Hallowe'en and Masquerade Novelties We can fit you out complete for either of these joyous celebrations EQUIP YOUR RADIO SET WITH A "B" BATTERY ELIMINATOR Let me demonstrate how you can make your radio set an electricial set with all replacement and trouble at an end Ralph J. Pronger Good Supply of-- HAMS BACON ete, ets. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. 'Phone No. 6 2 ee M. J. CROSIE General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO ----Dealer in---- DRY GOODS, GROCERIES BOOTS and SHOES {IARDWARE and FARM PRODUCE Don't forget our five per cent discount on $10.00 orders. "ROBT. SWEENEY , Dengan Blacksmith Hassey- Harris Implements CARBON REMOVED FROM CYLINDER by Acetyiene te W. A WEARE General Merchant \IINNITAKI, ONTARIO Agent For-- JUHN DEERE PLOW CO. 'iaere is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. Cet QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Arranged 9 Suit Purchasers. Burning SE ma 0 J D. O'NEILL Barzistr, Solicitor, Etc. CAEMICHAEL BLOCK KEHORA , ONTARIO ® Dryden Lumber In THE DAITER Pd Aug. Hitter A. PATERSON, Prop BLOCK Photographer, t.mateur Finishing, Enlarging, : ete, ete. WALDHOF, P.Q.,- Ontario PORTRAITS, GROUPS CHILDREN, etc. taken at your home. Daylight = or Flashlight Exposures. All Work Guaranteed by Long Experience. Highest Grade fie Amateur Finishing Kindly leave your films for developing and printing with The Dryden Pharmacy. REASONABLE PRICE. BIG NEE For Now. HARNESS PARTS, COLLARS. SWEAT PADS, STRAPS, BUCKLES, Etc, Etc. FOR YOUR FORD CAR Try Our Highly Recommended CHATTER - FREE i.UBRICATING OIL ~ --Specially Made For-- Ford Engines. Lompany Successors to Anderson & Harris. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS FULL STOCK OF LUMBER. SASH & DOORS : SHINGLES, WOOD FIBRE BRICK, LIME AND CEMENT Estimates Freely Given er, Oxdrift: EK, Green, "sen, Bedworth Championship School Fair. Wheat (Marquis)--S. Miles, Oxdrift; N. Zentil, Bedworth; B. Anderson, Cairnbrogie; G. Graves, Rice Lake; M. Beyer, W aldhof; E. Johnson, Wabigoon Wheat Sheaf (Marquis)--B. Ander- son, Cairnbrogie; W. Miles, Rugby; A. Pollard, Oxdrift; G. Graves, Rice Lake; J. Spalding, Oxdrift; C. Neill, Wabig'n. | Oats (Gold Rain)--I. Beyer, Waldh- of; B. Anderson, Cairnbrogie; A. Hazel wood, Rice Lake; F. Groves, Rice Lake. Oats Sheaf (Gold Rain)--B. Ander. son, Cairnbrogie; F Graves, Rice Lake; A, Hazelwood, Rice Lake; I. Beyer, Waldhof; A. Allen, Waldhof;- Bob Vankoughnett, Dryden. Oats (Banner)--H. Metzler, Waldh- of; F. Zentil, Bedworth, i Button Bag (hand sewn)--J. Jack- ison, Glengolana; A. Hazelwood, Rice Lake; P. Saundies, Osaquan; L Durfey, Osaquan; K. Evans, Bedworth. Iron or Pot Holder--A Weeks, Minn- fi-aki; M. Turner, Eagle River; M. Gloughy, Osaquan; L Durfey, Osaquan; H. Adair, Dryden. ' Fancey Pin Cushion--K. Evans, Bed- worth; A, Weeks, Minnitaki; A. Pear- son, Eagle River; J. Jackson, Glengo- land; M. Evans, Bedworth; M. Gloughy Usaquan. ; Girls Tea Apron--E. Hunter, Dry- 'den; L. Berglund, Eagle River; Edna Jackson, Oxdrift; F. Zentil, Bedworth; L. Clausen, Bedworth; Pearl Pollard, . Oxdrift, ! Crocheted Doilie--E. Jackson, Ox- drift; L. Clausen, Bedworth. : Hemstitched Handkerchief--M Bart- (lett, Dryden; F. Zentil, Bedworth; L. iCiausen, Bedworth; P. Pollard, Ox- (drift; BE. Cross, Eagle River; Ethel | Darr, Eagle River. Oats Sheaf (Banner)--D, MeGogy,! Best Darned Sock--D. Bartlett, Dry- Cairnbrogie; H. Metzler, Waldhof; V.' len; R. Reid, Dryden; K. Evans, Bed- Dollard, Oxdrift. Barley, 0.A.C,, No. 21, gt.--Walter Miles, Rugby; G Hazelwod, Rice Lake; S. Miles, Rugby; J. Groves, Rice Lake; M. Beyer, Waldhof, Barley, 0.A.C., No. 21 Sheaf--Geo. Hazelwood, Rice Lake; S. Pollard, Ox- drift; J. Groves, Rice Lake; S. Miles, Rugby; W. Miles, Rugby. - Field. Corn (Longfellow)-- Bruno Zentil, Bedworth. Four Stalks Sunflowers--N., Hunter, Dryden. Squaw Corn--E, Hunter, Dryden; D. Griffiths, Oxdrift, . Potatoes (G. M. )--J. Volkmar, Dry- den; A. Hazelwood, Rice Lake 19. Tayl- or, Bedworth; J. Groves, Rice Lake; R. McTavish, Oxdrift; I. 'Hampe, Eagle. Potatoes (I. C. )--J. Gardiner, Eagle River; L. Moore, Quibell; FP. Quibell; M. Evang, Bedworth; K. Evans Bedwotrh; A. Volkmar, Dryden. Mangles (Giant White Sugar) --G. Zentil, Bedworth; I. Corneilus, Cairn- brogie; T. Rask, Minnitaki; F. Schnie- er, Oxdrift; A. Kurz, Waldhot ; Mabel Skene, Oxdrift. ; Turnips (Carters Invitica)--B Zentil, Bedworth; P. Schoonenberg, Waldhof : A. Skene, Oxdrift; B. Spalding, Ox- drift; R. Patterson, Minnitaki; Myrtle Smith, Waldhof, Beets {Detroit Dark Red)--G. Zentil, Bedworth; J, Spalding, Oxdrift; Alice Hazelwood, Rice Lake: J. Robinson, Wabigoon; A. Kurtz, Waldhof; Ugho Binda, Vermillion Bay, Carrots (Chantenay)--F Evans, Bed- worth; F' Schneider, Oxdrift; J Schneid J Waldhof; N. Zentil, Bedworth; K. Evans, Bedworth. Oniong (Yellow Glebe Danverg-- N. Zentil, Bedworth; E. Heneley, Quibell : C. Spalding, Oxdrift; M. Roberts, Qui bell; Mie Reid; Uxarttt; Ellis MeGogy Cairnbrogie. Parsnips (Hollow Crown)--FE. Reid, Oxdrift; M Burns, Wabigoon; N Zentil, Bedworth ; G. Hazelwood, Rice Lake 3 G Groves, Rice Lake; K Evans, Bedworth, Best Collection of Vegetables-- K. Hilirey, Dryden; N. Hunter, Dryden, Best Table Bouquet, Asters--Sadis Smith, Waldhot, Best Mixed Bouguet--=Sadie Smith, Waldhof; D. Turner, Dryden. Cockerel, Barred Plymouth Rock -- A. Doudiet, Dryden; D. eRid, Dryden; i J. Taylor, den. Pullet, Ba = Bedworth; J. Volkmar, Dry- red Plymouth Roek-- JI. Volkmar, Di A. Doudiet, Dryden; D. Reid, Dryd J. Taylor, Bedworth. Pen (Coclerel,. 2. Pullets)--D. Reid, Dryden; J. Taylor, Bedworth. Dozen White Eggs (Special)-- M. Raney, Dryden; 8. Smith, Waldhof. Dozen Brown Eggs (Special)---Nona taney, Dryden; D, Reid, Dryden; Sadie Smith, Waldhet. Calf, Beef--B Anderson, Cairnbrogie, Calf, Dairy Heifer--Roy Morton, Cairnbrogie. Halter broken- Calf-- B, Anderson, Cairnbrogie; R. Morton, Cairnbrogie. Qt. Pickled Beets, girls under ten-- H. Bartlett, Dryden; S. Pollard, Ox- arift; A. Anderson, Cairnbrogie; May Evans, Bedworth; M. Smith, Waldhof. Qt. Sweet Pickles--K. Evans, Bed- worth; IL. Clausen, Bedworth; P., Pol- lard, Oxdrift; 8. Smith, Waldhof. Qt. Raspberry Preserves--E Hunter, Dryden; 1. Clausen, Bedworth 3 8 Inch son, Oxdrift; M, Bartlett, Dryden. Qt. Strawberry Jam--A. Vankough- nett, Dryden; #1. Bartlett, Dryden; 8. Jackson, Oxdrift; I, Clausen, Bedworth, Qt. Canned Blueberries, girls unde ten--M. Smith, Waldhof; H. Bartlett, Dryden; B. Vankoughnett, Dryden; M. Evans, Bedworth. Exhibit of Canning-- M. Bartlett, Dryden. Exhibit of Canning, other than Gard- en Contest--DM, Evans, Bedworth; K. Evans, Bedworth; I, Bartlett, Dryden. Two Loaves Homemade Bread--O0live z Lewis, Dryden; C. Doudiet, Dryden; S. Smith, Waldhof. Raisin Pie--1., Clausen, Bedworth; E Adair, Dryden; M. Bartlett, Dryden. Half doz. Bran Muffins--M., Bartlett, Dryden; S. Smith, Waldhof; M. An- derson, Caiinbrogie, Three Desserts Bartlett, Dryden, Box of Candy, girls ten and under----J. Hutchison, Dryden; Alvyn Faulkner, Osaquan; I. Corner, Oxdrift; Myrtle Smith, Waldhot. Box of Candy, girls over ten--1L. Clay. ; 8. Smith, Waldhof., Box Containing School Lunch--Lily Lewis, Dryden; §. Smith, Waldhof. ~~ Set Dolls Clothes (hand sewn)--A., Hazelwood, Rice Lake; G. Vankough- nett, Dryden, C. Salding, Oxdrift; V. Bailey, Dryden; J. Greaves, Osaquan; (Cup size)-- May Jessie Gardiner, Eagle River, Moore, ; fworth; A. Hazelwood, Rice Lake. ! Hand Embroidered Guest Towel--E. 'Jackson, Oxdrift; M. Bartlett, Dryden; E. Neely, Oxdrift; M. Anderson. Wain. (wright; M. Durfey, Osaquan; Mabel Lunden, Minnitaki. . Useful Article made from Prize Rib- (bons wen in former years--E. Darr, (Eagle; I. Jackson, Oxdrift; R. Korzin- {ski, Eagle; B. Gardiner, Eagle; Agnes i Wainwright; K. Evans, Bedworth, Dryden; 'Darr, Eagle; N. Raney, Dryden; Edna : Cross, Eagle River; A. Hazelwood, i Rice Lake. Any Article Homemade--M. Turner, Iagle River; M Anderson, Cairnbrogie; 'L. Clausen, Bedworth; V, Gloughy Osaquan; A. Anderson, Cairnbrogie; E. Jackson, Oxdrift. Model Log House with Sills--W, ¢ Morton, Cairnbrogie; E. Wice, Dryden; tH. Paradis, Quibell; F. Bessett, Bed- worth, ¢ Bird House--E. Hutchison, WW. Nelson, Rice Lake. i Model Boat Rigged,-- C. Gammon, ¢ Dryden; J 'Laylor, Bedworth; R. Smith, i Waldhof; B. Anderson, Cairnbrogie. i Trinket Box--H, Metzler, Waldhof; -C. Hoffstrom, Bedworth. Homemade Canoe & Oar--R. Miller, § Waldhof, ¥ Sock Dained by Boy--R Schram, E. River; D. Turner, Dryden; G. Hazel- wood, Rice Lake; R. Danielson, Eagle; _D. Reid, Dryden; R. Smith, Waldhof. § Primer & First Book--Writing Book "in Pencil, showing at least two months' work--Kathleen Evans, Bedworth; A. Nelson, Rice Lake; R. Miller, Waldhof; M. Evans, Rice Lake; H. Bartlett, Dry- den; R. Backus, Eagle River. Second Book--Writing Book in Ink, showing at least two months' wor--L. Winfield, Waldhot;-1. Lewis, Dryden; 5. Smith, Waldhot; J. Bartlett, Dryden i Third Boek--Writing Book in Ink, showing at least two months' work--M. Bartlett, Dryden; A. Kurtz, Waldhof; 1. Kellberg, Waldhof; M. Erzar, Wald- of; L. Davidson, Bedworth! L. John- son, Eagle River. : Fourth Book--Writing Book in Ink, 'showing at least two months' work--M. Crerar, Glengoland; K. Schoonenberg, ; Waldhof; C. Dixon, Dryden; M. Beyer, Waldhof; E. Alstadt, Waldhof; Ethel Darr, Eagle River. - Sample, Free Hand Exercise Book Ink--£ Darr, Eagle River; C Hampe Eagle River; K, Schoonenberg, Waldh- of; B. Gardiner, Eagle River; W. Jack- son, Oxdrift; HM. Beyer, Waldhef. Class IV.--Six selections from work ear at school, mounted--L. Nelson, le River; I. Naslund, Eagle; M. Duzfey, Osaquan; 1. Bell, Eagle River; D. Fiddler, Osaquan; E. Adair, Dryden. Class 11I.--8ix selections from work of year at school, mounted--L J ohnson, Eagle; J. Thompson, Eagle; I. Hender- son, Magle River; G. Hoffstrom, Bed- worth; A. Kurtz, Waldhof ; F. Crigger, Pine Grove, Class II.--Six selections from work of year at school, mounted--L, Berg- lund, Bagle; A. Sandin, Eagle River; H Metzler, Waldhof; F. Lindquist, Rice Lake; V. Hoffstrom, Bedworth. Class I.--Six selections of work of year at school, mounted--@G., aDnielsen, Eagle River; K. Evans, Bedworth; J. Henderson, Eagle River; R. Miller, Waldhof; A. Nelson, Rice Lake. Product Map of Kenora District--E. Schultz, Eagle; A. Sandin, Bagle; B. Gardiner, Eagle River; M Erzar, Wald- hof; A. Kurtz, Waldhof ; Kathrine Schoonenberg, Waldhof. Collection of snaps--@G. Gough, Dry- den; C. Gammon, Dryden; C. Hoffstrom Bedworth; J. Taylor, Bedworth. Fourth Book--Essay--I. Neslund, E. River; K. Schoonenberg, Waldhof ; M. Beyer, Waldhof; M. Reid, Glengoland; E. Darr, Eagle;; E. Reid, Glengoland. Third Book--*The Life Story of a Ship"--K. Wilkinson, Dryden; 1 John- son, Eagle R.; Edna Cross, Eagle R.; G. Hoffstrom, Bedworth; A. Kurtz, Waldhof; C. Hoffstrom, Bedworth. 'Second Book-- Essay-- M. Metzler, A. Allin, L. Winfield, S. Smith, Wald- hof; G. Hazelwood, Rice Lake. Collection of Insects, named--Sadie Smith, Waldhof, Collection of Pressed & Mounted Leaves (named)--J. Volkmar, Derden; A. Doudiet, Dryden; E. Darr, Eagle R.; B. Gardiner, Eagle R.; C. Hampe Eagle R.; B. Crigger, Minnitaki. Collection of Weed Seeds (Named) Sadie Smith, Waldhof, : Collection of Weed Plants indicating bad character--§. Smith, Waldhof; F. Crigger, Minnitaki. Collection of Native Woods, mounted and named--1. Davidson, Bedworth; A. McEwen, Quibell; G. Hazelwood, Rice Lake; M. King, Oxdrift; A. Doudiet, Dryden. i Best Three-minute Speech; any Sub- Ject--F, Zentil, Bedworth; Elmer Wice, Dryden; P. White, Bedworth. Ten Kinds of Stitches--L. Clausen, Bedworth; I. Jacckson, Oxdrift; Ethel] Treasurer's Sale of Land 'Anderson, Wainwright; M. Anderson, | - Queen Marie at the White House WASHINGTON, Oct. 19--Blazing with the crown and jewels of her royal Romanion mothr, Queen Marie, of Romania, sat at President Coolidge's right hand, the first reigning Queen ever to be entertained at a White House State banquet. Diamonds glit- tered in the crown circling the shingled auburn tresses of the "Most beautiful Queen in Europe." Down thhe length of the flower laden table were seated the President's official family and heads ci foreign missions in Washington with their wives and Prince Nichcolas and Princess Ileana of Rumania, Would Travel in Private WASHINGTON--Queen Marie of Rumania has requested that she be gl- lowed to travel in privacy throughout her visit of Canada and the United States. Consequently newspaper cor- respondents and photographers will not accompany the royal party on the special train. : This announcement dovetailed with ipality of Machin, Auction on Saturday, the 27th day 33 $hrker Oiser, Gananoque, Ont. Wagle River, Ont., August 18, 1988 [reports that Queen Marie had entsred into an arrangement with a news sSyn- nicate forthe writing, under her signa- ture, of the story of her journey, and that she did not want te be troubled by reporters. According to the New York 'World, the Rumanian Government will offer to the American public a bond issue ranging from twenty-five to fifty mil- lion dollars soon after Queen Marie leaves these shores, BALTIMORE, M.D.,--Booming of guns from the seal walls welcomed Quecn Marie and her royal Rumanion snteor age to Annapolis and the U.S. N iY virtue of a Warrant given umder the hand of notice is hereby given thai unless the wgether with the costs and charges, Academy where she reviewed the ment of midshipmen. Th academy classes, in full dresg : swept by the reviewing stand at present. | voi THEN HE CAME T( Pretty co-ed tto clerk: "I vant to buy. a pair of bloomers to wear around my gynmnasium." : Clerk (assently): "What size is your gynmnasium ?" OGRE HD Co 1s iy 8 for Taxes the Reeve of ths Muai- arrears of taxes, be sooner paid, I shall sel! by Pablie of November, 1926, at the Sehevi House at, Eagle River, in the District of Kenora, at the hour of four Geloek ip the afternoon, the lands mentioned below. Ei 4% lot 10 Con I Sanford, Patented, Adam Dickson, elo F. T. Hall, K.C, 4% Lot 6 Con. B Sanford, Patented, 160 acres, Taxes Cobourg, Ont. 160 acres, Taxes 8166.88. $172.15. Owner:~ GEORGE RULTE, Trassurer ny Municipality of Maski: Ge soline Engines, Plows, Wagons, Si sm fa i = PEP ED DC) C0) SD) SH) (1 SID ED 0 GD A rn Primrose Cream Separators Vessott Peed Grinders McCormick-Deering Feed Grinder "2,3, 6,&10 bh p Potato Diggers Sleighs Je Oxdurift Agen For INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER [] Ld CASH GROCER Opposite the Town Hall CORNER Ontario COMPANY OF CANADA, Lid SPECIALS FOR SUGAR, 12-tbs 10-Ibs SANTOS COFFEE, Good That's where it FICKLED PORK, per 1b .. BDALONGA, perth GRAPES, Large Red, per tb CHOICE CREAMERY BUTTER, Cut from Solids, perih... bookie rons SATURDAY PURITY FLOUR, ¢8-bs ..4.98 APPLES, per crate geade, a a Le Cre SA BRING YOUR CASH 10 HUGH PRONGER counts the best. Bes