Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 5 Nov 1926, page 3

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DRYDEN nies: OBSER Brother Accidently | shot. - Gazing for three "hours upon the death struggles of his younger bro- ther, and unable to give assistance to Pass--Kathleen. Wilkinson, Arthur 4: ¢ atally wounded kin, Mike 'Tureki, Doudiet, Rosaline Madder, Pauline! 'trapper, made his way to civilization Puwkerton, Edpa Buchanan, Ray Mec" op unbeaten trails, a distance of Tavish, Julius Volkmar, Mildred Dean, * cighteen miles, to carry the tale of a BRING YOUR LAUNDRY Dry Cleaning Several Houses. ETh) 320 . RENT : : : School Reports © --DRYDEN-- Names in Order of Merit "Sr. B..--Bon~--Jeanette Reid, Elmer Wice, Elsie 'Moorehouse. "NEW ARRIVALS IN Dress ode. See our Windows For These Goods : SALE : : : SPACE FOR WINTER STORAGE OF CARS For Particulars Pressing FIGURED MORROCAIN SILK CREPE, Wonderful New Designs, Dress Lengths. . cove seuueesnriinaseen. $4.75 Sa Sper) Jaines Wi Rettie 1, kwood tragedy, which occurred at Apply : : a dgren, Lyle Munro, Victor Oliver, Al-i1yiy Take Poriageo nthe English | A J L O CK- M q % m ith, Lo River on Sunday, Oct. 28, i ol of Huntin and Trappin rs S 1 » o FIGURED SILK, Coat Linings, Rich Designs & very heavy Jr A: Pass--Gordon Mackey, Charlie | Mike's brother, Lewis, twenty-four, 2 Ie Vhite Street Laundry I; d © [20 |Gammon, Lenora Stefanuick, Frank' i" Office Phone, No. 30 0 au quality, per yard... uu ing an ir vans a years old was shot through the head Li 3 DRYDEN, Ontari Tene i Whiteley, Margot Cole, Katie Steiner, wien 5 22 calibre rifle accidently comms wn ENE TR RR online es ; ine Ti pe 2 . : Veda Robinson, Edwin Halderson., discharged ac he was reaching in a a 0 ti.) HED E>) TED) SHED SED (GED () HE (GRD SB () 5 5h CHILDREN'S COATS, Large Fur Collars, Mushroom Jr. IV. "B" Hon.--Elsie Hunter, Jas. 00 for hic lunch. The accident Style, in various stylish shades. Very Special . 7.50 Rigbey, Dolores Faulconer, Alice Hal- o.cypred miles from medical aid and derson, Willie Moline, Gordon Camp- r : ' : ie > : 'Mike sat beside his unconscious = bro- bell, Edward McMonagle, Fred Yawor- {pep yntii the end. He was unable to ski, George Gough, James Yaworski, j, more than attempt to stop the flow Mike Chaschowy. Wilbert McQueen ,¢ blood. ~ Almost carzed with the ghsent. ; Fr horror of his situation, Mike left the Sr. IL. Hon.--Dick Cole, Jessie Mun- p,qy of his dead brother and travelled roe, Eunice Gough, Hildur Olsen, Aust- through part of a day and all night to in Andrews, Vera Bailey, Evelyn ,uach Dryden, where he told his story Strutt, Bella Blake, Patty Wright, Treasurer's Sale of Lands for Tax 3 1Y virtue of a Warrant given under the 'hand of the Reeve of the ¥uni- Mpality of Machin, notice is hereby given that unless the arrears of fancs, cgether with" the costs and charges, be sooner paid, I shall sell by Public Sot on Saturday, the 27th day of November, 1926, at the School House it Eagle River, in the District of Kenora, at the hour of four o'clock in the on the lands mentioned below. 11 Lot 10 Con I Sanford, Patented, 160 acres, Taxes $172.15. Owner:-- 3 wn LADIES FANCY SILK AND GEORGETTE SCARVES The Season' newest in hand painted designs, 'HAND MADE FLOWERS, Suitable for Trimming Coats Boutonniers, Lingerie or Fancy W ERs le LADIE S$ LEATHER PURSES, Under-Arm Poy any color Evelyn Pinkerton, Walter Davis, Phyllis Barber, Lloyd Brisson, Smith, Ernest Curley. Alaf i to Coroner Dr H. Morison. Gives the Details ' Mike told the Coroner that he and Adam Dickson, clo F. T. Hall, K.C., Cobourg, Ont," 41% Tot 6 Con. 5 Sanford, Patented, 160 acres, Taxes $1686. 23. Owner:-- D to match your costume et rig A yw EAR mg eee : Absent for one pig pyother, Lewis, were on their way > rkeor Oiser, Gananoque, Ont. ) or more exams:---Alice Vankoughnett, ty the Northern hunting grounds in . i GEORGE RUETE, Treasurer Bi hristina Colliss, Douglas Storey. the English River District. They had "Wagle River. Ont., August 16, 1926 Municipality of Biachin Jr III. Hon.--Nellie Hardy, Anna M. om "Ralph J. Fone JH Paterson's Meat Market Ili ith! "Thomas Andrews, Vendla Moline, Yola Sfreddo, Betty Swanson, Aylmer Wilson. Pass-- Margery Crawley, Kathleen Miilroy, Mamie aRney, Beth Mercer, Juby Reid, Mary Dzioba, Pearl Stefan- iuk, Joffre Dixon, Margaret Hunter, Turnbull, Philip Moline, Gweneth Jones, Ivan Klose; Ella Mun- "lunch and went to the cance. heen in from Dryden about twe days packing their equipment and winter supplies. Sunday at noon, they halt- ed at Irish Lake Portage to transfer a cone load of supplies overland. 'Lewis, the younger of the two men told his brother he was going to have Mike heard the report of a rifle and turned EEE IE (CD (CEE (CED ORES EE GH () GE (SR OE () SHE OES ON 10e, Rose Yaworski, Cyril Wright, t, see his brother fall. ~~ The bullet SPECIALS FOR THANKSGIVING Julia Pollis, Walter French, Mona f.,m the rific entered Lewis' brain, Hinds Quarter of Beef, tb ............. an a2 ~ Proudfoot, Barbera Jones, Lilly Lewis, just above the left eye. The rifle lay Spring "Chickens, 1b ..o..oooon nn ler Re 28 obeRrt Corbeil, Margaret Anderson. in the canoe. Lewis had apparently Boiling Fowls ..... a Sie hve wu ken as 10 RR Jr. 111. Pass--Winnifred Boomhower, jscharged it while searching among CO ySEOTE, Per DIAL «ios 2 Hi feign tain frase suns 65 Fon Siig Mary TR the supplies for his lunch. Side Bn, whole or pall, ER .39 ane, Willie Hndy, James 3h; Hien Brother is Helpless = Unsmcked Bacon, per bh .....oonmeinune.. 40 Sa Ines RR Gu Nymerh Mike said he was helpless to give aid Picnic Hams, per 1b ..ceiver ive is Liv az Lola Soa igen all 5 park Of to the then dying man. He bandaged Cottage Rolls Cl ee ae .29 exams ;--Harold McQueen, Mary Taw tac wound, but the brother never re- Lard, Tod pails in i sarin a nas nt $2.00 ma pained consciousness. Following his io 230s fori dundee hh Cn 25 Sr. 11. Hon.--Es cther Mercer. ] brother's death, Mike journed to Dry- Y HALIBUT, SALMON CODFISH ; neon > ---- ame 'Wigls, den and there informed the outhorities » SMOKED. FILLETTS, FRESH FILLETTS, er i Si Pinkerton, of the accident. | = KIPPERS, GOLD EYES hg 2 0 oa e ines Rots Coroner Morrison and Prov Constable § vod 2 Friday and Saturday = Only Campbell, Lester Pronger, Hazel Adair file, accompanied Mike to Irish Lake [TWO INCH, TWO & ONE HALF INCH, AND THREE INCH. Absent for all or part of exams: --Lila portage and, after an exemination of SHORT REACH-= ; = Phone No @ Ao PAT ERBON, Prop Tachanan Marion Beck. the body, it was taken to Dryden and ; A H---- SSH Re pr " HO en Th ogi Jean thoes from here to Fort William. = Lewis] = re po : Ail) i ul HELLS i son, Carrie Doudiet, Gwen. Faulkoner, 1, shipped morni : : ; 4 . mic ia Gladys Varkoughnett, Joseph Koshon, ves Gent Boar, noming © CROSS CHAINS WITH SWINGING BOLSTERS | ~ race Frenc a : oe : M. J ° isc Paul Aug Hatter Pass--Tessie Chipman, Monty Rob- 5 ¢ ADMIT SHEEP DUTY FREE a ALSO : 3 Jug. a. ertson, Wilfred Moore, Cliffrd McGuire, | " According to word received from Body LOGGING SLEIGHS, WETH WIDE TR ACK e General Merchant, ) _mateur Finishing Enlarging Duncan Reid, James McMonagle, Brian Doni ! = » SET hy p ominion Live Stock Commissioner H. OXDRIFT, ONTARIO etc,, etc. Barber, Gladys Byington, Esther Rob- ¢ 4 0 on 1+ the Canadian Co-operat- : S. Arkell, ty the Canadian LO-0petal, Gor yp Prices a and Literature, if in Meat dt niseh of Sleighs. It 4GLINTS FOR-- | ~ Massey- Harris Implements : Acetylene Burning , WALDHOF, PO. Ontario ------Dealer in--- ingon, Jack Bartlett, Mack Moomhow: er, Ken Kerney, Evelyn Miller, Alex ive Woel Growers, all breeding ewes and non-registered Rambouillet rams will pay you. i ! a al WA me Flieger i; z ? is. "YRY GOODS, GROCERIES PORTRAITS, GROUPS, so wn Brea Top Hous will be admitted duty-free from United i i BOOTS and SHOES CHILDREN, etc, taken * - Seny Ci Oro A | States up to the last day of November, at your home. Daylight Bucanan, J. Cole, P. Cooke, T. Cuvley,! 4 ony customs charges collected on {JARDWARE and .. FARM PRODUCE or Flashlight Exposures. All Work Guaranteed by Long Don't fo: et our, five per cent Experience. discount on $10.00 orders. Highest Grade 2 Amateur i inishing ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksmith Kindly leave your "films for developing and printing with The Dryden Pharmacy. REASONABLE PRICE. BIG NEEDS For Now. CARBON REMOVED © _FROM CYLINDER by HARNESS PARTS, arr CHATTER - FREE i. UBRICATING OIL --Specially Wade For-- JOHN DEERE PLOW co. 'ure is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. C. Prudfoot, M. Semak. h Sr. I. Hon.--Kitty Hooker, Ethel Fid, Derethy Stratton, Ruby McQuire, mma Strutt, May Howarth, Grant Venn, Lawrence Biuntion, Carl Heard. Pass--Arthur Rhodgs, Harry Martin- con, Norman Hunter, Archie Bauer, Nora Bauer, John Klose, Edna Martin- son, Norman Hardy, Joe Cooke, Ruth Morgate, Adeie Foulis. Abzent for ona or more exams: --1L. Adair, R. Clarke, ¥. Dagg, M. Dixon, B. Foote, M. Heard, H. Johnson, M. McMonagle, G. Moore, H. Reid, Eileen Vigle. Jr. I. Hon:--Annie Chaschowy, Barber, Bob McCallum, Edith Wright, Primary A.--Winuie Cole, Fr adh, Box Tussel Morden, Frank Olsen, Freddie Clinker, George McKellar, Dhoda Dav- iimports ince the first of September will be remitted. This concession has heen granted in order to supply the in- creasing demand for this type of sheep for building up the quality of the range fiocks in the west. Pinkerton, Lillian Kellar, Careline Fes- trum, Hjalmer Moline, Mike Cook, Marjorie Robertson, Doris Harris Lest- er Moore, Roy Evans, Mary McQueen, Marian Livingston: EAGLE RIVER Sr. V.--R. Schultz, 638; E. Thomp- wtp, M. §son, 634; I. Nelson, 626. Jr. IV.--E. Darr, 558; 1. Bell, 379. Jr. I1I.--A. Sandin, 575; W. Weberg, £72; L. Berglund, 505; Wm. Hampe, 454; M. Weberg, 398; B. Blackley, 279: Dryden Creamery Butter, per 1b King Oscar Sardines, Plates. 3. S. CORNER Oxdiift Agen For Ontario INTERNA TIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF CANADA, Lid ik HTL ARR A) GROCERY " Opposite the Town: Hall wot fne or Lai aa Sino. Blue, two tins for SORE EI TE Sy IN TR COLLARS. Addie Tole. Gordon Fields, Howardy Sr. IV.--B. Gardiner, 742; L. John- SL Ww A Ww E A R Oh SWEAT PADS, Raney, Billy Yaworski, Grant Brown, {<on, 741; C. Hampe, 682. SPOT CASH SPECIALS : STRAPS, BUCKLES, James McKellar, Ross Doudiet, Gord-§ Sr. IIL.--L. Malmborg, 692; E. Cross 5 ; Price List Of Specials : al General Merchant oo Frc, Etc. on Nyraark. 679; L. Hampe, 674; J. Thompson, 675; hy ra Fv " ge ; Sr Pri al estrum, 17. Gardiner, 671; « z, 647; E. plipre iscuits, per Io... on a TE Sane 1 AKI, FOR YOUR FORD CAR Sr Prim. Hon--Zellmund Festrum,]J. Gardiner, 671; J. Schultz, 647; I PAK gurTARIO Try Our Beatrice Dagg, Bert Boomhower, Ed-{Schultz, 638; B. Gardiner, 567; D.§Grahem C Leatns, reg. 45¢.; per fb. rr ate tr BT ee Hichlv Recommend ward Wonnacott, Vernon Pronger, |Froshaug, 522; I'. Freak, 521; M. Turn Assorted Creams, reg. 45¢.; pev ei ns Agent For-- gay naa Sherwoed Robinson. er, 492; B. Berglund, 467. Academy Ci cams, cE ECE ST SG rr Cet QUALITY and SERVICE Ford Engines. idson, Daisy Dempster, Lily Dempster, Junior Room Quick nent Oats (China), per] Rl TE Te vi nh 30 T TIME PAYME NTS mn Pern French. pdr IL --Jacob Korzinski, Dora Shultz § MONDAY -- : ; Class B--Mary Liese, Margaret Ray, ; Victor Nelsen, Rosie Korzingki, Rudolf z . y " Aironged 9 Suit Purchasers. E. A. KLOSE Yulph Smith, Mary Yaworskl, Rubens Schram, Donald Danielson re 2 . Foe Fo he HERR ir a : : 5 ; Vice, Hazei McGuire, Lillian Brooks,| Jr.IL--Anna Pearson, Milton Frosh-§,, oes ik i i Jam, 3 rs ine cach nL SH : : @ SE Helen Gough, Jean Noble, Vernan, aug, Marion Engdahl, Helen Engdahl, Pure WOSIEY 47 et £9 cu ba ax Moline, Charlie Smith. 'Freza Korzingki, Antun Pearson, TUESDAY -- Dryden : | umber § br: ompany Class C--Jim Tew, Nina i Kiapprat. Regular 6oc. per th CHOCOLATES, for ....... fit Bs a 2g¢. : 8 ¥% Bryan Crawley, Mac Wigle, Edna | Sr. I.--Vera Merchant, Delmer We- : A) ? Loar 2 ; ~ & Dixon, Aubrey Tew, Hazel Brisson, berg, Leslie Turner, Gwen Wragg, ip PL Se d " : . p ls Successors to Anderson & Harris. Carl Whitehead, Tom Murray, Ida Pil- Gertrude DeLong, Angus Korzinski, COFFEE, Fresh Ground, per Ib..... SIRI EE RE 40 CB key, Mary 'Wood, Frank Cullen, Gilbert Danielson, Jessie DeLong. FRIDAY -- a BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Marilyn Wiison. | Jr. I:--Lawrence Campbell, Donald Marmalade, Orange, 4-1b Snel an en den 5 vrata d 49 Primary--Eari "Tew, Berenice Salis- Campbell, Martin Hampe, Irene Turn- FULL STOCK OF LUMBER SASH & DOORS bury, Elsie Porslund, Dolly Neill, AL-jer, Marguerite Backus, Freddie Klap- HAY--WHILE IT LASTS-- ; : g hert Ferguscn, Berenice Bailey, Ross 5 prat, Raymond Backus, Tommie Davie. fs (ons No. 1 MIXED HAY, Delivered inn Dryden, for $16.00 per Hambly, Stella Leise Verna Hutchison, | Primer: A--Edith Schultz, Esme fon. Baled. 4 SHINGLES, WOOD FIBRE BRICK, LIME AND CEMENT, Estimates Freely Given re TE Sr, Ivadelle Bows,, Mary Archiebald, Venis Morettin, Phillis Hewitsoh, Clair Ernie- Wein, Adelaide Pilkey, Douglas Hatch, Stanley Lock, Jack Heard, Faulkoner, Alfa Chaschowy, Laura Opal Wright, Tommie Wrage, Gladys Davie, Featrice Engdahl. Class B--Axel Berndtson, Ida Mavch-§ end, Fred Duce, Lennox Davie, Albert Danielson, > STRAW --For Bedding Chickens (Baled), SLEIGHS and HARNESS, Complete, oo : per ton HEAVY TEAM OF HORSES FOR SALE. E8080 02 . Beco Lueag tor Casi

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