Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 12 Nov 1926, page 1

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VOLUME VII. DRYDEN, Ontario, 'November 12th, 1926 No. XXXIV. For Growing Boys and Girls, ""\ Fesble Old People and For = } , Convalescents { ! IWAMPOLE'S' { TASTELESS EXTRACT : y OF COD LIVER! % & will creat new strength, energy and stamina -- fortifying the system a/sainst attacks from acute diseases, such us Grippe, Influenza, Pneumonia, Coughs, Colds, Diptheria, Fevers Etc. Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver also affords prompt and timely help for pale, sickly, listless, ane i is gad Bio wor hy If en regularly it w improve impaired a petite, help overcome shortness of breath, - (FEET 4 salty colar to Tos and digi... | Price see $1. ry Dryden Pharmacy 500 arUIE @ YS H® x Just Arrived a Ailpment of FALL and WINTER GOODS including |¢ MEN'S and BOYS SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, SOCKS, SWEATER COATS, PANTS, GLOVES, MITTS, WOOL MITTS, and RUBBERS. MITTS, from j55¢. to, $1.50 per pair. These Goods are all excellent quality aud the price is Right. Call in and lock them over, and you will te suiprised at the value GRE THAT WE 1 Lioot-and Shoe Re We can mend your o Shoes, and gve you comic We use only the best of leather. Our WORK is GUARANTELD. We can also repair Rubbers and can make them like new. Send along your worn Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, and get them fixed. Prices Moderate. We carry a good line of Boots and Shoes ; also Good Quality, and the price is RIGHT. Call and inspect them, you will be satisfi- ed that we are seling the RIGHT GOODS at Tae RIGHT PRICE. Dr Schell's Foot Remedies are good for core and tired feet and corns. Ir will pay you to have thee remedies in your hous, for vou are thin prepared for any foot trouble tht 1aay come along. HAND SEWN HARNESS: All ihe Harnesses sold in this store is made on the premises from the bestle lather. All our work is done by practical workers and is fully guraraateed. We carry all Harness paris in stock. Harness Oil (Black) 35¢c., per pint. Neatsfoot Oil, per 3 45¢., per quart 70c. L. I. SORONEN IIARNESS and BOOT STORE j7hyte Street, IF YOUR HOME 18 BURNED -- Would your insurance provide financial safety? : Can you answer "Yes? fog i" gous property? Better Sac PE } RGIESON, Ageat, | Dryden Two Shooting Accidents A most unfortunate accident accident occuurred on Monday moring when Walter Moore, son of Mr and Mrs A. E. Moore of Dryden, was accidently shot while out hunting. It appears he had shot a deer and the animal gave a kick as he was cutting its throat, causing his gun to discharge. Ie was taken to the Red Cross hos- pital and is reported to be pro- gressing quite favourably toward recovery. Early Sunday morning Andrew Ladish was accidently shot at his home north of Dryden. It seems that Joe Ready, who has a room in Ladish's house, was examining his rifle before loaning it, and acciden- taly discharged it. The bullet passed through the wall and struck Mr Ladish who. was sleep- ing in the next room. The bullet entered the leg below the knee, causing a rather serious wound. The wounded man was immediately rushed to the hospital in Dryden where every effort is being made to save his leg from amputation. Spice, thrill and hilarity await the Patrons of the Strand Theatre, who will have an opportunity to- night and tomorrow to joion in the excitment when Hoot Gibson 18 shown in "Chip of the Flying U", that 1s different from anything Hose has ever done. Yes, and different {rom any western picture vou have ever seen. "Chip of the Flying U", adapted from the fa- mous novel by B. M. Bower, brims with mirth as well as excitment. Hoot Gibson has touched on light comedy 1n previous pictures, but never before has he been seen in a role that fairly bristles laughs. HEENAN 70 ORDER DRUG. TRADE PROBE Labor Minister Says Commission- er Will Be Named To Inves- tigate Alleged Combine Kenora, Nov. g--A commission- er will be appointed by the gov- ernment for the completion of the inquiry intc the alleged combine | in the drug trade. Appointment of a commissioner under the com- bines investigation act is being made by Hon. Peter Heenan, min- ister of labor, in order to provide te proprietary articles trade asso- ciation with the fullest opportun- ity for the formal presentation of their case as requested by the :ssociation. I « WANTED---Job as a cook or any other labor.--apply, C. Silver. "iRivers, with white curtains terns. Memorial Service On the evening of Sunday, Nov. 14th, a Veterans' Memoral Service will be held in the United Church, Dryden, at 7 o'clock. The three churches, Anglican, United and Baptist will unite in this service, and. there will be singing by the combined choirs. = Rev. "'R. A, Smith, of St. Lluke's will give the memorial address and the service will be coducted by Rev. H. A. Rev. E. G. Baxter and Rev. R. A. Smith. All men wha i have © served in His forces are requested to meet at thot town hall at 6.30 p.m. To Address Meetings H. B. McKinnon, farmer-laborf' candidate, and other speakers will address the following meetings-- Wabigoon, Mon., Nov. 15 8 p.m. Shallow Lake Tues. Nov. 16 4 p.m. Cairnbrogie Tues. Nov. 16, 8 p.m. Aubrey, Wed., Nov. 17--4 p.m. Fitton Rugby Wed. Nov. 17 8 p.m. Britton, Thuurs., Nov. 18 3.30 p.m. Minnitak: Thurs. Nov. 18 8 p.m. Pine Grove Fri. Nov. 19 3.30 p.m. Eagle River, Fri. Nov. 19 8 p.m. Vermillion Bay Sat. Nov." 20 2.30 Waldhof, Sat., Nov.-- 20 8 p.m. The meetings at Wabigoon and Waldhof will be jaeld in the com-§ munity hall, all others in the school house. : Po -- fm St. Luke's W. A. Will hold their Annual Bazaar in the Parish Hall on Wedneday, N ovember 24th. HALLOWEEN SOCIAL Bedworth, Oct. 20--A very en- joyable ev ening was spent by thel. Bedworth people at the schuyt house on Hallowe'en, © Although the weather was disagreeable, a large crowd turned out. The school was very tastefully decorated ior the occasion with decorated with and orange jack-o'lan- black cats This was gramme put on by the newly or- ganized Literary Society and everyone pronounced it a sticcess. The programme was certainly am- using and even the most serious 'the evening. had to laugh many times during Two girls dressed as ghosts gathered the free will offer- ing. After the programme everyone enjoyed themselves in games oi social talk, A very delicious lunch was served and everyone went home feeling that it was worth braving the storm to have such a merry time. : U.F.O. riding convention will b held in Dryden on = ember 13th. aturday, Nov- RC a ¢ WANTED---Boy to work in the Observer office Fridays.--apply OBSERVER OFFICE Ee In the Friedman Building THE PLACE WHERE ALL ARE WELCOME, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT PLAY. COME IN AND SPEND A PLEASANT EVENING ask you to give us a trial. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR Our Customers are more than satisfied NEW BARBER? with the work. We TO THE COUNTRY TRADE We cater especially to visiters from outside points and invite you to come in and visit us. make the Star Poolroom your meeting place. Shop in connection, but sepatate from the Billiard Hall. When in Dryden Barber parr rm STAR BILLIARD HALL LADIES AND CHILDREN Given Special Attention BARBER SHOP M. HUTZALL, Mer. Fm fl ih Magesty'sd. i Bedworth, Monday Nov. 15 4 p.m. §, the first pro-{ Locals Jack Marks paid a flying visit to Kenora Monday. W. H. Dingwall was a visitor to Kenora Saturday. Miss Margaret Latimer, Oxdrift was in towwn Monday. L. Taylor, Eagle River, was in town Saturday. A. Katz, Kenora, was a busi- ness visitor to town this week. Mrs Thos. Scott paid a short visit to Kenora Friday. Mrs W. J. Martin spent,a few days in Winnipeg this week. Wm. Louttit is spending a holi- ay in Kenora. Mrs Aimstrong, Wabigoon, twas a visitor to Dryden Saturday. Mrs J. Quirk, Ignace, was a vis- itor to Dryden Saturday. A. Marnie, Wabigoon, was a visitor to Dryden during the week. H. Wright, Wabigoon, was in town Wednesday. J. A. Young, of Hamilton, Past Grand Master of the I.O.O.F., was a visitor to Dryden this week. There has been quite a crowd skating on the river every after- noon this week. 'J. Cox, of the Royal Bank staff, Dryden, spent the weekend in Winnipeg. - Miss Marjorie Adams of Dry- den Public School staff spent the weekend at her home in Oxdrift. Miss Margaret Gardiner of the Royal Bank staff spent the week- 2nd at her home in Kenora. Miss Amelia Kearn is spending a holiday with her mother in Lagle River. M. Silverman, Vermillion Bay, was a visitor to Dryden during the week. Nurse Denne of the Red Cross hospital staff left Monday on a short visit to Winnipeg. Mr and. Mrs Jas. Duncan and baby daughter of Ignace were vis- imag fo. Jdgden, Wednesday. Dr Henry of Ignace paid one of his periodical visits to Dryden this week. Mr and Mrs Pidgeon, Wabigoon were visitors to Dryden Wednes- day. Miss Clara Stewart, who has been visiting Mr and Mrs A. Bridgewater, left Monday after- noon for her home in Edmonton. It is reported that Art Payne is choosing a team of champion bowlers to journey to Ignace this week. A number of new books have been added to Dryden Public Lib- rary this week. A. E. Appleton of Osaquan, and Miss Appleton were the weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Alfred Pitt, leaving for Winnipeg Monday afternoon. 2 J. P. O'Brien and L. Kron, Ken- cra, passed through here Saturday on their way to Fort William to attend ap important meeting of the Thunder Bay hockey league officials. The showing of the Cohens and Kellys at the Strand Friday and Saturday attracted large crowds hoth nights. Everyone was Ipleased with the picture as well as the excellent music the Freshmen. Easter Lily Rebekah Lodge, Dryden, held a most enjoyable social cventng in the lodge rooms on Wednesday. tug were the main part of the evening's entertainmet and a de- licious lunch was served by the committee in charge. The C.W.L. fancy work and hake sale which was held Satur- day in Thorsen's store was most successful, the sum of seventy-six dollars being realized. There was a fine display of fancy work and sewing, as well as a tempting dis- play of home-cooking. supplied by FIND GAME PLENTIFUL All the way from Henderson- ville, North Carolina, O. E. Bass and C. F. Sanders came up to the woods of Ontario to hunt. They} went from Dryden into the Guli Lake country, camped, tramped and motor-launched, stalked and last night they wer: in ; Alexandra hotel, on home, well satisfied. Mr ght down a moos». a big veighing 1,200 pounds and uck Mr Sanders got two both are quite bappy. wg To aftVocute Cards and danc- To The Electors of the District of Kenora LIQUOR LEGISLATION IF elected, I pledge myself that if Legislation is introduced provid- ing for the establishment of dis- pensaries or the sale of beer in the district of Kenora, 1 will urge the submission of a Plebiscite to the people to the people in which they will be asked to say whether or not the proposed act should be- come Law. The Plebiscite to be submitted simultaneously with the; introduction of the Bill and to be voted on before the third reading of the Bill. If the present Government is not returned and I am elected, I will furtlier pledge myself to in- troduce an Act providing for dis- pensaries and sale of beer in this district, subject to same being af- firmed by a Plebiscite ttaken sim- ultanecusly with the introduction of the Bill and to be completed be- fore the Act has received its third reading. OLD AGE PENSIONS To urge the establishment of (ld age pensions for the people of the Province of Ontario. Workman's COMPENSATION ACT To advocate an improvement in the provisions and administration ol the Workmen's Compensation Act. MOTHERS' ALLOWANCES To urge an aYoendment of: this Act so as to provide an allowance for all needy mothers with one or more dependent children. MINIMUM WAGE ACT "the and proper administration of the Minimum Wage Act for women and girls, IMMIGRATION AND COLONIZATION To advocate a sane and pro- gressive immigration cluding a bonus to settlers in Northern Ontario for land which has been cleared and broken. ROADS To vigorously urge the follow- 3 road palicy :-- (a) Extension of colonization roads. (b) Immediate completion of the Manitoba Highway and--in con- junction with the Federal Govern- nient--of the National Highway. (¢) Construction of a connecting {ink between the American border at Fort Frances and the National Highway. (d) Keep existing roads and pair. (e) Construction of highway be- tween Dryden and Sioux Look- out. It is {urther my purpose if elect- ed to urge the assistance of the Governmént in the development of the natural resources of our proper expenditure in this con- stituency and in Northern Ontario of a fair proportion of the revenue derived by the Government from this new country. POLICE COURT NEWS On Friday, Nov. sth, Charles Stainer pleaded guilty to being in- toxicated in Dryden. Fined $10 and costs. On Monday, Nov. 8th, J. Ready pleaded guilty to being intoxicat- ed in Dryden. Fined $10 and costs. Albert Casey pleaded guilty to being drunk in Dryden on Tues- day, Nov. oth. Fined $10 and costs. On Wednesday, Nov. 10th, Al- bert Ca gy pleaded guilty to being drunk in Dryden. Fined %., and costs. Cour nailey returned Wednes- lay ie 1 an unsuccessful hunting trip. Apparantely he = not sc lucky in hunting deers t¢ 13 In selecting the dears "15 ( shown enforcement : policy in-| highways in a proper state of re-|. district, .and towards that end the} HUGH B. McKINNON | | i the siivex screen of the Strand. Induction of Rev. Smita St. Luke's church was the scene of a very inipressive ceremony on Sunday morning last when the Lord Bishop of Keewatin insti- tuted and inducted the Rev. Ron- ald A. Smith into the Rectorship. At eleven o'clock the Rector- elect, followed by the Bishop, em tered the church. His Lordship was conducted to his seat in the sanctuary and the opening hymn, "Ye servants of : the Lord", was announcea by Mr Cecil King, who has been conducting the services temaperarily until the aivival of the new rector. The Institution ¢om~ menced 1mmediately after t' close of the hymn, during whi the incumbent-to-be read the 1). .|larations of Assent of the Car of the church and Oaths of Ai: jance to His Majesty the Kirg the Bishop of Diocese. The iit op then handed to the Rector bis licence and Letters of Institution saying: "Accept this charge, which is mine and thine, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Ghost". Mr Gee. Dechert, the Feople's Warden, afterwards read out the Letter of Institution which was followed by the actual Induction, the Bishop saying: "I do now induct you in- to the real, actual and corporal possession of this chuurch, with all the rights, privileges and emo- luments thereto belonging." The key of the church was then handed to the new Rector by the People's Warden, after which his Lordship imparted his blessing on the newly-inducted incumbent of St. Luke's who was then led to his accustomed seat in the chancel. The Bishop proceded by giving his admonitions, the Rector replying. 'The hymn "Go, labour on; spend, and be spent" was sung, followed by the Holy Communion service, the Bishop being the celebrant'and assisted by the Rector. At the appointed place in the service His Lordship proceeded to the lectern, duuring the singing of the hymn, "Breathe on me, breath of God", to deliver his sermon. In the course of the address the Bishop explained the meaning of the service of Institution and In- duction, and very forcefully point-__ and the duty of the people of the parish. The solemn obligaticn un- dertaken by both clergy and con- gregation were carefully outlined and delivered with remarkable clearness and vivacity. At the conclusion of the sermon the Bish- op continued with the Commuion service. The services terminated with the benediction given the Bishop. See the man. Ishe buying a thumb by sh? ¢ No, he is buying a tocihy brush. | Then why does he brush his|' thumb with it? Your Tooth Brush is safe from Thimb Brush- ers--if you use the brush : that polishes as it cleans-- i TOOTH BRUSH = Sterilized and Sealed for your pte There's a Dr. West's Tooth Brush for every member cf the family: o0c Childs, 25¢ Youtkis, 38e Adult Se +0000 a a DRYDEN PIiARMACY ed out the duty of the Incumbent . .

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