1 1 Vacuun loaner, WILL BRING SMILES AT HOUSE na NG TIME-- The powerful suction of this Vacuum Cleaner will bring out all the imbed- ded dirt, while its motor driven brush will remove all the tracked in mud. Your spring house cleaning will be shortened by many hours, as well as being more thorough as the Vacuum Cleaner gets the dirt you do not see. RIPLEY'S Phone No. Some Groceries have to bait their Customers with Sugar to keep them in a good humor --just like a young man does his Sweet- hea rt The best bait that I have ever found was the best goods at a reasonable price; the best assortment to be found, and courteous treatment. J If you are a good liver, you cannot make a mistake by giving me your business. IER ETRRIE SRTEAN | Successors to ANDERSON '& HARRIS BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Hm, ows FULLY. 57 K OF LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS, SHINGLES WOOD FIBRE 'BRICK, LIME AND CEMENT Est fimates Freely Given future. i Title "Doctor" Reserved 49 Symptoms for Poisoning in Dogs, and their Antidotes. L. L. Taylor. ----_ (In Rod and Gun in Canada for April) 'At this time of the year the poison fiends begins his nefarious practice! of scattering poison. The following: hints are intended to be of assistance! where a veterinary surgeon's aid can-| net be obtained. No time should be lost in securing his services if at all available. Arsenic is a common form of poison- ing due in the majority of cases to! dogs eating vermin bait. | Symptoms: the animal is decidedly restless and anxious with convulsive | actions of the lips, increased salvation, vomiting, a dark colored diarrhoea and acute abdominal pain. Pulse is at first | ten minutes until vomiting - occurs. Follow with one or two ounce doses of sesquioxide of iron every twenty min- white of egg or lime water. Phosphorus is another poison used extensively in vermin bait. vation, vomiting of dark green matter diarrhoea followed by convulsions and coma. If the animal be place in a dark room, the breath, vomitus and evacua- tions will have a luminous appearance, Death seldom occurs before the second day. A disease of the liver frequently - ivesults from this form of poisoning. Lompany: Anlidote: Give one or two teaspoon- fuls of the following mixture every 15 minutes: cupri sulph grains XV, water two ounces. Finally give starch, syrup, honey or one half teaspoonful doses of oil of turpentine (gallic) every half hour. No fats, oils, milk or eggs must be allowed. mon forms of poisoning and very often * proves fatal despite every effort. Symptoms: There is uneasiness, an anxious appearance, and panting fol- lowed by acute muscular spasms at in- "tervals which affect the whole body, ! stiffening the limbs and causing animal to foll to the ground. The jaws are | locked, the lips drawn back producing strong and bounding, later becoming | very weak and irregular. Temperature, is subnormal and the extremities cold. | Convulsions and great prostration oc-] # (cur, followed by collapse in from thr res), '6to ksix hours. | Antidote: Give an emetic as follows: , zinc sulphat grains XV, water three] ounces; one or two teaspoonfuls every . 'LADIES' & YOUNG GIRLS' utes. Finally give starch gruel, milk, Symptems: About an hour after re- § ceiving the poison acute colicky pains' are evident, together with profuse sal- : having a strong garlicky odor, bloody . Strychnine is one of the most com- | 1 ORONTO, April Tth.--A. Belanger, Liberal, Russell, in the Ontario Legislature withdrew his resolution ad- vocating the teaching of French and English in accordance with the prin- ciples and methods applied in the school of bi-lingual countries. His action was prompted by an as- surance from Premier Ferguson that 8 8 the Ti Enaul areas of Ontario was; being undertaken in the immediate | 'doctor." ; the sessional idemnity rey of educational conditions in} ing that surgeons and physicians only Second readings were given to bills | a characteristic sardonic grin, the spine providing for an increase of __600 in is arched or curved, breathing very to memebrs | difficult, eyes prominent and the heart and $2,000 increase in the salary of action tumultuous. Ffter a convulsion Cabinet Ministers. : the muscles relax, and ther is an inter- The second reading also was given Val of quiescence until another to a bill amending t he medical act Paroxysm occurs. Death comes during whereby drugless surgeons come und- °0€ of the spasms, and is due to er a board for regulation, and provid-j 2sphyxia. Antidote: Given an emetic as in are entitled to the professional ry Arsenic. Follow with from two tea- spoons to one tablespoonful of the Busy a re = following mixture every two hours : Chloral hydrate one dram, potassium bromide four drams, syrpu auranti two ounces, water six ounces. Keep as quiet as possible. Carbolic Acid. Dogs are often pois- oned by licking wounds to which carbo- lic dressings have been applied. Symptoms: When the acid has enter- ed mouth, white patches will appear p | wherever it has come in contact with : | the membranes; if absorbed generally, the animal will appear greatly distress- THINK b 593 GAS Come and See The New HONE. for only ©C we will give you- Jan-A-Lac Varnish Stain COME AND GET YOUR COUPON-- | It is worth 24c. to you Goodyear AUTO TIRES, sis of the hindquarters wil occur, the pulse will be barely perceptible, tem- "perature subnormal, and the urine very i , highly colored. ' Antidote: Give alechal. gin, or whis- key in one or two ounce doses. As a OF IT! bt a can of water four ounces. Follow with starch, oils, lime water. Poisoning from garbage. Symptoms: All the symptoms arising from the eat- rs $7.25 1.60 taining toxic bodies are far too varied and numerous to be mentioned here. Some of the more common ones how- ever, are violent and bloody diarrhoea, ¥ vimiting, intense thirst, high tempera- ' ture, acute abdominal pains, dizziness and stupefaction. Antidotes: Give an emetic followed by one-half to two grain doses of calo- mel every half hour until purgaton commences. Hot applications to the abdomen are often beneficial. Mustard plasters may be applied. Finally give stimulants, wine, spirits of wine, and brandy. TUBES, 39¢ Chevrolet No. 41 : ed, and convulsions followed by paraly-: : : ! { knew what they were doing, but I think purge give sodium sulphate two drams ; . i the market would go up before it went ing of decomposed meat, fish, ete. con-* : Northern Ontario. - For Bargains: 'We are well stocked in MEN'S SUITS and ODD COATS in all sizes. Bok skh ck ARMY BOOTS --also-- CIVILIAN BOOTS FELT HATS sguese SUITS, SKIRTS, Sond ODD JACKETS 2 88 3 Just received a shipmenil of Second Hand Stoves : also ARMY TENTS at $3.50 each A very handy Tent for Trappers. iter 9 New & Second Hand Store Te oR hae ah is ors i] Specuulating Versus Gambling. I wonder how many of my readers really know the difference between speculating and gambling! If you go to the race track and buy a ticket on a horse, you, of course, know that you are simply gambling; you. also know, if you sit in a poker game or throw dice, you are gambling. But do you know that a large per- centage of the people who buy stocks and think they are speculating are, after all, simply gambling just as much as if they bet on a horse race? Suy only stock listed on the New York Stock Exchange that they are specula- "ing, and that anyone who buys a min- 'ng or an oil stock is an out and out gambler. Yet the man who buys the mining stock very often is the specu- lator and the one who buys the "big hoard" stocks is nothing more than a gambler. There is so much loose talk about speculating and gambling that it seem- ed to me it would make a good subject for this Timely Talk, and in what foi- lows I will try to make clear the difference between gambling and speculating, as I see it. In the last couple of months we have had an example of an orgy of gambling such as the country has not seen for I know men who think because they(. 500 Facts about Canada' '600 Facts About Canada' is faraous as a rich storehouse of information about the Dominion. It is the produc- tion of Frank Yeigh, the recognized authority on this country as writer and | for 1925, and will, as in former years, be welcomed by an appreciative public. Fifty chapters--from 'Agriculture' to "Yukon'--include a series of striking facts presented in a crisp, ters form that fastens them on the mind. The 1925 issue contains much new matter, ! including a striking comparative table of our national growth during the quar-; ter of a century since 1900. The hook may be secured at leading dealers, or by sending 35 cents to the Canadian Facts Publishing Co., 588 Huron Street, Toronto. He who would know Canada means to that end. m-- got rot Mine Owner Offers LONDON, April 7.--More than 120 collieries in England and Scotland have been closed down since the beginning of the year, throwing approximately 20,000 men out of work. William Davies, Liverpool, owner of Littlene-: son Collieries in Cheshire, who has lost a total of 60,000 pounds on operation of his mines, has invited the miners 50 take over the mines for a period of nine months, the workers to keep any orofits that might be made, -while he would contribute fifty pounds a week" towards any possible loss. The District. Mine Federation, while considering the proposition, has mot decided on any | definite course. : 1 Werd of Cheer | From Tietsin, China Will you please accept my the favours you have extended | thanks for many to me in the past which I can assure you I have deep- s ly appreciated. If at any time it lies in my power to lecturer. The 22nd annual edition is out" will find this wonderful little book a | (Fix The Fences advance the interest of your company, you. may rest assured that T shall have great pleasure in doing so. --Walter Halsall. The Mutual Life I Assurance Co of Canada District Agent. FRANK M. OFFER 1825 I3UILD A E-JOME! THIS YEAR We have a full stock of LUMBER AND BUILDERS' SUPPLIES We can compete with any MAIL ORDER HOUSE WITH BETTER GOODS We A List of a Few. of our Agencys Vancouver, B.C. Indian Lake Lumber Company. Osaquan, Oatario. CANADA CEMENT Manitoba Gypsum Co'y., : (Plaster) Ltd. tmany years. I refer to the sensational operations in the wheat market. No doubt quite a few of the thousands of - people who bought options on wheat "when the market was skyrocketing | were real speculators, that is, they { am safe in saying that the vast majority who went "long" on wheat were simply gambling. They bought options on margin and gambled that down and their margin would be iit out. I have no doubt that some of the gamblers made money if they ne 8 sense enough to take their profits and stay out; but think how many others lost everything they put in! It is im-' possible to compute the amount of. roney lost when weat began to break ars the market came crashing down, bringing ruin to many, but I don't th'nk I am far wrong in saying that more money was lost in the last few weeks in wheat than has been lost in twenty years in mining stocks in Beaver Board Company, Ltd. Rubberoid Roofing Co'y:, Ltd. : Dryden Paper Company, Limited (Building Paper) : Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. i, BETTER BUILDINGS J. Winterboion A.J.GARDINER | General Merchant, EAGLE RIVER. Agent for & Frost & Wood IMPLEMENTS. § COCKSHUTT PLOW COY. £ & & HR | i Sharple's Cream Separators. ol RAY, Tons Bons & Box D. a This is a safe and sure investment . handle only the best lines. ; Inter-provincial Lumber Co., Ltd. : a RP ATR SR An it | 'Now is the time to Have Your PUMPS PUT IN FOR SUMMER "Ve have in Stock-- BEATTY BROS. Pumps, Hipes, Pipe Fittings mre We have Wire Staples, Stretchers Post Hole Augers Shovels, Spades, Digging Forks, Rakes. We also have a few RAT TRAPS. left = TR kk : EA KLOSE : de Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO Dry Goods Groceries Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produce Frost & Wood and Cockshutt Implements Asnmse HARRIS © FUNERAL DIRECTORS Day or Night Calls Promply Attended to, es PHONE-- Jay, 62 R 2; Nght, 62 R 4 ROBT. SWEENEY Si General Blacksmith Agents For- i Massey-Harris 2 Implements 'Carbon Removed from Cylinders. Lo by Acetylene, Burning Dick Tetat Hrvden } Avery, Transfer 1 4 Sewing Machines Gramophones and Bicycles Repaired We Stock--- Ine & PARTS for POPULAR AKES OF GRAMOPHONES. ; a Stock in the District of BICYCLE PARTS AND SUPPLIES ROLIRING, BRAZING, WELDING and LIGHT MACHINE WORK. SHARPENED-- --S KATES Send Your Work to REPAIR DEPARTMENT Durance Hardware DRYDEN ONTARIO