Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 22 May 1926, page 2

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The Dryden Observer Latest Map of Ont. Highways Claimed by Department officials to Beautification of Rural School Grounds RED LAKE RUSH ON IN EARNEST SI0UX LOOKOUT, Ont., May 18.-- Rush to Red Lake gold camp has start- ed in real earnest. Prospectors and First Class SHOE REPAIRING NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND There is nothing so comortable as an D.W. 5d lB p Tile Ciaeiy Speciald-- cawp sites; and on the back a new of the paved highways, numbered 2 to 17, the new map will contain the first publication of the more important country roads, which have been num- bered by the department from 51 to riot become the property of any school photograph of the grounds shoud be supplied. to be compared with a similar picture taken in the autumn showing the improvement that has been made. Trustee boards, Women's Institute, and ganized to leave immediately for the going in. About six hundred claims have been staked around Woman Lake. American syndicates have been opera- ting heavily in this part of Jatricia and ; YOSEHOLD FLOUR. . Reg. $405. Special $4.85 [be fo bai 5 Si Si) be ry mining men are es ly every OLD PAIR OF BOOTS i & nt * 5 1s kind ever produced, the map of the ty rom east and west, with many : DATS, solles Olivia host, Ray. 300 Special 95 Peruinig of my md hg the |THE Canadian Horticultural Council | His United States. 1 2 mehs hen look as IN 8 new E of 8-ibs, - i Reg. .50. Special 45 vopartenant of Highways, under the lhave eamed the gratitude of every Hehgar-of Bish Fires : of throw oer pany oes vie's FEED OATS, 3-bus. reg. 1.95 Special 1.85 supervision of the Minister, Hon. public spirited citizen in fostering the | Owing to lack of Spring rains there Ee oe they are RECLEANED OATS tor seed. George S. Henry, will be available to ornamental planting of the school |, grave danger of bush fires started 0 oe x ot ee ges Reg. .go bus. Special .80 [local motorists and tourists by the [grounds throughout the country. Com- |} © wardless prospecting parties. Two at : maa hy nn e ¢ Qats No. 2, C.W., have always proved to produce better first week in June. The outstand'ng |mencing last year ten silver eup were' wi, "1oile Lawrence and Mar- (tid i high Pen d oe ii crops than lots higher priced seeds. new features of the map, as compared offered for conipetition in various dis- ty Moyle, arrived here from Woman emia a ) sn i: be] Pew TRI DET CWI... rr, rs wR Special 1.50 [with last year's issue, are the number- |lvicts of the Dominion to the rural Lake, having staked out claims and --- Hn Wee ae gd 7, fob OR re A ee SL SE Te Ce Special 1.40 fing of the country roads; the index- schools accomplishing the greatest de- 'brought out cre specimens showing Som ors tant Yo Tew Bock <en ivie's CRUSHED OATS, none better, Reg 2.15 per ing on the face of the map of lakes, gree of beautification of the grounds 4/0" rp 0 old. Assays are now To lie a Tels a Riediantt CWE Jilidee. vin Special 2.00 cities, towns and villages; the indi- during the year. Most of Phess CUPS 1 ing made. This has occasioned much a Tt HO a Hii ity L.C. BARLEY, as it came from threshing Machine, per bus ..70 {cation of game and fish areas, and were won last season, but they cam _.... oo 0g parties are being or-{ i : RED After School Hours emacrarcy THIS STORE WILL CLOSE at 7.00 p.m., on SHEE : . a we huge sums oi American capital are 85. The number signs have not yet Horfioaleurg) Sosietion SECT Jo C0 available for properties with merit. [MONDAY -- ; \ heen placed on these country roads, {operate with the Council, which will gl : hut will be erected during the season. tprovied instructions and suggestions on a : Cream Separators are made in five Sizes, from Number 1, with §. fy LABOR LEGISLATION a capacity of 350 Ibs, to the Number five with a capacity of 1100 Ibs per hour. Twelve Distinctive Slow Crank Speed Labour Long Life Steady Running Improved Oiling Posit reater Capacity with leSs Visible Oiling System Easy Bowl Adjustment Supply Can Locked in These signe will be almost square in design, and will be located on tele- graph posts. Looking to the needs of motoring tion of camp sites throughout the Province, as well as automobile fer- ries, the latter being marked in red. Disciples of the rod and gun are also catered to, for the recognized game and fish areas are also indicated. Probably one of the most valuable additions iz the index to lakes cities, haustive. On the reverse side there tewns and villages, which is fairly ex- ix a road map ef Northwestern Ontario, airangement in the school grounds. the plants that may be used and their IN AUSTRALIA. MELBOURNE, Australia, May 17. --The Commonwealth Government will Australia on the question of empower- ing the Government to appoint a tribunal to deal with questions of em- ployment in the country, and also em- powering the Government to legislate with regard to trade Unions. REPORTED SCOTT IS FOUN SANE CHICAGO, May 19.--According to in- formation atributed to authoritative WEDNESDAY ; & FRIDAY Features-- tiopigh hdl sere dir introduce a bill at the opening of Par- Priprs ONTARIO Bll Beaming vascationlsts, e epartmen ag liament on May 19, which will provide Espa 0 - Easy Turning marked clearly on the map the loca- for taking of a referendum throughout Bl ar FA A FA A ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PHONE-- Day, 62 R 2; Night, 62 R 4 ins "OMATOES, full pack. Regular .23. Special .20 [map of Northern Ontario. Yip ae hy Cis ey same erea. Lawrence and Moyle left ; > : { XN ; standard quality, regular .20, Special 18 The new map is printed in four 30 suceession. Ls HA 5 i. Woman Lake just when the breakup i. GREENHIILL \S, standard quality, regular = .20. Special .18 {colors, with all the lakes shown in joach cup an Award. of Merit Certi- gq ong experienced great hard- NEXT TO POST OFFICE p- » STRAWBERRY & APPLE, RASPBERRY weter blue, paved roads in red = asicate that may be framed and kept by 0 + cvently breaking through the " EAP LE TAM, oa eal Special .50 {rreviously, improved gravel roads in jthe school as a permanent record. i ice in lakes and rivers. They were] ix a - yo Fure STEAWDEBRRRY JAM .....0v. Special .go [a dsyker bblue, and connecting roads Mr 1 > Burrows) Sy of ihe. en days covering sixty-five miles th Glass Jars, PINEAPTLT MARMALADE, reg. $1.00 suitable for motor vehicle traffic dur- (Horticultural Council at Coes O°" from Woman. Lake to Pine Ridge. Special .go fing the Summer season are shown injnounces that the number ol emiries De my re were only about twelve men in J C OSIER Na, a BUTTER, black. a ed Jrowites heoutcompst. that part of the district when they ® J POTATOES, ALI EE aie SE Fe SNE Te a De In additicn to the official numbers jtion this year. = With each entry a left, but met seventeen canoe parties General Merchant, Spun Metal, anti- splash ie 2 Eo 5a sources, Russell Scott, slayer of a} < pes 'Supply Can. ir Gin Port a Fort ; Chicage Drug Clerk, has been found illiam, Fort Frances and the Kenora ter 1 ; " ' mentally sound and will be returned i% = ~ Improved Tinware District. There is also a map of at to Chicago. : x0B i. SWE ENEY i Xe XK ee Kee Xr portion cf Northern Ontaric, showing Ls =EOR NER, Oxdrift, Hand Engine or Desired nt. been out from England about six second block it was cut and removed as Reasonable cash offer can secure prop- p mouths. They were engaged in secur- hay. The average yield per bearing erty. Apply to-- General Merchant, LSVROLET has added with the exterior finish, and ing material for newspaper and tree for both Fameuse and McIntosh COLIN McLACHLAN, C 'another beautiful model is provided with a foldin magazine articles on the Red Lake Was considerably higher when the Administrator to its line -- the Landau --a me five-passenger car, her Body finished in a Grey Duco, iz reaches a new of small car luxur- having a seal grain with distinctive Lanceu ir and smart D- shaped winz.> 5 ia the rear. It ie upho! velous, which 2red in rich harmonizes foot-rest and a robe r Pockets are built into the rear doors and the rear com~ partment is supplied with @ smoking set. Possessing the economy, ease of operation, quick acceler ation and abundant power for whic: all Chevrolet models are famous, the new Landau Fepresents a combination of value and quality never be- fore presented in a car in its price class. E-1598 Ask us to Demonstrate this Newest Chevrolet Electrical Driven. Ke XXX --X-- THREE PAYMENTS Six Months Apart if uality at Low Cost the road as far north as Cochrane. Another feature carried on the reverse exits and entrance. interest are a Provincial highway licenses. The map has been complied by D Rarclay, of the Department of Public Highways, and is drawn on the scale FEAR TO DISARM Geneva, May 19.--Nations will fear to disarm, because other nations actu- ally stronger, can in the long run conquer them---that is the supreme stumbling block to disarmament which loomed up at the opening session of the preparatory commission. France and Belguim emphasized it anxiously. Viscount Cecil, frankly declared that side is a series of maps of 17 cities, ? showing the names of the streets and Other intems of ; "1 Victrol mileage table, a synopsis of game laws, iC ro a and regulations respecting customs and ; Italy mentioned it; . Orthophonic Consolette Model This inexpensive mo- its accuracy and truth in reproducing the original voice or instrument. Hear it to-day It's a revelation! A 0. RIPLEY Under a decision finding Scott sane, the death penalty which hangs his head will he carried out, unless his attorneys evolve plans against such a procedure. Classified FARMS WANTED by Cash buy- ers. Describe Fully, and State Lowest Price. STAKE; RACK, in crder.-- Apply P.0. Box 191, Dryden. FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE, very little used. Cheap for cash. Apply-- Mrs JAMES BROWN, Van Horne St. good Bunning 21/5/26 FOR SALE OR RENT--HOUSE, Four over | General Blacksmith AGENTS FOR-- Hassey- Harris Implements CARBON REMOVED FROM CYLINDER by Acetylene Burning ---- Rh BD. O'NEILL J. A. MILLER Barrister, Soliciter, Etc. of 16 miles to one inch. del will startle and de- 7 2 3 CARMICHAFEI ight gate with Ts masa aS Smith Ave., Lansing Mich. = % . BLOCK WHY THE NATIONS ing clarity, its volume; FOR SALE -- ONE TON TRUCK KENORA s ONTARIO W. A. WEARE General Merchant MINNITAKI, ONTARIO Agent For-- JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. There is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. Get QUALITY and SERVICE Britain's responsibilities to her over- DRYDEN, Ontario. Rooms, good water in house. One TIME PAYMENTS seas possessions or mandated terri- acre of land. For particulars see-- Arranged to Suit Purchasers. tories were the measure of possible GEO. REATLEY, or, ories were the measure of =p 21/5/26 Dryden, P.O. reductions in her land forces and also probably in the number of British FOR SALE--80-ACRE FARM, 1% cruisers. : ! HUDSON, Ont.,, May 19.--Two young nkiglishmen have been drowned in the Canoe iver, on the road to Red Lake, ! : In an experiment with Fameuse their canoe was found washed on the shore Sunday, by an Indian, four miles from the Hudson's Bay Company post. Their hats and paddles were found float ing near. 23, and Sidney Stebbings, 20, and have gold vush. They are Stanley Quinn, . GRASS MULCHED VS REMOVING HAY IN A SOD ORCHARD. ~and McIntosh Apples conducted at the I'redericton. N.B., Experimental Sta- "tion, two blocks of trees were planted in 1914. On one block the grass was 'cut and left as mulch, while on the grass wag cut and left for mulch. THE SHORT We Stock and Sell-- --PETERBOROUGH Lake CANOE ROUTE CANQES-- --JOHNSON ENGINES-- SUPE Lr wi --ONTARIO miles from Town, 35 acres under culti- vasion; also 40 acres adjoining, suitable for pouliry, bees or fur-farming. For | particulars apply to-- DAN KEATLY, 21/5/26 Dryden, ont. FARM FOR SALE, 158% acres more or less, 40 acres cultivated, small frame house, in Last Aubrey. School on corner of Tot, beautifully situated or main road, with Lake Frontage. 12/6/26 FARM FOR SALE.--S % Lot 5, Con. 5, Van Horne. 160 acres more or less, 50 under cultivation. Good Buildings. Apply Box 81, Kenora, Ont. GODFREY NELSON. HATCHING EGGS.--Pure Bred An- conas, Shepherd strain; all - winter! layers; mature 4% months. Thirteen eggs fo r $1.00. Apply Mrs COLLIS, Princess St. FARM FOR SALE--160 acres, fifty to suitable party.--Apply JOSEPH TUCKEY, 19]326¢ Lot 1, Con. 2, Oxdrift, Ont. Oxdrift, Ontario. Machin & Popham Barristers, Solicitors, etc. § H. A. C. MACHIN EARLE C. POPHAM Also Member Manitoba Bar. IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING KENORA ONT = a o = | = = => ts =) Agent for Frost & Weed IMPLEMEIITS. § COCKSHUTT PLOW (OY. 4 ® % % & | WAGLE RIVER. Sharple's Cream Separators. i RAW FURS SOUCY & SOLD. : ee SSE ay oe WATKINS P PRODUCTS For Farmer or Citizen SOAPS a ---- E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND mder cultivation, balance pulpwood &i{ ALL, THE OLD ONES & Co PriceS on Application "scrub; two miles from Oxdrift on the AND SOME NEW ONES 4 FOS, y main read. Good two-story log house JUST TRY THE COCOA with summer kitchen; stable, granary, / @ DEALERS hen-house. Good well close to house. | PREPARED MUSTARD{ 7 ra KENORA R. A cDONALD & 80) Close to school. Price $3000, or terms. 2ZY-WASH AND MINERAL

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