® IY 3 3 Ee The D L rd 0) A Bargains in Used Machines 2, Drop Head SEWING MACHINES, each 1, Drop Head SEWING MACHINE, good as new 1 Cabinet SEWING MACHINE, B= PE A IE RENE NE RADIO 4 Tube set, with tubes and head set complete. Regular price $66. SPECIAL--$28.00 Installed Free of Charge. SETS Rheinartz Circut, 3 tube Radio set, in good order--stripped ONLY--$15.00 Installed Free of Charge. GRAMOPHONES Victor table model, splendid tone,worth $40.00. Edison, large Blue-Amberol Machine. DECCA, in carrying case. USED DISC RECORDS, your choice, Seven for NEW COLUMBIA ; Special ... $25.00 Speci} ....... 1.0, 20.00 Just the thing for out-door use. 1 SS pe 10.00 EAT $1.00 75c. RECORDS or Nana p at Ee $1.00 SPECIAL THIS WEEK, Three Just Received a New Shipment of: --BLUE AMBEROL RECORDS-- Ralph J. Pronger GOOD EQUIPMENT MAKES A GOOD FARMER BETTER PLEMEN To Make Good Equipment. If in need of a MOWER, RAKE, TEDDER or Combination Side Delivery Rake and Tedder It will pay you to GET OUR PRICES AND LITERATURE J. S. CORNER Agent for: -- » Oxdrift, Unt. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY of Canada Ltd. : Wragg, TST : o oe = PR contracted in that city. Miss M'Queen's Jor Economical Transportation Jiz Coach At the lowest price tory this handsome, rugged coach gives you every quality feature essential to modern motoring in Chevrolet his- satisfaction. In the Chevrolet Coach you get a beautiful Fisher Body closed car, fin- ished in beautiful colors of lasting Duco and offering such quality features as 3-speed transmission, balloon tires," Alemite lubrication, oil and water pumps, and Remy electric starting, lighting and ignition! Come in! Learn how little it now costs to own and drive a quality closed car of modern design, Durance Bros & Coy CHEVROLET Dryden-- QUALITY ATL and DEALERS --Kenora June Promotions S.S. No. 1, WAINWRIGHT Report of June Examinations. Sr. [I to Jr. by sRiy Coates, G. Morton. Jr. III. to Sr. III. iCeoth Franklin, Dania Ankney. Sr II. to Jr III.--Marvin Prouty. Jr II. to Sy. II.--Eddie Morton, Lea Coates, Bert Sherwood, Dorothy Ank- ney. Sr I. to Jr. IT.--Dorothy Clarke, Bert Sherwood. Sr Pr. to Ji. I.--Roy Prouty, Ellis McGogy, Bert Kellar, Frank Merton. Jr. Pr, to Sr. Pr.--Carl Prouty, Wil- lie Norris. Jr. Pr.--Helen Prouty, Lillian Kellar, Leslie McGogy. a EAGLE RIVER. Report of June Promotions ! Passed to Sr. IV.--C. Hampe, I Nes- lund. To Sr. III.--L. Tide, E. Cross, 1. Henderson, D. Froshaug, J. Schultz, B. Schultz, R. Gardiner, F. Freak, J. Thompson, J. Gardiner, L. Malmborg. Recommended-- B. Berglund, M. Turner. R. E. RILEY, teacher. Room II. Passed to Jr. IIL.--Lottie Berglund, Allan Sandin, Bessie Blackley, Wilfred Hampe, - To Sr. IL.--Jacob Korzinski, Dora Schultz, Rudolf Schram, Rosie Korzin- ski, Vietor Nelson. To Jv. 1I.--Marion Engdahl, Tereza Korzinski, Helen Engdahl, Milton Froshaug, Jack Henderson, Anna Pear- son, Minnie Klapprat. To Sr. I.--Gwen Wragg, Gertrude De Long, Vera Marchant, Jessie De Long, 'Angus Korzinski, Anton Pearson, Gil- bert Danielson. To Jr. IL.--Tommie Davie, Raymond Backus, Donald Campbell, Lawrence Campbell, Martin Hampe, Freddie Ilapprat, Marguerite Backus. To Si. Primer--Jimmie Henderson, Edith Schultz, Esme Wright, Tommie Beatrice Engdahl, Gladys : ks Tavie. > E. A. WOODHOUSE, teacher. Responsible for Typhoid-- Owen Sound has been adjudged guilty of neglecting to protect its water supply, as a result of a suit brought against the Municipality by Miss Susie McQueen, who has been awarded $2000 and costs as compensa- ition for an attack of typhoid fever, case was a test case arising out of an epidemic of last autumn. Justice Logie rebuked the city for ignoring repeated warnings upon the water supply. Orthophonie ¥ True inf Sound? Victrola Consolette Model This inexpensive mo- del will startle and de- light you with its amas- ing clarity, its volume; its accuracy and truth is reproducing the original woice or instrument. Hear it to-day it's a revelatiom$ A. G. RIPLEY DRYDEN, Ontario. BUTTER READY FOR FAI POINTS TO BE REMEMBERED BY THOSE WHO WOULD WIN. How to Control the Green Cabbage Worm--Dusting Is the Most Satis- factory Treatment--Prccautions In the Use of Paris Green. ¢ (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) What about the Butter Exhibits at the local Autumn fair? Did you win or lose the last time when competing with the people of your own town- ship? To win as a buttermaker you must produce and exhibit a quality of butter that will measure up to the following score: Flavor oo ei inis SR 35.4 Tone 45 Texture... secuive 35 Incorporation of moisture .. 10 COROT 0 flees vias it is Ro TE RES ere A MN Packing . vsvsvecocerines 10 100 A lot of the butter exhibited at the rural fairs is made from eream insufficiently cooled and churned at too high a temperature. This prae- tice gives a weak-bodied pale butter that may also be streaky. If the weather is warm, get some ice and cool the cream, also the wash water. Butter made from well-cooled gcream and washed with ice-water will be firm enough to stand sufficient work- ing to give an sven distribution of salt, a good coler and firm texture. If color is needsid, be careful mot to add a drop too much. Churn the "Exhibit" two or three days before the fair. This will give time to met and blending of flavor and salt. The packages should be as neat as possible. Always wrap prints in a clear, good quality, butter wrapper. See that the prints are well made, clean-cut and firm. Most judges want a butter churned from a cream that is sweet or of low acidity. Good flavor in butter comes from cream obtained from cows that are kept in clean stables, fod on clean feeds and attended by clean people.--L. Steven- son, O. A. C., Guelph. The Green Cabbage Worm--Artificial ° Control. Control experiments, involving the treatment im three series of 5,000 early and late zabbages, with Pyro- thrum powder and lead and calcium arsenate dusts and sprays, lead to the conviction that under local con- ditions dusting with lead arsenate and hydrated or air-slaked time in the proportion of one part to fifteen parts is the most satisfactory form of treatment. The dusts were found more satisfactory than the sprays in that they can be mixed and applied with the aid ¢f ordinary hand dust- ers, In one-fourth the time occupied in spraying. They spread and adhere well if applied when the leaves are vet with dew, whereas sprays to vhich scap ling been added as a sticker have & low surface tension nd *h of the liquid is lost in the il, says the Department of Horticul- ure, O. A. Ceollege. In these erperiments caleium ar- ienate dusts gave less satisfactory osulfs than the arsenate of lead dust, ae latter giving perfect control. Cal- sium arsenate applied in the liquid 'orm gave exiremely poor results as well as ca ng some burning to the ; ge. Pyrothrum powder used four times its weight of hydrat- me prov satisfactory, but can be used on a commercial scale costs ten times ag much as the of lead dust. yr by this season's observ- ly market cabbages escape rand whether treatment 5 ordinarily necessary or not must se left to the grower's discretion. For late cahbages and caulifiowers two applications should be sufficient in a normal season, thg first aboyt che middle of July an@ the second four or five weeks later. When the butterflies are very abundant a third application may he necessary early in Septewsber. '| ed er sR Se, In the Use of Paris Green. I{ a double quantity of good, freshly slaked lime or hydrated lime be mixed with the Paris green and 'hen the mixture made into a paste with water and allowed to stand in .his form some little time before diluting and spraying, the lime will combine with the greater part of the {ree arsenious oxide and remove its leaf scorching property to a great ex- cen. So says Prof. H. Fulmer, Q.A.C., Guelph. Precautions Minerals. Mineral supplements are of value when there is a deficiency of such minerals in the feed. The usual de- decient elements are calcium, lodin 4d phosy 1 It is wasteful to ral mixture containing that are abundant in the Try and find out what is, and then pay out sh for it alone. Many ures offered contain a eg :ry and in some ingredients, RAILWAY BILL TALKED OUT OTTAWA, June 29.--The bill to in- corporate the Red Lake and North- western Railway Company was, for the fourth time this session, talked out of Committee of the House. The bill still remains on the order paper for further consideration. Advertisement DRYDEN IS NOW PRETTY well past the quiet spell that has prevailed for the last six weeks, and the wheels of industry are turning again, & farmers, merch- ants, milliners and miners will feel the thrill of profitable activity. Profits---though small---make quick returns, which is the best system to adopt for all concerned. The New and Used Furniture Store, West End, King Street, can be depended puon to give you the best in its line for your money. We have some nice new, furniture on sale and also some used furni- ture, which we will sell very cheap as we are going out of this line. We have some houses to rent, or for sale,, also furnished rooms at reasonable rates. We also have a Wagon, Mower & Rake for sale. Call and sec us about these, as they may be had at a snap. F. SPE A RS, Dryden, Ont. New & Second Hand Furniture Store. BIG NEEDS For Now. SCREEN DOORS WIRE CLOTH For Windows & Doors. GARDEN TOOLS Make that Back Yard Supply Your VEGETABLES GREEN HARNESS PARTS, COLLARS, SWEAT PADS, STRAPS, BUCKLES, Etc., Etc. FOR YOUR FORD CAR Try Our Highly Recommended CHATTER - FREE 1, UBRICATING COIL --Specially Made For-- Ford Engines. . a CALE SPECIAL Men's, Women's, 3 athing Suits PRICES and Childrens Pure Wool First Quality BATHING SUITS in all sizes. $1.45 te $3.50 top -- J. B. GATES Dryden Lumber Company Successors to Anderson & Harris. BUILDERS AND FULL STOCK OF LUMBER, SASH CONTRACTORS & DOORS SHINGLES, WOOD FIBRE BRICK LIME AND CEMENT Estimates Freely Given BUY YOUR MEATS at Paterson's Meat Market Good Supply of-- HAMS BACON 27 etc, etc. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. A. PATERSON, Prop RON CASH GROCERY GER' Opposite the Town Hall AN INVITATION WITH ENCOURAGING PRIC ES. Groceries. -t- Ice Cream. Flour and Feed. Fresh Fruits. Drinks. SEE OUR WINDOW FOR SPECIALS. O. H. PRONGER.