Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 19 Mar 1926, page 3

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Bi i Outstanding After Long | Make Advances 3 TT i «ay 0 f 8 ; £9 Stationery Waiting to Settlers. : or aie 3 A ; 5 ¢ ; (From News-Chronicle, Port Arthur.) OTTAWA, March 16--A bill authoriz- : t 3 V alu es Long ne there was any railroad jing advances to settlers on crown lands % : . across the Novthern part of Ontario, will be introduced in the House of ; . os prospectors had penetrated o Red Commons hy Hon. Charles Stewart, MAXWELL TOURING CAR--In First Class Condition, iy Lake and actually engaged in mining. Acting Minister of Immigration and Run about 7000 miles. 5 oversize Cord Tires. PLAYING CARDS, aoc quality $58 00 ni loin .30 A thy sunk, but discouragement Colonization. Shock Absorbers. Spot Light and other extra 4 4 i a ee ; : overtook the venture and the idea of tlem 1g 3 rditions JACKIE COOGAN FOUNTAIN PEN, Medium Point, a Tl des WR un Bonnet, > : j oA ablishing a gold camp at such a {of the proposed legislation will not FOR CASH OR TERMS TO SUI black chased barrel, self-Alling, euth ......ovvv.vens .50 distance from communication was|exceed $5,000.000 in any fiscal year. Ed Baty din SUIT abonded. Twenty-nine years ago, the A maximum loan of $1,000 may be PURITAN VELLUM, 24 sheets of PAPER and 24 EN- VELOPES, Extra Good Quality, 50¢ value for only .30 BOXED WRITING PAPER, 24 double Sheets with en- velopes, linen finish, 25¢ value. Special, per box ..... .15 T.B. LEAD PENCILS, Special, sis for ............ 25 PURITAN VELLUM, Large size WRITING PADS, 80 pages of good paper, only........ o.oo .25 Ladies: Size... 2... its A Noteslze oir. asmeies ans .15 SCRIBBLERS and EXERCISE BOOKS, Thick Books, for Pen or Pencil work. Good .o5 value. Special at 7 for ......... 25 TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT On All our Boxes of WRITING PAPER Over $1.00 in Value DISCOUNT Ralph J. Pronger {dollars yearly. PE Gl PR PRT a Tr Pa Ce PP PR Matches, Matches, Matches, LOOK OUT FOR A BIG MATCH STRIKE! STOCK IN WHILE THEY LAST ° AT THESE . PRICES. ONLY 1,000 PACKETS TO BE SOLD AT THIS PRICE. All This Week, Commencing MARCH 22nd At 30c pert Packet MATCHES HAVE ADVANCED IN PRICE. You Will Not Be Able' to Replace them AT THIS PRICE gC. James. Wright Phone NO. ! Now Doubly Valuable So Doubly on th Painting You have always looked upon painting as an essential protection for your home. This year, possibly you are thinking you might save the money it costs to paint. But that is not saving--it's extravagance -- more pronounced extravagance than in normal times. Remember that building materials are high and repairs (always more costly than painting) are abnormally expensive just now. IT IS TRUE ECONOMY TO USE ah Rp GLISH ® 70% DureWhite Lead) (Brandram's Genuine B.B)' P T 30% PureWhite Zine 300% Pure Paint It has that wonderful covering capacity and that remarkable durability which results from the use of pure white lead and pure white zinc in correct proportion. Its manufacturers are committed by a guarantee to that correct proportion. They can- not deviate from it because their guarantee is printed on every can. That is why we sell and recommend B-H English paint--believing it to be higher in quality, more truly an economy paint than any other on the market. Durance Bros. & Co i 49 famous camps of Northern Ontario were unknowr:. While the shaft at Red Lake lay abandoned new discoveries were made miles East and hundreds of millions ¢f dollars in gold have been extracted. More than a hundred miles of drifts and cross cuts have been blasted cut far under the surface of the ground. But Red Lake waited. A rail- road was built across Canada. Cities and towns came into existance. Trade grew and flourished, and where only animals made their silent way through the forest thousands of men are now working and the world is growing richer in visible wealth by millions of Then Red Lake was again visited, but failed to attract at- tion. Howey discovered gold and re- ported it to some of the companies in the established camps Omnario. Then Red Lake came into the ken of man. nothing. The combined cry of gold and big money was sufficient to send scores of men to the trail, in the winter, to the new field that was found nearly thirty years ago. What the outcome of the activity will be, remains a sealed chapter in the mining history of Onta- rio for the time being. CHILD KILLED BY DOG PORT ARTHUR--Attacked by a young dog, with which she had been playing about her fathers farm near Flint, Mary Sharpe, two and a haif years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sharpe, was extended te a settler who is a Cana- dian citizen and $500 to a non-Britich subject. annual installments extending over a period of ten years at per cent. D.R.O. FOUND GUILTY EDMONTON, Alta, March 15--Ray HI. Winter, deputy returning officer in the general election in Peace River constituency, was found guilty of in- ducing three persons not British Sub- | of Northern! seriously injured Saturday night, {dving about 2 o' clock Sunday Imorning. Dr. Bussy of Hymers called to the Sharpe homestead did everything that was possible, but all his efforts were futile. The dog had lacerated the left leg and there were bruises and lacera- tions on the right leg. The dog which had previously borne a good temper, was destroyed. The parents are at a loss to explain the attack. The father and his son were doing night chores in the barn and the child had gone with them, but had later started for the house alone. her and on being told that she had not returned to the farm housc; The growl of the dog met his approach. Near the animal the fa- | ther saw his child lying in the crimsoned snow. She was picked up unconscious and immediately | Dr. Bussy was called by telephone The bereaved parents are well CLAIM DAMAGES FOR WAR BLCCKADE LONDON, March 17--1In an edit- orial under the caption "The Good Samaritan" the Morning Post dis- plays much concern over a report from Washington that the U.S. is preparing to present to Great Britain with a sb 1 id d: amages to ola of Germs any ite or war. The Post, however, has decided to treat the reported claim as a poltic al joke until ti is assured of ts SCT1IOUSNESS, It concludes by declarging that if the claim is made no British Vo I Ph Government will entertain it. | Special Prices RUBBER ROOFING. Slacte-SURFACED ROOFING. , SHINGLES. TAR PAPER. INSULATION. TULL STOCK OF BUILDERS SUPPLIES. J. Winterbottom WOOD & COAL DEALER known around Hymers and Flint. | Heavy & Light Sheathing. Paper. between the thigh and the knee The father missed' started out on a trail throu' snow which led to another outbuilding. jects to vote and was fined $200 and sentenced to four monts imprisonment. He was remanded for trial on another charge, together with Peter A. Robb, {Deputy Returning Officer. A charge against a third -election official was remanded. - A ar atime Its isolation counted for SUITS MEN -- WHO ARE WONDERING : What the SPRING SUITS and TOP COATS Will Be Like CAN COME IN AND SEE The STYLE ILLUSTRATIONS "and CLOTH SAMPLES Now 00000000 THE SAMPLE OUTFIT IS Placed in a Convenient Part of the Store, for easy and leisurely inspection. WE ARE NOT GIVING ANY PANTS FREE But we will gladly quote prices on extra Pants for any Suit. T. PROUDFOOT "Ihe Dryden Tailor. © OTH CIEE CEN () <CRs- O46 Bp G03 FARM FOR SALE. FARM for Sale or Rent, being the S 14 of Lot €, Con. 3, Eton Twp. 160 acres, thirty under cultivation, balance pulpwood and lumber 6-roomed, I-storey House, good well, with stone crib and pump: log stable. Or will exchange for house and lot in town. For par- ticulars apply to BEN BRIGNALL, Sr. Oxdrift, Ont. Ried 1713126 a Furniture Farm Implements Real Estate For sale at the West End Second Hand Store. Our assortment of New and Second Hand goods is now very large and may be had at a price which means great savings to you. We invite inspection and are sure you will be pleased with any purchases you may make. We have a nice China Cabinet, a good Typewriter Desk. All kinds of Beds, Dressers, Chairs, Couches, Heaters, Ranges, Tables Toilet Sets, Carpets, Bal hy Car- riages, Books, Book Shelves, In- cubators, Drawers. Good Seed Barley. We also have a line of Dry-goods :-- Overalls, Smocks, Raincoats, Gauntlets, Pants and Shirts, and many other articles too nuemrous to mention. ™ F. SPEARS, Drydentne. Dryden, Ontario Interest will be payable in} a rate of five, TUBE RADIO SET Portable Tubes, Batteries Ear Phones & Loud Speaker $50.00 Willard"s Storage "B" Battery Chargers Other Radio Sets & Accessories on hand. Also a number of Glchelite Storage Batteries At Snap Prices AT PRICES TO CLEAR OUTTHESE WILL BE ALL SOLD A. G. Ripley, 3-TUBE RADIO SET 'Tubes, Storage Batteries & "B" Batteries Ear Phones, Loud Speaker $35.00 Dryden Rs RE SS LB CT TS, A Big Range in all Sizes and Styles $1.00 to----381.50 GIRLS MIDDIES White, with Blue Flannel --$i.50--- SILK STOCKINGS In Every Wanted Shade goc.--60c.--85c.--&--$1.00 Collars, GATES. 3. B. ' Paterson's Meat Marke! SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK-END BEET SAUSAGES, per ... 15 ROLLED POT ROAST NELESS STEW BEEF whith fom... han 2% BOLOGNA, perb ......... 13 B.C. SALMON perth ...... .253 0 rd i RE 25 " Plicne No. 6 . PATERSON, Prop @& 3 In i DAITER BLOCK Dryden Lumber Company Successors. to Arderson & Harris. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS FULL STOCK . OF LUMBER. SASH & DOORS SHINGLES, WOOD FIBRE BRICK "LIME AND. CEMENT Fstimates Freely Given CASH GROCERY BE SURE AND GET YOUR GREENS FOR SATURDAY CELERY LETTUCE vm --BANANAS \ 1p --ORANGES- -and----APPLES- Nice 2nd Fresh COA UANAIRINS ESNIPS IAIN SPECIAL FCR SATURDAY--- OATS, $1.75 per cwt. BREAD, We also have a large Assortment in for 5 three loaves for .25 Easter Saturday. TEN POUND SACKS of SUGAR While They Last Cotton Bags 70%4c Fer Bag CG. H. PRONGER, Proprie... ST i oy

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