Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 13 Aug 1926, page 2

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The Dryden Observer A SUMMER Few DRESSES 374 Candidates for 245 Seats. TORONTO, Aug. 10.--Four weeks be- fore nomination day, about 374 can- didates are in the field for the 245 seats in the house of commons. Major parties are almost equal in number of representatives already selected, 160 To be cleared World's -- Annual Exposition. 3200 aerss--8Q ad mens buildings. ---Attendance 1923, 1,491,300. :w Ontario Government Building to be opened this year. | Can ADIAN NATIONAL RO HE HE BISHOP'S. PLAN - BEATEN: BY. MEN, REPORT [5 STATES. , S---- LONDON, Avg. 10--The Chir od ers' proposals f or the settlement of the British coal strike have been rejected. Announcement to this effect was made: after a meeting of the national execu- tive of the miners fo antten, 4 hd "to consider the returns from the mine © distriets voting on the question. A miners delegate conference on July 30 decided by a large majority to refer {he proposals to the districts with the recommendation that they be accepted. The official announcement says: "The deeision reported : fiom the districts was against the recommendation of the ast Suteguie conference." conservatives having been nominated against 152 liberals forty-five pro- gressives, including ber of liber- al- -progressives nom are running as hel seven Indep pendent. Ten thi are also among the early contestants. Having the largest representation, QOutario has many more candidates in the field than any other province, with 129, compared with Quebeck's 80. Ontario, 82 seats; conservatives 64; liberals, 42; progressives 18; laborites 4; independents 1. Manitoba 17 seats; conservatives 16, progressives 11, laborites 2, and liber- als 1 i] | ARMAMENT VIEWS SHARPLY DIVERGENT. GENEVA, Aug. 10.--~Whether or not national arn:aments should be super- viced internationally has become a burning issue at Geneva, as a result of the action of the military committee for the. projected disarmament con- ference favoring the establishment of |¢ come kind of control. The committee split sharply on the issue, eight delegates voting ror such control, six against it, and six abstain- ing. The line- up showed Great Brita n, Argentina, Chile, United Sta es, Japan|, and Italy combatting control, while France supported by Uruguay, Spain, Finland, Poland, Belgium and others, advocated supervision. The question has now arizen as to whether super vision of national armaments should be exercised by the league of nations or by separate international organism (CHOLERA SITUATION REPORTE IMPROVED SHANGHAI Aug. 10--The authorities report marked Improvement in the Cholera, situation which has been eriti- cal in the Chinese areas around Shang- hai. The improvemetn is attributed to the sanitary protective measures taken The drouth and the teriffic heat which has aggravated the epidemic, remains unbroken. Although no vital statistics are kept in the Chinese section, the au'horities placec the number of deaths daily at approximately 1000. Foreigners mean- while, have been almost immune, In some villages virtually half the popu- lation has been wiped out in three or four days. On August six the mer- cury reached 102.2 a thirty vear rec- ord and has been hovering around 100 degrees since. Reports from Canton | say cholera is causing many deaths in that area. Uppsg -- Examining the bees In George Riedel's Apiary in the Coaldale district. Lower-- A colony of Bees in the Riedel Apiary. Spam Alberta's Irrigated dis- tricts, with their large fields of alfalfa and sweet clove er, promise to become the beckeeper's . paradise within the next five years Two years ago, less i 10,660 pounds of honey were produced in Alberta. Last year, 60,000 pounds were produced - ---- and a2 aa im- ported into the West pply the gomand, Tha y S ] pated Pro oi 2 prods pounds. eon one ay digtrict on 1 ject has § man, OC. Southern Al the spring of 1 make mare ney. 'This year m about 50 a e firm having t the West is utput. vy of bees makes about 800 colonies. jin a scason, though one vg Litlaridge Fxneri- mental Farm broke all records for Canada by making 472 pounds in the scason of 1923. A record of 21 pounds" in one day by one cclony wa: made in 1828 when the bees at the Bxperi- mental Farm averages 189 pounds for the season, the high record for the year. at the experimental farms across Canada. : Migratory Bird A summary oi the Migratory Birds! Convention Act is given below. This} is the law which is based upon the® Tyeaty with the United States. Any enquiries concerning this law may be addressed to the Commissioner of the Canadian National Parks, Department of the Interior, Ottawa. OPEN SEASONS Both Dates Inclusive Ontario--Ducks, Geese, Wilson's or Jack Snipe Woodcock, Brant & Rails, Greater & Lesser Yellow- {mw legs. Kept. 1,--Dee, 15,~--Sept. 1--Dse. 15-- Sept. 15---Nov. 30. CLOSED SEASONS There is a closed season throughout the year in Oniario on Band-tailed Pigeons, Eider Duck (the latter may ke taken during the open season in that portion of Ontario, north of the Quebec, Cochrane, Winnipeg line of the Canadian National Railway) Swans, Cranes. Curiew, Willets, Godwits, Up- land Piover, Black-bellied and Golden Plover, Avocets, Dowitchers, Knots, Oyster catchers, Phalaropes, Stilts, Surf-birds, Lurnstones, and all the. shore birds not provided with an open: season in abcve schedule. ihe year on the following non-game birds--Auks, Auklets, Bitterns, Ful- mars, Gannets, Grebes, Guillemots, Petrels, Puffing, Shearwaters, and Terns; and there is a closed ceason throughout the year on thé follow.ng insecetivorous birds: --Bobolinks, Cat- birds, Chickadees, Cuckoos, Fly-catchers, Grosbeaks, Humming- birds, Kinglets, Martins, Meadow-lark, Nighthawks cr Bull Bats, Nuthatches, Orioles, Robins, Shrikes, Swallows, Swifts, Tanagers, Titmice, Thrushes, Vireos, Warblers, Waxwings, Whip- poorwills, Woodpeckers, and Wrensg, and all other perching birds which feed entirely or chiefly on insects No person shall kill, hunt, capture, injure, take or molest migratory game 'birds during the closed season. Sale of these birds is forbidden. The killing, capturing, taking, in- juring or molesting of migratory in- cectivorous and migratory non-game birds is prohibited. ; The possession of legally taken migratory game birds is allowed until March 81st, following the open season. In Ontario it is an offence to kill or attempt to kill any migratory game birds between sunset and sunrise. BAG LIMITS . Ducks 25, but not more than 200 in a season, Geese 15, Brant 15, Rails 25, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs 15, Wil- son's Snipe 25, Woodcock 10. GUNS AND APPLIANCES The use of automatic (auto loading), swivel, or machine guns, or battery, or any gun larger than number Ten gauge is prohibited, and the use of any aero- plane, powerboat, sailboat, or night light, and shooting from any horse- drawn or motor vehicle is forbidden. PENALTY "Every person who violates and pro- vision of this Act or any regulations ~hall, for each offence, be liable upon summary conviction to a fine of not ymore than three hundred dollars and not less than ten ecllars, or to im- prisonment for a term not exceering six months, or to both fine and im- prisonment. J. B. HARKIN, Commissioner. follows Canada's Shortest Parliament Late Houe of Commons Established a Record in Brevity--The Longest : was Under War Time Government, Convention Act WANTED AT ONCE--Maid. Classified Must . COOK. {a good with children. APPLY Mrs M. For Sale--35 acres hay, one mile east of Dryden. Open to offers. Apply EDWARD BLAKE, 6]3/26¢ Kenora, Ont. For Sale--Steam Traction Engine, in eood condition. Price $400 cash. Apply A. ANDERSON, Lot 5, Con 4, Wainwright. 208/26 Dryden P. O. For Rent.--T7-roomed House on Albert Street. Apply to Mrs HERMAN SAUNDERS. Girl attending High School wanted to assist in house, from September 1st. Apply H GAMMON, Dryden. AYRSHIRE BEIFER, 2% years old (milking) for sale; Property of the Northern Development. Cash or terms. Apply-- 3 K EDYE, Dryden. Mr W. E. Spears has disposed of the 'I'here is a closed season throughout' Gulls, Herons, Jaegers, Loons, ] Murrers, ! Flickers, 'furniture business and stock to Mr : Corbeil, who has had years of experi- ence at the business in other towns. i iid If'or Immediate Sale.--One COW, good ~milker. Also 40 Hens. Apply 1 68|26¢ H. BLANK, Waldhof. JERSEY COW, JUST FRESH, TO be sold at a snap. Apply 8S. DAITER, 231|7]2¢ Dryden, Ont. FOR SALE 7 YEAR OLD HORSE: good workei, about 1700 ibs. Apply 'G. ALSTADT, Waldhot, 23|7|26¢. * Ontario FARM HELP WANTED For about three months. Wages ac- cording to merit, $30 to $40 per month and board. Apply to HE. G. SPRENG, #|10]26 Waldhof, Ont. T-R-E-E S-E-E-D WANTED from Crops ripening in August and September, Seed Cones, ete of the following trees: -- Red or Norway Pine, White Pine, Arbor Vitae (White Cedar), Red Spruce, White Spruce, Balsam Fir Black Ash, Native (Scrub), Oak Winter-green Berries, (Gaultheria procumbens) and Tamarac (larch). The largest quantities required being Pine and Spruce. For prices and quantities, address: Edye-de-Hurst & Sons, Dryden, Ontario, Cones which have opened are useless. Note: FOR SALE FOUR-ROOMED HOUSE good well and soft water. $1350 cash, | nr $1450 on terms. Half - acre of fenced land, and good stable. Key! may be had on application to J. A. STRUTT, Dryden. For further par- ticulars, write Mrs E. LETCHFORD, 16/6/26 Ingolf, Ont. Repair Price List. DON'T THROW AWAY YOUR OLD SHOES Bring them tc¢ me, and I will look them hy 3 6 paired at these low prices, as follows: (General Election | Men's Soles and Heels, Sewn --_.$1. 75 over and tell you if they can be re-: Fira: (Ciass SHOE REPAIRING NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND OLD PAIR OF BOOTS { can make them look as good as new Dont throw away your Shoes just because you thimk they are too far gone. Let me have a look at them, and I will estimate the cost to repair them. 1 am sure you wiil be satisfied, and will also save money while getting a foot comfort that no new Bost cam give, Rebuilding Soles & Heels a Speciality CHILDRENS BOOTS REPAIRED After School Hours L. GREENHILL NEXT TO POST OFFICE. NY General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO ----PDealer in-- DRY GOODS, GROCERIES BOOTS and SHOES HARDWARE and FARM PRODUCE Don't forget our five per cent discount on $10.00 orders, FUNERAL DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PHONE Day, 62 R 2; Night, 62 P. ¢ ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksmith AGENTS FOR-- CARBON REMOVED by 4. DO O'NEILL | Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. : CARMICHAEL BLOCK lun : ONTARIO ] 'W. A. WEARE i General Merchant ; MINNITAKI, ONTARIO : Agent Fore JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. i There is John Deere Equipment ! for Every Farm Use. TIME PAYMENTS | Arranged to Suit Purchasers. » Sole & Heels, nailed --_...... . 1.60 » Soles, Sewn .... . 1.35 Soles palled oni sein 3215} ,, Leather Heels 40, » Rubber HeelS voice. or 'Ladies Soles and Heels, Sewn, --_.. 1.50 5» Soles & Heels, Nailed __.... 1.830 » Soles, Sewn ... i woos, Nolled ie » Rubber Heels OTTAWA--The present general elec- tion campaign throughout Canada fol-: parliament in the history of the Domin- ion, The actual life of Canada's, solved on July 2 , 1926, was five months and twenty-six days. Although the last General klecction was on October 29, 192¢, the law officers of the House of "Com mong say that the acctual exist- ence of Parliament dates from the first' was on January Tth, of this year. Previous : brevity in Canadian Parliaments was held by the second parliament after and four months. he Twelfth Parlia- ment, which was under the war-time 4th--38 years, 5th--4 years, 6tii--38 years, Tth--5 years. 8th--4 years, 9th--3 years, 10th--3 years, 12th--6 years. 18th--3 years, 7 months, 7 days. 14th--3 years, 8 months, 30 days. 15th--5 months, 26 days. 5 months, 28 days. 5 months, 10 days. 9 months, 27 days. 2 months, 26 days. 9 months, 26 days. 9 months, 4 days. lews the dissolution of the shortest | Fifteenth Parliament, which wac dis- to this the record for M. i Misses' Soles & Heels, nailed .._.. 80 | Confederation, which sat for one year! 'Boys Soles & Heels, nailed, Boys' Soles & Heels, nailed government, established the record j 2 1 for longevity by carrying on for six' (5 to 5) 85 years, holding seven sessions during Patches 15e., up this peried. {Rips 05¢c., up The length of service of each parlia- Military Heels, 1%-in high__..__.. 1.30 ment gince Confederation follows. French Heels, 2-in. high 17s 1st--4 years, 9 months, 15 days pg 2nd--1 year, 4 months, Po Ne 15e, nd 3rd--4 years, 5 months, 25 days. 0p Sans, Boys * 25, Pos Capt, Mens ........pmregen 55 Elastic Sides 1.190 Dyeing SHOE. emi eee] 40e., up in to me, and I will repair them at: similar reasonable prices. Assortment of COLLARS, HALTERS, LINES, & HARNESS PARTS in stock: Leather Heels -- en 20 ber & Fibre Soles and Heels, Black and Tan ----Cimen 2.70 Rubber & Fibre Soles and Heels, White . Ik Soles & Rubber Heels --_.. 2. 00 Felt Soles & Rubber Heels_.... Ladies' Felt Soles & Heels__..__. Men's Whole Soles & Heels, sewn 2.70 Men's Whole Soles & Heels, nailed 2.25 day the Speaker takes the chair, which. Ladies Whoie Soles & Heels, sewn 2.00 : Ladies Whole Soles & Heels, nailed 1.70 sses Soles & Heels, sewn _... 1.05 (1 to 3) $1.00 So with your harness. Bring them _, L. 1 SORONEN, [ +2 Machin & Popham Barristers, Solicitors, etc. H. A. C. MACHIN EARLE C. POPHAM Also Member Manitoba Bar. IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING KENCRA --::-- ONT A.J.GARDINER § General Merchan?, ; EAGLE RIVER. Agent for Frost & Woed IMPLEMENTS. COCKSHUTT PLOW COY. CI Sharpie's Cream Separators. RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. ent ash WATKIN'S PRODUCTS For Farmer or Citizen ALL, THE OLD ONES AND SOME NEW ONES JUST TRY THE COCOA PREPARED MUSTARDS EZY-WASH AND MINERAL SOAPS E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND Ling There is nothing so cemortable as an. | M. J. CROSIER ANDERSON & HARRIS )IRECTORS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Massey- Harris [implements FROM CYLINDER Acetylene Burning : Get QUALITY and SERVICE E

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