VOLUME VIL. DRYDEN, Ontario October 23rd, 1925 All Set! Schosl Fair Suceess. @ro: FALL & WINTER GOODS | Summary of School Fair Work, 1925 -- 3 HAE We have a good assortment of ; HORSE BLANKETS SINCE School Fair work first began, there has hen a steady increase and . MOCCASINS interest taken in this form of educa- MITTS, PULLOVERS work. 2 has fielled a a felt Se Se want--especially in our rural com- GAUNTLETTS munities--in getting our boys and girls ' RUBBER BOOTS, further interested in the practical side ann of our farm life, and has done its part i STORM OVERS in creating a keener appreciation of agriculture bye or eating in them a de- 3 I had made at the Factom sire t te produce the very best from the ww some Extra Heavy, Hard i . wear Moccasing for Boys. his work was first started ir These will be worth your in the ye rant, with while to Look Over. Sorly tal : four housand three hundred and Katy D two schools participated in 507 school i y g IDES fairs, and was attended by 182,054 H. WILL AR children and 217 y 7,878 adults for i The Depart ists in this work re CASH STORE BOOTS & SHOE REPAIBER and HARNESS STORE AUTO LIVE RY District this year, twe salve Son Fa were held. EXPERT REPAIRS. Send your Clocks and Watches by Mail Order. PIPE FERULE GRAMOPHONE REPAIRS. Quick Service Guaranteed. vo ! = w in one en a on 7 ee Ging Fos Sale competition between ena y N %% of Lot 6, Concession 6 th boyor girl a higher standard to worl Townhip of Wainwright for. This year 456 children exhibited > 9 acres, more or less 2% 60y Sahiog] Tait: Can be had for Cash or Terms. entries. The 1 i a to $451.50. Thi - - FOR SALE--HOUSE, newly built, in good location, 114 stories, half finished each schoo inside, snap at $500.00. This just et ay pays for the material and the lot. To the oo iq ir : = highest number HOUSES and TOWN LOTS ; of Honour is a mes on t 'the Any Kind of Insurance A. J LOCK --_Real Estate and Insurance. Issu er of Hunting and Trapping Licences - August: a Smith, Waldhof, Lillian Cornelius, points; Winnie Robinson, ponts; Joe Leydier, Konirn, 78 point Almg Tavsson, a, Alice Jones, Rice Lake, 66 Lundmark, = Wabigoon, a gl uy A Set Come to : Agatha Benda, Vermillion sot ~ 3 Ex Durance Bros. & Co'ys or and listen to the 51 = : 98 ott; 46 "Thymodyne" |. > Alfr od Ad famson, Mabel King, Aubrey ; Rosie Myles, Rugby, 30 point points; The Finest Instrument in the : ie pola World. dein [ESR i Pie oo 18 points HVERYTHI NG IN the Vihot RADIO SUPPLIES. goes to Win- ®, NOTICE | CALL AND GET YOUR seatns) wi ink | Who pay . | year 40 jus $72.85. uly chi Tow seed or Wibited, "making a re of 43 30 a To Alice Wilkinson, Poy goes the honor he higl of first prizes at the Champion Fair, Augusta Smith, Wal took the highest number of points i While in Towr n was high. Bare lay Seheol, wn 175 points, made t est showing of the Rural Schools. of winning highes while EE LF A AR TTI ER SE Ao he s : - ide: s for Durance ros. (Garage the children only pay 25¢ per ne - These crops together with poultry, Phone 471 ' DRYDEN livestock, flowers cocking, i - manual i in drawing, essays, ete. ave brought together by FE. MN ADO i, the pupils and make vp the exhibits of -First Class Jewelier and Watch Maker | our School Fa In the Kenora a IT is only a matter of a few days' 'now when the electors will have ? ton a ake their decision as to what policy 7 and administration will be : in control of the destinies of this! great country. And the progress of this nation toward its ia 'place as one of the most powerful, influences in world affairs will be | argely determined by the Ladies and gentlemen ies of la out, 5 LU Canada are in as [a het sg e 1 f ne the district. At that: bserver was not a fraid opin 1ion on behalf of a" = fab) [©] or was located in 5 1ed by a Tory. icle great emphasis is gay and disin- Mr Heenan. Would these qualit [En id Ned + = ee a ab pr W the interests of an unde ped district, but has be- come a more or less successful politicia vhose ambition has gr » his opp¥tunity, and no ed he r ition Q Fr 6 = oO < ntry Ee ey Alife, Ig sen f this district is not be to vood embargo if i 8 #4) Toon oy er, they could ice they li f A. McLeod, K.C., of support Peter pking rt in an ti ed all of Canada, he pro- 0 crltieine the arguments of , ier IV I what oat least proof y ss depre suffering | busine ssion or was osm population. Wallace, "that MOTE i en at fein you 7 the tou wn is more ART 2 . are inclined to agves with Heenan that even though defeated STANCE a See ge SON--Born to Mr J. E.GIBSON, Agent, Dryden he Q sorte Kenors, 15, --a dau ¢ aE the 0 she her departu sentative, when the F ities for mn phy "through ~ other pl dn Loving Memory A feeling of deep sorrow and regret was felt over the community, as the news was spread of the sudden death * of Mrs Amos B. Orvis. The deceased who was 68 years, 3 'months and 7 days, had spent the last cars iz y of her lifie as a honoured and highly respected citizen of Dryden. Leaving with her husband and three chil dren, from thet home near Whitby : e became one of tha Dr yden, where her was ever a fai mate and wife. tribute to her is too great getting, she was always ills kind word or a EN hand, en Whe Hite « of he served. Se leaves a husband, one son, leslie, at home and two daughters, Mrs Geo Wice and Mrs A. W. Doudiet to mourn re, re. We loved her, yes, no tongue can tell How deep, how dearly and how well, ed her Christ loved it thos e her home wih him to rect. 5. P. J. MacLaren, Secretary of e Upper Canada Bible Society, was a visitor in Dryden this week, coming on the afternoon train on Wednesday nora on bi Society. Wednesday evenin dressed a mecting the Church. He said that the Bible Socie- Bh the Bible in 585 different Lora receive ures for missionary a free of charge too ond thought | | Next } Hospital Shower. Fruit and Vegetable shower for the Hospital at their next meeting, Friday October 30th, at 8.00 p.m. in the Base- ment of United Church. An interest- ing and varied programme will be given by the Public Health Committee. Everybody Invited to Help. Eton & Rughy Ladies Aid:-- Eton and Rugby Ladies' Aid held their monthly meeting at Mrs P..Cur- vie's on October 8th. Owing 0 the bad conditions of the read, not many were able to be present. It was de- cided to buy an organ for the school from the pr orebds £ the Sale of Worl, Mrs Currie, assisted by Mrs Houde, served Sandwiches, Cake and Coffee, and an i afternoon was oo 2 ] wm Ww fos Baptist Notes :-- Between fifteen and {wenty youn (Tey pi turnd out to the B.Y.P.U. meet- ast Monday evening. All voted vening's programme, which was tied out by.the «F Pyle led by Ad, plendid success week the ¢ A will hold forth Se 33 on S87, I. Lock, a | under the lea Jdership of the Pastor was in Mrs Geo. Ruete, town Monday. My and Mrs Robi a visit to {uiends in Hanss Kellberg Waldhof, Monday. Mrs Joe Miller left for the on a ? Ve is her wniher, taki, was rg in Konnrs this or Mr and Mrs James Gough re sturned from their eastern trip Mrs Callan, of Tes, paid a visit Dryden Saturday last. 2 191 2 M. Offer, f om crmer Dryden Residen Winnipeg, was a visitor to Dry- den this week, : Stein = Ww Thorson was a business ; itor to Winnipeg this week. ten million copies were 31 go Campbell was a visitor to reat work is done in' Kenora Tuesday oy Dezson onthe Cane Mig D Frejd, Kenora, has heen 1 own reg, 3 olporteurs are sent with Bibles Northern Ontario and aces. tially missionary in char t year the Society WE on oly 95 for every $5.00 of Bibles dig- Thig great work herefore, LA KK tributed. © can only be carried on through the Durance Bro purchased Ria a at aa LE EVANS gy BOX SOCIAL. AND PROGRAMME OXD on OCTOBER 26th, GEO. SADI LER, RN.W.M.P,' Fort McLeod, Alberta Will give an Address on "HIGH LIFE IN THE SADDLE" yvpt, Siberia, & N.W.T. "EER, CAKE & SANDWIC ON SALE Those Not Having Boxes, MONDAY, Mr re HES COFF For in Aid of the Church. MISSION ing vy FREE Green, the Magician, will be at the and tonight and tomorrow with a tery show that will be well worth 1. Green is on tour, and hi [re per a few days in Doyle. The Women's Institute will hold a SALE OF TIMBER WwW TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned up to and: including Saturday, October 31, 1925, for the right to cut the timber on an area South of Valora Station three miles, and running seven miles East and West from Unaka Station, designated as "Berth M-6" District of Kenora, having an arez of 19 4 square miles, more or less. : FURTHER PARTICULARS bs obtained upon application to undersigned or to Mr James D = Smith, Crown Timber Agent, Ker. JAMES LYONS Minister of Lands & Forests may 3 A «8 Tr September 26, 1925, OF TIMBER Seok TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned up to and inclu iding Friday, October 30th, for the right 1, cut the timber on an ares situate on the Gull River, move particularly described as follows: "Starting at a SALE | H ! point where the Gull River crosses the C.P.R. near Township 20, District nsen, Oxdrift paid 'of Kenora, and proceeding East four Kenora this week. "and a half miles, then taking a line down from straight South as far as Gull River. which would make the Gull River and States the C.P.R. the only boundries of te or ¥ Tous FURTHER I} NFORMATION may be pita 22 hE] x a ation to the under- Jas. D.C. Smith, Crown , Kenora. 7 AMES IL.YONS of Lands & Forests. erento, October 18, 1925. nt > Kengra Thietles Seek to Enter: -- in gimission, in In an effort to Po senion hockey this the Kenors, Thistles hockey clu eh nora, have written A. G. Pou Ge or president of nd Mrs E. G. Rognon left on tl he Port Avthur senior hockey elub, py r York hive they and R. Armstron, president of the Fort | William senior club, requesting the act Bay Company | support of their respective organiza- I spending a few days in Dry- | tion in getting Kenora placed this den. season. EE ERSTE bottle, $1.00 | For Growing Boys and Girls, . Feeble Old People and For Convalescents { f WAMPOLE'S il "TASTELESS EXTRACT | OF COD LIVER g and Stamina -- from acute | Lomas, will create new Sirenat energy Y alco affords prompt thd time) y 4% for pal Wy, listizes, anaemic girls just budding into wr hood. If taken regularly it prove the impaired ap. petite, help overcome shortness of breath, and restore a healthy id $55) it and cheeks. - . Canada's e < Quart Mrs McKay and family left for Kenora, where they will reside. The Anglican Church at Eagle River held 2 Chicken Supper, Wednesday. FOR SALE_GOOD YOUNG COW, ~ Government Tested -- Apply : Mrs ULRICK COLLEN, Wabigoon, Ontario. Price». $100 Wampole' Taste! Extract Cod Li ver Qs. RICH IN HIN VITAMINES INVIGORATES & VITALIZL = IMPROVES DIGESTION ifies Against AND GRIPPE COLD Sere Coughs, 3 hroat, Colds £3 £4 Alw yshavethem by on haya Cb (Wn (Ce EET and imilar 2 feciions of the mouth end throat €2n be res lieved -- yes and prevented too--by the timely use of tha highly antiseptic Wampole's F avr af 1 "Throat Lozenges By eliowing one of these pleasantie Iozenges to dissolve slowly in the m when in crowded carg, theatres 2nd public * gatherings ~ harmful germs will be destroyed, end contagicus diseases such 2s Grippe and Influenza will Bs warded off. per botlie, AR TRS TET ae ESOS 25 PHAR