Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 28 May 1926, page 2

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The Dryden Observer ¥ a yiraising Geese for Profit the weak colonies to see that they have come brood. If they have none of May Use C.G.M.M their own, give each of them a comb for carrying Coal. containing a small patch from the strong colony over which. it is to be" First Class SHOE REPAIRING NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND There is nothing so comortabie as an (Experimental Farms Note.) {THE farm, being the natural habit of the gocse, offers splendid opportunities busy Store T° ¥AL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR. Reg. $4.05. Ottawa Committee Discusses Means Special $4.85 Shy 2 for profit frem go raising. The | placed later. In the evening, remove of Bringing Alberta Fuel to 1 LED OATS, Zo-bs, Ogilvie's best. Reg. 1.00 Special .g5 TAR wits id wi oe 7s pen ra TR BA ORE P= Sup Tan oz BOTS : iy -- 8-tbs, » "» Reg. .50. Special .45 line is relatively small when compared [over each place a queen excluder. Now ;GTTAW A, May 25.--The possibility of es . wey png dv Rib " t. lvie"s FEED OATS, 3-bus. reg. 1.95 Special 1.85 | with the profit to be derived from the [lift the weak colonies from their floor lemploying idle Ships of the Canadian just because you think they are RECLEANED OATS for seed. sale of market birds in the autumn and beards and place one over each strong government merchant marine 10 oom]. BE ot Lehi bee in Reg. .go bus. Special .8o the original breeding stock can be used |colony. Success of this plan depends {Canadian Coal to industrial Ontario : ; 3 h ; at them, and I will estimate the ilicse Oates No. 2, C.W., have always proved to produce better for from six te ten years. The feed-|on (1) each weak colony must have wg explored in the commons com- crops than lots higher priced seeds. ing of geese is very simple and inex- «ome brood to hold the bees and (2) as 'inittee on coal supply. Harry Aird, cost to repair them. I am sure you will be satisfied, and will also 5: ORTS, Reg. 1.55 per eWh oi! ov vem ining Special 1.50 pensive, and the house required to ac-|liitle disturbance as possible to the 'a Montreal coal importer, gave com- i TAN, Res SEM BET EWES tor oii es sane Special 1.40 |commodate either mature or young bees of each cclony when carrying out ,inittee figures and facts on the handl- comfort that no mew Boot can O ilvie's CRUSHED OATS, none better, Reg 2.15 per stock may be of very simple construc- jthe work. Two or three weeks later ing of coal through ocean, lake and Sve. ; OWE a aT Special 2.00" [tion : w the hive containing the most brood can viver ports. : ; Rebuilding Soles & Heels a Speciality 0O.A.C. BARLEY, as it came from threshing Machine, per bus ..70 The essentiols to. success in goose [be placed on a new stand. i He said ships would draw their ful CHILDRENS BOOTS REPAIRED - _ Little Grocery Special8-- raising are free range, and an abun- For these who wish to make in- 'capacity across the Great Lakes. On After School Hours lh thpske 3 ila jal . dance of green food. The breeding crease, the weak colonies are ideal, for {he canals, however, they could only » Fo a og GEE a Poy Noe : ih stock znd also the goslings will live although they will not build up as draw about half their cargo capacity : . 2-1". " . PEAS 3 standard quality, regular .20. Special .18 well if there is an abundance of tender ONeY. PPARs ; they will, with a because of shallow water. Most of L. GREENHILL bis 41. STRAWBERRY & APPLE, RASPBERRY Brass or clover, cven If grains or little care, build up strong enough tobe the idle beats, he though, were suitable] npn 10 POST OFFICE. : ; Sr APPL IAM TS Fads a hs ii Special .50 mashes are not fed. divided two, three and perhaps four for carrying coal. 4-1b Pure STRAWBERRRY JAM ......... Special .go The breeding geese should start to times during the season, Each new . FRA o 2-1h isa Jars, PINEAPPLE MARMALADE reg. $1.00 lay about the middle of March, and the division should, of course, be given a RU SSELL AND ROBERT SCOTT : --- > : : ? Special .go [eggs should be set as soon as enough young laying queen. ~~ UNDER ONE ROOF. M J CRO SIER No. 1, CREAMERY BUTTER, BELAY a rn Da iaeh 43 have been laid to make it worth while. CHICAGO---For the first time in more ° ° POTATOES garpuEhel rs Bo re aR $2.25 The sooner the eggs are set after being than two years, two brothers, one of General Merchant, ; g laid the better. The period if incuba- whom has been saved from the gallows OXDRIFT, ONTARIO 7% 4 tion is 31 days. Eggs may be set in for murder three times, and the other bea WwW S( / B 4] ] Dry den incubators, under hens, or under the - lacing trial for the same murder, slept . © bod - mother goose. It is a good practice under the same roof, the Cook County Good "PRIMROSE? to sprinkle the eggs with luke warm water once daily when set under the mother or under hens, and twice daily when set in an incubator. The moisten Jail. Russell Scott, once a Canadian fin- ancier whe turned petty theif, came back to the gray walled structure in OLD - FASHIONED APPLE BUTTER HAS ARRIVED ; HH de He Crean Separators are made in five Sizes, from Number 1, with fing of 'the eggs keeps the embryo from veh he three Sine prepared to Sw We: £180 Have Drodhi a capacity of 350 Ibs, to the Number five with a capacity of 1100 becoming too dry and sticking to the death. He was brought here from BANANAS ths per hour. shell, especially at hatching time. Chester Insane Asylum, in the fourth STRAWBERRIES : Twelve Distinctive Goslings require much heat after move of the law to send him to the}: ORANGES Features-- § they are hatched and it is safe to leave gallows. aid Ball Bearing them in the incubator or under the LEMONS. Easy Turning Slow Crank Speed Greater Capacity with leSs Labour Long Life Steady Running Visible Oiling System Improved Oiling Easy Bowl Adjustment Supply Can Locked in Posit mother goose for about two days after hatching. The air in the incubator chamber should be maintained at the same temperature after the birds have hatched, but the goslings should be let down into the nursery when they have dried off, and are able to move around freely. When the goslings are erady for feeding, it is a good practice to place a green sod near the nest or brooder Orihophonic Victrola LEAVES TRAIN OF BROKEN HEARTS PHILADELPRIA--Police arrested R. Whitman, whom they have traced for a year through his vanity and lavish- ness. Whitman, it is alleged, travell- ed under a dezen aliases, swindled a woman in New York out of $125,000 and another 1n this city out of $60,000. Fle left a trail of broken hearts from the Atlantic tc the Pacific and married ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PHONE-- Spun Metal, anti- splash and let the young birds pull the ten- Consolette Model women in different parts of the coun- Day, 62 R 2; Night, 62 R 4 5 = Supply Can. der shoots theinselves. This will in- try. When arrested he said he had af - ---- 'Improved Tinware duce them to start feeding. For the = es : wife and daughter on the operatic first few days, goslings should be fed This inexpensive mo- stage and did not want them mixed up RO BT SWE ENEY 2 Yee mn cy i We i le and de- 3 ena = . hea, --X--X--X--X--X ¢n bread crumbs moistened with milk. del will startle in the scandal. - : Whey they are about a week old they light you with its amaz- & General Blacksmith @ Hand Engine or may be given a mash composed of ing clarity, its volume; CROPS LOOK GOOD SAYS GRANT} AGENTS FOR-- b Electrical Driven. Requal parts by weight and cornmeal its accurac d truthi HALL H ' y and truth in : ' - H _« [parieymeal, bran and shorts. This reproducing the original | VANCOUVER, B.C., May 25.--"While Massey- Harris Implements SE LN ha should be made moist but not sloppy. Gice priulirrnius' it is a little early in the season to CARBON REMOVED - THREE PAYMENTS §The birds should be fed thre or four v 7 prophesy on the western Canadian crop FROM CYLINDER : : times daily for about two weeks. y situation, I consider the prospects are by Six Months Bent if When the weather is fine give the birds Hear it to-day excellent. In fact they are better than Acetyl ene Burn n Desire their liberty, but they should be pro- It's a revelation! I have seen them for some time past 5 . tected from cold rains and confined at at this time of the year." These state- ge & y Ss 5 3 : sa CORNER, Oxdr ife, Ont. night untii the weather gets warm. ments were made by Grant Hall, Mon- J D O 9 N E | la i agent ov i-- ' Give the goslings a good start and they A treal, vice-President of the C.P.R. ; Ty ss . INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY of Canada Ltd. IE a RY B ' Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. ES Fras sr = fond the feeding of mash discontinued. DRYDEN, Ontario. ioe CARMICHAEL BLOCK : Make sure that the goslings have Classified KENORA : ONTARIO plenty of shade and a liberal supply; . of fresh drinking water before them: RELIABLII WOMAN WANTS WORK X at all times. 3b¢. per hour.--Apply. WwW. A, Ww E A R E . Mrs FISHER General Merchant WHAT TO DU WITH Over Spear's Pool Hall. THE WEAK COLONIES, 2 ek ONTARIO (Dominion Apiarist) ROD} AND GUN ; ; TT Agent For-- A coleny without enough bees to cover In view of the increase inthe popular- pon Salietheren CALE ABOVE JOuN DEERE PLOW £0, i approximately four frames of langs- ity of Ontario and Canada generally © Yeur old.--Apply There is John Deere Equipment woth size during the latter part of with American tourists, the June issue A. W. DOUDIET, Dryden, for Every Farm Use. é In 1925 HEVROLET had its great- est year. During that time April or early in May seldom becomes a profitable honey producer, especially where the main honey flow comes early from the clovers. The simplest way of Landling weak colonies is, of course, to unite them with other colonies of medium strength, thus helping the lat- ter to beconie greater producers. This method is "generally used in large apairies where time is too valuable to devcte to nursing up weak colonies. For beekeepers who do not care to re- Guce their number of colonies, the best of Rod and Gun which is a special Ontario Tourist Number is parcticura- ly interesting, All stories and articles in the numb- er, with the exception of the regular featuures, deal with Ontario sport while a personal message from the Premier of Ontario welcomes all touurists to the province and a special Ontario section describes some of the beauty, health, fishing and hunting resorts of Ontario. | A new aspect of angling is given in FOR SALE --"CHEVROLET" SEDAN Iinquire-- ALMAN SHEPHERD, Dryden P.O. TOR SALE -- ONE TON TRUCK STAKE; RACK, in good gunning crder.-- Apply P.O. Box 191, Dryden. FARM FOR SALE, 158% acres more or less, 40 acres cultivated, small frame Get QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Arranged to Suit Purchasers. Machin & Popham Barristers, Solicitors, etc. H. A. C. MACHIN EARLE C. POPHAM Also Member Manitoba Bar. IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING li 11 h d f i plan is to purchase from some southern "The Jumbo Trout of Lake Superior," house, in Fast Auilrel; Seton) on RENORA --i-- ONT literally thousands of testimon- breeder a sufiicient number of one of possibly the gen of the top POTIOL," corner of lot, beautifully situated = - : 1al letters were received from two- ey : lee es of bees without os while -- : Fi Es Jeo "% on main road, with Lake Frontage. | S08 SS SL al ae I satisfied Chevrolet owners--a ay ys ys min ha ie : tremendous avalanche of evi- dence that the public possesses ; a genuine appreciation of the car and its performance, . In 1926 Chevrolet offers even greater values than before. With its never-failing standard of quality and the new LOWER prices, Chevrolet is demonstrating to the public, in greater degree than ever, its policy of "QUALITY AT LOW COST". E-161@ queens and unite them to the weak colonies This added force of bees enables the colony to build up mora rapidly for the flow. For those who wish to buy bees the following plan is very satisfactory. First note all weak colonies and then select an equal number of very strong ones. Examine lightful reminiscence of the creeks of ;0ld Oniaric. The regular gun, fishing, outdoor, and kennel departments contain speci- ally interesting material for this issue. | Rod and Cun is published monthly by W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock, Cntario. We Stock and Sell-- --PETERBOROUGH 4 JOSEPH TUCKEY. = ; AND SOME NEW ONES ura OS ; Nh 19/3|26c Lot 1, Con. 2, Oxdrift, Ont. Durance Bros & Coy. a fo -- | usr rev mae cocon DRYDEN -- and -- KENORA FARMS WANTED by Cash buy- = ' Greater Qua NN mare topo 5, lity at Low Cost Str a QUIBELL-- - --JOHNSON ENGINES-- = --ONTARIO To Red Lake THE SHORT CANOE ROUTE CANOES-- R. A. McDONALD & CO CL } Reasonable cash offer can secure prop- erty. Apply to-- COLIN McLACHLAN, Administrator 12]6(26 FARM FOR SALE.--S % Lot 5, Con. | 160 acres more or less, § £4 50 under cultivation. Good Buildings. I & 5, Van Horne. Apply Box 81, Kenora, Ont. GODFREY NELSON. FARM FOR SALE--160 acres, fifty] § under cultivation, balance pulpwood & scrub; two miles from Oxdrift on the main read. Good two-story log house with summer kitchen; stable, granary, hen-house. Good well close to house. Close to school. Price $3000, or terms to suitable party.--Apply ers. Describe Fully, and State Lowest Price. Shs A. MILLER, 527 Smith Ave., Lansing Mich. Oxdrift, Ontario. fg . A.J.GARDINER | y General Merchant, B EAGLE RIVER. J Agent for i Frost & Weed IMPLEMENTS. § COCKSHUTT PLOW (OY. |} ® % x & Sharple's Cream Separators. 2 }| RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. § WATKIN'S PRODUCTS For Farmer or Citizen ALL THE OLD ONES EZY-WASH AND MINERAL SOAPS E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND

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