3 © pee mem See our FU Goods Window For the Newest Creation in Pleated Sport Shirts Pleated White Flannel Crepe-de-Chine, etc. No two Shirts alike >< { Kelso's Meat Market d BUTTER and LARD Fresh Eggs to Arrive for the Week-end. In the Daiter Block W. KELSO, Prop. § PHONE Mackin & Pople First Class SHOE REPAIRING pir die tone Barristers, Solicitors, etc. : H. A.C. MACHIN ots EARLE C. POPHAM Also Member Manitoba Bar. © after School Hours. M: IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY Prices. Strictly Moderate mam -- grt ONT All Orders Receive re PROMPT ATTENTION FD 'oO NEILL t-- : Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. GREENHILL CARMICHAEL BLOCK DUKE STREET KENORA me TA N 0. : 4, Dryden's Cash Grocery SPECIALS For SATURDAY and MONDAY, PINE SALMON (Talley ai hs Tie pera ge. i Ce hae ae 12 ths for $1.00 g8-1b PURITY FLOUR ...... his wire RT 41h APPLE & STRAWBERRY JAM entwertly Ss ares .45¢. SHREDDED COCOANUT ........... wilt, perth 23 FRESH GROUND COFFEE - he ah mtn FRESH BULK TEA Loves per th 58c O. H. PRONGER, Proprietor. W. SCOTT Dryden Urges a Higher © Tariff. No utterance in the il of Com- mons for several sessions has created J such profound impression as Mr Meighen's enunciation of the policy of the Conservative Party on Tuseday last. From all parts of the Dominion word reaches Ottawa that that policy and Mr Meighen's exposition of it have made a tremendous appeal to those, who for years have betn wait- ing for some definite attempt to lead Canada out of a situation which year by year, months by months has been becoming steadily worse. It seems to have been geized upon as the one definite promise given the country of constructive effort to meet the economic and industrial problems which for four years have been allowed to remain un- solved with incalculable loss in people and wedlth. It has been grasped as a substitute for hopeless drift and despair, as the re-opening of a road to renewed development and prosperity. It has been accepted as an offer of leadership when. leadership is more painfully absent than at any time since Confederation. The effect of the Conservatives Leader's speech is the grater by reason of the fdct that the present session has demonstrated the contiued absence of any active policy on the part of the Administration. ~~ Four months of Parliament have produced no sugges- tions from the Government for relief {from the disabilities against which all parts of the Dominion are struggling The Conservative Party, in presenting its policy in these circumstances has attracted the attention of the entire country to it, information reaching the Capital being to the effect that every- where it is now the one subject of political discussion. Nothing in Mr Meighen's speech command greater attention in the House than his exposition of the essential immediate importance of pro- tection té Canada arising from the fact of the aggressive fiscal policies adopted by - other nations, particularly the United States, in the last few years. Never, he showed was protection so vital to this country as since the begin- ning of 1922, at which time the United Statesraised her tariff wall still higher. In face of the policy of the United States, and the industrial prosperity which obtained under it, it became ab- solutely impossible for Canada to con- tinue, even the limited measure of pro- tection that had served up to that time. Constant inroads since on a tariff c already low had resulted in the in- dustrial stagnation and loss of popula- tion that had been sustained faring the last four years. In presenting his "Canada-First" policy, Mr Meighen was no more in- sistant 'on the need. of protection against foreign competition in Canada's home market than on the necessity for-the fnanufacture 6f Canadian raw materials 'within the country. A few millions of"dollars were being received from the sale of pulpwood, ashestos, nickel and other materials in their raw state while the materials in manu- factured; from" brought many times such amount, the profit going to Man- facturers and workers outside Canada. Mr Meighen gave 'emphatic assurance that if he were returned to power, he would take measures to curtail the ex- port of the produce of Canada in the 'yaw and see that this country reaps the benefit of its manufacture here. H would not be deterred by any large foreign ownership of Canadian re- sources. The legitimate business of the private individual, of course, would not be nterferred with, the private owner of pulpwood, for example, being pro- tected in his rights. "The time hag come in Canada--it has brought home to us by an experience very, very bit- ter--when we must assert every ad- vantage that we possess, and we must assert it in absolute fearlessness of re- taliation or anything else," he declared. «© _ i Amongst the first of raw materials. t that he would conserve to this country was power. The diversion of power to the United States meant to Canada the permanent loss of people. * Mr Meighen spoke as much for the farming industry as for any other. If he gave greater consideration to one - I element of the community than to an- { other it was to labour, to the necessity - for providing work andwages for Can- } adians that would keep them in Cana-! da, increasing population, enlarging the ; home market helping to attain for the Dominion the desting decreed Ly the pioneers of her greatness. The lesson "of the last few years, costly as it has been, would not be in vain, the Con- 'the seeds bursted, Correspondence. EERE Miss PEARL THOMAS NIAGRA FALLS, Ont., June 5.--Final touches were put on the arrangements for the international functions, which will be featured on Monday, at two o'clock. Mayor H. P. Stephens accora- panied by a squadron of the Royal Canadian Dragoons, will drive to the lower bridge. At the centre of the bridge, theparty will be (met by Mayor Lauchlin, of the city across the river (Niagara Falls, N.Y.) and a guard from Fort Niagara. The party will then proceed to. the new: City Hall, where Mayor Stephens will formally present g Silk Union Jack, which will fly from the City Hall flag pole. In the evening, Lieut-Governor Cock- shutt, with Mayor Stephens and civic officials, will go to the centre of the upper bridge where the ceremony of officially turning on the lights will be performed by Lieut-Governor Cock- shutt, and Lieut-Governor Lowden, of New York State. The giant search light, prviously placed especially for the benefit of the Falls, will be masked but at a signal given by the- two Lieut-Governors, by the sending of a rocket, the lights will be bared. During the civic celebration, the week of July 13-20, a delegation consisting of the 'Mayor of Niagara Falls, N.Y., and a troop of Crack American Cavalry will cross to this-side (Canada) and present the city (Niagara Falls; Not.,) with a silk Stars and Stripes. 5 % x =» WISE AND OTHERWISE A Fine Catch-- : A man in planting Cucumber seeds, put too much fertilizer on the ground, shooting fifteen stocks about him and he felt in his pocket and found a ripe Cucumber. Toronto would be completely dry only for the 4.4 Mrs H. Thomas, late of Dryden, and her mother, Mrs Mitchell, will make a trip to Buffalo, N.Y. The sun shines hot over lake Erie, but the beach beats all. : The new Ferris Wheel, Dance Hall, Crack the Whip and Aeroplanes, have been put into operation at Crystal Beach. Buffalo's Coney Island. The widening of Welland Ship Canal is underway, the electric drills pound night and day. The trestle has been extended from Port Colborne to the Welland Junction. The steamer Royalton and Berryton of Matthews S.S. Co., Toronto, are still lying in Port Colborne harbour. Crops are best in many years - Winnipeg, Man., June 8th--Not in many years have the crop prospects in the Canadian West appeared so promi- s-ng as at the present time, and with abundant moisture in the ground and ideal growing weather, all making excellent progress, states the weekly crop report of the Canadian Pacific Railway Agricultural Depart-{ ori ment. 7", In Manitoba many districts report that whea is nine to twelve inches! above the ground. Recent rains have promoted growth on spring plowing. The grain generally is showing: a good colour and astrong root. system. Cut worms and wire worms have caused slight damage in some parts of . Saskatchewan, but on the whole taking acreage into consideration, this is-negli- gible. In the Wolseley district catter- pillars are playing havoc with garden stuff. The cutworm menace in Alberta has almost completely been negatived by the steady rain. y i ', submitted his principles best for every interest, forg every section and race and most likely} DECISION PLEASES CANADA. Ottawa, June 9--Decision of the United States Supreme Court declining a re-hearing of the appeal which the sanitary district of Chicago recently lost on the diversion of Lake Michigan water is received with satisfaction in Canada. Commenting on the decision Hon Chas. Stewart, minister of the Interior, said: "Refusal of the appeal would indicate that this diversion will not. be permitted longer than necessary by U.S. authorities. servative Leader deelared, if it taught in every province - the folly of the 'course that had been. followed. He policy = as embodying to lead to the union and progress of all Canada. Iisued by Literal-Corservative Organization Committee, Ottawa { { grain is Among the Styles For July The BASQUE DRESS with full Skrt Circular flare in front in Peasant Style The Sectinal Apron in fancy Outline An unusual "V" Shaped Jabot. Raglan Sleeves EE Sa Sn Our Stock of Dress Material was never more tempt- ing. We are offering Special prices on RATINES, LINENS and FUGI SILKS BUTTERWICK PATTERNS Show you how it can be done for less. Pronger' s Variety Store Bathing Suits LADIES' BATHING SUITS, all wool, firmly and closely knitted so that they keep their shape well. Smart color- ings, Green, Orange, Navy, Trimmed with white. $3.75 and $3.95. BOYS AND GIRLS BATHING SUITS 65c. and $1.75 BOYS SHIRTS and SHIRT WAISTS, Plain Colours, and Stripe effects $1.25. A Big Assortment of KNICKERS, in Tweeds and Serges. $1.75 and $2.50 SMALL BOYS NAVY BLUE PANTS, $1.25 Straight Knee, J. B. GATES with a McCORMICK OR DEERING MACHINE MOWERS, 33 to 7 foot cut. = HAY TEDDERs, 6 and 8 forks. HAY RAKES, 8 to 12 feet. HAY LOADERS, 6 feet. It is surprising how much better hay you can make, & how much labour you can save, and how much pleasanter the May - making season can be, when you use the modern, dependable Hay Tools, found in the McCormick-Deering Line. If you grow Hay, you should know all about these machines. Write or call in and see ~for vourself. J. S. CORNER, 'Oxdrift, Ont. Agent for:-- NATION HARVESTER COMPANY of Canada, Lté Prices F.0.B. DRYDEN. NEW and USED CARS can be purchased on our Time Payment Plan. 'Dingwall Garage Cut, Ted, Rake, ! oad Your Hay Cord Balloon Equipped. Equippad. "PORDOR SEDAN TL. us LSI I00 i. ve ne $1060.00 TUDORSEDAN ........0v0vee 875.00 ss Ble, 910.6 COI PE. is icin srinivas on as LR ies Sant RYO TOURING 5.000 wpe caiionis ous FEE 0 SR IR EO reese - GEOR ROADSTER ........ faire inn R On Dal ceeescss 610.00 LIGHT DELIVERY .. vivre» 58000...:..,.,. .... 0615.00 TOURING CHASSIS ......... 49500 ......c..... .. 530.00 1-Ton TRUCK CHASSIS ......: 56000 ......... ey FORDSON TRACTOR .:...... 57500 ...... EO am BARGAINS in used Cars: COUPE, 1923 ...... ... $475.00 TOURING, 1923 ....... $295.00 TOURING, 1923 ...... 35000 LIGHT DEL'Y, 1919... 175.00 TOURING, 1923 ...... 32500 1-Ton TRUCK, 1919.... 275.00" ita if