Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 26 Dec 1925, page 1

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i» 1 ; fh Lo * Welcome in the New Year-- VOLUME VII DRYDEN, Ontario New Year Number, 1925-26 Number XXVIII. Dog Dczrby. | Everything is "all set" for the' Dog Races on New Year's morn- ing, Friday 1st January. With such a bunch of money piled up,} ready to be handed out to the: swiftest and best trained dogs, there will be a lot of entries, and some fast time will be made. The big race in the afternoon, for a purse of $25.00 and two smaller amounts, from the Exhibi- tion Grourds round and back to Swanson's corner, should draw al big crowd and provide a lot of fun. Those who like to spend the last hours of the dying year in joyous surroundings are promised: a good time at the dance in the! Town Hall on Thursday Night, where everything in the way of good music, bright colour, and tasty sandwiches will be provided. Good Time Assured-- Dance the Old Year Out and the New Year In at Daiter's Hall. A big dance for New Year's Eve! is advertized, and good music is promised. ; H. WILLARD'S CASH STORE Extends to You the Good Wishes for a -- NEW YEAR--- of Precsperity. Heartiest Xmas Examinations Mistletoe. Sr IV.--Honours-- Evelyn Adair, Miss Lena Adams came home from Frances Foulis, Lillian Pilkey, Nona Normal, at North Bay, to spend the Reaney, Gladys Noble, Winkie Edgar, holidays with the folks. Minnie Reid. i 'Mr and Mrs C Kelley were down Pass--Elizabeth Turnbull, Ronald from Kenora for the weekend. Whiteley, Grace Hardie, Ethel Ander- T. Corneille spent Christmas Day in son, Rosa Davis, Mike Louttit, Hazel Winnipeg. Wilson, 3 ] Miss Nora Noreus is spending her Absent for one or more exams-- holidays with her parents in Kenora. O Lewis, M Taylor, V. Nymark. ( Jr. IV--Pass--Rettie Edgren, Roma vacation at her home in Fort William. Speirs, Julius Volkmar, Hugh Barber.: Jack and Hugghie Hill are in Fort Ji. IV. B--Honours--E Wice, Doudiet, E Buchanan M Dean, J : Frank Porter, Tommy Graham and Willard, K Wilkinson, P Pinkerton, E Jack Pitt came in from their camp to Haldersen, G Mackey, L Munro, C spend the holiday in Dryden. Dixon, J Smith O Adair, A Berrey. | Miss Florence Jahnert, Waldhof, Sr. IIL.--Honours--E Moorehouse. j visited Dryden, Monday. Pass--C Law, L Stefaniuk, C nn Mr and Mrs Jack Skene came down mon, R Madder, F Whiteley, V Robin- from Oxdrift to spend Xmas with Mr son, I McKellar, P Wright M Cole, R and Mrs T Lewis. Kelso, P Hawke. i Harry J ohnston, returned to Fort Absent for one or more exams:-- { William, after spending Xmas at his R. Kelso. home here. Jr. III--Dick Cole, Vera Bailey,! Miss Jessie Taylor was over from Eunice Gough, Jessie Munro, Evelyn' Sioux Lookout to spend the hoiday Strutt, May Bartlett, Billie Baker, with her parents, Mr and Mrs A. M. Waller Davis, Phyllis Barber, Pearl, Taylor. Stefaniuk. : A Wilson was a visitor from Kenora Sr III--Alice Halderson, Elsie Hunt- over the week-end er, Gordon Campbell, Dolores Faulkin- | Mrs W Harris is spending a holiday er, Jim Rigby, Roma Nadon, Wilbert | with her son Charlie, in Fort William. McQueen, Willie Moline, Mike Chas-}- Mr and Mrs O. Peitch, spent Xmas choury, George Gough, Fred Yaworski, : with friends in Vermillion Bay. Sr II. A--Honours--Ella Munro,! Mrs Anderson was a visitor to Wnni- Maniie Raney, Margery Crawley, Mary 'peg last week Dzioba, Aylmer Wilson, Rose Yawor-. Jack Skillen left Thursday to spend ski, Philip Moline, Ruby Reid. the remaineder of the week at his Pass--Mary Smith, Margaret Hunt-' home in Fort William. er, Gweneth Jones, Ellen Norgate,! Joe Russell spent the week-end in Kathleen Millroy, Joffre Dixon, Walter Kenora. ; French, Thomas Turnbull, Mona Proud: Don Taylor came down from the foot, Lilly Lewis, Mary Blake, Beth' west and spent the Xmas holidays at Mercer, Lloyd Wigle, Madge McKellar, ¢ his home. Geo Sherwood, Richard Bauer, Anna | Mr and Mrs Wm Sutton spent Xmas Marie Andrews, Jimmy Baker, John: ip Winnipeg. £ Chaschowy, Betty Swanson. Miss Eva Pitt, arrived from Brandon Jr. I1 B--Honours--Jim Vankough-{ Man., to spend the winter with her nett, Francis Ernewein, Cyril Wright, parents, Mr and Mrs A. Pitt. Miss Ruth Haglund is spending her A." William for their holidays. ! late unusual interest and drew the . new hose-tower, and the arrange-;Q -M. Nymark, S Swanson, H. Wilde, | . intention to spoke of the need for extension for public life; he had gloried in being 9 v4 ® : Ratep ay CIs Meeting * [Mayor of Dryden, a position creditable - Hear Town Business Discussed Lo any man, However, he considered 'THI annual meeting designed to "it was advisable to have an occasional give opportunity to the retiring change in administrations. H Mayor and Council to account to} Dr Dingwall, the Mayor-elect, spoke the ratepayers for their conduct: briefly of his plans for the future. He while in office, and to allow then, : thanked them for the honour they had in return to nominate candidates {done him, assuring them of his faith for the following year, was heid jn |in the future of the town. That future the town hali here last Monday. | included the practical certainty of the The fact of Mayor Pitt's retire- | tims when the Town would be an im- ment, and consequent interest as] portant point on the Highway which to his successor, served to stimu- biggest gathering that has ever 'attended the ratepayers' meeting. . The bright, comfortable and roomy hall, credit for which goes to the retiring council, more than met requirements, giving for the first time in the Town's history, a setting worthy of the occasion. : Tn the first hour reserved for] The healthy sign of a growing civie nominations, name after name: consciousness is indicated everywhere was added to the list on the black- in the district by keen competition for boards, until at 8.30 came the Public office. Dryden by general accord announcement of Mr J. E. Gibson, follows an agreeable custom, in per- returning officer, declarig that the mitting its new Mayor to assume office nominations were closed, The Without a contest. Elections for Coun-| meeting was then open to hear the cil will be held in Dryden, Van Horne, : reports of various committees and ,and Eagle River, on Monday next, the short addresses from new candi-,4th day of January. i dates. i The following have been nominated ' Councillor Gould, Chairman of for the various offices, names being ar- Fire and Property Committee, re- ranged in alphabetical order: -- ported the great improvement in! Dryden. fire equipment, including new Mayor (acclamation)-- Dr Dingwall. wagons which had been procured For Council (6 seats)-- M. Bailey, at an attractive cut in cost, the A. Ciempson E. A. Klose, Jno McKay, first-class hotel accommodation, includ- ing good water and sewers. Sidewalks too were going to be necessary, and he which would build so much each year until definite results could be secured. ment with Dryden Paper Co., by { Dr Wood. which hose was interchangeabic! Scliocol Board--D. Blake, H. Hum- in case of need to the advantage Phress, Geo. Wice are elected, others; of both. He also intimated an :nMominated --Jas Hutchison, H. Adair, + withdraw from the'A. G R'pley--having decided to avoid | Council. fan election. Councillor Klose, of the Light, Power and Telephone Committee, t Reeve--John Guthrie, John Hutchison. gave detaiis of these utilities and; For Council (4 seats)--R. Begg, J. French, Jas Haich, Albt. Moore, Alex Van Horne. hoped a start could be made on a plans Today and Tomorrow (By Cosmopolitan.) AND so we are nearing the er of 1925: and as good housekcepers it will be well to ldok bark and take stock, to see how fary « have fallen: short of our last N: ar was coming through. To be worthy of wishes and hopes. its future the town required sanitary conditions that would make possible To start with, things w. r.ore or less unsettled--somc one | called them bad. But as the yeu. advanced things loosened up a: conditions became better. The summer, if not absolutely fine, brought never-the-less in general good crops ; some having the best they ever had. In consequence there is a more confident feelino all over the district. Quite a few . settlers came in, and this again gave the stickers more hope for future development. After all, many of our problems can only be sclved by pacple who are not here yet. Especialiy in the outlying districts. Just think i. over: Our school problems, our social life, the still burning road question, our Church, our cream- ery and other such problems «vii! only be solved satisfactorily by a bigger population. And perhaps it will be not amiss to seek ways and means to atirict more people to our fair district. I: the latter part of the year we ! the excitement of a general elec tion, which was a great success «© courge, all parties being highly satisfied. And now we are jus: preparing our Christmas cake aii! buying our presents--which its I' Pass--Hanry Sfreddo, Aubrey Pin- kerton, Lila Buchanan, Oscar Nymark, Ines Sfreddo, Andy Volkmar, Lester] Pronger, Lola Dean, Sofie Trasiewicz,' Billy Wigle, Neil Campbell, Marion, Beck, Geraldine Duncan, Ray Hatch, Mary McMonagle, Alma Brisson, Arnold Nymark, Hazel Adair, Olga Steiner, Grace Klose. Senior I.--Honours-- Brian Barber, Hilda Davies, Gladys Vankoughnett, BOOT & SHOE REPAIRER and HARNESS STORE E. NADON, First Class Jeweller and Watch Maker EXPERT REPAIRS. Quick Service Guaranteed. PENS & PENCILS ° CUFF - LINKS, BRACELETS BEADS WATCH FOBS WATCHES & BEDROOM Pass--Duncan Reid, Leila Foulis, don Robinson, Duncan Turner, James George Ernewein, Gladys Buchanan, CLOCKS Tommy Crawley, Esther Robinson i CHINAWARE.., Clayton Bailey, Angus Allen, Clemmy Strutt, Ruby M'Guire,Ethel Fido, Mary Dixon,Adele Foulis, Nora Bauer, Char- | lotte Davis,Ruth Norgate, EileenWigle, Edna Martinson. Pass--Grant Buchanan, Hugh Reid, For Sale HOUSES, TOWN LOTS & FARMS FOR SALE IT IS FAR BETTER TO HAVE INSURANCE & NOT NEED IT, THAN TO NEED IT & NOT HAVE IT. A. J. LOCK --Real Estate and Insurance.-- Issuer of Hunting and Trapping Licences Office Phone, No. 20 chowy., Willie Allen. Junior I.-- (Honours) Nellie Sfreddo, Raymond Wice, Norman Hardy, Pass--Muriel Bailey, Robert Clarke, : Joe Cook, Arthur Rhodes. Jr. Primary--Agnes Blake, Gordon Field Frank Brisson, Bobbie M'Callum, May Clarke, Berthil Moline, BillieVan- koughnett,Addie Cole, Gordon Nymark, Charlie Moore. Edward Wonnacott. A. --Mildred - Ripley, Chaschowy, Alice Andrews, Georgie Movrettin, Margaret Buchanan, Russel : Hawke, Vernon Pronger, Howard Reany, Eileen Cooper, Tommy Cooper, Sherwood Robinson, James Pat Haldorsen, Ethel i Wright, Duncan Adair, Beatrice Dagg, i Billy Yaworski, Earl Smith. p-] To the Electors of Dryden-- In seeking election to the Council, it ; is with the most sincere desire to be of service to the Town of Dryden. 21m, { to give everybody a square deal to the i very hest of my ability. M. BAILEY. We wish you and your's A MERRY CHRISTMAS --and a NEW YEAR insured against Financial loss Eom FIRE To the Electors of Dryden-- In asking again for your support ! as a member of Dryden Council, I sub- ; mit my experience in that capacity, "make it my purpose to protect the in- . terest of the citizens to the best of "my ability and, support every worthy "object that is for the public good. E. A. KLOSE. ¥ J E.GIBSON, Agent, Dryden Monty Robertson, Violet Moline, Gor- | McMonagle, Jessie Cole, Gordon Moore, : Senior Primary--- (Honours) Emma' 4 Florence Dagg, James McKellar, Mick- | ey Pronger Ross Doudiett,Helen Chas-: James Reid, | John McQueen, Myrtle Barber, Annie' Louttit, ; Beck, Edith; 1 shall appreciate generous support,' and if elected, you may rely upon me' "and in the future as in the past I will | Harold McQueen. Mr and Mrs Con Anderson, spent Xmas with Mr and Mrs G Nelson, Kenora. Arthur Pitt is spending his vacation from College in Winnipeg, at his home in Dryden. : Mrs T. Corneille is enjoying a holi- | day in Winnipeg. Victor Holm, Fort William, spent the "Xmas holidays with his parents here. Mrs R. Rhodes and baby daughter, ? -- of Winnipeg, are the guests of Mr and : Jean Hutchison,Aubrey Moore, Clifford Mrs Wm Sutton. McGuire. 1 Mr and Mrs C Hagstrom, Port Ar- thur, spent Xmas in Dryden. Miss M. E. Lucas of the Public: her Xmas holidays at her home ip the east C O Self, was a visitor to Kenora last week and attended the "Dumbell" show Wednesday night. ! Miss Withers of the Public School staff, is visiting in Winnipeg. . Because Jini Klose (who happens to "be the biggest buyer of fur in town) chair, it is not to be inferred that he i was after anybody's hide. - Miss Osborne, of Toronto, who has been appointed to succeed Miss Veitch y as head of the District Health Depart- ment, has arrived in Dryden. Mr and Mrs John Hutchison and May have gone east to Port Elgin and . Buffalo for the winter months. Mr Hutchison will also visit the springs at : Mt Clemens before returning. S.3. No. 1--MUTRIE, WALDHOF, Report of First Term Examination Marks required to pass--T720 i Iil--Martha Beyer, 938; Catherine . Schoonenbery, 918; Emma Altadst, : 915; Mary Krzar, 852; Lizzie Kell- berg, 844; Annie Kurz, 803; Hertha Weiske, 626. Marks required to pass--720 Sr II--Lina Winfield, 960; Mark Weiske, 744. Marks required to pass--720 Jr IL.--Alfred Allin, 910; Bring- freide Perduss, 887; Hans Kellberg, 856; Sadie Smith 749; Henry Metzler, 698; Katie Gruen, 661. Class I.--Rohert Smith, Elsie Beyer, Billy Aho, Gussie Smith. Sr Primary--Hans Gruen, Miller, Ida Beyer, Annerosa Perduss. Jr Primary--Vale Kellberg, Myrtle y Smith, Peter Schoonenberg, Adolf - Schroeder. J. C. Armstrong, teacher. Ruddy Chrissie Winfield, 'St. LUKES PARISH CHURCH : (Epiphney Sunday) _ Evening Prayer ......... 7 p.m. Preacher--- School Staff, left last week to spend; made a gesture toward the Mayor's§ in the Telephone service and switch-board. In reference to the' announcement that he would run for Mayor, he said that had been done with the purpose of bring- ing forward a suitable candidate, and he was pleased to see it ha the desired effect. ? Coun. Wood, of the Finance Committee discussed the financial position of the Town, and the successful floating of debentures. McPhail, 0. H. Pronger. shows we are doing fairly well. Fagle River, Reeve--F. 0. Duce, J. Patterson So we presume that all will For Council (4 seats)--F. O; Ander- have a Merry "Xmas and a pros: son,' C. Hampe, Julius Schultz, F. P€rous New Year. Shapland, W. P. Wright. And now that it is in order to make some New Year resolutions OXIYRIFT --_-. we would suggest the follow! - ; = ; "XMAS is over at last. Now most of list to pick from: us can take a deep sigh of relief. 1 I wil sec that I get one 1 .01¢ Mr Jack Nicholson spent the week- good milk cow in my stable be- end at the home of Mr and Mrs Jack fore the year is over. | While he thought that the Town Agams, I Tate dene Ent 'should still be cautious in MIONSY Mies Maviorie Adams Is hon for o Pointers ih 55 5 In matters, he thought they were in yg. ns ean RB a position to continue necessary Mr John Crerar left on Thursday for 21 : 2 a ce, improvements and extensions. Kencra. 2 ant going to. provide onc labor-saving device for mother (wife) within the next three months. 4 I will take a better interest in Councillor Wilde described the waterworks system, and of its gradual development in Town. Next summer a further extension Harold Latimer is home on a visit, from Douglas, Man. Pleased to report Miss Mary Corner is doing nicely, after her recent opera- ; would be necessary to accommo- on for appendicitis. § our School matters. date a number of new applicants. np J crosier is in Winnipeg this 5 I wili never again tall" ~hout Coun.illor Swanson, Roads and eer on business, . people whe are not pres. Bridges committee, was unable to be present at the meeting. Mayor Pitt analysed the finan- cial statement, and the various factors that enter into considera- Sorry to hear Mrs T. J. Latimer is indisposed with a severe cold. Mr and Mrs Browning enjoyed their family re-union on Xmas Day. ; 6 1 wiil no longer believ: £7 am the only person in {' ide world. 7 I'm gong to DO-IT 00 Misses Wandie and Carrie Weeks are DAY! Perhaps there will he tion of the annual expenditure. gpendine i i : Mi : P Ee i : pending the holidays with Mr and is - OrrGW. With a bonded indebtedness of p pyijard. ne Son roughly ten percent of its assessed Mr O. S. Jackson also left Oxdrift to YY VVAAARAAANAMANAAAA A value, he thought Dryden was in an enviable position, and that it would not be wise to increase its burden for the present. Yet the situation was much improved over last year, due chiefly to the im- provement at the mill, which, seemed to be started on the road. to prosperity. However, he would not counsel a policy of niggardliness. The Town needed to extend its water, sewer and phone systems. To; Dr Dingwall, the incoming Mayor they could look for needed im- provement in the sanitary condi- tion of the Town. he He also thought the contem- plated deal with the Agricultural spend the holiday with Dryden friends. The Oxdrift dance proved a howling success. It was most timely in intro- ducing the new fad of "Belling the Flappers"--not surprising, as Oxdrift is quite well up in Society. [HE D Notice IT is kindly requested that zl dogs not in races are shut up during time races are on. Committee. WISHES : all its : Society for the Fair Grounds had Fri en d S reached a stage where an arrange- ment advantageous to both could and be carried through. He would like to see the whole Customers district around Dryden organized in one great municipality, and Dryden as the logical centre of the district should give every pos- sible assistance to that end. The' advantages to both would be in- calculable in better administra- tion of public services, and in the | stronger attitude they © could assume with the government, for : instance. They should unite their strength for the Town, for the country, and for their in- dustries, present and prospective. - A VERY HAPPY and PROSPEROUS New YEAR Rev. W. Rutherford Tindle. His retirement was,due to no dislike __

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