0 A JE G13S0N LOST.--FOX TERRIER DOG, last seen Thursday morning. Finder will be rewarded on returning same to S. DAITER'S CLOTHING STORE. bservei An Augtioi Bale will be held #t Gardinei's Store, Kagle River, of t Goods and Chattels of Andrew Ha... mer, on Tuesday, February 8rd, at 2.30 p.m. : Volume VL Dryden, Ont, January 23rd 1925 : Number 32 PAE RAR ITIAS | E- RADON, First Class Jeweller and Watch Maker EXPERT REPAIRS. Send your Clocks and Watches by Mail Order. QUICK SERVICE GUARANTEED. - Office in the Robmsuu House, ana conse = eee (ree Orme Gore Qe Real Estate Management and Sale The management of your real estate either large or small, is one of th- many capacities in which I can be of real service to you. I take over all details of collecting rents, paying taxes and insurance, securing tenants, keep: ing properties in repair, collectins under agreements of sale or mortgage: ete. Fees are moderate. I invite consultations. --LISTINGS WANTED-- A. J Lock The Four Hundred " FACTORY-ENDS-- SEMI - READY CUSTOM - TAILORED S-U.I-T-S SKILFUL MEN TAILORS put their EXPERT IMPRESS ON, THESE IMPORTED WINTER SUITINGS WE MAKE-TO-MEASURE At these prices: -- $19.50-- $21.50 23.50-- -- 27.50 31.50 37.90 31.50-- -- 37.50 SUITS WORTII FROM $30.00 TO $55.00, IN FQ RTY DIFFERENT PATTERNS - The Pactory-Ends of the BEST SELLERS, of the SEASON. T. PROUDFOOT "THE DRYDEN TAILOR" © was Reduce Your Feed Costs Sounds like a tip from the Agri- cultural College, but it's no! It actually happens when you Horses are comfortably clothed with a good Blanket. Most people admit that "wha keeps out the cold, will keep n the heat," hence we believe our Blankets are just the thing for your horses. Whether loacling wood, gravel, or toasting you toes by a good fire. Think of your faithful servant, they can't say much, but respond readily tc care and kindness. * A good Blanket will conserve body heat, and incidentally reduc feed costs. H. WILLARDE BOOTS & SHO": REPAIRER and HARNT:SS STORE Just what Pa i Jwanted™ LD dae | It's no puzzle #0 laow that INSURANCE {THE HOME INGURANCE COMPANY : INSURES soundly against financial loss REPRES prep BY 4 1.0.0.F. Installation A new conception of the worth and dignity of the Order to which they belong was given to members of the Easter Lily (Rebekah) and Dryden Lodge 1.O.O.F. at their joint meefing: Monday night, when Sister Mrs A. G. Holmes, D.D.P., and Bro. Harry Mair. D.D.G.M,, from Keewatin, officially at- tended to install the officers for their! respective Lodges, These were ac- companied and assisted by Mrs W. Rushton, Mrs Geo. Armstrong, Mrs A. G. Schooley, Bro. A. G. Holmes, all of 1 Keewatin, and Mrs McMeekin, Kenora. To permit of a joint installation at which members of both lodges could be present, a special ceremonial was employed which did not in the least detract from the impressiveness of the occasion although much of the ritualis- tic work was omitted. Following the installation of officers, a warm fraternal and social period enjoyed. Refreshments were served by the Rebekahs, whose 'ad- mirable forethought provided even cigars and chocolates to top off the dainty lunch. The enjoyment was considerably en- hanced when Sister Mrs M'Mcekin, ir accord with general desire, went to the piano, her wonderful technique bein especially pleasing to those who had { 10t previously heard her play. After a few short but inspiring ad- lresces from various officers, an im- nromptu dance was set going for which "he music was furnished by Mr and rs Adair. All agreed that the even- 'ng had been a delightful one, and the 'oint gathering a notable success. School Board Meeting-- The first regular meeting of Dryden School Board was held Wednesday evening in the Public School. The 'ndications are favourable for a harmonious year and a highly efficien Beard. H. Adair was again electad Chairman by a unanimous vote. BOwiling Notes - The Papermakers defeated the CPR :n the bowling alley last Monday, 4¢ ving up, and still more effectively a' he return match Wednesday, by 103. The Papermakers and Hlectrician; vill compete for the mill championshij 1ge the winners. It is rumoured that the School Boar ssued a challenge to the Tow: Tlouncil for a match next Wednesday his should prove a scream. ch Note.--Although Monday afterncon: are being specially reserved for ladies 1t the bowling alley, they are at libert: o play any day the alley is open. FLAPPERS AND SHRIEKS. Thursday evening one of the mos! omical and hard-fought hockey games vas pulled off on local ice between thc Mappers and Sheiks. The score was 3--2. Although the Sheiks lost, fron 1 spectator's point of view they put up i remarkable exhibition of nose diving, piral shooting, volplaning and sidc anking ever seen on an outdoor rink Infortunately for them, the Sheik: vere put a disadvantage before the same on finding that their trunk o niforms had not arrived from the las' jestination. The Ilappers, willing tc «ely, soon had the visiting team decked yut in the latest fashion. "ABROWNIE GIFT BOX #2 With your boy or girl is all set for snapshots--It's the whole pje- ture-making 'shooting match' in one box, ContevTs--No. 2 Brownie Camera (East- man-made) for 2% x 8% inch pictures; 2 rolls Kodak Film; Kodak Portrait Attach ment for pictures close-up; Instruction Man- ual; 50 leaf Kodak Album; Kodak Photo Paste: booklet, "At Home with the Kodak"; "Kodakery' for a year. All for $5.00 GOUGH'S : CONFECTIONERY DRYDEN-- --ONT. The Social Whirl | Waldhof, Jan. 20--Mr Carl Hutter has returned from a trip to the east, and as far south as Detroit. He reports travelling is a grand sport, but very expensive--especially in the home of the automobile. Labour conditions are the same as here: that is to say, no chance to get a job, and everybody is hanging en. After all there's no place like home, Winter conditions ave very favorable for bushwork, and many teams are hauling wood mow. It was expected that there would be some graveiling in our locality to help out a very embar- rassing situation, but up till now no- | r Ry 2 22 i ye, thing of the kind has happened. Your correspondent has heard that the Barnum people intend to visit our locality within a few weeks. mation and, Indian fashion, have kept our ear to the ground. The only details we could discover tell that there will be grand, good music, comic duets and solos, singing and moving pictures, &ec. &e. We hope to be able to give a better report in the near future. { Many of our farmers are looking' around for seed potatoes. Last year's crop was a failure and it will be neces- | sary to import seed from other points. One good thing, potatoes in general' wre plentiful in other places. So we nay ke able to import some at reason- + prices. This is another instance vhere a farmers' organization could do 700d and useful work. a Dinorwic--St. George's Church Social was held in the Schoolroom on Friday evening, January 16th. About forty persons being present, and a very pleasant time spent. Recitations were given by Rev. R. A. Smith, Miss E. G. Wright, Verna Lyons, and May Murray. Choruses by the Sunday School children and a drill by seven little girls in the day school. Songs were sung by Messrs Brown, Lyon and Hall, and a dialogue "Gone With a Handsomer Man than You" by Mr anc Mrs Lyon, was much applauded. Dur 'ng the evening prizes were given fo "he Sunday Scholars, who had mad he most regular attendances during he year. © The special first priz "oing to Robert Huckell. who has nc nisced once since the school comment »d, eighteen months ago. Bibles an: Prayer Books were given as first and ates and Motto Cards were given fo thoze who had not gained the sufficien' aumber of marks, to entitle them tc 2 better prize. Games were also in Tulged in till 10.30, when refreshment: vere served, and a voluntary collectior aten towards the Sunday Schoo! prizes, which realized more than ten dollars, The sale of the surplus cakes bringing in another nine dollars. The new Church Organ arrived on Saturday, but being affected by the frost, ete. it was not in a condition to be used at the service on Sunday morning. Many thanks are due to the kind donors for their generous gift of this fine organ to our church. sr 3m Bre $n an Fi Dea Minnitaki--A party of friends met ut the home of Frank Shapland on Tues- day evening, to celebrate Frank's birth day. The evening was spent in cards and music. It must have been very enjoyable, as the party did not break ip until nearly 3.00 am. Frank him- self agreed it was a pleasant surprise. -- 0 Oxdrift.--Miss Wandie Weeks was up from Dryden over the week-end. Mr Crosier spent the early part. of the week in Kenora. Much sympathy is felt for Mr Jno. Adams, sr., who has recently returned 'yom his brothers funeral. Mrs B. Parker and baby accompani- ad her father home on Sunday. Wesley Brignall is spending a month at the Guelph Agricultural Farm. Hav- ing won first on the feeding of Hogs competition. . : A number of farmers are preparing to go to the Grand Trunk Railway for the winter. ¥ Miss Emma Latimer was the guest of Miss Lena Adams Sunday. Mr F. T. Brignall returned home, Monday, from a business trip to Osagquan. A Dance has been arranged by Miss Lena Adams and Miss Emma Latimer, to be held in the Community Hall, on Friday, January 30th. \ We have tried to get some more definite infor- nd prizes, while boxes of Choco- THE DRYDEN PHARMACY Ansco Cameras and Supplies ---0--0--0--0O---0--0-- Made Gibson's Famous English Candies From . Pure Cane Sugar . Never Ge CREAM TOFFEE, OLD-FA t Sticky. SHIONED MINT HUMBUGS & MIXED DROPS, at 50c. a pound. EET I SR An authority has said emphatically that a real Camera could not be made to retail under $2.00. We have the "ANSCO" at $1.50 and we invite your opinion on 'the excellence of the Material and Workmanship. And they said: QUALITY. DRYDEN ---- "It couldn't be done." COURTESY. Le SERVICE. ------0ONTARIO Lots of Farm Help-- In a commendable effort to provide farmers with suitable help, and to place immigrants in jobs, the Immigra- tion Bureau of the Department of Agriculture invites farmers to furnish particulars of what help they require and the wages offered. The Burcau will then supply the demand according '0 instructions, which should aveid many of the criticisms that have been nade of immigration in former years. Suitable forms can be had from our Agricultural Representative, M. FT. '00%, and if you reed a man, or a arried couple. to help on your place,' et in touch with Mr Cook. 7 own of Dryden FENDERS will be reecived by the own of Dryden for the supply of (35) hivty-five cords of Dry Tamarac or Birchwood, in four-foot lengths, piled at Town Hall Tenders to be addressed to the under signed, marked "Tenders for Wood." Tenders to be in by February the Second, 1925. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. E. GIBSON, Town Clerk. AUDITORS WANTED. Anpplicat'ons will be received by the ndersigned until February 2nd, 1925, for two Auditors for the Town of Dryden. for the year 1925, at a joint salary of $110.00 , J. E. GIBSON, Tgwn Clerk. Dated at Dryden this 14th day of January, 1925. * s : Manicipal:ty of Vax Horne Assessor Wanted. Applications will be received by the andersigred until January 81st, 1925, for the positon of Assessor for the Salary $100.00. ear. ; GEO. WICE, Clerk, NOTICE! Tenders for Wood, TENDERS will be received until Janu- ary 25th 1925, by the undérsigned, for five cords of sound, Tamarac Wood (128 cubic ft. cords) Wood to be cut 'nto two foot lengths. To be delivered at Schoolhouse, Wainwright, as soon as tender-is let. arily accepted. . JAS. SHERWOOD, Sec-Treas. stitute, meeting at the home of Mrs F. T. Brignall's on January fifteenth. Miss Hamilton and Mrs R. Skene were the guests of Mrs H. Sunday. Mr E. Dickson, of Dryden, spent the Miss ¥. Jackson was the guest of Miss A. Crosier over the week-end. Owing to the severe weather, only | » Agent, Dryden : members ventured out to the In- 7 week-end at Oxdrift. Gravel camps are closing down for the winter. EY "uni¢ipality of Van Horne and Glen- | goland School Section for the current | Township of Van Horne. * - & Library Board Appointed Following the approval by the rate- payers of th e By-law adopting the Public Libraries Act for the Town of Dryden, no time has been lost in ap- pointing a Library Board to proceed with the establishing of a Public Libraxy. » Of the seven constituting the Board, the Mayor is a member ex officio, 7 Attends Brother's Funeral Mr Jno. Adams, Oxdrift, has just returned from Lee Valley, where he had been to attend the funeral of his brother Thomas. The Sudbury Star says:"The body of the late Thos Adams was brought to Lee Valley for interment, the 1.0.O.F of Espanola, of which Mr Adams was a charter member, having charge of the burial. The body was surrounded. by the flowers so mueh loved and cared for by his mother. He was one of the five foremen retained by the Spanish Lumber Ce., in charge of a camp near Massey, when he was taken suddenly iit and rushed for medical aid, but died en the way, pleurisy being the eause of death. My Adams was a robust man in the prime of life, the supporter of his aged mother to whom he was an affectionats son, and his passing comes to her as a great blow. The sympathy of the community is extended to the hereaved ones." : Wants Canadian Blueherries-- : Dear Sir:--There has been referred to this office an inquiry from My F. I. Sharles, 52 Queen Victoria St., London E.C. 4, England, regarding the ship- ment to England of large quantities of Canadian Blueberries. Particulars asked for include price, quantities available, season and form in whic shiprfient could be made. ; We have been informed that larg» quantities of blueberries are shipped from around Dryden, and it is possible | there are persons in your vicinity who would be interested in this inquiry and = { would like te get into touch with Mr ° : Sharles. - Yours very truly ¥. C. C. LYNCH w Ea ow : Here is an immense market for you: blueberries. Write to F. C. C. Lynch Natural Resources Intelligence Scrvies, Ottawa, and you can sell all the Llue- berries gathered in. the disirviet at = good price. three are appointed by the Council and * threa by the School Board for one, two and three year terms respectively. The School Board appeinted three ladies, Mrs D. Hutchison, Mrs Cook. and Mrs Wigle. Those appointed by Council areMessrs J. E. Gibson, J. W. Collison, T. J. Latimer. Mr Latiner however, is ineligible, owing to his being a member of the Council. Some books from the old library, at sresent in the office of the Agricultural Representative, have earned about $25, in dues in the last two years, to which the Literary Society adds a econtribu- tion of $25 more to begin with. The government grants the loan of 300 new _ books for three years then renewed, as 1 arable money grants ae terms of the Aet. So under ti ing will be available io the public. Library will probably cecupy the recom on the north side of the Bank Building, with a caretaker to issue the books i convenient hours, it should not be long before good read- | general While nothing is decided unt?! i the Board holds its first meeting, the. Editor, Dryden Observer j Sir--In your issue of the 11th, there appeared a small note as to the sales and about spending money in tows thereby supporting home trade. would like to say a few words abot that note, I may be a little late, bu 1 was also late in reading the same. Well sir, I agree with that proposition, $0 far as that where possible, wa should support our own town, but I fail' to see why we cannot send our morey wherever we like, if we can get goods (the same quality as in town) chedper. I think all fair-minded people will' agree to that. But what I do not think is at all fair {o our trades people, is that those who have heen carried along through hard times, to send theit ready money out of town, until they have a clear standing. It is ef} to us to save the dollar, tracesmen, as well as the public. I am only a bush- whatker, and it sure keeps me busy with all the sales, to rub along. Yours truly LIVE AND LET LIVE. ES SEE ag Gg <a For The lowest or any tender not necess- \ McGonegal | NEILSON'S Oo Headquarters For- KODAKS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. DELICIOUS APPLES, wer Mio i viiival oo I HEAD IRTTUCE wen or, bl 05 1% SPANISH ONIONS: Ww for. vin 25 CELERY, por Bh. od, Sd a5 CAUNIFLOWER each 0. oh. a 15 & a0 CRAPES ner Wh 0 BR ak, a 40 TADLY APPIFES 3 We Tov v.00 0 oo 25 GRAPE PRINS ye on 25 BANANAS, 2 ths for ..... Lian. fe oie ea 35 LEMONS, per dozen oi,.0 i 00 a zo CABBAGE. perath 00.0 Chir ng 0% CARROTS, 3idbs dor oi... 0 cv. ina 25 PARSNIPS, 3 fhe for, mci oi a. 25 CRESCENT ICE CREAM BRICKS, assorted, each .40 BRICK-ETTS, each .......... EEE Se 10 ESKIMO PIES, 5 for ......... See ah a ne .25 + NEILSON'S ROSEBUDS, per B.....00.. .../.. 50 : HOME-MADE PEANUT BRITTLE, per th..... .40 CHOCOLATES 3 0. Or O 5 ' ough"s TRI SERAREIETERY 0 O Confectionery