a ER --.. . wr RESULTS OF Pass--Marguerite Nicholl, Dorothy fi Stratton, Hilda Davies, Violet Moline, * ° " » s 9 Dryden Public School, {clays vankoveinett, 10a rouiis; Eo FrONEEr's Variety Store. Tune Promotion Eamningtions Colin Proudfoot, Angus Allen, Hubert : ; pis Bartlett, Ann Smith, Jessie Cole, Geo. RE ye in order of merit. Ernewein, Margaret Neving, Esther ; : Lest Jr IV. to Sr. IV.--R. Whiteley, R.} Robinson, Alfred Trist, Carl Heard PURE STRAWBERRY JAM, 4b pails o.oo .90 J 2 A 2 AVTEG LHISE Lavi oad. J : i 2 hays Trist, W. Moorehouse, E.! Honours B--Gwendoline Faulconer PURE RASPBERRY JAM, 4-fbpails . ovovnvviiiin sss 90 | Turnbull, o ay] p Monty Robertsin, Tessie Chipman, ecommended 5 : , ; ol APPLE & STRAWBERRY JAM, 4b pails ........vc..0ne 60 1v. Oliver, V. Stith, M. Nadon § fen iunhisen Clenmie Yiare : 4 or * Pass--Doris Doudiet, Alvin Hudson, APPLE & RASPBERRY JAM4-tbh pails ....ooovvevvnnnnt 60 |P a a Monthly Reports! Raymond Wice, Muriel Bailey, Nellis Emer | : . r III. to Sr IV.--Nona Reany, F.§geredd i oe 1fy : APPLE & PEACH JAM, 4b pails ....oovivieinennnninnns. 60 | Folis, Duncan Mercer, Hazel Wilson, Sfreddo, Harry Martinson, Alfred Kel FOR THE MONTH OF JULY to stock up for the winter months as pure jams will A good time to s ths be very high this fall. SEE OUR DRY GOODS WINDOW for a few LLADIES BEAUTIFUL SILK & WOOL BLOUSES ALSO LADIES' & CHILDREN'S White CANVAS BOOTS & SHOES PRICES CUT IN TWO : Also big discount on all MEN'S CANVAS FOOTWEAR, with leather sole brown or white 4 vo - --- D. W. SCOTT Dryden Kelso's Meat Market FRESH CURED MEATS BUTTER and LARD Fresh Eggs to Arrive for the Week-end. In the Daiter Block W. KELSO, Prop. First Class SHOE REPAIRING Machin & Pophan EE Barristers, Solicitors, ete. . H. A. C. MACHIN CHILDREN'S . BOOTS : i REPAIRED EARLE C. POPHAM Also Member Manitoba Bar. IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING KENORA ONT after School Hours. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY Prices Strictly Moderate All Orders Receive PROMPT ATTENTION GREENHILL DUKE STREET H L J+DO'NEIL Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. CARMICHAEL BLOCK KENORA ONTARIO Bh, Jae 2 = ] Frocery L. No. 4, Dryden's S cal To every customer De $3.00 whith of groceries on Saturday we will give them 13 tbs of Sugar for $1.00. : The Big Special 13-ibs of SUGAR for $1 i] BROOMS 49c each for Saturday Special on MEATS for the week-end SALT PORK in small plate ABH: BOLOGNA Ib... .. ute 10 BACK BACON, Ib ........ 40 SIDE BACON, I» ........ ,33 \ (by the slab) ; 10s LARD vn cos $2.25. 20bs LARD Co... $4.29 Remember Pronger's Wonderful FRESH GROUND COFFEE per th .55 & .65 BULK TEA per th .58 O. HA PRONGER, Proprietor. Jeanette Reid, Roma Spears, Charlotte 1 Dixen, Daisy Howarth; Rettie Edgren, ; Wilkinson, Lyle Munro, Edna Buchan- { ley, Philip Miline, Aylmer Wilson. : Proudfoot, Mary Blake, Lilly Lewis. { Annie Yaworshuk, ' Hatch, Orval Robertson, Arnold Ny- : Alma Brisson. Elmer Silver, Arthur Doudiet, Patty Blair, Ethel Willard, Alma Carney, Paline Pinkerton, Elmer Wice, Julius Volkmar. June Promotion Examination: Hugh Barber, Edwin Haldersen, Mildred Dean, Will Spicer, Kathleen an, John Willard, Gerald Plotts, Orville Adair, Margaret Trist, Gordon Mackey, Albert Berrey, Tom Yaworski. Jr III. to Sr IIL.--Honours--Dick Kelso, Cecil Law, Charlie Gammon, Elsie Moorhouse, Phil Wright, Gordon Campbell, Rosaline Madder, Lenora Stefaniuk. Pass--Frank Whiteley, Margot Cole, Lily Moore, Alice Haldersen, Duncan McKellar, Vada Robinson, Geo Gough, Harley Wallin, Austin Andrews, Jas Yaworski, Katie Steiner, Leonard Had- ley, Edward McMonagle, Fred Yawor- ski, Phyllis Hawke, David Mercer. Jr. -1II. A--Honours--Elsie Hunter, James Rigby, Stanley Hudson, Dick Cole, Vera Bailey. - Pass-- Evelyn Pinkerton, Willie Moline, Evelyn Strutt, Phyllis Barber, ' Billy Baker, Walter Davis. Jr III. B--Pass--May Bartlett, Lloyd Brisson, Ernest Curley, Jessie Munro, * Eunice Gough, Yola Sfreddo, Nellie | Hardy, Alice Vankoughnett, Pearl. Stefaniuk, Margaret Anderson, Ivan, Klose, Evelyn Hudson, Frank Me- Monagle. Jr II. to Sy II A--Honours--Memis Raney, Betty Swanson, Margery Craw- Pass--Lloyd Offer, Rose Yaworski, John Chaschowy, Olive Burton, Mona B--Promoted on Year's Work-- Gweneth Jones. Honours-- Anna Marie Andrews, Fred Lappage. Pass--DBarbara Jones, Beth Mercer, § E. G. WRIGHT Kathleen Millroy, Lena McMaster, Lila Allen, Madge McKellar, Margaret, Cre Hunter, Willie Hardy, Jimmy Baker,' Ross Munro, Oscar Nymark, Henry Sfreddo, Francis Ernewein, George . Hunter, Sylvia Dixon. C--Ines Sfreddo, Cyril Wright, Lest- er Pronger, Mary McMonagle, Sofia Trasiewicz, Dorothy Walmsley, Lila Buchanan, Andy Volkmar, Neil Campbell. : Jr II B--Honours--Geraldine Dun- can, Lillian Davis, Bobbie Hawke, Wim. Wigle, Isabelle Norgate, Hazel Adair. Pass--Marian Beck, Annie Bourock, Olga, Steinkr, Vivian Wice, Raymond mark, Grace French, Wilfred Moore, Joseph Koshon, Iisther Mercer, Jaci Bartlett, Allen Moore, Carrie Doudict, { Eger, George Huckell. Jean Dempster, | 1st Class--Honours (a)--Brian Bar- ber, Clifford M'Guire, May Howarth, Gangs Ara, Yosny Couios. Treasurer's S In Acrears TOWN OF DRYDEN, To Wit : By virtue of a warrant issued by dated June the 19th, 1925, commanding arrears of taxes thereon and costs as herein in the following list for set forth, all such lands being patented land. unless said arrears of taxes and costs be sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell by Public Auction the said lands, to discharge the said arrears together | with the charges thereon, on Thursday, October Sth, 1925, at the hour if 10 o'clock in the forenoon. -- WANTED -- HOUSES FOR SALE .own Lots for sale. Good loca- tions near School. A. J. LOCK, Dryden. would like you to give us the first chance to buy your furniture on leaving town.--S. DAITER, Secondhand FURNITURE. We® Lot Sly Owner Taxes Costs. TOTAL 45 Florence Street ..-.. R. Barrow... _..__ $25.06 $3.38 $28.44 47 Tlorence Street ----__ R. Bow. 33.93 3.35 37.28 68 Florence Street ..._.. Marco Bros .._ _ 111.55 5.54 117.09 69 Tlorence Street __.. Marco Bros __.._.__._ - 25.50 3.39 28.89 70 Florence Street __.. Marco Bros _..._ ---- 28.95 8535 "27.30 67 Tlorence Street __.. Zuliana Bros __.__.__.__. 21.44 829 24.73 66 Florence Street __.. Zanetta, T__..__..__.__.__.. 2534 3.39 28.73 29 Oscar Street --_..._. M. Malek__. __ __..__._ -. b1.72 4.05 B5.77 31 Oscar Street ----..----.. D. LaFarra ......_.. --- 1943 8.24 22.67 36 Oscar Street ... Marco Bros ___ _.. 383.82 3.60 37.42 5 Plan M 158 cee A, J. Child __.__ S14 3.00 11.14 ' Pt. 4 Concession 5 and 6 C. B. Gordon __.__... 330.44 11.01 841.45 ~ Pt.71 Chase Park, Plan M. 153_ John Kerr -_.__.__. 8.14 3.00 11.14 1-6 Plan M 115 __.__. Mrs E. Schellenberg _ 97.43 5.19 102.52 Pt. 5 Concession 1, Wainwright .Mrs A. W. Coulter .. 86.10 4.91 91.01 '3:8 GIBSON, Dated June 28rd, 1925. so, Norman Hardy, Arthur Rhodes. Sr. Primary--Ruby McGuire, Ethel Fido, Bert Kellar, Bobby Foote, Eileen Wigle, Hughie Reid, John Klose, Flo- rence Dagg, Edna Martinson, Willie Allen, Nora Bauer, Ruth Norgate Grant Buchanan, Minerva McMinagle, Helen Chaschowy, Adela Foulis, Char- lotte Davis, Mary Dixon, Mickey Pron- ger, Marie Heard, Emma Strutt, Ross Doudiet, Norman Hunter, James Mec- Kellar, Roger Nadon. Dinorwic School Report Senior IV--Fanny Ovenstone, Roeci Zoccole, Waino Hauta, Robert Huckell. JuniorIV--Richard Eger. Senior III--Hedwig Eger, Josephine Zoccole, Violet Wright. Junior I1T--Saini Hauta, Ovenstone. Junior II---Lillian Wright, Bger, George Huckell. Senior I--Edith Finlayson, Lyon, Roland Guay, Jenny Wright Joe Zoccole. Senior Primary--Willie Walter Eger. Junior Primary--Gladys Lyon, Dor- othy Wright, Eileen Hicks. Promotin Examinations-- Jr IV to Sr IV--Richard Eger. , 111 to Jr. IV--Hedwig Eger, * 5 Sy Zoccole. - Jr. III to Sv. ITI--Saimi Johnny Ovenstone. Jr. II to Sr. H--Lillian Wright Mary Johnny Mary Huckell, Hauta, Sr I to Jr II--Edith Finlayson, Verna Lyon. Jr. I to Sr. I--Roland Son Jenny Wright, Joe Zoccole. Sr Pr. to Jr. T--Willie Huckell, Wal- ter Eger. Jr to Sr Primary-----Gladys Lyon,Dor- othy Wright, For House Cleaning Time! Walls are easily kept clean with the Fuller Wall Brush. A real useful brush for houseclean- ing time. Gets the dust from walls and ceilings without marring paper or paint. For demonstration of this or any One need never apologize for the pen he owns, when he owns a Waterman's. ~ When you show a Waterman's it reflects the power of your own personality--it's "easy to look at" in any society. Why experiment with fountain pen: of doubt- ful standing? Drop in to-day ana ask us to tell you all about Waterman's. Verna | 5 Clearing a Few Odds and and CREPES, VOILES Cera a hh ees Regular to Sion Special--=©6s5c. per yard. NEW SHADES IN SILK HOSE-- Biege, Skyne and Tanne, $1.00 PAIR. SANDERS wh die in tae Sizes 3 and 3% $1.05 PAIR CHILDREN'S STRAW HATS .25, 50 and ........... eo sm ID reer J. B. GATES with a 'McCORMICK OR DEERING MACHINE MOWERS, 3% to 7 foot cu t. HAY TEDDERs, 6 and 8 forks. HAY RAKES, 8 to 12 feet. HAY LOADERS, 6 feet. of the other Fuller Products be- fore my regular visit to you, write or phone me. MATTI WAKSDAL Central Hotel, Dryden : A A ale of Lands For Taxes. DISTRICT OF KENORA the Mayor of the Town of Dryden, me to levy upon the lands mentiosed 1 therefore give notice that ® Treasurer of the Town of Dryden. It is surprising how much better hay you can make, & how muc' labour you can save, and how much pleasanter the Hay - makin season 'can be, when you use the modern, dependable Hay Tools, found in the McCormick-Deering Line. If you grow Hay, you should know all about these machines. Write or call in and sce for yourself. J. S&S. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont. Agen for :-- INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY of Canada, Liv rices F. 0. B. DRYDEN. Cord Balloon Equipped. Equipped. FORDOR SEDAN. i ivvrres SIOBRO0 «ov ins reid oe $1060.00 TUDOR SEDAN +. .« i vanes BORO 5 eerie 010.00 COUPE. ov dnt reas DUB Ee 810.00 4% TE ER SL ROU ; BIZOD Las oeisniinns BROOCH ROADSTER .......700... coh ie SEE Sr en 610.00 LIGFT DELIVERY .i..... 00. LE RAMEE ES fe 615.00 TOU ZING CHASSIS &........ Tr i RC ENE 530.00 1-Ton TRUCK CHASSIS . BOO00 + v.05 wr oe SR FORDSON TRACTOR ........ BIRD svn dee I BARGAINS in £1500 pars : TOURING . yy 00 1-Ton TRUCK . EA 50.00 FORDSON TRACTOR a 00 NEW and USED CARS can be purchased on cur Time Payment Plan, Dir