- vv ~ Volume VI Drvden, Out, February 20th 1925 Er RMNADOMN, First Class Jeweller and Watch Maker EXPERT REPAIRS. Send your Clocks and Watches by ' Mail Order. QUICK SERVICE GUARANTEED. | Office in the Robinson Songe;e --0---0~--0--0-- Real Estate Management and Sale The management of your real estate. either large or small, is one of the many capacities in which I can be of res' cervice to you. I take over all de 1 of collecting rents, paying taxes ana insurance, securing tenants, keep- ing properties in repair, collecting under agreements of sale or mortgages ete. Fees are moderate. I invite consultations. wT, T ISTIM LAN IGS A J WANTED-- Lock The Four Hundred FACTORY-ENDS-- SEMI - READY CUSTOM-TAILORED S-U.I1T-S SKILLFUL MEN TAILORS put their EXPERT IMPRESS ON THESE. IMPORTED WINTER SUITINGS WE MAKE-TO-MEASURE At these prices:-- $19.50 -- 1321.50 23.50-- -- 27.50 31.50: -- 37.50 31.50 -- 37.50 SUITS WORTH FROM $30.60 TO $55.00, IN FORTY DIFFERENT PATTERNS The Factory-Ends of the BEST SELLERS of the SEASON. T. PROUDFOOT "THE DRYDEN TAILOR" 588 $ DOLLARS ORS $ DOUGHNUTS $ Always does seem to suggest a hole to crawl through, but we are not in the Doughnut business. There are, however, a few lines we intend to knock a hole through so far as prices go, but don't for a moment think that we are run- ning a sale to get rid of some cheap junk. Fifty pairs of Greb and other high grade Boots at regular prices ranging from $8.00 down, are here «for your selection at $5.00 to $3.50. These are slightly shop-soiled, which will neither affect the wear- ing qualities or their appearance. 5308 H. WILLARD'S BOOTS & SHOE REPAIRER and HARNESS STORE 8 $8333 3 _ questions after every five. 57 YOM gnswer Yes' for yor property? rs et UE UIBSUN, Agent, Dryden Cross = Word Puzzles i Dr Henry, Ignace, visited Dryden last week-end. Miss Edna Reed is the guest of Mrs | Scott and D. W. Scott. | Mrs C. A, Brad, Wabigoon, paid a I to town Monday. ~ | Miss Mary Parker spent the week end at her home in Oxdrift. Miss Martha Moline left Monday to visit in Oxdrift for a few days. Mr and Mrs Amos Reid were among the visitors from Oxdrift Saturday. Mrs F. Eger, Dinorwic, was in town last Saturday. F. Harman, from Huntsville, Ont., is paying a visit to his brother, Walter. 'Hector M. Angus, Kenora, is in town putting our pianos in tune. to Dryden Monday. Jack Pitt spent a couple of days in Kenora this week. : . Mrs T. W. Thomson, Ignace, paid a visit to Dryden and Kenora this week. W. W. French returned to Minnitak: Wednesday. Mrs H. W. Bartlett and daughter,§' Catherine, of Keewatin, are visiting Mr and Mrs Campbell. Mrs Dr Morison left for Winnipeg last Friday, where she will visit for some time. H. C. McWilliams of the Lake of the Woods Milling Co., Keewatin, visited Dryden Wednesday. Chas. Collen snow-mobiled to within a couple of miles of Dryden the other day. W. Martin, game warden, made 2 trip down the line last week and caught one or two careless fur-buyers tripping Mrs J. S. Corner and Mrs A. Brown- ing spent a few hours in Dryden last Wednesday. Wm. Devoe, the wellknown Oxdrifi farmer, won First Prize at Ottawa Winter Fair with Alsike Clover seed. Mrs Philbrook and Miss Lily Phil- brook, Minnitaki, were in towao shop- sing last Friday. Mr and Mrs F. T. Wilson returned to their home in Osaquan Monday, fol- lowing a visit to Mr and Mrs J. S. Wilson of Dryden. Oxdrift, Feb. 12.--Mr John Edward Whitney Foster McClarin Dunlop and his cousin . Herbert K. Roach fron Kitchener, is calling on his forme sister, Mrs A. Johnston, Keewatin. Who says hay ain't going! Mr Jas. Spaulding has teams drawing to Ox: drift these days. Institute win Sotve Loch Mrs M'Williams, Winnipeg, will give an address on "Our March Towards Peace," in the Union Church, Friday 27th February, at eight o'clock in the 2vening. The lecture will be of interest to everybody and ladies and gentieinen both are invited. Following the address, refresamente ¥ill be served by the Women's Inst ate. The admission will be 85c. The Flying Frenchman. Joel Rochon, formerly of Dryden and ow residing at Kimberley, B. C., i= thowing some of his hockey wares to western fans. Kimberley is in I'ne for "he provincial championship and accor- ling to a paper received in town, Joel is turning in one of his old reliable games. Best of luck, Joe. The "Mules" are billed for a game at Sioux Lookout Saturday, and should give a good account of themselves. A return game is guaranteed. On your "oes, you hockey fans! Ice Carnival The fourth annual Ice Carnival will be held next Thursday evening, 26th Tebruary, at eight o'clock. Prizes to he value of $100.00 will be given lo 'he winners of the various events. They are on display this week in the window of the McFadyen Block. Joe Russell, who picked the night for the moccasin dance (boy, it was a good one), has been studying the stars 26th will be good for even a bathing costume. Within the next two weeks, if ar- rangements go through, Dryden should have three out-of-town teams in to show us their stuff. Tum out and give them a hand. They are under a big expense. Down at Miami one day the ery of "Shark, shark," sent all the bathers ashore inn haste--all but one man. When asked why he was so Toolhandy, "fhe said: "See my bathing-suit ? My wife made it. Here in front is the stars and f stripes, and on the back is 'We won the war." No shark would ever swal- low that." for the past week, and predicts that the The Common Need The disastrous fire of last week form the last link in a chain of cir- cumstances that lead to a unanimous conclugion. To the members of the Order whose lodge-room and para- phernalia was badly damaged by the calamitous event, no less than to other citizens equally handicapped for lack of suitable accommodation, the great need of an up-to-date public hall must seem imperative and urgent. No difference of opinion exists as to the requirements of the Town itself for a building which would contain a Council Chamber properly furnished and equipped, and offices where Town: business could be conducted. An' PY <a ctings, concerts and lectures should also be provided; while the demand for accommodation for social evenings 'and dances is a constant problem. These could all be on the first floor. | The I.0.0.F. has long been conscious of the disadvantages of their present ituation, and would gladly support a properly laid out lodge-room with ad- joining antercom. In the case of the AF. & A. M., while their fire-riddled "quarters are capable of repair and can "me when tion." Is not this the psyecological moment, i then, for these inerests to make theiy | needs coincide and act together for the arection of the long-overdue Town Hall | i "or Dryden, ample enough to serve all? We understand that a move in that direction is already begun in authorita- tive quarters, only needing a strong nublic opinion to produce results. Whether the proposition is economical- ly practicable is the question which is 1ow open for discussion. they must seek a new loca- IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister; Edith Mary Sherwood; and Ida K. Shepherd, who were taken from us so suddenly, February 25th, 1924. Still sadly missed by--Jim, Lizzie and Benn'e, Buy Prize Seed Oats, Gold Rain-- From the 1st prize field in the Dry- len Agricultular Field Crop Competi- "ion with ninety-two points out of a possible hundred. Also 1st prize with a bushel, first. with sheaf at Dryden Fair, sixth prize at Ottawa Winter Fair. Government test 98 per cent. at $1.00 per bushel. Also a limited quantity of Early per bushel, Gov. test 96 per cent. T. H. LEWIS, Oxdrift. Brownies make good pictures That's one-half the story. The other half is that they make these good pictures easily. From our complete stock your oungster can select just the irownie he wants. Here also is the film to fit the Brownie--[or we have depend- able film--Kodak film--in a size to fit any camera, Box Brownies--32.05 up Folding Autographic Br RE 30 up GOUGH'S CONFECTIONERY Dryden Ontario FOR SALE--UPWRIGHT WALNUT PIANO, full size, $200.00--Apply P. F. KINAGBEY, Rectory, ---0--0--0--0--0--0-- For Service--PURE BRED MILKING Strain Short Horn BULL. Fees $2.50 T. H. LEWIS, Oxdrift. WANTED--SAW-MILL to CUT from 100 to 150 thousand feet of lumber at Gull River Bridge. Parties interested communicate with--A. P. KELLAR, Dryden, Ont. O FOR SALE -- GOOD MAMMOTH ditaTi 3 2A ables Geo. Tounthury, Oxdeitt, was down diario large enough for public? vet that offered the chance of ai still be of serviee, it is only a matter of ¢ unselfish pro Cluster, a very heavy yielder at $1.25: Sint An Artistic Triumph | to the Edna Reed concert. To Mr Le- Baron with his wonderful violin, Mayor : Pitt in his delightful recitations, and to Mrs Rivers who sustained the diffi- cult role of accompanist, credit is due, since they were by no means unworthy of the high-class entertainment they took worthy part in. RS 5 An overflowing toed enthusiastic audience gathered in good time 2 Union Church on Tuesday, to express {their encouraging approval of the art of our former townswoman and vocal ist, Miss Edna Reed, who appeared in recital in the following programme: The Piper of Love. Break o' Day. When Song is Sweet. Mammy's Song. Fiddle and 1. I Know Where I'mi Goin'. Daddy. Sing Me to Sleep. Villanelle NOTHING was lacking to the success' | THE DRYDEN P sive Novelties, that Individuality. The Warwick Red Gift Down Here. Face to Face. Miss Reid, displays g in her choice of numbers, public eat experience of ce demands, and i oly temperamental ar sh in this respect, Y s with the prime obj del i ahting her audience as she » it, combining to perfection the tremes of personal taste and sport. We have never listened to a move gramme delivered by a ger capable of ¢ vivre for the initia- ted, a number like "Villanelle." Talking of which, we were impressed by Miss Reeds work, and more so by her much coloratura infailibie I pitch-memory, as seen in her unftalier- ing, accurate resumption of contract iano at the end of unaczom- ied passages. ; The humorous songs were very weil received, and offered another example of skilful arrangement, especially An- gel Cake, Daddy's Swee'heart, and that charming little Fleischmann item, Toy Balloon. purely vocal a winsome stage manner, betokening a apart from mere voice--which must be united to form the stock-in-trade of a truly successful artist. To anyone acquainted with Orchestra and its tone tints, it was revealed that Miss extremely rich in harmonice. Tenor voices, and some sopranos, often have -a coldness of tone, with some notable exceptions, including Caruso and Galli: Curei, whose vocal chords, being rich in harmonies, pro- iDy oh duce the warm, plush tones which the the reason. We all have heard the 'flutey' tenor and the 'piping' soprano, and we know by constrast the "golden tone." It is without hesitation that we place Miss Reid in this tone-class, and we regret cur local lack of a hall built to do justice to such a voice. At its best, the church, with limited space and big bare walls, gives a clattery echo to all high notes of any volume, and Miss Reid met this tiring obstacle with unfailing, valiant spirit. This report would be incomplete without some reference to that com- plement of every soloist, the accomp- anist. In this capacity Mrs Rivers was heard to great advantage, giving all due support to the singer's inten- tions without ever letting the recital 'BRONZ TURKEY HENS. each $4.00. y Mrs D. McKELLAR, Dryden. h become a matter of piano with vocal obligate. , this ; velopment Branch of Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture will supply Oats, In addition to consummate art of a | type, Miss Reid possesses liberal training in the many things-- | thel Reid's voice is; world at large adores without defining | MACY © Gifts Reflect Thought When trying to decide on Gifts or Prizes for Whist, Bridge, Mah-Jong, Five Hndred, etc. a visit to the Pharmacy will disclose to you a huge variety of dainty, dignified, inexpen- possess the virtue of Line.------ ---- Exquisite Perfumes. Papetries par excellence. Picardy Chocolates and Candy. Safety Razors. Pipes. Parker Pens, ete. French Ivory. at the Phe the largest and most varied, as well s the most inexpensive Stock in Town, = --0--0--0--0---0--0--- QUALITY. Government to Supply Seed. + In view of general conditions and, the need to encourage agriculture in| new country, the Northern De- Wheat and Barley Seed this year on time, is the welcome announcement by | the agricultural representative. Farm ers need not miss the advantage of what promises to be an excellent growing season for lack of good seed. Those who are alert to seize this opportunity, can receive application forms from J. I. Gibson, Crown Lands Agent, or from M. F. Cook, Agri- cultural Representative. SB i Swing Notice to Farmers-- COURTESY. Leave your orders for Land Plaster before March 7th. Only those order- ing before that date can be sure of e | 13.00 in ton lots off car. Less than ton lots $13.50. DRYDEN LUMBER CO. SERVICE. DRYDEN SCHOOL BOARD Tenders for Weod. Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to February 15th, 1925, for ten (10) cords of sound, dry Tamarse wood, in four-foot lengths, to be dali- vered at Dryden Continuation Se! ol by March the 16th, 1925. ; The lowest or any tender not nsces- sarily accepted. F. MADDER, Se..-Treas., Dryden School Board. FARM FOR SALE.--160 acres, fifty under cultivation, balance pulpwood & scrub; two miles from Oxdrift on the main road. Goed two-storey log house with summer kitchen; stable, granary, hen-house, good well close to house. close to school. Price $3000, or terms to suitable party. --Apply JOSEPH TUCKEY, Lot 1, Con 2, Oxdrift, Ont. go t-- For Sale----FARM, CLOSE to TOWN, 100 acres, 35 acres cultivated; good well, stable, hay shed, ets. $2000.00 part cash.---Apply Mrs D. McKELLAR, Dryden. 4 Confectionery 'We have been fortunate enough to again secure for this week-end: Hothouse Leaf Lettuce, 8 bubilies for Do. oe viele lel | Green Onions, 4 bunches for. . . 'Ripe Toma atoes, per ib Celery, white & crisp, per 1b {Head Lettuce, each I 25¢ 40¢ 15¢ 15¢ 20¢c ORANGES, per doin 25; 50 & .70 GRAPEFRUIT, Large size, vo, i .25 APPLES, Table, per Bb 10 APPLES, Extra Fandy Delicious, two pounds for .__...____.. 25 LEMONS, per dozen 50 --0--0--0-0--0--0-- The Only Place in Town Selling Genuine ESKIMO SKIMG PIES, five for PIES. CRESCENT ICE CREAM BRICKS, Assorted, each Rb TE a ------Headquarters For 'KODAKS, FILMS. AND SUPPLIES. CHOCOLATES NEILSON' S