THE GIRLS GUILD will hold a Ballowe'en Dance in the Parish Ball, on Friday October 30th. VOLUME VII. DRYDEN, Ontario October gth, 1925 Arngal Sale of Work Eton and Rugby ladies Aid held their annual Sale of Work in' Rugby Schoolhouse on Friday evening, Sep- tember 25th, The School was crowded and everything was sold by Mr V. Richardson, who very kindly auctioned off the goods. The committee for the evening was Mrs R. Asplund, Mrs E. Lundin, Mrs T. Wilkender, Mrs F. Wainwright, Mr O. Lovgren. Mrs W. Steinberg conducted the fish pond. Ice cream, soft drinks, candy, popcorn, sandwiches, cake and coffee were sold in the basement. After the Be My E. Lundin ond Mr R. Mingo The iui vealinel. over $100.00 clear, which will buy an organ for the school. The emboridered cushion was won by Master Axel Johanson, Oxdrift. CARD OF TH ANKS friends and Rs for thelr kind- ness and sympathy shown us in the loss of our Daughter and Sister. And also cars. Mr and Mrs Robinson and Family WANTED in large or small lots, UN- OPENED CONES of WHITE PINE. for prices, address E. J. Dearlove, Eagle River or Edye-de-Hurst & Sons, Dennyhurst near Dryden, Exporters of Canadian Tree Seed. SS een AUTO LIVERY Durance Bros. Garage Rhone 41, DRYDEN E. N / A i Oo iE First Class Jewelter and Watch Make: EXPERT REPAIRS. Send your Clocks and Watches by Mail Order. PIPE FERULE GRAMOPHONE REPAIRS. Quick Service Guaranteed. = -- For Sale NZ of Lot 6, Concession 6 Townhip of Wainwright 160 acres, more or less Can be had for Cash or Terms. - FOR SALE_HOQUSE, newly built, in good location, 11; stories, half finished inside, snap at $500.00. This just pays for the material and the lot. HOUSES and TOWN LOTS Any Kind of Insurance A. J LOCK --Real Estate and Insurance,.-- apping Issuer of Hunting and Tr Licences BUY YOUR Boots, Shoes, anes, etc. From Qur ash Store A Will Pay You. H. WILLARD'S BOOTS & SHOE REPAIR oro) fo oe ect Your INSURANCE See J. E. GIBSON, Agent, Dryden Premier Kin at Fort Frances on the issues of the present as he speaks. Tune in and listen, Hon. G. H. Boivin, Minister of Cus- toms, will st otk on Saturday, October, 10th oe Palace Phen, Kenora, in There will be a Ladies' Meeting in the Strand Theatre from 4 till 6 o'clock next Wednesday afternoon. Peter Heenan, M.P.P., and Mrs Heenan will speak. There will also be other lady speakers from Kenora. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Will Build Cannery If Farmers Guarantee Produce, Editor, The Dryden Observer. Re Dryden Packers & Canners, Ltd. Dear Sir----A meeting of some of our most prominent farmers was called for Monday last at 2.00 p.m., at my office, for the purpose of considering the incor poration of above Company, with a share capital of $40,000, to be divided into 1600 shares of $25.00 each, under the Ontario Companies Act; but owing to the heavy rain and resulting bad condition of the roads, there was only a small attendance, and such farmers as were present were those living on the outskirts of the town. Bach of them was very enthusiastic over the project, and promised their best assstance, both financially and otherwise, and each suggested that the meeting be adjourned until Monday the 12th inst. at my office at 2.00 p.m. when, if the weather is at all favorable final arrangements may be made for application to the Ontario Government for a Charter of Incorporation of the Dryden Canners & Packers Limited. This Charter must be obtained be- fore any real work of getting the scheme into shape can be done, as no Prospectus can be issued nor sale of any shaves of the proposed Company can be canvassed or solicited, until the first or Provisional Directors of the proposed Company are appointed. The efforts of my associates as well Ss my own are meeting with enthusi- ih encouragement, and there does not appear to be much difficulty ahead in obtaining the small amount of cash capital which will be required to pu: the project on its feet and in working shape if the farmers of the Dryden District, from Quibell to Dyment, will guarantee a sufficient acreage suitable for the needs of the canning depart- ment, nd such poultry, cattle and hogs as may be required by the meat can- ning and meat packing department. It ic also suggested that a tannery form part of the general scheme, to take care of the hides from the abbat- toir of the meat canning and packing department : Dryden Town Council have beer asked to give their approval and en dorsation to the canning and packing | Wee Hear Premier i election campaign, and his speech willbe broadcasted from there]: Teachers Hold Convention Discuss Music in Schools pa of Kenora District mes: Central School, Kenora, Monday of this week, for their 1a HR The opening exercises on Monday, October 5th, were conducted by the Rev. E. Diamond. Addresses of wel- come were given by ex-Mayor G. A. Toole, chairman of Kenora School Board, and Mayor J. Brenchley. Mr Toole brought before the teachers in a convincing manner the necessity of instilling in pupils honesty and loyalty. Mayor Brenchley, in a short address, stressed the necessity of making our foreign population Canadians. This was followed by community sin ging, and the vending of Gi minutes. addr oised fre mils peal he speech with considerable humour. In his address he stressed the point that pop s should be encouraged in the idea that they are going to make something of themselves. The remainder of hisf, address dwelt upon, and enlarged, a statement made by Miss Bertha Bailey, an actress, "Industry and ambition build eharacter rather than moral pre- cept." The topic "History in the devel- opment of citizenship" was discussed by Mr H. O. Gudgin of Sioux Lookout. The topic was taken up in a very broad manner. A grammar lesson was then condue- ted by Mr J. A. Bannister, of North Bay Normal School, in words ending in "ing." He brought clearly to the attention of the teachers that use must be stressed first, value second and defi- nition last of all. This ended the morn- ing session The slonuls for the afternoon was to have been a trip on the Lake of the w oods, and a visit to some of Kenora's industries; but owing to the inclement TE it was postponed until the fol- lowing day. The topic "Errors in the teaching of arithmetic" was discussed by Miss A. Pri ice of Norman, and Miss D. Wilson of Keewatin. The discussion was so ably led by them, and so many errors brought to our attention, that a large number ow into the discussion. Miss M. E. Nickell, Kenora, discus- or "Oral Compaen" proved to us i i ection of errors in Grammar' was discussed by Miss Lueas, Dryden, iss Riley, Eagle River. Miss To dealt with errors in the lowe grades, and Miss Riley in the upper grades. Miss Lucas presented in an interesting manner the part played by "games" in the correction of errors. Miss Riley's address proved no less in- teresting, and we gained many valu- oe hints. n the election of officers Miss Lucas oe Divs n was elected President, Mz Keenan of Kenora, vice-president, Mr Bramble secy-treas. The committec were also selected from the Kenora project, and to guarantee the proposed Company cheap and dependable power, light and water, Excellent veports, I am informed, have reached Town regarding the Canning Factory at Emo, some sixty miles south of us, and of the great benefit it has been to that Town and the surrounding farmers, and it has been said that the Emo factory has been purchased by the Dominion Canners, Ltd., the biggest combination of canning plants in Canada, from the Emo shareholders at a big, profitable figure. With every one's assistance, both citizen and farmer alike, the Dryden scheme should be equally successful, 'and if it does succeed and other indus- tries immediately follow, then watch Dryden, with its big paper mill, gold mines and other resources spring inte prominence; and the much talked c¢f in the past years short line of vailroad linking Fort Frances with Richan is not an impossibility, or improbable, in the very near future. If this should happen, Dryden would become the hub or business centre between Fort Wil- liam and Winnipeg. Towns and cities do not make them- selves. men are to the greatest extent respon. sible for results, which may obtain even if the Creator has already placed hands of the respective communities. on.--TF, BEVERLEY LINDEN. The industry and "pep" of the people, and the enterprize of business resources ont of the commen in the Let our slogan be "Watch Dryden Grow," and all give a hand to help it teaching staff. Monday evening we had the pleasure of attending a banquet in the United Church, and afterwards a lecture by Prof. V. W. Jackson of Manitoba Uni- versity, his subject being "Education for self-defence." Contrary to expect- ations, it proved to be a very live topic ts genir) ie was that people of ih that we need to be educated to 0 defenc ourselves against commercial exploita- tion. Selections were given by loca' talent, which were greatly enjoyed. Tuesday morning session opened with community singing. Miss Thorpe of Dryden delighted the convention with a Reproduction Story to a Senior JIT. Clags. To see the children wrap- ped up in the story, oblivious to the number of teachers in the room, was a treat that every teacher thoroughly enjoyed. Vocal Music in Public Schools was discussed by Miss G. Thornbury of Keewatin. This led to a long discus- sion and so much was brought forward in favour of music in schools that it is quite unlikely that any school in the district will be without a music teacher very much longer. Mr G. Johnson, Keewatin, gave us a demonstration of what could be done with club-swinging te music--a thor- oughly enjoyable item. The Rev. Father Labonte gave an address, pointing out our responsibility in training the children of Canada, that will be remembered by all. Mr J. A. Bannister of North Bay Normal pointed out that as motivation i Heenan Here Tuesday THE address of the Hon Jas. Lyons, Minister and administrative head of the Government Department that con- trols the affairs of this part of the Province, forms a contribution to the public knowledge that could have heen made at any time, and need not have waited for the approach of an election. Considering that Mr Lyons has been jopenly accused of using his position to advance the interests of his party at the expense of the district, the address was remarkable for its avoidance of The Inner Ringe Sister Donaldson, Toronto, p of the Rebekah 'Assembly of accompanied by Sisters Schoole Holmes of Keewatin, paid a Easter Lily Rebekah Lodge No. Dryden, on Thursday ig ht and nessed the initiatory degr given for three new oh Boghmiig be open ev season i be est o f movie Milo Upton iy a visit to YWinnipeg. heat or bitterness. No' a disagreeable word,not a suggestion of malice toward anybody: 'simply a straight, statesman like presentation of the situation as it appeared from the administrative side, ! in language that was striking for its} moderation no less than for its obvious : sincerity. The quiet and attentive gathering of people who listened to his utterance will be out again on Tuesday evening to hear Mr Heenan explain-his side of the matter, after which they will he in a 'position to make up their minds as 9 which has the better argument, EY 1e "Observer" whose opinions are being widely quoted in the issue before, the people--thus forcing it to become a political agent against its desire-- will gladly contribute its views on the matter in hand, and spare the necessity for harking back over a term of years for comments which were made in a different connection. Mr Heenan will be judged by his appeal on Tuesday next, when the electors will expect to hear his reasons fcr entering the field against a candidate already nominated. Not a review of past histor 'y, rattling the dry bones of the Backus deal with which Dryden has no quarrel, but a logical, reasoned statement of why Mr Heenan wishes to desert the position where he had so great opportunity for dogg Foal to a post where he cannot wr unantie Ey an i hag taken, De 4 tures Bring Good Prices-- -- Dryden Council accepted the tender of W. L. M'Kinnon and Co., financial brokers, Toronto, of $13,033 for debentures to cover the alterations to the Town Hall and Fire Station, | erection of new Hose Tower and con- struction of Electrical Department ad- jacent to the Town Hall. In Memoriam HODGKINSON, GEORGE EDWARD 94th and 28th Battallions, Killed in France, October Tth, 1918. 0 valiant hearts, who fo your glory came Thro' dust of conflict, and thro' battle- flame, Tranquil you lie, your knightly virtue proved, Your memory hallowed in the land you loved. Splendid you passed, the great sur- render made, Son Into the light that nevermore shall fade, : 2 Deep your contentment in that blest ahode, Who wait the last clear trumpet-call of God. --Ingerted by Father & Brother DOMINION ELECTIONS ACT Electoral District of Kenora-Rainy River reby given that Harold Machin, one of the ar at £ the pending Election in this Electoral District has appointed as his official agent William John Heaney, whose address is care of Ride- out and Heaney, Matheson' St. South, Kenora Ontario. J. D. O'NEILL, Returning Officer NOTIC Li s he Arthus ie oh mmm ---- DOMINION ELECTION ACT Electoral District of Kenora-Rainy River. NOTICE is hereby given that Peter Heenan, one of the candidates in the pending Election in this Electoral Dis- trict, has appointed as his official agent Hugh B. McKnnon, whose address is Kenora, Ontario, J. D. O'NEILL, Returning Officer. Dated at Kenora this 1st day of October, 1925. is so important in the early years, that language games be used, giving im- town this week. :@nesday. Mr end Mrs W. Sutton have return- | TE ed from Winnipeg. h n « y ie t their regular meeting on Tues Derry's theatre, Kenora, and Saturday, to crowded houses. been the guest of Mrs unfit for hard work, but han around the place. particulars. Rev. Mr Ridd of High Bluff to his Lome Thursday after Rev. H. A. and Mrs Rivers. Mrs T. W. Thompson, Ign | Wednesday in Dryden. % Rex Gates spent a few days in Win- | und nipeg this week. Mrs 8. Withrow has returned hon from an enjoyable visit to east Ontario and New York. G. H. Ball is here from Fort Wi looking after the Dryden Bakery ing Mr Gough's absence. Mrs Frank Foulis is away on a vit to friends in the west, Mrs Anderson left Wedn trip te Winnipeg. Everyday trainloads of harves returning from the west are ps Bpgh, \. R. Hutchison has os after spending ¢ Dryden. J. 8. Corner ig away meeting of the Advisory Growers at Toronto. E. G. Rognon spent 2 couple | in Kenora this week. 1 Mrs H. A. Thompson of Ign: the guest of her sister Mrs 1.) key for a few days this week. Dr Henry of Ignace spent a da¥ 1esday on 1 he we atten 7 Board Miss Drope, nurse in charge of Qui- bell hospital, paid a visit to town Wed- Mr and Mrs Zantolos Mrs Peter Heenan = = = for a few days. $25 a month will be paid t can provide a home for elde See E. A. OF TIMBER Station three miles, en miles East and Station, designated rict of Kenora, f 1914 square miles, TICULARS may | application to the or to Mr James D. C. Timber Agent, Kenora. IES LYONS ands & Forests SALE OF WHITE PINE TIMBER ES WILL BE REGEIVED med, up to and includ- tober 26, 1925, for the and White Pint 1: M-12: M-12; TTY \ MINES VITALIZ ES DIGESTION D GRIPPE 'For Growing Boys and Girls, | . Feeble old People and For Convalescents ( i i : : 'WAMPOLE'S 2 TASTELESS EXTRACT OF COD LIVER 8 will create new strength, energy and sta { fortifying the system against attack diseases, such as Grippe, Influenza, P Coughs, Colds, Diptheria, Fevers, Etc. ANampole's Extract of Cod Liver also af prompt and timely help for pale, sickly, anaemic girls just budding into womanhoo taken fe id it will rap Ln impaire ir Lr mes i 0 PEEVENTION better than CURE A Preventative Against: SORE THROAT TONSILLITIS CATARRH of i pression of the proper words and 2) veloping respect for law and order. The afternoon was spent on 2 on on the Lake, visiting Kenora Pa and a motor ip to the Norman Dam. Tonsilitis; Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds r affections of the d throat can be ree =~ yes and prevented, too--by the timely use of the highly antiseptic By allowing one zenges to dissolve s hen i d Wampole's Paraformic Throat Lozenges f these pleasantetasting wly in the mouth == theatres and public will be destroyed, such as Grippe and ill be varded off. ay