oS My < Thie Dryden Observe: a EN This week we are displaying the very newest in Ladies' Footwear Featured among these are the New BLONDE Shoes. different" Styles and all sizes, Another Fashionable Shoe, is a French Grey Kid SLIPPER, with newest style heel. in this line. sk 3 b 3 Eo Ed 23 3k For Tennis and Sportswear Complete Line of CANVAS and RUBBER FOOTWEAR All sizes, and prices to stiit everyone. ok oh mk & The Latest Shades in SILK and WOOL SUMMER FLANNEL, at $1.10 yd. Ideal For Sportswear. sk * ES 3k 3 3k sz * Children's Wear-- PARTY DRESSES, ROMPERS BOYS SUITS, OVERAL LS, and PLAY SUITS Ralph J. Pronger LEAVE US YOUR ORDER lants TO ARRIVE NEXT WEEK. %ok ok # A CABBAGE CAULIFLOWERS, TOMATOES CELERY and An Assortment of-- Fiower Plants Phone No. 49 James Wright Dryden Lumber Company Successors to Anderson & Harris. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS FULL STOCK OF LUMBER. SASH & DOORS SHINGLES, WOOD FIBRE BRICK, LIME AND CEMENT Estimates Freely Given We have Manufacturer OTTAWA, May 25.--J. G. Gautheir, of R. and G. Company, Rock Island, Que- Lec, confessed to smuggling, and also to destruction of documents required by the customs inquiry committee, under close and continued examina- tion by different members of the eom- mittee, Gauthier confessed he was a smuggler, described how he brought goods inte Canada, and agreed to assist the auditors. His partner, H. G. Dun- calf, also was engaged in smuggling for the firm. names of sevaral manufacturing com- pavries located in the U.S. from which he bought goods which were afterwards smuggled into Canada. The commodi- ties smuggled in were cottons, buttons, and articles of that kind. _ recomniended. d The witness said he conducted his smuggling in daylight, that he some- times drove in via the main street of Rock Island, that he passed costums officials, anc. that he had no trouble. He deciared he had. never bribed cus- toms officers to pass goods. Gauthier told of hiring a truck man to drive in his smuggled goods foi him. "How man truck loads did he bring in?" asked Chairman P. Mercier. "About thirty, I think," was reply. : ; le told Donagby, a member of the committee that he had given instruec- tions to kis employees to destroy in- voices of goods shipped across the line because they implicated him in smugg- ling. the WOMEN'S CLOTHES BEST In Paris, Dr Roger Andrieu, is reputed to know something about human health. {ce is, at least, quoted in the press as an authority on the route that human beings must follow, if they are to arrive at the breakfast table feeling one hundred percent fit. This expert takes off his hat to the short skirt. He says that women ad- ded five years to the span of their lives when they used the shears on the trailing skirt and cut it off to the t knees. When they discarded half of | their lingerie and decided on two lay- 'ers of clothing they added another ,five years, according to Doc Andrieu. He is sure that the next generation of Women will have a span of life ten to fifteen vears longer than men, unless {the latter change their ways and dis- pose of some of the extra gear they cart around in the way of clothing. | His advice to the men is to get rid of sti collars and ties, also the mufflers "and other encumbrances of the throat. 'As few clothes as possible, according (lo the climate, is the doctor's advice. Exercise, of course, in plenty, is highly gr | TO VISIT DOMINION A party of Japaneses business men representing the Associated Chambers of Commerce of Japan will visit the Dominion during the coming summer. The Chamber of Commerce of the Orient arranged the trip so that their repersentatives might study condi- tions in European countries. They will arrive at San Francisco June 14, and are due at Vancouver August 5th after their journey across the United Sos ind Canale: 9 Enjoya Vacation this Travel--see new sights SR cuURSIONS Pacific Coast Daily May 15 to Sept. 30. 500 Miles of Magnificent Mountain Scenery. Canadian Rockies On your Coast Trip Visit the World Famous Resort-- Banff, Lake Louise, Emerald Lake. Alaska The Mystic Northland A Travelogue of Living Colors. Excursion Round - Trip Fare from Vancouver $90.00, in- cluding Berth and Meals on a Palatial Princess Liner. Three Fine Trains Daily--Including the Delux Trans-Canada Limited Sleeping Car Train (FIRST TRAIN MAY 16) For full information apply to the Ticket Agent ANADIAN PACIFIC i Admits Guilt. | i Three Terrible Explosions Gauthier gave the committee the Japan Volcano Peurs Out Death TOKYU, Japan, May 25.--After being extinct for many years, the volcano, Hokkaido, erupled, bringing death to hundreds, wiping out one entire village and burying its population and causing wide-spread ruin over a considerable countryside. More than three hundred are believed to be dead. The sudden eruption brought scenes of wild terror, first stories of which now are beginning to drift in from the stricken area. Army officers left for the scene of the disaster. Permenitions of the grimm happen- ing came with three terrible explo- sions. Fach explosion carried huge quantities ci rock and lava and hurled tiiem down the mountain's slopes. This caused numerous land-slides. One village Biyei, is believed to have been wiped out, virtually, and its 200 in- habitants buried under rocks and mud. Damage is Widespread The volcano is located in the moun- tains of Tckachi province. Miles of railway lines have been destroyed and thousands of acres of rich fields have been devastated by floods and land- ¢lices. The country in the vicinity of the eruption is said to be literally a sea of mud. Most of those who met death were overtaken by land-slides or floods of oczy mud and buried. . The casualties {rom lava were few. DICTATORSHIP IS DECIDED ON WARSAW, May 25.--The Pilsudski government late yesterday issued a statement declaring that the country demanded a fundemental change in the constitution and that pending such re- form, the president of the republic must be given special dictatorial author ization. This declaration is considered in political circles as tantamount to the announcement of a dictatorship. The statement also said that the country demanded the dissolution of the Polish diet, which was to have bet shortly to elect a president to succeed former President Wojciechowski M. Rataj is now provincial president. During the period of the change in the constituution, the declaration said, the president must be given power to issue special orders for communal and federal administration and to di- vect civil and military affairs. Calls Conference Marshal Pilgudski, leader of Polish coupe d'etat has issued an invitation to all candidates for presidency to meet in commerence before the date of election. ; Pilsudsk: demands each candidate should serve notice to the public that, if elected, he shall enter office without any strings attached. The president of new Poland; he asserts, must repre- sent the entire national outlook--all {actions and all social classes. HEARTY SUPPORT OF LEAGUE OF NATIONS EDMONTON. May 25.--Hearty sup- port of the league of nations and its cfforts te establish universal peace, was expressed by the Alberta conference of session here. A resolution was passed urging abolition of military drill and officers' training corps from all colleges of the church, and that military training should be discontinued in the public schools. The conference also went on record against use, manufacture or sale of alcoholic beverages and present gov- ernment system of control was char- acterized as a "failure." BREAK FOR LIBERTY COSTS FOUR LIVES. PINE BLUFF, Ark.,, May 26.--Four prisoners at the state farm in Tucker were shot and killed by two trusty guards in one of the boldest breaks Tor liberty ever known at the farm. The convicts were J. Wade, J. Birchfield, B. Casey, and B. Jewel, two of whom were life termers. Working in a cotton field at the farm the quartet claimed sickness and were tuurned over to trusties to be carried to a hospital. Reaching nearby woods ithe men wade a break and the guards opened fire. JEALOUE LOVER: SHOOTS GIRL. {car. | lets at the gir! as she was leaving the Twc of the bullets took ig : Her condition is not serious. Basson- | "neault has been placed under arrest, hl will be charged with attempted the United Church at its concluding}. MONTREAL, May 25.--Jealous be-: cause the girl he was wooing went for | . an automobile ride with another friend | Alberta Baissonneault, 32, fired six bul- Hopes C.N. Will Meet Total Charges OTTAWA, May 25.--Hon. C. A. Dunning, minister of railways and canals, presented in the house of com- mons a budget of the C.N. railways. and freedom from traffic losses due to iabor- difficulties, it may be possible," said Mr Dunning, "for the National I'ailways this year to meet their entire 'nterest charges due the public. This, needless to say, would constitute a re- markable and welcome achievement. "The operating results of the Cana- dian National lines of the first four months of the present year indicate that earnings are $9,689,217 as com- pared with $3,774,782 for the same period last vear. It is on this outlook that I base the confidence that I 'would have you shave. Our railways are ex- cellent barometers, so far as business is concerned. The reflect fair accurate measure the trade and commerce of country." Year's Requuirements Mr Dunning announced that the bud- get requirements for the fiscal year of 1926-27, would be $31,000,000.. The gross capital expenditure proposed is $19,127,284, including $13,047,211 for Letterment of roads and $2,825,000 for new eduipment. "We hear various proposals intend- ed to relieve our railway ills," Dunning said. "My own view is that the solution of the problem must be found along a line of greater density of trafic. It is expected that during the current year definite proposals having for their object placing of the company's finances upon a sound and of "Given a reasonably good harvest: Mr L BIG NEEDS For Now. SCREEN DOORS .. WIRE CLOTH For Windows & Doors. GARDEN TOOLS Make that Back Yard Supply Your GREEN VEGETABLES HARNESS PARTS, COLLARS, SWEAT PADS, STRAPS, BUCKLES, Etc., Etc. YOUR FORD CAR Try Our Highly Recommended CHATTER - FREE i.,UBRICATING OIL --Specially Made For-- FOR Ford I Engines. E. A. KLOSE permanent basis, will be presented. "What ic desired is a capital struc- ture which will simplify financial and accounting practice with consequent saving of a2xpenditures and which will also ease burdens imposed upon the Canadian National system by the in- heritance from private: ownership. "In the circumstances we may well look forward with a measure of con- fidence, to the immediate future." J. B. FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE, per pair . a vveess $100 CHILDREN'S HOSE, Sand Shade, pet pair ...... Re .30 BOYS WASH SUITS 000. 1y ianesdh dun srg dvi . 1.00 : 0 5 EPS SR Se iy 4 2.75 CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES ; a 73 and 0. ply . 1.75 VOILES, CREPES, BROADCLOTHS, "and RAYON SIL KS, per yard--60c.,.. and 8sc. -- XXX KX Xr Xe XX Xo XX G > TES BUY YOUR | MEATS at Paterson's Meat Market v Phone No. 6 Good Supply of-- HAMS BACON etc, etc. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. A. PATERSON, Prop In THE DAITER BLOCK RONGER' CASH GROCERY FA WORD Cooked Meats. a A VISIT TO OUR STORE WILL ASSURE YOU THAT PRONGER'S STOCK OF GOOD EATS IS UNSURPASSED. THIS WEEK ABOUT PICNICS----- We carry everything you might need in this line. Dainty Fillings for Sandwiches. Fresh Vegetables. i Fruits and Fancy Biscuits. -_ rc , 0. H. PRONGER, Proprieter,