THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Little Slowly but Undoubtedly Coming. And with it all the things that follows. We Have Most of Them Linoleums, Oilcloths, linoleum Squares & Carpet Squares. But what we want especially to speak about this week in the housekeeeping or renovating line is Wallpaper. WALL PAPER A large stock at all prices of Wall, Ceiling and Borders. These may be inspected quite easily and com- fortably, and the stock is large enough tc suit any general or ordinary requirements. On the other hand, if you have an extra nice room, or Some particular whim of color blend, we have a special Colin McArthur design book and can procure exactly what you need in a few days time, at competitive prices. TWO ITEMS OF INTEREST IN THE WINDOW : 200 pairs of MEN'S TROUSERS at--3$2.25 All Sizes All Values For Week April 5th to roth only. Then a sample of the lovely new SIMMONS' BED OUTFIT Complete Bed, Spring & Mattress. All the newest, the latest & finest. Nationally advertiSed at $44.75 in the 200 mile radius around Winni- peg. We are circularising the country about this bed outfit, which we have stocked in Dryden, & which you are privileged to closely examine. Freight paid on this outfit in this territory. ALFRED PITT, Ltd. DRYDEN ONTARIO VW OU UO. UV VO VOU UYN sade United Church H] EASTER SUNDAY, April 4th. ¥ 111 a.nm.--Sunday School & Bible Class Today will be an open Session. Keep A Record FARMERS whe are interested in keep- | ing a record «of their business and who wish to know if the various ongs and Hymns of Easter, and a branches of their work are bringing tory will be tld, besides the giving them a reasonable return, will do well ; cut of all pins for attendance duirng '0 obtain a copy of a sample farmer's ast quarter. We want every scholar. .ount nook published by the Depart- present. ment of Agricultural, at Ottawa, and 7.00 pm --EVENING WORSHIP.-- |. pnolied at ten cents per copy. The ; "Jesus in Defeat and Victory : Final topic in the series on the Life of plete year, calls for no special Lnowl- 2 Jesus. edge cf accounting and will take up Special Easter Music by the Choir: very little tinie for recording the items. "The Magdalene,"--G. W. Warren. fyi contains pages for the entry of re- "Why Seek ye the Living,"--Caleb ceipts and expenditures relative te Siiper. different fara activities. There is a 0 which may be { eved. £ The Lord's Supper will be adminis- § farm, and forms on --OXDRIFT -- m Iso a page on which ma me Sunday School entered a summary of the year's hah SAD PAs nde _ Public Worship §2ess. There are simple directions for : using the book. hinery, Taster messages at both Services. We invite all to be with us at this time. Come and enjoy the Easter Service. Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. i 1 Next Sunday, April 11th, W . M. S. § o are taking charge of the service. Miss "K. M'Arthur, returned missionary from Japan, will address us. Keep next In Sunday in mind. fancy li H. A. RIVERS, Pastor. Spring is Here And the Spring ghtly turns to thoughts of FURNITURE ADJUSTMENT Nee ary a EASTER SUNDAY, April 4th, be decided upon, which will great- 111.00 a.m.--"He is Risen." ly facilitate its accomplishment. pas TTR me Re a) £31 AT TT When vou wish to buy, or when 30mm. rf rd il Song Service fyou i ave anything to sell, be sure Subject "The Faster Message." to give us a chance. We also have Furnished Rooms Special Music, The Lord's Supper. which may be had by the day, |t week or month, at very reason- able rates. ' Mondav 8.00 p.m., instead of B.Y.P.U,, A Reusing Meeting for Praise and | yyyeqr End Second-hand Store Prs ; | hihi F. SPEARS, Dryden, Ont. Pastor E. G. BAXTER. id EB I a Young Wife's | : ap in the discussion of ways and | Dryden Baptis 5t Church | neans a visit to this store should Gough's Confectionery Easter Chocolate Novelties book, which is designed to last a com- That Taste as Good as they Look Kiddies will adore them-- A -- Cunning Chocolates EGGS, RABBITS, CHICKS, HENS, After the usual service the Sacrament § page for amounts owed to and by the | Pure and Wholsome as they are 'DD elicious, and as Delicious as they made inventories of lands and build- are attractive. ings, live stock, feed and supplies, and | ! Chocolate Marshmallow Eggs "hocolate Decorated Eggs Chocolate Hens & Roosters, Chocolate Rabbits, It is a useful publica- | Decorated Chocolate Egg, tion and may be obtained from the aster Baskets, t Pascells Renowned Old Country Novelties. -- Prices from osc to $2.00---- Crescent Icr Cream Bricks, .40 " Ice Cream, bulk, gt jo Eskimo Pies, five for ...... .25 FRUIT --For the-- HOLIDAY We have a full line of fineSt quality, including CAULIFLOWERS, each .... .4c HEAD LETTUCE, each .... .1r TOMATOES, perth ......... 3r SPANISH CELERY, White and Crisp, per Ib ..... .20 GREEN GRAPES, per 1b 6c Fresh Cut Flowers for Haster Saturday NARCISSUS & DAFFODILS About zoc dozen | Hw ? Starrng-- LAURA LA PLANTE LAVRA LA PLANTE UNIVERSAL STAR IF SPECIAL "Eg "WILD BEASTS OF BORNEO" PHOTOGRAPHED BY Mr & Mrs LOU C. BUTTS in the heart of the Wilds. Pacemakers News Monday --Tuesday lley" DPATSY RUTH MILLER, MONTE BLUE, LOUISE FAZEN DA, & WILLARD LEWIS One of the Best Comedies of with the Year. Eh iT i Sup = EY aT ROS THE CHEAP ALZAAR WEEKLY STORE NEWS Our Policy of Lowest in The Prices-- That is of selling day by day at least fifty percent less than the market prices of our competitors, is made possible because We Seil for Cash Only. We are not infallible. Others may on occasion cut our prices-- may on occasion sell merchandise for one reason or another at prices lower than we--until we find it out. We thank our Customers who report any items on which we are being undersold. We give no credit. We give no dis- count to a favoured few. We do not sell on easy payment plans. : imei \ THESE VALUES ARE FOR TO-DAY & NEXT WEEK. Glass Tumblers... rn.. 10 | Fork & Knives, from ....... «15 or twelve for 00. 20.0008 lnd Bowls o.oo 25 Cups & Sancers ose ons 251 White Plates, from. 0.0. 10 t Cake Tins, all sizes, from ... .15|Large Heavy Mixing Bowls .. .23 : Dishpans I axw-Taper, sonsheeis 0... 15 | Cream a - 2} Large Granite Saucepans .. podbot all & Flowers, each . .25 You are Welcome to Come in and Look 'Round. W. E. THORSEN & SON (Opposite Town Hall) Neil = i Lr pl i SI Hs ; MIEN WHO ARE WONDERING 'What the SPRING SUITS and TOP COATS Will Be Like CAN COME IN AND SEE The STYLE ILLUSTRATIONS and CLOTH SAMPLES Now 00000000 THE SAMPLE OUTFIT IS Placed in a Convenient Part of the Store,. for easy and leisurely inspection. WE ARE NOT GIVING ANY PANTS FREE But we will gladly quote prices on extra Pants for any Suit. T. PROUDFOOT "Fhe Dryden Tailor. EERE REE TERE AER .O.0.F. DREYDEN LODGE, Ne 417 meets at the Tow Hall every Monday evening at eigh' o'clock. Visiting Members cordially invited. ALEX. LEISHMAN, N. G. I. J, MACPHERSON, Rec. Secy. L.O.L. DRYDEN LODGE Ne. 1694 meets the first Wednesda of each month, at eight p.m., in the Town Hall. Visiting Brethren cer dially invited. D. ANDERSON, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Bory Golden Star Lodwe AF. No. in Hn Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden the Second Tuesday of each month Visitors Cordially invited. GEO. N. DECHERT, Secy. ~--THIS WEEEK-- PEE, pe We have just received our Spring Shipment in Men's, Womens & Childrens POOTS AND SHOES Special Announcement Tc The Ladies I wish you would come in and look over our new shipment of BOOTS AND SHOES which includes many different styles. As for the price, kindly look over your outside Catalogues, after pricing the same SHOES in our Store, you will find out how much vou can save by buying in your home 1own Why not give the town Merchants the same chance as any of the outside firms? When you are buying a pair 'of shoes from the Catalogue, you don't know what you are getting until you get them which half of the time are unsatis- factory. It is true enough that you can send them back and have your money 1efunded; But at the same time you have that privilege right here in town. You will also find that you don't have to pay any more fo1 the same shoes. Try them hone, if you are dissatisfied in any way, bring them back, we will gladly refund the money. I would like to draw your atten- tion to the Special three different lines in LADIES' SHOES, whick are worth from $5.50 to $6. 00 per pair. We are clearing the three different lines while they last at----$2.85 pair Sizes from 214 to 7 Ladies' SILK STOCKINGS in in all sizes, Colours to match every dress. We also carry the SILK STOCK- INGS in the Ribb Tops. CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS, in all sizes and different colours. We still have some TAILOR-MADE SUITS left that were made to meaSure, $10 paid on them, leaving a balance of $17.90. As the parties did not call for them, you have the privilege of getting one for $17.go0. this spring, come in and see if you can get one to fit you. A smal deposit will hold it, until you are ready to take it out. If you can't pick one out to fit, we have already received our Spring and Summer Samples, for Made-to-Measure Suits. We now carry a complete line of --BOYS SUITS-- Visit our Second - Hand Store --for-- Men's Odd Pants, Vests, Army Boots. Women's and Childrens Second Hand Boots, Shoes, Coats Skirts, also a few Ladies Suits. New and Second Hand Store. DEYDEN-- -- -- --ONTAERI( them on in the store; after taking If you figure on buying one 1 4 - »¥ Pe