» o a a --JUST RECEIVED-- . A Quantity of * Choice White Eastern Potatoes in 114 Bushel Bags at $1.25 per bushel Leave or send in your orders SEE OUR GENTS FURNISHING WINDOW CE Hy TE MEN'S AND BOYS' NECKTIES Beautiful Colors and Styles Oo Pre oe SUNDAY, June 21st, 1925 Z is "Fathers Day" BUY DAD A TIE PQ = D. W. SCOTT Dryden FRESH CURED MEATS BUTTER and LARD Fresh Eggs to Arrive for the Week-end. In the Daiter Block w. KELSO, Prop. PHONE First Class SHOE REPAIRING ee Qe Oe Ge CHILDREN'S BOOTS REPAIRED after School Hours, LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY Machin & Popha Barristers, Solicitors, etc. H. A.C. MACHIN FARLE C POPHAM Also Member Manitoba Bar. IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING Prices Strictly Moderate KENORA --::-- ONT All Orders Receive - PROMPT ATTENTION], D. O'NEILL conan Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. L. GREENHILL CARMICHAEL 'BLOCK No. 4, DUKE STREETIKENORA ,. ONTARIO Dryden S Cash BRING YOUR MAIL ORDER TO THE CASH GROCERY . Trocery "A Discount of Five per cent, off on all Mail Orders, amounting to Five Dollars and Over, "No Discount given on Flour, Feed and Sugar. : FRUITS MEATS Tomatoes, peri... .. 20 Jl Cooked Ham, perihi..... i Oangésypedidozens. ii... 585 Veal Loaf, par Hh... v0 35 Lemons, per dozen ....... B01 Bblogna, per Brea. von anv 20 Apples, peri Livi. 18 || Peamealed Back Bacon, per 1h .55 Pannnas, perih..... ip, 228 I Side Bacon, per fh Li. 0 AD Pineapples, each ......... 25.0 Sale Pols ic oasis 8 22 & .25 Rhubarb, six tbs for ...... .2 gs Chasse, gar Wo cv os ivi va 28 + Be Sure You Allow For Quality LARD : SO A eR SR 27 Rime Ins oo ee 33 A ek eas ge J3 Creamely Baller ©. vu. inoue 42 IC SE 1-30 Fresh Eggs, per doz. ... 1... .38 : FLOUR and FEED Ey Tow. $5.40 || Biscuits, fig centres, per ib... .29 0B, Oats ees 95 || Corn: Flakes, two for ........ .25 «Rats ei nea A810 Bréad 17 loaves... ....... $1.00 "Cracked Corn. ....... : 3.45 || Baking Powder (McLaren's) .29 Wheat ©... vv ivin 3.00. |[ Coltcerpep-ih v.50... 49 & .59 aE er a ie pate 1.300 Ten, bulls, Berth ..ocv ven ns TE 1.40 Tex, Salada, Nabob, Blue Rib- Feed Oats, «coves vrvvvens 2.10 bon, Melrose, Red Rose, per Crushed Oats .......v... 2.20: pound... Sidi ie 75) Hay, per bale ............ 1.45 Tow SUS ae .29 Chicks Teed; glia for... a5] SUGAR ..........icev. $7.90 0. H. PRONGER, Proprietor. Step Right in YOU CAN'T SCARE US THAT WE CAN'T FIT YOU WITH CLOTHES. I have just got in a big selection n SECOND HAND COATS ODD TROUSERS ALSO SUITS. te It doesn't matter how small or how big you are, you are sure to find your size. 'We also got in a lot of MEN'S SECOND HAND ARMY BOOTS in browns. They are a very nice, soft Shoe, you are sure to get comfort and wear out of them. DON'T PAY BIG PRICES FOR Children's also Boys' Girls' and Women's BOOTS and SHOES Before buying, see our Second Hand Store. we have a real good supply of You will find that them. Come early! Don't let the other fellow get ahead of you, to pick out the best pair of Shoes. You will also find that we carry a supply of NEW AND SECOND HAND ~ HOUSE FURNITURE --Also-- COOK STOVES and RANGE While in the Second Hand Store look around, if there is anything you want and can't see, please ask for it. Likely we have it in the warchotse, and will be glad to show it to you. We have a few : Second Hand BABY CARRIAGES , Which we will sell very cheap. 581 -- SECOND HAND STORE-- Dryden mie Assisting Settlers To Purchase Through the courtesy of M. F. Cook of the Department of Agriculture, we are able to give the following particu- lars concerning the plan for assisting 2, {| settlers to purchase dairy cows. The following are the main faets:-- Cattle to be purchased in carload lots only. Settlers to appoint a representa tive to select the animals, and author- ize him. to act on their behalf in such selection and in determining the price. Settlers are to sign an application form to.this effect agreeing to give promissory notes and liens against their farms for unpaid balances. Government will appoint a represen- I tative of the department of agriculture to accompany settlers' representative and assist him in selection of cattle. The Government will advance full amount of money to pay for cattle atl time of purchase and te prepay trans- portation charges and to pay expenses of settlers' representative. Settlers will be charged $12.00 per cow to defray transportation charges and costs of their ¢wn representative. This flat rate will mean a saving of several dollars per cow to the settlers, and will give them the advantage of knowing exactly what these costs will amount to. The total cost to the settler will bel the amount paid for the stock pur- chased for him, plus $12.00 per head for those other charges. Upon delivery the settler will be re- quired to pay at least 25 per cemt of this total cost and as much more as he is able. Imervest at 5 per cent will he charged on unpaid balances, and re- payments are required at the rate of $3.00 per cow per month, and the settler shall give a promissory note tog: this effect and a lien against his farm. Repayments may be made to the Creamery or to such other local office as may be designated in the cor nmun- ity. For further information write to R. W. Wade, Livestock Branch, Depart- ment of Agriculture, Toronto. Mr Cook made the BE a before leaving to attend the Representatives' Convention, that to speed the work, a meeting of settlers could be celled in some central place and a representative appointed to assist the Department in the selection 'of cattle. LB SE FR Losses may be avoided, and Bonus Secured on Re-Actors, To date over thirteen hundred head of cattle have been tested, and several cations are going in every week. In a test that has just been completed about five hundred and nine head were tested, of which the per centage of re- actors was 4.5. These were shipped to Winnipeg, and from veports of ship- pers, brought returns of from ten to forty-three dollars after all expenses were paid. The cattle were shipped on the 9th and the cheques were dated the 11th, so there was no waiting for the money. The above facts should prove very i encouraging to those who still hesitate 1 at the risk of facing possible loss frem having their cattle tested. In addition to this, should the district be declared a restricted area the government would pay a bonus of two-thirds the Inspect- or's valuation, not to exceed $40. There are, I should judge, one thou- sand more untested cattle, says the Agricultural Representative in the monthly Bulletin to settlers. These should be tested in the interest of your self and the community. Should there be one diseased animal in your herd, in a few months more will be infected and soon the whole herd. Eliminate the loss now by having the re-actors re- moved, and co-operate with your neighbours in having the whole district cleaned up. No man can tell by the external.appearance whether an animal has T. B. or not, unless it be in the advanced stages. The only reliable method is the Tuberculin test. CATS DEMISE STOPS MINES IN 3 CAMPS COBALT, June 15.--A cat whose nine lives expired at once, stopped all the 'mines in three camps, while commit- ting suicide on a pole of the Morthern Light and Power Company at South Lorrain, The cat, the property cf Tom May, operator, got his tail on ¢ne wire and a paw on another of a 44,000 volt line. Pussy 'went west' and all the mines here, at South Lorrain and ¥irvkland Lake ceased operation for five minutes until power was restored. the Styles July | The BASQUE DRESS with full Skrt Circular flare in front -in Peasant Style __ The Sectinal Apron in fancy Outline ER An unusual "V" Shaped Jabot. kl For Raglan Sleeves om xX x X: x: ETE SA Os Stock oo Dress Material was never more tempt- ing. We are offering Special prices on RATINES, LINENS and FUGI SILKS BUTTERWICK PATTERNS Show you how it can be done for less. Prongors s Variety Store LADIES BATHING SUITS, all wool, firmly and closely knitted so that they keep their shape well. Smart color- ings, Green, Orange, Navy, Trimmed with white. $3.75 and $3.95. BOYS AND GIRLS BATHING SUITS 6s5c. and $1.75 BOYS SHIRTS and SHIRT 'WAISTS, Plain Colours, and $1.25. : A Big Assortment of KNICKERS, in Tweeds and Serges. $1.75 and $2.50 SMALL BOYS NAVY BLUE PANTS, $1.25 Stripe effects Straight Knee, i GATES with a McCORMICK OR DEERING MACHINE MOWERS, 3314 to 7 foot cu t, HAY TEDDERSs, 6 and 8 forks. HAY RAKES, 8 to 12 fect. HAY 'LOADERS, 6 feet. It is surprising how much better hay you can make, & how much labour you can save, and how much pleasanter the Hay - making season can be, when you use the modern, depéndable Hay Tools, found in the McCormick-Deering Line. If you grow Hay, you should know all about these machines. Write or call in and see for yourself. : J. S-. CORNER, OUOxdrift, Ont. Agent for: -- {NTE RNATIONAL HARVEST TER COMPANY of Canada, 144 F.O0.B. DRYDEN. Cord Balloon Equipped. Equipped. BORDOR SEAN... ha $1025.00 ..... Sh $1060.00 TEDORSETAN. oe Dicer. 375.00 EN Sn) 910.00 COUPE... ..v... 5 Wie a Re 775.00 We ae se 8io0a RIN a tn ares a OTE O00, suave SER 650-c0 ROADSTER viii wwe nrns 575.00 . ie 610.00 LIGHT DELIVERY .i..ivvns TERI «iis vn nat ve 615.00 TOURING CHASSIS «..o 42500 c.f rnin, «+... 530.00 1-Ton TRUCK CHASSIS-....... 0.08, Ln. rT FORDSON TRACTOR ...... wie BABA 4. ae ae BE BARGAINS in used Cars: er $475.00 TOURING, 1923 ....... $295.00 TOURING 1923 ...... 350000 LIGHT DELY, 1019... 175.00 TOURING, 1023. ..+. 5 325.00 1-Ton TRUCK, 1919.... 275.00 NEV and USED CARS can be purchased ca our Time Payment Plan. sarage