Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 1 Oct 1926, page 1

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VOLUME VIL DRYDEN, Ontario, October st, 1926. No. XVIII. Boag § 42 o : i H Fi) = Elct S J Si 18 | Ew hy ' eida s Bye TORONTO, Sept. 30.--According to a Appniatmneng newspaper story in the Toronto Teleg-' Ee ram, Premier H. Ferguson has decide ena Tad hardly ar valle: his return to Parliament as for Kenora-Rainy River, when known that there was every £ that he would be included in to put off the Provincial general tion until next year. The Telegram says: "Information vouchsafs El aly - oh ' : ie , is to the eflect that . H Jebinet of the McKenzie King series of four or CGovernmeni--this has since taken be held beiore ve first to be Kenora a ed by Hon. Toler Heenan is now Minister Naturally, his frieds are jubilant, while it ic ace ana Mr iY Members A 2 yt 1% al : ; ; Larg, now both Like 2 serally that this portion rors 14 ic understood that the : : Ottawa. 1g un tood hi le 25 been splendidly treated nie + Te 4 apl -¥ 4 lin: % ¥ present plan is to sep be each bye-! Sih 1. McKenzie King. Mr Heen- election by a week or 1 owledged to possess his full are of Re A he has nade a name for himself as a strong "texponent for the complete and immed- ate development of North-Western | Shsinete, particularly in regard to ith~ {vast water power on the English River | preety nort of Dryden, a portion of which should come to Dryden to take care of the immediate needs of the Town of Dryden, also to meet the in- ih 1g needs of the Dryden Paper Co, Limited. With Mr Heenan on the 'job it can be taken for granted that, ith all local interests working to ther, the interests of the Town of Dryden will receive just recognition. paper extends its hearty con- ; ng to the Hon. Peter Heenan tention may .be concentrated upon onc! Wi riding at 2 time. Call at the Only Harness Store in Town a Cc Where a good line of Goods are Aways in stock, including TRACES LINES BREAST STRATS SWEAT PADS, | IATL TERS, SHANKS i MARTINGALES, BREECHES! efc.; etc. iw " All made of good quality I and good workmanship. Pri on his appointment as Minister of moderate. Also Harness OIL Labour a5 a member of the King's {black), 35c. per pint. v i uncil. Neatsfoot Priv OIL, pint 45c¢., quart 7oc. i if you have any broken Harness, ring it to mic and I will repair it' ~omptly. And make it as good 18 new. ne Charleston Contest-- About tht snappiest piece of step- ng that has been done in the town HE as staged at the Strand Theatre on All my Work is Guaranteed. Opportunity night, whenMr Wilkes, tor Good Reliable BOOTS and Linnie Reid, Annie Yorwshuk, Hilda SHOES, at moderate prices, you {Danies and Vera Bailey took part. The cannot do wrong if you give a prize was divided between Mr Wilks 'rial. Our goods are made of | fand Mirnie Reid, who received the most «rood quality leather, and built to The Charleston seemed to tand hard usage. Give them a, avorite dance and when one (nal, o consideration the faet thai We are right in the front rank the children have had an; »epairing Boots and Shoes, u What dancers we would havc ihe BEST LEATHER ONLY, &ib en if we only had some one «uarantee all our worl, Lo teach them. Now for the Charlston Why walk through life on tired} Contest, Getober 16th. All steppers 1d sore feet, when by using Drjesn take part if over the age of 1 chool's Foot Remedies you canlyears. This contest is going to be valk with comfort and ease. Try |cne of the biggest events since father chem once and vou will never|was a boy! want to be without them. jg The Big Gloom Chaser "Behind the Front," is coming to the Strand nex? week, This shows the sunny side of the war and every returned man wiil have the laugh of his life when he sees Vallacce Berry and Raymond Hattan cleaning up "Behind the Front.' Tust arrived a shipment of SLOVES MITTS, PULL: "OVERS, all sizes, and only one quality--THE BEST Now is the time to get your RUBBERS RE-SOLED We use only the best rubber. end your worn rubbers along and have them made as good ew JARNESS and BOOT STOR Whyte Street, 1. SORONEN BRING YOUR LAUNDRY leaning Dry Cl caning s Lamp Reunion-- bout thirty-five boys gathered in the ment of the United Church, Fri- day evening to renew acquaintances, to 'sing again some camp songs and to bid adieu to Mr D. J. Wilson who left Sun- day evening for Toronto to resume his college course. The Dryden boys treated all outsiders to a very fine banquet. There was everything a bey likes and plenty of it, even to pie. Alen Wilson was chair- man and toastmaster for the evening. After everyone had eaten, even be- vond hi, usual capacity, Allen called tpon M. Rivers to propose a toast to as 20 i Cansua, to which Mr Wilson replied. Pressing Followiwng this Eddie Halderson pro- to posed a toast to Mr Wilson's Group-- The Medal Winners to which Roy Lund (mark replied, Jack French proposed a Lous to the Baseball Champions, Mr 'Baxter's Group, and Gordon Campbell replied. Freddie Aaron proposed a toast to Mr River's Group and Ronald Whiteley replied, Will Spicer proposed 1 toast to Mr Wilson. t Rivers pro- posed a toast to Eric Whiteley, conced- ed to be the best Square boy in camp. Allen ther called upon Mr Wilson to lead in some camp songs. Mr Rivers spoke on the ideals of the camp, ex- plaining that the greatest ideal was our Savour, Jesus Christ, and finally told us that camp story. The banguet was brought to a close by singing {wo or three more sacred nd the National Anthem, went home feeling that i a splendia thing to be able to liv relp in this age. All regre tok £5 Baxter had to leave for his aye Monday, and therefore could not Mes C. Smith, | V hite Dtreet Laundry ee A IE TRE sr Furnace flues and your Py re Insurance | befére cold weather sels . § 11) GMOURE WiTH J. E. GIBSON, Agent, Bryden Have vour Pianos tuned and over: hauled for the Winter Season. Leave orders with Ralph Pronger. W. R CLIMENSOCN Piano Tuner. and' °° Personal Mrs J. Duncan, Ignace was in Dry- den Monday. Mrs E. Morison is away on a vist to Winnipeg. A number of Kenora people are ex- pected down to attend the Exhibition |i being held today and tomorrow. OC. E. Skene returned to his home in Sioux Lookcut after spending a few dys in Dryden with Mr and Mrs Geo. Skene. Mr Skene's business at this end of the district was to purchase stock for their dairy farm at Sioux Lookout. Mr Nelcon, of Dyment was a visitor to Dryden Tuesday. A. Henderson, of Oxdrift, ness visitor here re Mrs J. Beck entertained a party of little folk in honour of Margarei's fifth birthday, on Monday afternoon. There were about a dozen boys and girls present and a delightful time was enjoyed by all. R. J. Pronger was a business visitor te Osaquan this week. Rev. H. A. and Mrs Smith, of Ignace were visitors to Dryden Monday. Miss Mona Morris left for Winnipeg on Monday. E. C. Popham, Barrister, of Henora, was in Dryden this week. H. C. McWilliams, of Kenora, visitor here last week. Chief Colliss returned to resume his duties at Dryden, after an enjoyable holiday in Toronto. Mrs A. Payne spent a few days with her mother in Eagle River this week. Miss Ina Findlay came down form Kenora Monday to spend a holiday with her mother in Dryden. Max Ray left Tuesday to spend a well earned vacation in the great open spaces of the west. Dan Wright, of Pitt's Butcher Shon is enjoying his annual vacation, which takes the form of a hunting trip. as a busi- was ali Teachers' Convention den, Oct, 11th, 12th At © y Annual Masquerade The Annual Fall Masquerade Ball will be heid this year in the Masonic Auditorium, on Friday, October 20th, Correspondence. DYMENT, Spt. 20.--An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr ANOTHER big event for Dryden stitute and Dryden School Board are working in conjunction in pre- paring a pro per reception and en- tertainment for these visitors, On the morning of the 10th, address of welcome will be given by Mayor Dingwall, also Mr R. Cn. Wigle, Chairman of the School {* ioard, while there will be at which Prof. peg, wil! be the main attraction. It is said that Prof. of the most inloicsting speakers in Western Canada. Dryden talent will alsu assist in making this programme exceptionally interest 1g. At the conclusion of the} entertainment it is estimated that a real enjoyable dance will take place in the Public School Build- ing, and as there wil be close to one hundred lady teachers from at points, ample Sipe offers tl Dryden b DOYS to assist in the a It is hoped that sufficient cars will be available to take all the visitors fo1 a ride to either Dinor- wic or Eagle River. Those will- 1 1a i 1 Bert Bervey is back on the job after 2 holiday in the west. J. Quirk of Ignace was in 'Town on" Tuesday. 8S. Daiter is away on 2 'o Winnipeg. Miss Gertrude Mcfay den is spending a few days in Winnipeg. Dr Gibson, Winnipeg, te Dryden Red Cross week. 1t is reliably reported that Dr Mori- son found one of the deepest ditches in the district on a recent night trip to Minnitaki. The canning season is now on in full blast. Two carloads of basket fruit, two carloads of apples and two carloads of sugar have arrived within the last few days. m business trip was a visitor Hospital this C.P.R. Company's Telegraphs | was in Dryden Thursday on a business rip. The Indian Lake Lumber Company are now returning thre carloads of horses te Osaquan. These horses were pastuerd in Dryden during the summer months. Carpenters are now busy enlarging; 0. H. Pronger's Cash Grocery. When completed there will. be about twice as much shelving and display space as there 'poy was. Hon. Peter Heenan to Speak-- The Bon. Peter Heenan, Minister of Labour, will speak in the Community Hall, Oxdrift, on Saturday evening, October 2nd. The meeting will be followed by a dance. Kase Your throat Wampole's FORMOLID THROAT! | nl Quickly relieves 8 Throat tickling and irritation J Strongly astsepic, abeolutely barmless fl 7th, a two Mz M'Donald, Assistant Superintend-1' ant of On Thursday afternoon, October 7, niy-five cent tea will be held at the howe of Mrs A. Pitt, from 3.30 to 6 o'clo: Froceeds in sid of the parsonage iund. Arthur Clemipson Wins Honours-- will be presented played in the window of the Dryden ang entertainment in United Church?!' : on the evening of the same datel" Wallace, of Winni-§* Wallace is onel® rg fi SA correct figure of the number of beans will receive the prize. dance, and sheuld a pein will be awarded 13, both, gent for costumes, and the press are busy gett: averyone will have plenty of time in}, Recen! ago of the Gen a Valdl | oP Ee 2 2, the new organization has heen actively |groom's gilt, a rope of pears. endeavcuring to accumulate funds fo and it is hoped that as it is almost o- |20d Mrs Marr, Monday, where - about daveniv hom : Il he 15 the District School Tenchers the sve of "Hallows'on," that » large a a i ci Convention which is scheduled for [Mmber of Hallowe'en costumes will t: well to Alice thy R. Ne td ay liam Cotton Toth Tah ra Tt jq|Worn. This year the "Freshmen" ara Sa upon the eve = t eir oe rriage estimated that there will be at]eaving nothing to be desired, the.o|Which oo 1 ino rk WE 3 2 : eT: MELINeY™ lahat one hundred teachers present | Vill a special prizes and new mus 'c |O or iL Tae Se 2 : ito dance to besides whieh there will 1 |°L the settlement turned out, filling the from all parts of the District ; ; a ry ] % Se i CE oi vovelin donee house to eapacity. Dancing was in- Keewatin to Sioux Lookout--and |? EEA a +. [olged tn vill 4 oon. mavislc Deli sw it is understood that the Local a change in the programme th': |448 Sent ik 2 Teaching Staff, Women's In-|year will be the prizes, instead of thes- plied by Mr A. Robinson and Mrs Marr, > being in the pature of money, gift: iy to the successful viclinists, assisted by Mrs K. Stu patrons, and these gifts will all be dis: & and Mrs Kennedy with avto-harr ac- companiment. The floor manag mm the hands of H. Knowles was carried out in his usual "snappy" manner. The entertainment came to a close .|with a speech from the prospective groom, whwo, in a few well chosen words thanked the audience for their kind attendance and good wishes for his future wife and himself, after ment weeks prior to thr A sealer of bean: in the Pharmac; ks and everyone ig contest. vo om axhihd ine ticket for the ball (eitlie which everybody joined in singing pr « + 1 ' - 5 Drug Store or from any othe: Am Syne," and "God Save The \ ing, will be allowed to estimate the of beans in the sealer, whieh ed until the closing date, whic): ck on the evening of October seal will then be broke: counted, and the persor BROWN--NELSON DINORWIC-- St. George's Church was the scene of a pretty wedding, Wednes- day, September 22nd, when Alice A. R. Nelson, daughter of Mrs IF. Marr, Dyment, became the bride of William s contained in the seales : R.,, son of Mr and Mrs R. Brown The winner will be ann ed at the | 5 . 1 , : © anncnced of th Fraserburg, Scotland. Rev. RB. A. WO persons succeed Smith, of Ignace, officiated. At the actually guessing the exact number, : War appointed Liour the groom, with Mr J. Finlayson, who .supported him, took iizeir places at the altar steps. Tie bride who was given in marriage by her svep-father, looked charming in dress of ivory georgette with silver ilace trimmings, and wore the conven- T LE rh] > Fi has alread: and prices of » Thomas Proudfoot particulars go tha ng out advertising matter, ll 3 " ; : ' 2 3 agin 'ha powill rear of co A 3 A ing to assist in this direction] a Box bi a in) rs - tional veil of orange blossoms and car- . He a BE serve n i py might so advise Mr R. G. Wigle. |*V o night of Oatober OF Yl ied a shower bouquests of roses and mee 101g Mask Ball. 5 : = : lily-of-the-valiey, and heather, The : Further particulars next week in the Tattor Toots tie groon's Tome in Seat: [Afternoon Tea "Observer." "Is that so!" a Pap land. Her only ornament being a rope of pearls, the gift of the groom. T ctivitics of District Band-- bride was attended by her sister, Mrs Wits the amalgamation o short time |X. Stuart, Winnipeg, and was attired . 10f Bands, In apricot satin and also wore the Her |bouquet was pink carnations. The be. man's remembrance was a pair of gold carrying on the band work. and witi By winning the 220 yard dash ani coming out fivst in the 100 yard dash! in 10 3-5 seconds, Arthur Clempson, ! School at the Collegiate School events of Fort William has now {qualified to compete in the finals of the in e Dominion Meet to be held in Toronto jheld at Oxdrift, Wabigoon and Gunne A dance which followed each cage furthered the 1 jevning, and the band takes this oppor- Saturday. There were representatives from all the schools in the distric cluding Fort Fronds, Kenora, the 'T Cities, eic., taking part in the ev a, Clen certainly does Drvden Continuation School an honour by mak- ing such a good showing. 7 and C. W. L. Whist Drive---- | The Catholic Wemen's Jogenh's League of Si. ! 'thurch will hold a Whist ¢ home of Mrs J. Andrews October 7th, commencing Bevin will be gives iat ban Whist. Lunch will be served. mission 5c. ze Alternations and A ono Telephone Iireelcory to Daiei 129 R-2 Andrews, J. J., .; 133 By- ington, C. G., Hes.; 134 Barnes H. G,, pa 5 Res.; 129 R-3 Bridgwater, A., Res.; 1i0 Campbell, 17 Res.; 114 Crawley CR, Bet Connon, V ons ; 9% 0- R- 2 Dingws Ww. 5, i Creamery; 107, 2 >, W. G, Res.: a y g T FICS Eraly J el Red Cro R. G., Res.; 66 Howe, i Re 5:3 168 Kerney, W., Res.; 109 Lebaron, K. S., Res.; 20 R-5 Lod, A J. Ren: 20 R-2 Lock, A. J., Office.; 102 Liberal Com- mittee Office; 132 R-2 Miliroy Ww. A. 'Res; 64 Morris Il., Res.; "Maunsell, DH, Res.; 137 R-3 Maunsell W. D., Res.; 111 R-2 Nergate C., Res.: 1111 R-3 Noble, G., Res.; 63 Pronger, R. 7 .» Res.; 88 Pearson, Vv. Res.; 4 Ryder, , Shop; 127 Public School; 98 R-2 Sn, S.J, Res Aise A. 8; 90 Smith I | Res.; 130 Wicke H., Res; 113 Wigle o $ HENRY K Wa WAMPOLE & CO. i) Jini Fumi, pam, oxT., can. U0 --a great help to the voice from over strain, smoking, etc. Prevents and re- lieves Coughs, Colds and Sore Throat, Stops Throat Tickling and Irritation, TWO SIZES, 10c and 25¢ Oryden Pharmacy i R. G., Res.; 108 ilde, Jas., Beh 29 . Wilson, W. A Res.; 82 Wice, E. Nk 1 a Wg D. Bea. 128° G.. Res. : 3. Res. vo Guardisng-- 1 over five years who have not stared lo school, may do so wow, starting Monday, as the school has ar- ranced for accomodation. 'a view to purchasing uniforms in the who repr a Dryden Continuation number of Concerts te be held in the and High od Stand throughout Season. for by the "Freshmen" Orchestra. ccoperation of the orchestra on thest occasions played a large success. sincere thanks to Mrs Cooper for her kindness vocal and instrumental solos. T the « Crowley stated that there was tas another large syndicate had already 127 R-2 116 cuff links. After the ceremony a wedding lunch was served al the home of Mr and Mas Lyons. The wedding gifts were numer- ons and costly, Later in the evening a reception was held in the Comey Hall... After a brief honeyrmcon in Fort William, Mr and Mrs Brown leave for their home in Mobert, © where the groom is manager «F Hudson's Bay Store. near future. An agreement war nade with the Town of Dryden for : the summe; in addition to this arrange nt a series of three Concerts were the Coneert ir success of th i tunity of expressing its appreciation the valuable assistance renderec The Liberal Supporters Celebraic The Liberal Supporters of Djyricnt celebrated the success of their cand: ate, Mr Peter Heenan, in the form dance held in the house -formeily known as the "Anderson Residence. The music was supplied by Me Smeltzer and Kennedy, Mrs Mary, Stuart and Mrs Kennedy. ments were served at midnight, the thirty-cne members present. agreed the evening was well spent nad when the Home Sweet Home waltz sounded, the only degret was "Peter not being present." However, we hope for better luck next time. part in thei ® The band also wishes to extend its ir contributing enjoyable, While the winter season will curtail ties of the combined aggrega- tien, cach section will rehearse in preparation for mext separateiy summer's programme, so that the Dry- den District Band may prove an en- joyelle acquisition to the community. Tim Crowley, Quibell, returned from a three months trip to Red Lake. When interviewed in Kenora this week, Mr every evidence of a great find at Red Lake and the fact that the Dome people had given up their option meant nothing, sen over their holdings. "All that needed now to make Red Lake a 5 Mr Crowwley is a rail- i) to Zod Lake, a dist- tak bY is 5 ns following oificers were elected for coming year President, Mrs J. A. Andrews; Vice-President, Mrs M. Moi- is s week. The he Foredal Laxatives Are No Longer Necessary F you are accustomed to using forceful i rig; Jee'y-Treasurer, Mrs J. Ernewein. laxatives as cathartics, you can break ~~ { away from this habit and bring back 1} - ; the bowel action to a mormal condition, 1° Hor naa so, by the use of | Wampole's\ MAGNOLAX The following delegates have been | appointed to atiend the annual conven- | Bl tien of the Wemen's Institute at Port Arthur October 12th and 18th: --Myrs 1 i a i aE en + ie Dingw", Mrs M. 8. Campbell, Mrs M. i in appearance and taste Magnolax fs piss 358 i ire x A yg x ® palatable. It is a stable combination of Minera Loy wd Ma 3 B. G. Wigle. bd Qil with Milk of Magnesia -- embodying the H : Rh ey ff virtues of both. It softens and lubricates the it Cy : contents of the bowels, causing natural evacuas © 5 Drie 5 4% tion without discomfort or griping. © BOOK YO UR WINTER ORDERS 3 -Wampole's Magnolax. tixes dogs Son a © To ks and may be givenin this way to infants and very i Now for GOOD, SOLID WHITE B1 youngchildren, 5 EB 8ez Size, 0c.) 20-0z. Size, $1.00 {3 CABBAGE, at 2%ec. ib. : JAS. SPENCE, 1/1526. Dryden, Ont. Oryden Pharmacy

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