TNR SR i STS GA td He le Ft SEER DEA * [4 ° : ee "ROBT. SWEENEY dassey- Harris Implements e) 8 Acetylene Burning i These Instruments are all in good Conditiion & have been taken in trade for our Victor Orthophonics VICTOR, Long Table Model, erly VICTOR, Smaller Table Model, with twenty record selections I EEE ER iene 320.00 COLUMBIA, Large Table Model, very powerful horn, remark- able tone, with twenty free selections, only ea $25.00 Terms :--$1.00 cash and $1.00 a week. 'We Have Three SMALL RADIO SETS All are Three and Four Tube Sets and GUARANTEED IN GOOD CONDITION We will Equip them with Batteries and Head Phones COMPLETE .....icnevisinesss $25.00 $5.00 cash and $1.00 a week. JE LS PRE Ea SN 2] i B Tx Paterson's SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Bee Fi pe BW PICHIC HAME senses nonin . 22c. df UNSMOKED BACON ..........ccooonnie. 395 OEE PORE La Re 25¢. Bl TRIPE alm... leans h es 25¢. vw; SIDE BACON, whole or Gallon a a 42¢. BW AED slp] er iiaiaeasia a sf ROUND SHOULDER ROAST, Beef ...... 13¢ ® BLADE SHOULDER ROAST, Beef ...... IIc. 0 UAMD CHOP Soin taceannnr ta vie denany 250 ! BEEF DRIPPING, 21bs ...ooooorrineeennn 25¢. i = PORK SAUSAGES ..... sll Se a 25. 2. HALIBUT, SALMON : SMOKED FILLETTS, FRESH FILLETTS, : KIPPERS, GOLD EYES Sphone No.6 A. PATERSON, Prop Paul Aug. Hutter General Merchant. ; Photographer, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO | emateur Finishing, Enlarging, Dealer in--- : ete., etc. WRY GOODS, GROCERIES) WwWALDHOF, P.O, Ontario BOOTS and SHOES PORTRAITS, GROUPS, CHILDREN, etc, taken at your home. Daylight or Flashlight Exposures. {IARDWARE and : FARM PRODUCE Don't fo: get our five per cent discount on $10.00 orders. Experience. Highest Grade Amateur Finishing" Kindly leave your films for developing and printing with The Dryden Pharmacy. REASONABLE PRICE. General Blacksmith LGUINTS FOR-- CAFBON REMOVED 3 'Conan Doyle Tells} Life Insurance Candidates in "many Ridings TORONTO, Oct. 25.--The Ontario Provincial election campaign will warm up within a few days. The itin- evary of Premier G. Howard Fergu- son's speaking tour is mow being ar- ranged. W. E. Raney, Progressive leader and former Attorney-General will have completed his itinerary shortly. The Liberal campaign will be in- augurated by a banquet, at which W. E. N. Sinclair, Liberal leader will be the guest of Provincial Liberals, and will 2m § New Psychic Story ssw 5 » tion of the northesst districts, good, My first impression of Western Can- All Work Guaranteed by Long! RIS raanifesto after the function. : ROD AND GUN Throughout the Province, cammenc- ing in earnest this week, conventions will continue the selection of candida- tes. Already some thirty candidates | ; Fy of varying political opinions are in the usual interest with a good aggragation field, scattered among the 112 con- of orther sporting articles, seems to stituencies. A few more were nom- feature the November issue of Rod inated months ago, and half a dozen ! and Gun, which is just published. Two were selected over the week-end. § Ll : : : | good fiction stories are also included in A fishing department of more than g the aggregation of outdoor reading matter, "McLean of the Hudson's GOOD THRESHING PROGRESS I MADE IN SASK. AND ALBERTA. WINNIPEG, Oct. 26th--Substantial Bay" by iWliam C. Millar and "Thel, progress was made with threshing in Blue Boy" by R. G. Robbins. Saskatchewan and Alberta during the | «An Eventful Snipe Shooting Trip" st a Greptdng 19 the Aro ueps th good yarn of shooting on the Tidal issued by the agricultural department of Canadian Facific Railway. Owing | flats of the St. Lawrence. Bonnyecastle to frequent showers and snow flurries Dale writes of "Bait Fishes of the Bay no work of any account was carried on de Chaleur," while J. W. Wilson's in Manitoba, If weather conditions 'article is this month on "Cuckoo Owls become favorable operations may be re- and Cuckoos." Among the writers in sumed in the province this week. Many Fishing Notes this month are F. Mer- Manitoba farmers are not permitting ret, a well known angler, Ozark Ripley the grain t¢ dry and are threshing it snd RB. H. Moore, whoes articles are as soon as it will go through the supplemented by a number of others as machines. A considerable percentage well as a good Queries and Answers of it is grading tough in consequence. cection. C. 8. Landis' Guns and Am- From 70 to 75 per cent of wheat and niuniticn department has alse an inter- coarse grains have been threshed. : esting collection of specail contribu- The amount of fall plowing in Mani- fions.. W. C. Motley in Outdoor Talk toba is below the everage, and will rep- this month deals with "The Woodcraft resent about 20 per cent for the whole Sign Language." province. The vegetable crop was | ; good and is harvested. A few districts : WHAT AMERIC AN EDITORS SAY will experience shortage of feed for: animals this winter. The abnormal | ABOUT CANADA. weather has adversley affected both © : El ree? quality and quantity. With the excep- A Land of Opportunity-- progress was made with threshing in ads was the vastness of the territory. Saskatchewan. Light snow flurries fi seemed zlmost limitless. Then I on the Regina division during the week (ag impressed by the progress the end will cause a short delay, otherwise pogple of Canada have made in the threshing is being carried on generally evelopment of their country in the over the province. Taking the province comparatively short period of time. And "as a whole from 85 to 90 per eent of {}iyd, 1 was impressed by the possi- still dormant in this In! gyeat country. Its natural resources threshing is have scarcely been touched. It is a averaging 60 per|jund of opportunity for the young men and women of America who possess the Ten days of good drying weather |g hing spirit of the pioneer, who have should see all the crop through thelyisio n snd courage and industry. In machines and sefely put away. Thel,y opinion the pext fifty years will Wheat i3 yielding well, and grading bring. reat t -s to Western Canada 'mostly 2 and 5, although there is aly u agricult ily and industrially.-- large percentage of number 1 morthern.i7 1, WHEELER, Ed.: Farmers Cruide. Fall rye seeding is under way in many sections. The ground contains plenty of moisture for germination, and the 'coarse grains have been threshed. the southeast districts slightly backward, 'cent threshed. Will Make Tremendous Growth-- FROM CYLINDER W. AL. WEARE Cieneral Merchant For Now. HARNESS PARTS, MINNITAKI, ONTARIO COLLARS. Agent For-- SWEAT PADS, "UHN DEERE PLOW CO. | STRAPS, BUCKLES, 'vuere is John Deere Equipment - Etc, Htc. for Every Farm Use. FOR YOUR FORD CAR Try Our Cet QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS - Aironged 9 Suit Purchasers. PE Vit, mn J DD O'NEILL Barrist +r, Solicitor, Etc. '_AF MICHAEL BLOCK KEIIORA . ONTARIO Highly Recommended CHATTER - FREER LUBRICATING OIL --Specially Made For-- Ford Engines. E. A. KLOSE i (3 AY FEDS been favorable for threshing with the {in the next few years. acres of profitable agriculture already rainfall was has developed, as is well shown by the But it needs more people to seed used io good. The weather throughout Alberta has growth, both in population and wealth, exception of parts of the Edmonton division, where further experienced. Showers were reported ferops. in other sections. Threshing is now {till these lands. general, and from 75 per cemt of thejAlong with this wheat and 85 per cent of the coarse grains have been put througt the ma- dustrial resources; chines. The returns en the whole are j facturing and trade. running higher than originally esti- mated, and the grades are turning out better than anticipated, and while there is a depreciatiom through coloration the loss from sprouting is small. From 10 to 15 per cent of the It will get them. mining, | their needs after youghave gone? 1 will be glad to any of the Canada will make a termendous On its broad progress in farming will come a development of the in- manu- The future of Canada is bright with promises for the country and its people have strength of youth, and the resources on which dis- Bio build a vast and prosperous national LAUNDRY Dry Cleaning AMD When buying Insurance, whether life [fire or cacualty, enquire of an agent in your own town, who specialises in Insurance, he is best able to suggest the policy to suit your needs. The man selling Insurance for a living will give vou best service, because he is able to attend to all details. If you buy from agents out of town, you are helping some other place toward prosperity; keep your money at home is the slogan of every progressive tewn and city today. Life Insurance is a necessity. Are vou going to leave a widow and family without adequate means of support? A policy "Good as Gold," in the London Life will assure your income after you are gone. If you love your family attend to thiz matter now. Are you carrying sufficient Insurance to meet PORTSMOUTH, Eng., Oct. 27.--Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, investigator of psychic phenomena, in a lecture said Barrington Nash had discovered an old portrait in an antique shop. He could I not recognize it. Then oBbbie Burns spoke to Nash through the medium, tel- Jing him in Scotch accent of his dislike 'cor conventional Burns' portraits and "informing him the one in the shop was 2 better one. Sir Arthur related how Nash purchased the picture, cleaned it "and discovered it to be a portrait of the he the chief speaker. He will set the 'Scotch poel, probably painted = by keknote of the Liberal campaign, fol- Raehurn. lowing it up with a 2 er] : 3 | { Pressing Mrs C. Smith, Vhite Street Laundry Several Houses --for-- Lo RENT 125.0% or 'SALE 1:1 SPACE FOR WINTER STORAGE OF CARS London Life plangffith you. For Particulars ALBERT J. LOCK, Apply = . > ~ F 5 [== PIANOFORTE =) A. J. L O Cr EVA WILES has vacancies for one or two mere pupils. Phone 20 R 3 for appoin¢ments. 'issuer of Hunting and Trap: Office Phone, No. 20 CED () EE) SE (CER) TINE OGRE - O Sa ( bel 'Preasurer's Sale of Lands for Taxes IY virtue of a Warrant given under the hand of the kesve of the Muni- 'ipality of Machin, notice is hereby given that unless the grrears of taxes, s gether with the costs and charges, be sooner paid, I shall sell by Public Auction on Saturday, the 27th day of November, 1926, at the School House i Eagle River, in the District of Kenora, al the hour of four o'clock im the 1fternoon, the lands mentioned below. : {1% Lot 10 Cen I Sanford, Patented, 160 acres, Taxes $172.15. Owner:-- Yilam Dickson, clo ¥. T. Hall, K.C., Cobourg, Ont. : 4% Lot 6 Con. 5 Sanford, Patenfied, 160 acres, Taxes $168.23, = Cwmeri--- i" rker Oiser, Gananoque, Ont. ; : GEORGE RUETE, Trec=urer {!agle River. Ont., August 16, 1928 Municipality cf fachin ED ESRD 3 CES 0 i ED SED ST TD) ED) OE (<8 VcCORMICK - DEERING Primrose Cream Separators Vessott Feed Grinders McCormick Deering Feed Grinders 'Gasoline Engines, 112, 3, 6, &10 hp Potato Diggers Plows, Wagons, Sleighs J. S. CORNER Oxdrift ' Ontario Agen For : INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF CANADA, Ltd CASH GROCERY Opposite the Town Hall life--¥F. B. NICHLOS, Mgr.: Capper Farm Papers. fall plowing has been completed. in the Edmonton, Dunvegan and Bri- tish Celumbia railway district, the threshing is from 50 to 70 per cent completed. The crop is turning out exceptionally well as to yield. The Little Girls' Game Causes Heartache . Successors to Anderson & Harris. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS FULL STOCK OF LUMBER. SASH & DOORS SHINGLES, WOOD FIBRE CEMENT f PRICE 'LIME ARD Fstimates Freely Given amber Company To Lonely Mother Two little girls sit at a window playing a game. They make believe that every woman they see coming up the street is mamma coming home to . They shut their eyes until she s almost to the door and then open them hoping it is really the cone they long to see. They firmly believe that some day their wonderful dreams will come true. Mother knows of this game, and she is doing her best to make it e out right; but just at present ig having no small strug- gle to stay on this earth at all. She is taking ti quality is generally satisfactory, al- though there is a fair percentage of tough grain. UPTURNED CANOE FOUND, TWO BOYS THOUGHT DROWNED LINDSAY, Oct. 26.--An upturned 'canoe belonging to Douglas and Bruce Keys, of Lindsay, agend nineteen and (fifteen years respectively, was found a allow i . ° oka gpital, bu | floating in Drummond's Bay, Near] : eh 5 'Snug Harber. They left Saturday on} 2 in 'a chooting expedition. Parties are] upon. The great h getting, ate mind and ho to be with her 1 Contributior W. A. Charlton, Street, Toronto , now dragging the bay in the belief thar the boys were drowned. Their widowed mother and two sisters weside in cure. at the Mus- | Full Line of i-- "FRESH GROCERIES CONFECTIONERY RRR ra FRUITS VEGETABLES FLOUR FEED CURED MEATS THE BEST BARGAINT IN TOWN QO. H. PRONGER Lindsay.