Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 5 Mar 1926, page 1

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® OTTAWA, Mar. Ld - VOLUME VII. DRYDEN, Ontario March sth, 1926 No. XXXVL Heenan May Get Labor Post. 2--While no official statement is obtainable from: the gov- ernment and Mr Heenan declines com- ment, it is rumoured in political circles : at the capital that Peter Heenen,; Liberal-Labour, Kenora, will shortly be offered the ministry of labour in the King Cabinet. Having been identified with indus- trial unions for two decades, six years service in the legislature to his credit, and even now carrying a union card of Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, My Heenan is regarded as the logical man in government circles. Further- more, the administration recognizes the necessity of Ontario representation in the cabinet and Mr Heenan is regarded as sure of holding his seat in a by- election. It is learned here that the premier has been swamped with tele- grams from Northwesc Ontario urging Heenan's appointment. Liberal and Labor sources have made representa- tions. Heenan's selection is regarded as especially likely in view of northwest- ern Ontario's insistent demand for cabinet representation. BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS It Pays to Buy Good Footwear. We are specializing in Work Boots this year. Some new Lines have already arrived, and others will be here any day--Including : some Waterproof Shoepacks and Loggers' Boots, We also carry a good line of Fine Shoes, which are hard to beat. Our Boots are noted for their good quality & hard wear, and reasonable prices. H. WILLARD'S CASH STORE BOOT & SHOE REPAIRER and HARNESS STORE E. NADON, First Class Jeweller and Watch Maker EXPERT REPAIRS. Quick Service Guaranteed, PENS & PENCILS CUFF - LINKS, BRACELETS BEADS WATCH FOBS WATCHES & BEDROOM CLOCKS CHINAWARE. For Sale HOUSES, TOWN LOTS & FARMS FOR SALE --WANTED TO RENT-- Several Empty Houses If you have a House for rent List it with Me. A. J LOCK --Real Estate and Insurance.-- Issuer of Hunting and Trapping Licences Office Phone, No. 20 Ltn ou DROSPERI 9 or MISFORTUNE No need to worry about Financial Misfortune if you have Adequate INSURANCE see J. E. GIBSON, Agent, Dryden Farmers Given An Opportunity F. T. BRIGNALL, Bistrict Dir- ector of the U.F.O. announces an opportunity to meet a few of the leaders of the movement in the Community Hall, Oxdrift, on Tuesday next, March gth, at eight o'clock. Although the notice ist short, due to circumstances, it is hoped that all will do what they can to secure a good turnout. Distance makes it hard for this district to keep in close touch with headquarters; the more reason to make an effort when opportunity does come. A display of interest by our farmers is the strongest possible argument with Toronto to come and visit us occasionally. Mr Brignall has been assured that J. J. Morrison himself wil endeavour to pay a visit here this summer. Prove your interest ir this possibility by attending thc meeting on Tuesday night. Mr Morrison's letter to Mr Brignall in part is given below: . "If you would let me advise, I think you should have one meeting at Oxdrift. The crowd you will have is entirely new, and they are not coming home immediately after the Coun- cil meeting. They are leaving Winnipeg on the 8th, and could be with you on the gth, and then go on to Fort William, 'where another meeting will be held to aid Mrs Garver. The ones who will stay over are: Mrs Souter, Vice-President of the U.F.W.O., a pioneer in New Ontario, who lives in: Nipissing District, and is thoroughly acquainted with condi- tions in the North; is a good speaker and I know the peoplc up there would like to hear her-- Bruce McNevin, Vice-President of the U.F.O., whose home is in Victoria County, and who is alse a good speaker, and Harold Me- Kechnie, Grey County, Vice-Pres- ident of the Y.P.O. 1 hear he is also a good speaker, a good man on the Board, and I think a com- ing man. Now, my reason for wanting you to hold this meeting is that you can tell these three Vice- Presidents exactly the condition= under which you are labouring We received your report of the riding convention, so that I think that we now understand the situa- tion fully. Yours very truly J. J. MORRISON. Connections Complete Telephone connection between Dryden and Winnipeg is now est- ablished, and already in operation. C. W. MacDonald, C.P.R. expert who sperintended the installation of the service, called up various people here, Wednesday, to test the system. And the results were highly satisfactory , the voices coming clear and distinct over the long wire. The editor was given the opportunity to satisfy himself of this fact through the courtesy of Mr Macdonald. The rates to Winnipeg are the same as to Fort William, under the agreement signed this weel between the Town and the Mani- toba Government Telephones. Perhaps nothing could do more than the telephone to overcome the sense of isolation that has held back this district from develop- ment. We are hardly better than an eskimo colony the way we have been cut off from the rest of the country. Now all we need is that long looked-for highway--an open road to the world outside. But it is coming ! or NOTICE All School Taxes f8r School Section No. 1, Zealand, both Arrears and for this year can be paid up at any time to O. E. NORMAN, Wabigoon, Ont Collector Sor FARM FOR SALE. Townsip of Eton, Lot 9, Con. 2. 80 acres, forty under cultivation, seeded to mixed Timothy Alsike, and Clover. Lumber shack, 12 x 14. Eight or nine tons of hay in loft.--Apply JOHN BOTHWELL, Eagle River, Ont. District Convention Conservatives Will Meet in Dryden. THE date set for the postponed Convention of the Liberal-Con- servative Association, to nominate a Candidate to contest this Con- stituency when the time arrives, is Friday, March 19th. The place will be Town Hall, Dryden, pro- ceedings to commence as soon as possible after the arrival of Train Number Two. Since we are unrepresented in the Provincial House, there arc several other questions pertaining to the welfare of the District ana party that will be discussed. It is further proposed that rep- resentatives should be found that will attend the Fifth Annual Con- vention of the Liberal-Conserva- tive Association, to be held in Toronto. on Friday, March 26th., and that this delegation should interview the Ministers, placing before them some of the very important matters concerning the different sections of the District that should "have consideration this year. Anybody interested is invited to attend. Whether a delegate or not. If you have any sugges- tions for the delegation, an op portunity will be given for you to bring it forward. A big attendance will be a wel come to the numerous representa- tives from the other towns in this constituency. The local com- mittee urge upon you the import- ance of your being present. sCO-OPERATIVE EXPERI- MENTS IN FIELD HUSBANDRY. The members of the Committe on Field Husbandry of the Onario Agri-, culture] and Experimental Union are prepared to distribute material for ex- periments with grains, potatoes, roots, fodder crops and fertilizers, Fully 2600 varieties of farm crops have been tested in the experimental department of the Ontaric Agricultural College, Guelph, for at least five years. These consist of nearly all the Canadian sorts znd several hundred new varieties and strains, a few of which have been originated at Guelph and have done exceedingly well in the carefully con- ducted experiments at the College, and will be used for the co-operative ex- periments throughout Ontarie in 1926. Each person in Ontario who wishes to join in the work may choose any one of the experiments for 1926, by filling out the proper form of applica- tion and retrrning the same to the Director of the experiments in Field Husbandry at as early a date as poss- ible. The material will be furnishtd in the order in which the applications are rectived. until the supply is exhausted. All material will be furnished entirely free of charge to each applicant, and the produce will of course become the property of the person who conducts the experiment. In return, the Com- mittee on Experiments desires to ask that each experimenter will sow all the plots belonging to the particular ex- periment which he has chosen for 1926, and that he will be very careful and accurate in his work, and will forward to the Director a complete report of the results obtained form the test. All seeds and ferilizers will be sent in good time for spring seeding, provi- ded the applications are received at an early date. The supply of material being limited. those who apply first will be surest of obtaining the desired outfit, Forms of application can be secured from M. F. Cook, agricultural repre- sentative at Dryden, from whom also all particulars may be obtained. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned will receive Tenders for the following property up to and including Tuesday, March 23rd 1926, as follows-- 1st For the south 110 feet of Lots 15 and 16 on north side of Princess Street, together with buildings situate on Lot 15. 2nd, Lot 17, north side of Princess Street. 3rd, For Building only, situate on North part of Lot 16, Princess St. The highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Dr MORISON, Chairman, Hake, a daughter. Bnight for Fort William where she has Alleged Breach of Building By=Law Building Inspector Jas. McFadyen attended Tuesday night's meeting of Dryden Town Council, and asked that Council would enlarge their Building Bylaw to furnish a guide in making decisions relative to the issuing of per- mits under the Bylaw. The directions were so general at present that too great responsibility was thrown on the Inspector. This matter of simple routine soon got itself tangled with the horrible sus- picion that Magistrate R. H. Pronger had knowingly and with malice afore- thought, committed a breach of the by- law. And all those groaning under the burden of laws in general, tingled with suppressed hope. Seen in regard te the matter, Mr Pronger was shocked, even horrified, at the very idea that anyone could even imagine he would take such an attitude "THREE FLOWERS" Skin and Tissue Cream. Nightly massage with this Tissue Cream, will keep the tissues and pores of the skin in a vigorous condi- tion and insure firm, youthful contours. PRICE--60c. "THREE FLOWERS" Vanishing Cream. The mission of this Cream is to provide a perfect foundation for powder. It disappears as soon as it is applied, leaving the skin delicately moist and receptive for powder. I gives un added depth of whiteness to the skin. PRICE----60c. towards any law. He had employed a : contractor to move an old building he! had bought at Bedworth; the man had | appeared doubtful a: to whether he. would succeed in moving it into town. Next thing he knew, the building had been placed on a vacant lot near his residence, and he was now considering where it could be placed. He had al- ready applied for a permit, which he expected would be issued as soom as the building officer had approved of it. If there had been any breach of the town bylaw, it had certainly not been intentional. The Building Inspector corroborates the fact that a permit has been applied for. A slight change made in the bylaw | reduces the license for pool tables from $20 to $15 for one table. . The license | fee of $10 for a second, and $5 for all other tables in one building remains as before. The Mayor and Town Clerk were: authorized to sign the agreement with' was instructed to investigate the ar- rangement for the supply of Dryden power and report to next meeting. The building inspector raised the question of having specifications for buildings in different sections of the town included in the bylaw.- It was left to the Property committee to go into the matter with the inspector and report. License TRpestor Parfitt visitor here this week. Miss Louise McGogy left Saturday was a entered the McKellar hospital to tran lor nurse. Dr Gibson, of Winnipeg, den Sunday. S. Stephenson, Oxdrift, visited here Monday. Mrs McTavish, jr.,, Miss L. Crosier, and Miss E. Latimer were visitors to Dryden Wednesday. Mrs Jewett is progressing favour- ably, after an operation on her foot, at Dryden Red Cross Hospital. Bob Thompson, Ignace, has been spending the past week in Dryden. Mrs A. M. Young, and Mrs Richard- son, Ignace, were visitors to Dryden Wednesday. Mrs S. Withrow returned from a short visit to Fort William. Mayor D. G. Dingwall was a visitor to Kenora early this week. W. Duncan, Minnitaki, spent a few days in town this week. F. T. Brignall, Oxdrift, was a busi- ness visitor to Kenora this week. Mr Wm. 8. Higgins, Dyment, was in town Monday. The Dryden Ladies' Bowling Team have received an invitation to visit Ignace next week. : Alex McPhail treated the nurses of Dryden Red Cross Hospital and a few of their friends to a sleigh drive out to Wainwright Dam last Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Whiteley served refresh- ments and gave them a cordial welcome visited Dry- LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR Land Plaster $12.50 per ton off Car J. WINTERBOTTOM, Lumber Merchant Dryden - Ontario FOR SALE--MAHOGANY "Colonial"! PLAYER PIANO. Made by Willis Co. | . in first-class condition and one hundred | #1 _g BORN--At Dryden, Ont., or Tuesday, Mar. 2, 1926, to Mr and Mrs Percy arranged. For particulars apply to | The DRYDEN OBSERVER. excellent rolls included. Terms can be! Richard Hudnut Three Flowers reams & Powders "THREE FLOWERS" Cleansing Cream penetrates the pores, ent.rely clears them of the day's dust an' grime, and leaves the skin soft, smooth and fresh. PRICE--60e¢. "THREE FLOWERS" Face Powder. One may obtain in Three Flowers face powder a tint for every comploxion, It is caressing to the skin, and i3 so' fortunately blended that it ecmab'n-s lightness for preservation of the slr, and body to insure lasting effet. PRICE--$1.00 "THREE FLOWERS" TRAVE LETTE, a package containing trial sizes of several of the to:leteries. REASONABLY IRICED AT--35¢ OTHER "THREE FLOWERS" PREPARATIONS Soaps, Perfume, Lip Stick, Toilet Water, Talcum, Bath Crystala, Rouges, and Compacts, in various styles. XXXXXXXXXXXX rk DRYDEN PHARMAG NYAL DRUG STORE. XH esl Hon. Jas. Lyons Resigns. TORONTO, Mar. 1.--One of the big- ; gest sensations in Ontario politics foi some years was sprung in the legis- lature this afternoon when Premier G. Howard Ferguson announced the resig- nation rom his cabinet of Hon Jame: the Manitoba Government Telephones, Lyons, Iinister of Lands ana Forests, giving long-distance connection with rand hi: :eceptance of the resignation. Winnipeg at the same rates as are in The ro 2uation was entirely unexpect- force to Fort William. Coun. Clmpson ed by sist inciubers of the house and by es general public. The reason given for the resigna tion wag that the firm of which Ms: Lyons is president had been trading with. persons who had governmen contracts. The Lyons Fuel and Supply Company of Sault Ste Marie, since M Lyons became minister of the govern- ment in 1923 had sold supplies to or- ganizations which were dcing work for the government. Premier Ferguson said that there was nothing legally wrong in this an Mr Lyons defended his attitude a being honest and proper; but M Lyons felt that both he and the gov- ernment must be above the least suspicion. He therefore resigned his cabinet post, but declared that he would remain a member for the present ses- sion at least. He invited the public accounts committee: to investigate every transaction that the Lyons Fuel and Supply Company ever had with any company, persons or Winn Town of Dryden Tenders for Scavenger. TENDERS will 'be received by the undersigned until April 1st, 1926 for Scavenging and other team-work fdr the Town of Dryden, for the year 1926. Duties to commence op. 15th of April, and continue for six months, An extra team and outfit to be used - during thee Spriug clean-up. Full particulars can be obtained from John McKay, Merchant, Chairman of Sani- tation Committee. The lowest or any tender not neees- sarily accepted. J. E. GIBSON, Clerk.' Tenders for Police Uniform TENDERS will be received by the un- dersigned until March 10th, 1926, for one Police Uniform, with extra Trous- ers. Sample of material to be submitted with tender. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. : J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. pe ---- > a-- tions dealing with the government znd declared his utmost confidence that every transaction would be found honorable and legitimate. : Hon. Mr Lyons who resigned from the Ontario government today was first elected to the legislature in 1923 when he won Sault Ste Marie back to the Conservative party. Previous to 1912 it had been the riding of Sir William Hearst, then premier. fie Ton Truck Ton DE I EEE SE SEY Truck, with starter bf "ORD D Selling Prices, Effective February 11th, 1926. WGCOD WHEELS + ACTOR (Agricultural Purposes), AS Dryden WIRE WHEELS Standard. Balloon. Standard, Balloon, EOMENG sane iin, $620.00 $655.00 .... $650.00 .... $685.00 Bungbout .......v.. 500.00 625.00 ..... 620.00 ..... 655.00 Runabout Special, Sport Model .................. vecese 7725.00 Lorne Loe. Le 780.00 815.00 ..... 810.00 ....,. 845.00, Tudor: he ea, 810.00 845.00 ....., 840.00 ..... 875.00 Orr ales hs 875.00 910.00 ..... 905.00 ..... 940.C0 Lo. Delivery... 505.00 630.00 ... .. 625.00 ..... 660.00 Do. non-starter 505.00 540.00 ..... 540.00 ..... 575.00 hassle a. 480.00 515.00 ..... §I0.00 ..... 545.00 The wire wheels can be had in any of the four optional colotirs, - ne a Light Green, Dark Red, Straw Colour. STANDARD $560.00 30 x 5" tires $660.00 30 x 5" tires. 650.00 30 x 5" tires RUCKSTELL 750.00 30 x 5" tires. F.0.B. Dryden $575.00 Motors EALERS

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