A thy DRYDEN OBS Town of Dry den | TENDERS will be received by the Town of Dryden for the supply of (35, thirty-five cords of Dry Tamarac oi Birchwood, in four-foot lengths, piled at Town Hall. = Tenders to be addressed to the under "signed, marked "Tenders for Wood." Tenders to be in by February the Second, 1925. The lowest or any tendc. not necessarily accepted. J. E. GIBSON, Town Clerk. AUDITORS WANTED. Applications will be received by the undersigned until February 2nd, 1925, for two Auditors for the Town o: Dryden. for the year 1925, at a Join salary of $110.00 . J. E. GIBSON, Town Clerk. Dated at Dryden this 14th day of January, 1925. Muaicipality of Van Hora Assessor Wanted. Applications will be received by th undersigned until January 31st, 1920 for the position of Assessor for th Municipality of Van Horne and Glen- goland School Section for the curren year. Salary $100.00. . GEO. WICE, Clerk. ~ Township of Van Horne. we 5 sareciliy ask vou to see the splendid Bed Outfit worth $41, which we are Selling for $30.00 during the month of Feb. Municipality of Machin. APPLICATIONS for the position of Assessor for the Municipality of Machin and outlying porions of School Sections, for the year 1925, at a salary of $150.00, will be re- eived by the undersigned, up to a ry 6th 1925. : GEORGE RUETE, Clerk. NOTICE! i Tenders for Wood. , TENDERS will be received until Janu- ; ary 25th 1925, by the undersigned, for Certified Clover in Kenora District. Seed Produced & Co-operative Seed Growers' Associa- tion of Oxdrift Signally Honored. Says the Times-Journal, Ts the district of Kenors Co-operative Seed Growers, did. ion of Oxdrift belongs the honor of 1aving produced the first ceritfied seed "lover that the world has ever known. A sample of this red clover seed is in the possession of A. C. Heise, ex- vert for the. Dominion Government | eed branch in Fort William. It is' a right, clear color and has not a speck Jf weed or other seed mixed with it, and deserves well the government -ertificate which has been awarded to i. : ny 34 Certified seeds of other kinds have cen recognized by the government, acluding seed potatoes, of which cer- 'fied erops have been raised in this vicinity, but réd clever has never, un- 'il this year, been thus classified. Jighteen Fields Inspecied-- It is not any child's play growing lover seed that will measure up to he requirements as may be judged from the fact that there were 18 fields inspected while growing, and only four of those were passed as being clean enough to warrant further inspection. From these fields. about 50 bushels of certified seed was obtained, which will bring a price possibly seven or eight dellars per bushel higher than - the average price of good red clover seed, which is worth today on the market about $17 or $18 per bushel. Thus a farmer who can ra'se four or five bushels per acre of certified red clover seed on his fields can count on a hand- some return for his work. Specialty of Clover.-- The farmers in the vieinity-of Dry- High grade Walnut finish 'Bed, large post and very strong. 'five cords ofvsound, Tamarac Wood , (128 cubic ft. cords) Wood fo be cut; + into two foot lengths. at Schoolhouse, Wainwright, as soon as tender is let. : The lowest or any tender not necess- arily peetnieg: JAS. S SHERWOOD, Sec-Treas. To be delivered n and Oxdrift, in the Kenora trict, makes a specialty of rais ! clov vr, and have organized their own seed growers' association, which has "its warehouse and cleaning machin: ery at Oxdrift, ard they have establish- ed a reputation for growing clean seeds of all kinds, especially clover seed. The go long "clover flower. ' certain varieties of the tame bee which 'bees. red clover is harder to raise and mature than the alsike, chiefly owing to the length of the flower, which is as to baffle the ordinary honey » 'bee, when he seeks to extract the honey from the plant, as it takes a bee with a tongue about half an inch long to reach the honey bags of the red The common bumble hee will reach them, and there are have long enough tongues, but these are not the commonest of thehoney So the question of the fertiliza- tion of the red clover plant and the de- velopment of its seed is ope of having ficient bees capable of getting at the hoz and thus carrying the pollen {from plant to plant. Had Good Crops-- A year ago, for some reason, pos- ibly a scarcity of buhble bees, or other insects capable of fertilizing the flowers. Dryden district had no red clover seed at all, the entire fields be- ing quite barren of seed. This season, however, seems to have been more favorable as all the growers had good crops, as well as the four whose fields graded as certified. The clover grew three feet tall and yielded a very fair crop of seed: After the field is passed as being clean enough to warrant further in- spection, the test is by no means com- pleted, as the seed has to pass rigid tests after threshing before being pro- nounced perfect. It is expected that 50 bushels grown near Dryden all be snapped up, by seedmen, as both Canadian and United States seed- houses are always on the lookout for just such opportunities as this to pur- chase anything extra good in the line of seeds. Iir Heise says that much credit for the progress made in seed growing in the vicinity of Dryden is due to the work and enterprise of J. S. Corner, . who is now secretary of the associa- tion, as well as to M. F. Cook, agri- cultural representative for the Kenora distriet, who has given much time and attention to this work. i Wiki A high grade Mattress, & 90 Coil Spring. This is a concession for February only, bythe Manu- facturers. February is a very quiet month, and they want to keep their work - people busy. CHEAPER Sapon ee ___ AND aison's Underwear fm Soving Samples LAID OUT THROUGH THE STORE ; FOR NEXT WEEK ONLY Factory Prices HORSES "* Really worth looking at 'and buying. WITH. A rd on Sno SAVES BOTH TIME AND MONEY Dryden, Ontario : ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, 1st February. Eagle River __ Good stabling for teams. P. F. KINGABY, Minister. ss a Pia oN oY 11.00 a.m. Minnitaki cn be ces 3.00 p.m. Minnitaki people are especially invited. will be held in the --DAITER BLOCK-- ALFRED PITT, Ltd. Every friday if __GENTS. 5c. LADIES FREE. Mr Chas. Collen, who has the fishing in this district to make a "Snowmobile," as sold by the Ding- wall Garage. The Snowmobile is really a winter Ford, as it operates with long, wide runners on the front and a crawler attachment for the rear end. With this attachment, winter running with the Ford is possible over all roads, no matter how deep the snow, or one can drive across country. anywhere. Mr Collen reports he is highly pleas- ed with his Srwmoblle, which he has put on the one-ton Ford truck that he purchased recently. He adviges the snow is e'ghteen inches deep on the Lake, and he goes right along over the 'op of it. It climbs hills or drifts and runs on the level equally well With the introduction of this new Snowmobile, we will no doubt before 'ong have ag much use for our Fords in the winter as in the summer. contract at Wabigoon Lake, is the first: all-the-year ; driving with a Ford a success by using lhe Lausanne We will carry a complete line of Candies, Cigars, Fruits, Ice Cream, and Confectionery of all kinds. Our Specialty-- MERCHANTS NOON LUNCH HOME MADE BREAD Fresh every day. Puff Pastries, Doughnuts, and ail other Cookery. We cater for parties large or small, Lodges, etc, Served at All Hours. Reasonable. Prices Lunches All at Drop in when you are down town, after Rink or Theatre or any hime. When we are offering Goods which cannot be equalled by any outside catalogues. You don't have to take chances. 'See what. you buy, and have it delivered the same day. We have just received a ship- rent of Springs, Mattresses & Extension Couches, which we are putting out at our big January Sale. Also other ordinary Steel Springs at bargain prices. sizes of Extension Complete Couch & $10.05 - $5.95 I'he Very Best of Felt Mattresses should sell at $10.00 each. Sale Price, sizes 3-ft. 3-ft. 6-in, @ $7.00 Sizes 4-ft, 4-ft. 6-in; @ amar e0 Extra long Couches. Mattress, Sale price | Springs, all sizes, The above mentioned are all new zoods, & worth while inspecting. You can never buy them again at the prices we are offering. Hand Furniture, such as Bed- room Dressers, Washstands, Bed- steads, Springs Gramaphones, Stoves, and other miscellaneous articles too numer- ous to mention. I want this sale to be remembered for the next eleven months of 1925. ing you the lowest prices By doing so, we are offer- possible. -- So nee It Will Pay you to get a g%od supply of Clothing during our January Sale. our prices have always been As you all know that. . the lowest. And now while the Sale is on, we have every- thing reduced in the Store, from twenty to forty per cent. on the dollar. --0--0--0--0--0-- New and Second Hand Store. DRYDEN-- -- -- --ONTARIO THE OLD BURGESS STAND. We also have on hand, Second and Mattresses. i i Vg 1] > ig ¥ Cs