Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 6 Nov 1925, page 4

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Item I-- 'A very special Line of Black Duchess Satin, such' yard stamped ard gua aranteed with the name of this Firm. Absolutely new and just in from the factory. Its regular price is $3.00 per yard. SALE going on at $2.00 per yard Item Il.-- All colors of Fuji Silk, regular $1.25 per yard. Do not con- found this with a lighter weight imitation. This is the best Fuji - made. SALE going on at Boe. per yard Item IIL-- pS 100 bolts of 4, 5, and 6 inch Ribbon, worth from 35 to 75¢ per yard. You know how vide ribbons have been tem- porarly discarded due largely to bobbed hair. This is the "opportunity for Christmas buyers. .: We have gone through our Stock, and have taken advantage of a manu- facturers offer, and put the price at Toc. SALE going on at 1gc. per yard This Sale stops Thursday Night of November 12. € | To Wit: P| Con. ALFRE DRYDEN, Ont. PITT, Ltd. ® Field Inspection (Experimental Form Note.) The acerage inspected this year for certified seed potatoes was considerably below that of 1924, which, however, was not unexpected. ) .The area 'inspected throughout the country--not including B. C.--was ap- proximately 13,500 acres, of which 10,- 060 acres, or seventy-five per cent, passed the two field inspections. With i an estimated crop from this area of 175 to 200 bushels per acre of the bushels of the Green Mountain variety, certified "seed potatoes = ava'lable, sufficient for extensive planting in Can- ada next season, and for extensive ex- port to other markets where the favor- § able reputation of such seed has be- come firmly established. As an ind'cation of the merits of Irish Cobbler variety, and 225 to 250 there will be again a large quantity of ; certified seed potatoes, it will be in- teresting to readers to note that com- prehensive information has recently ; been collected by Mr H C Moore, of East Lansing, Michigan, on the resul®s obtained from test plots of certified versus non-certified seed planted in all parts of Canada and the United States, and that the. average increase per acre in favor of the certified seed was 46.6 bushels, and in Canada alone 53 bushels." This information and the Snowledge; which growers have acquir- ed during the past few yedrs, warrants the statement that there is no doubt | about the quality of &eed which has fulfilled certification requirements. . Any ZLOWerS interested in the above work, or desirous of gecuring a supply of certified seed for planting next sea- son, may secure further information by communicating with the Dominion 'Botanist, Central Experimental Te m, _ Ottawa ; NEWS len = ee Sl "The Rainbow Trail" Sequel to "Riders of the Purple Sage" COMEDY----FEATURE Saturday Monday-- ¢lJack London' --Tuesday s 'Adventure' of The South Seas A Thrilling Story AL oy WILSON | "The Air Hawk" This Picture is a Knock-out if you are fond of thrills. Thurs "RED HOT TIRES" ---- NEXT WEEK --- "LET ER BUCK" Patented Lands, | TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS FOR TAXES. Township of Van Horne, District of Kenora. 4 By virtue of a warrant issued bs the Reeve of the Township of Van € | Horne, dated June 26th 1925, commanding me to levy upon the lands men- P | tioned in the following list for arrears f herein set forth. I therefore give notice that unless the said arrears of taxes ® § and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed te sell by Public Auction the said ® ¢ land or such portions thereof as may &. [ arrears together with the charges thereon, on Saturday November 7th 1925, f 22 "he hour of three o'clock in the afternoon. ° s of taxes due thereon and costs as be necessary to discharge the said Township of Van Horne. on. Pt of Lot Lot Acres Owner: "Arrears Costs Total. 5 North 14 11 160 W. E. Bartram' $31.81 $3.54 $35.85 1 North 90 2 90 W. J. Clark 30.57 8.51 34.08 1 S% Ny, 6 80 "Hydrostatic Amalgamation 1 S80 of N110 5 © 80 & Supply Co. 67.99 445 72.44 5 N.E. b ac. 7 5 J. A. Kenney 17.48 3.19 20.67 1 Centre 9 9 160 Mrs E G Rognon 59.04 4.23 63.27 1. S120 ac 2 120 Mrs Helen Sloan 52.16 4.05 = 56.2% at * Unpatented Lands, Township of Van Horne, ah Fo N 15 of N 7 9 80 - Chas Elsie $48.47 $3.96. $52.43 ¢ N Pt. 12 82 Hugh Pronger 13.70 38.09 16.79 Patentéd Lands, Swanson's Sub-Division, Lot Owner Arrears, Costs. Total. 129 Mrs May Clayton $18.96 $3.22 $22.18 189 & 190 R. Dixon 33.F1 3:68 37.09 221 & 222 A. Fraser 2245 = 333 26.28 44 Jas. Gough i 18.93 © 3.22 22.15 29 to 38 Louis Laliberta 188.22 7.45 195.67 122 & 128 Jno Pattison un 33.51 3.58 37.09 277 H. B. Sinfield- 18.59 3.21 21.80 278 E. W. Sinfleld 18.59 3.21 21.80 279 Mrs H. B. Sinfield 18.59 3.21 : 21.80 163 & 893 Mrs E. Seager 22. 26%. : +: 8.80 25.56 184 & 135 Mrs Watson 31.82. ~~ 8:54 85.36 405 to 408 Wm. Bugnowski 14.50 BAR. en { Dated at Dryden, Ont., this GEO. WICE, 4th day of July, 1925. ~. Treasurer, Township of Van Horne. ${ThisisThe Way Reduce to Prices Not $2.00 -- Nct 31.00 -- But 25C "OVERLOOK NOTHING---- STUDY DETAILS In this Advert. ARCTIC WEATHER STRIP for WINDOWS and DOORS per box of 12-feet....... .. 256. IT SAVES YOUR COAL APPLE CORER __._ STOVE SHAKER __. STOVE POKER __.__. Only------25% BILL, Special-TIN "DAISY" KETTLES--IRON ROASTING PANS. { RUBBER HEELS ....._ per pair 25¢ TIN PAILS ... iim 26¢ | - meen 256 DUST PANS mame S30 206 MUDPIN TING © ooo imsrinin 200 25¢c SILVER-PLATED BERRY SPOO NS | STOVE SHOVEL ____.__..._.__. 25¢ Silver-plated BERRY SPOON... 25¢ TAKE NOTICE--Arrived this week the Finest Dinnerware--Plates, Cups and Saucers, Cream Sugar and Cake Plates and Fruit Dishes--all hand- } You are invited to inspect the goods, may 'nevercome. So do it now. W. E. 7 56--60 watt, 16--12 volt Electric Bulbs ........ 25¢. painted. | We are at 'your Service. THORSEN & (Opposite Town Hall.) c. Only : Don't say 'Wait till tomorrow'; It SON Offers $5.00 To any boy or girl attending Public School hetween Quibell and Ignace, H. Willard offers a prize of $5.00 in cash for the best essay on "Leather and its Uses in a civilized community." Rules for Entry.--Write your essay so it can be eagily read on one side of the japer only; the boy or girl putting the most IDEAS into the fewest words will win $5.00. Write your name on & separate paper to be folded and pinned to Essay, with the teacher's signature of the School you attend. Mark your envelope "Essay" and address to Mr H, Willard, Dryden, or to the Editor of he Dryden Observer not later than the 1st of November.. The winning Essay vill be published the week following: FOR SALE--PAIR GREY HORSES, weight about 3000-1bs.--Apply C. MERRILL, 30|1025¢ Wabigoon, Ont. FOR SALE--COW, 4-YEAR-OLD, Milking. HEIFER, 2-year-old, half Jersey. 2 BROOD SOWS.--Apply W. J. MARTIN, 30] 10]25c¢. Glengoland. FOR SALE--80 White Leghorn Pul- lets, good winter layers, $1.00 each. Ten Barred Rock Pullets, and some pit game.--! Apply 2, JONES, APPIN INI IRR SR RII RIT DRYDEN BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 11 a.m.--Subject: "WINNING THE VICTORY." 2.30 p.m.---Bible School. 7 p.m~----Union Memorial Service in UNITED CHURCH MONDAY, November 9th, THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE at 11:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m.--P.Y.P.U Will Meet, "Reds" in charge Pastor E. G. BAXTER. DRYDEN UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8th. Sunday School--11 a.m. We need your coopération to make our S. 8. a success. Be sure your chiliren are out 7.00 p.m.--8ervice ANNUAL MEMORIAL SERVICE This is the Community Memorial Service, arranged hy the local Great War Veterans. We want eviryone who can possibly attend to be present at this service, --OXDRIFT-- 2.00 p.m.--Sunday School 3.00 p.m.--Thanksgiving Service. H. A. RIVERS, Pastor. Tee Stee ne Gough's Confectione ry Crescent Ice Cream Bricks ASSORTED FLAVOURS, 40¢. ESKIMO PIES, five for 25c. FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS Per 1h ---- - 20¢, EPS RED EMPEROR GRAPES Per lb =e. : APPLES CELERY TOMATOES HEAD LETTUCE CAULIFLOWER BANANAS GRAPEFRUIT LEMONS ORANGES At Lowest Market Prices. - Gough's Confectionery ES SEE ae ae ae > ES BES 1.0. 0. | Oh DEYDEN LODGE, He 417 meets at the Town Hall every Monday evening at eight o'clock. Visiting Members cordially invited. J. HARRIS, N. G. J. PITT, Rec. Boos 7 0. I. DRYDEN LODGE : No. 1694 meets the first Wednesday Town Hall. dially: "invited. D. ANDERSON, W.M. BADEN SMITH, ory Golden Star Lodge AF. & A No. 434, LE Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden | Vigiting Brethren cor- Visitors Cordially invited. A. CLEMPSON, W. M. GEO. N. DECHERT, Secy. of each month, at eight pan. in the ag the Second Tuesday of each month sf Or MEN'S AND BOYS Vork Shirts RC ty Neb This Week-- ---Men's-- FLANNELLETTE SHIRT Roomy make, All Sizes CURR RE .08 Mer's ALL-WOOL FLANNEL SHIRTS in different shades all sizes At CSA a $1.30 Boys' FLANNEL SHIRTS all sizes at Lah : Say vied evn .6g Boys' Two-Piece WOOL UNDERWEAR BE vais en 20Y A Good Supply of MEN'S WOMEN'S --hnd-- CHILDRENS UNDERWEAR Fleece 1. ined ; r Wool % A Good Assortment of --SWEATERS-- to fit everyone. MACKINAW COATS AND OVERCOATS FELT BOOTS LUMBERMANS AND STORM RUBBERS GOOD WOOLEN SOX for GROWN-UPS or CHILDREN It Seems that the Cold Weather Has Come to Stay. COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR HEATERS, AND COOK STOVES. a ALSO PIPES, RLBOWS AND DAMPERS. We Just Got In a Shipment of SPRINGS and MATTRESSES The Prices are Right We Also Expect a : . 2 'wy a

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