such as discing can be done most speedily » 7 2s and economically with a Case Kerosene Tractor. The 10-18 or smallest Case Tractor can pull an 8 ff. double action disc harrow set to full depth. Busy farmers can work the "iren korse" day and night if necessary. Don't forget that Case tractors operate over dusty fields without dust entering cyl- inders. The Air washer fully protects the Motor. The gil cut ps steel spur gears ave fully enclosed and run in oil, The weight™ 3 of the Case 10-18 is culy about 3,400 Ibs, this, with the liberal sized tires prevents soil packing. Other important features explained in full descriptive literature sent out for the asking, Let us tell you more about the 10-18 or larger Case Traciors. F. T. BRIGNALL ; OXDRIFT s ONTARIO 111 "THE PRACTICAL BUTCHER" | Chevrolet AY} Eirst Prize! exe A traveller put up one night in a _ cheap little hotel where the thin bed- H room partitions stopped half-way to the ceiling. In the stilly watches of the night he lay awake and listened to the finest demonstration of plain and fancy snoring it had ever been his fate to hear. It was full of sudden and aw- ful variations; . sometimes strangula- tion seemed imminent, then in the middle of a fantasia the agony stopped suddenly, and there was silence. SEE Offering a Delightful Trip for Winter Travel. Through 500 Miles of MAGNIFICENT MOUNTAIN SCENERY. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN SERVICE EACH WAY From a nearby stall came a voice The Scenic Way oe : i | cxclaiming wearily, "Thank God, he's I I EE, I cl @ dead." ; i

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