Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 23 Apr 1926, page 2

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THE DRYDEN OBSERVER . A.C, No. 21, BARLEY, forseed ........ ce Our Dry Goods Window for-- Light and Dark Coloured Curtain Muslin, Seri, Crettones, Silk Voils, ete. "adies &¢ Misses Patent SANDALS, ete Gents Furnishing Window for-- the newest in DRESS SHIRTS, in Broadcloth. Famous' Fleury PI Famous' Fleury Plow If you are in need of a PLOW this Spring, let us know. It will paz you to get our price. Ss FLEURY PLOWS When You: RE - TIRE-- Lo Make it a DUNLOP, a tire with a reputation behind it. Either Balloons, or Regular Tires-- Also TUBES, PATCHING MATERIAL, BLOW OUT months." The Battery is right, and the Price is right. wax reduction should be utilized to les- sen the burden of indirect taxation." This representation was made today by a delegation from the Council of Agriculture, which waited the Cabinet. Reduction in taxation, it was urged, should be affected by lowering the tariff cn imports which include the cost of living and production, in pre- ference to reduction of sales and in- come taxes. The Government was applauded for Pension Commissioners and a number of changes in the proposed rural cred- its legislation were also asked. BIRCH LAKE NOW ATTRACTING MEN WITH GOLD FEVER-- Letters by air mail from Red Lake declare that prospectors in considerable numbers are moving across country to Woman Lake and Birch Lake, and that the staking of claims is in progress on a big scale. The cold nights of the past week have preserved the ice to such an ex- tent as to make excellent travelling conditions on the ice of the lakes. This condition is enabling Dome and Me- Intyre to deliver equipment and sup- plies at their Red Lake properties. As a consequence, diamond drilling will 'get away to an early start and it is possible the first drill core will be drawn by the time the first boats go into commission. about 60 miles, and the route lies across some pretty rough country. The distance from Hudson to Birch Lake iis about 135 miles over the Winter i trail. This trail follows the Red Lake trail over two-thirds of its length, but industry in Canada in 1925,according to a statement issued by the Dominion + Bureau of Statistics at Ottawa. In that Canadian | upon Premier King and members of: t From Red Lake to Birch Lake is' reply in the debate on the League of | Nations Assembly at Westminster, last week, the first duty he felt it incumb- ! ent upon him to discharge was, as he phrased it, to pay a debt which pressed strongly upon him--that was, to the representative of the Dominions and of India who were at Geneva, at the same time. Sir Austen's tribute to these representatives was as warm as it was evidently sincere. "It was my good 7|5/26¢. Bedworth, Ont. MILCH COW, Part Jersey, Fresh--for SALE--Apply , WM. NEWTON, 30]4]26 Dryden, Ont. FOR SALE--MARE 8 year old. Cheap for cash.--Apply OTTO E. NORMAN, 50[4|26¢ Wabigoon, Ont. "OVERLAND" 1/4 ton TRUCK FOR am back heie in my place in the House of Commons, to express the debt I owe to them for the sympathy and sup- port which they accorded me in 'the - most difficult task it has ever been my the League's deliberations. To one of the most distinguished of these Deminion representatives, Senat- or Dannrand--who, as President of last year's assembly added so much to his the Canada Club and their guests had the privilege of listening last week. While, of course not presuming to speak for the whole of his countrymen Senator Danurand is justified in his claim that the views to which he gave utterance, with so much charm of die- tion, are those of a very large body of Canadians betwen the Atlantic and the Pacific. In his speech he touched upon some of the outstanding difficulties which Canada has to face as a result cf the war, and explained the mental' attitude of tliose for whom he felt Limself able to speak concerning pres- think in terms of peace." "Canada isa. producer of security, not a consumer," was another telling phrase of his, the already high reputation--members of . : A. years old, and gentle. One HOLSTEIN CALF, born November 22nd. Cheap. For further particulars apply H. WRIGHT, Wabigoon, Ont. FOR SALE--1925 FORD COUPE, Balloon Tires and Spare. Run about 2000 miles. Price $600.00 cash. L. J. TAYLOR, clo J. A. PAYNE, Dryden. for cash. Weight 1200-1bs.--Apply For sale BUGGY, also Good Plow and Cultivator. -- Apply Mrs O. M. NYMARK, Dryden, Ont. FOR SALE--SEED GRAIN---- OATS, variety, 'Gold Rain. WHEAT, variety, Kota. BARLEY, variety, 0.A.C., No. 21. Samples may be seen at Agricultural Representative's Office. -- Apply L. WICE, 30/4|26 Dryden, Ont. PURE, PRIZE SELECTED SEED 8 and 9 years old. Good workers. Also TWO COWS, which will freshen in June, all Govt. Tested. --Apply wan ° ° foe [] a L T h S { Would Lower Canadas Attitude Classified Miracle Finishes e Uusy (0 r € ; The Tariff to F oreign Affairs usr RGGS--PURE BARRED| New Stock arrived in all Colours OTTAWA, April 21.--The income tax ep ately BE Paint your car with ; ought fo be maintained at the former (From "Canada") \2 dozen.--Apply LUSTRE FINISH I acleaned DATS, for seed, per bus, ......... 90c. flevel, and surpluses available from When Sir Austen Chamberlain rose to: Mrs W. BICKNELL, Your Furniture wants Retouching with Varnish. Get your Screen Doors and Windows Painted. DIGGING FORKS GARDEN RAKES HOES HOUSE PAINT, in all Colours, White Paint that Stays White. NUFF-SED! E. A. KLOSE HUDSON, April 19.--Three of the lot to confront." It is gratifying to TESTED SEED OATS for Sale.--Ap-§ = ERE A An leading banking institutions of Canada find that* the Dominion representat ve~ piy ; pe es are making inquiries into the ques- their part, are unanimous in J. DURANCE, Dryden. ul J CROSIER go of establishing zp danls at Red exploring adntiydtion Sot «the ds - LHe ® : %. : sacl al salon ; : Lake. It appears to be a foregone EEA : = > : ; GOOD EQUIPMENT MAKES conclusion that one or the other will tinguished part played by Sir Austen Zona, WANTED PRON, GR a i 3 " 2 eh a Yad 2 4 5 i i ' ' a 3 A GOOD FARMER BETTER a ly ation ay Chamberlain at Geneva, as well as feet and face. Finde please notify OXDRIFT, ONTARIO 3 : y confidence in the ultimate success of JOHN ALTO, Wabigoon ens ---~We Have the Agency For thé-- hang out a sign. ) goon, Our New Shipment of-- GOOD OLD EASTERN Apple Butter --and-- Maple Syrup JUST ARRIVED. FRESH GROCERIES Coming in Weekly. ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO General Rlacksmith AGENTS FOR-- its "courageous stand" in reducing fortune," he said, "throughout to be gars New i Do over] Have vou scen-- -- . automebile duties in the face of a "per- in the closest touch and consultation hauled. In good shape. Price $175.0 A OUTING SHIRTS, : sistent andaggressive" campaign by} with them. The whole seven nations ¢ash, or Ls Bator THE BURBANK RANGE i NG Q : manufacturing interests. Anil 3 . a > Putener, plt's here and is waiting to serve 5 HORE, SHOES and OXFORDS A resolution was presented advocat- | 2 Ison oot pny oan oy Fy Eagle River, Ontario you 2 FELT H ATS ing conscription of wealth in the event jMmunications of the most confidentia of war. oy character passed among us more than yop SALE REGISTERED HOL- ALABASTINE--Church's Brand - Quality and Price Guaranteed Reorganization of the Board offence a day, and I desire, now that I STEIN BULL (Klondyke sired) three : wh 22 ed Abs : : : POTATOES For Sale--Irish Cobblers PHONE--- SLEEVES, VALVE INSIDES, etc. Ry 5.0 niibens of PI ent-day world problems. & Green Mountains, at $2.25 per bus. Day, 62 R 2; z Night, 62 R 4 - Srv ! ECC { Canadians, he said, in a striking J T. H LEWIS, |... BATTERIES - CAR PRODUCTION IN 1925. PIRI Tents bo toned Bumitipp lamin ge ROBT. SWEEN:Y If in need of a NEW BATTERY for your car, let us know, OTTAWA, April 22.--A record pro- °F What they conceive to be present- FOR SALE--ONE TEAM OF OXEN. | Zo LAR V3 VISE . we sell Good Reliable BATTERIES, Guaranteed for Eighteen ~~ "duction was attained in the automobile ¢ay needs, but--do not forget it--they ' z E._sacosson, Massey- Harris Implements year the eleven automobile factories in J. S. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont. Agent for: -- Three-speed transmission--modern design ~smart appearance--Duco finish--long, flexible springs--ample power -- world famous operating economy ---all season comfort----quality construction throughout. Come to our showroom and satisfy your- ] self that here is a low-priced closed car : that is worthy of your ownership. Other Chevrolet models also on display. Greater Quality at Lower Cost Ganada produced a total of 161970 cars Significance of which will not be lost --an increase of twenty-two per cent on other Dominions. The Senator sees over 1924. The total value of produc- the best hope of the future in the Demonstration LONDON, April 21.-- Sir Austen of the British Empire. "Under the Chamberlain told the House of Com- same Crown," he declared, "side by mons today the German Government side, abreast, not in tow, we shall per- had given assurance that the proposed Signin ait Russo-German treaty would = contain petuate this mighty Empire in the nothing conflicting with the League of spirit of moderation and goodwill to- Nations covenant, and he saw no reas- wards all." on to take exception to it. BERLIN, April 21.--In authoritative CANADA GETTING GOLD FROM circles here it is stated that the treaty ode 14/5/26 Eagle River, Ont. FOR SALE--WELL BRED DURHAM SEED OATS, from Government tested Seed. These Oats have all been cleaned and are 75c. per bus. Cash. Apply-- HERB WILDE, Dryden. HATCHING EGGS--Pure Bred An- conas, Shepherd strain; all-winter lay- between Russia and Germany, which NEW YORK, April 21.--The flow to' has been in the negotiation stage since ) : oy oo 3 last December represents an important Canada of United States gold made, step to safeguard the peace of Europe, profitable by the premium the Domin-" tween the two countries. onti it ; Y The German foreign office states it win a 3 i; e Ay opel 000, has rejected all suggestions that would "YY Woith of yellow bullion, = T e total bind Germany to the west with detri- for the present movement of gold into ment to her relations to the east. i if t Dr p-- = : EERE 4 id Continues ; To-day & Saturday An expert demonstrator will show you how you can do your interior re-Decorating with Chi-Namel, getting a perfectly level Finish, Colour and Gloss in one operation, and give your Floors, Furniture and Woodwork a | coating of exceptional beauty and wearing quality, at a great saving. FREE! During the demonstration we shall give a 35¢. DRYDEN ONTARIO Agents for B-H English and complete line of Brandram-Henderson Paints. ers. Matures 417 months. 13 Eggs' $1.00.-- Apply | Mrs COLLISS, Dryden. CARBON REMOVED FROM CYLINDER INTERNATIONAL HARVRSTIR COMPANY Sapte tion incluuding some parts and repair foague of Nations, on the one hand,} COW, five years old. Gov't. Tested.§ by : 3 Eee de Tes cer nen tes nee es os ys TTI, Tl TUL i Gren Bell md Benes wed WIE Soren month--Apply |AACetylene Burning on record, being valued at $39,417,614. ing harmoniously together; and, on the J. S. CORNER, Oxdrift. other, the maintenance of perfect --_-- J i D. O : N E | L Ee RUSSO-GERMAN TREATY MADE. equality between the various members FOR SALE--100 BUS. VICTORY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc, CARMICHAEL BLOCK KENORA ONTARIO W. A WEARE General] Merchant MINNITAKI, ONTARIO Agent For-- JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. There is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use, under cultivation, balance pulpwood & scrub; two miles from Oxdrift on the | main read. Good two-story log housei with summer kitchen; stable, granary, | hen-house. Good well close to house.' Close to school. Price $3000, or terms } Prices for cash, or on easy terms. ! DURANCE BROS. & CO., DRYDEN. : 8 First Class SHOE REPAIRING |! NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND |§ There is nothing so comortabie as an fi OLD PAIR OF BOOTS I can make them look as good as new : Dont throw away your Shoes just because you think they are too far gone. Let me have a look at them, and 1 will estimate the Rebuilding Soles & Heels a Speciality CHILDRENS BOOTS. REPAIRED After School Hours L. GREENHILL NEXT TO POST OFFICE. | am ------ f RAW FURS and does not represent an alliance be- ion's 'currency enjoys here at present, FARM FOR SALE--160 acres, fifty Get QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Arranged to Suit Purchaaers. Machin & Popham ES Te Ses 3 5 General Merchant, A VAGLE RIVER, 3 Agent for 4 Frost & Weed IMPLEMENTS. & COCKSHUTT PLOW (OY. #3 LE BE I Cream Separators. 5 BOUGHT & SOLD. i i a in Sharple's Ti Re A iL JUST TRY THE COCOA PREPARED MUSTARDS EZY-WASH AND MINERAL SOAPS E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND a to suitable party.--Apply i Barristers, Solicitors, etc. a > JOSEPH TUCKEY, 1} I & nel ; xe ; 19/8|26¢ Lot 1, Con. 2, Oxdrift, Ont. « . Lg =! I fe fmf ove] Ch el fou a Ia y i Gi Toke i Also Member Manitoba Bar. new low price, is found the world's ; Shi | y/ll SEVERAL USED FORD CARs AnD {IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING # greatest closed car value. : me § . TRUCKS, in good running order. Low: KENORA --::-- ONT : can of Chi-Namel Free, or an allowance of 35¢ cost to repair them. I am sure §. v) : . ; 2 1 ize cans, with th ill be satisfied, and will al DURANCE BROS & CO i a os Wo wd i a mons maemo wit se | WATKIN'S PRODUCTS -- CHEVROLET DEALERS -- comfort that no new Boot ean ALL THE OLD ONES DRYDEN -- and -- KENORA DURANCE BROS. a: AND SOME NEW ONES i

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