* Hassey- Harris Implements "Tomboy Skirts" For the ety latest in Women's Apparel see our new arrival in «"TOMBOY"" SKIRTS Boyish Blouses and fancy Ties to match. New Dresses in Velvet, Trevella and Palmetto. Styles are bloused backs, two piece styles, and latest novelty trimmings. FIGURED MORROCAIN SILK CREPE, Wonderful New Designs, Dress L.ongihis. co venons me vnvansiaseshinnns ys $4.75 FIGURED SILK, Coat Linings, Rich Designs & very heavy quality, per yard ......... Es a Cs Gad ne and : CHILDREN'S COATS, Large. Fur Coilars, Mushroom Style, in various stylish shades. Very Special ....... §-P-E-C-I-A-L--SCHOOL DRESSES for girls 6 to 14 years, $2.75 TI i fea HI TA Il CHOICE CREAMRY BUTTER 14-1b box, per RRR 33 PORK CHOPS, Ib 0 iuuens 25 LAME CHOPS, th J.5. 0.025 BC. SALMON, Ib oozoo nner 30 COD FISH, 1-1 pkg: «omen 25 RANG, R-tb keg 1.15 FRBON, Prop JE R |Paul Aug. Hutter ; : Photographer General Merchant, ne € ° So at pid s.mateur Finishing, Enlarging, OXDRIFT, ONTARIU ot ae : . WALDHOF, P.O., Ontario e----Dealer in------ : HRY GOODS, GROCERIES | pORTRAITS, GROUPS, BOOTS and SHOES CHILDREN, etc, taken {JARDWARE and at your home. Daylight FARM PRODUCE or Flashlight Exposures. : All Work Guaranteed by Long Experience. Highest Grade : Amateur Finishing | Kindly leave your films for Y developing and printing with The Dryden Pharmacy. REASONABLE PRICE. Don't forget our five per cent discount on $10.00 orders. ROBT. SWEEN General Blacksmith AGENTS FOR--- CARBON REMOVED FROM CYLINDER by Acetylene Burning aren az oi COLLARS. AN : SWEAT PADS, oF W. A. W E A R KE STRAPS, BUCKLES, General Merchant Etc., Etc. MINNITAKI, ONTARIO FOR YOUR FORD CAR SE : Try Our Awent For-- Highly Recommended "OHN DEERE PLOW CO. CHATTER - FREE 4 LUBRICATING OIL --Specially Made For-- Ford Engines. "rere is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. Cet QUALITY and SERVICE - TIME PAYMENTS Arronged io Suit Purchasers. ra sme E. A. KLOSE SR Fo RES Dryden Lumber Compan Successors to Anderson & Harris. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS FULL STOCK OF LUMBER. SASH & DOORS SHINGLES, WOOD FIBRE CEMENT BRICE LIME AND Estimates Freely Given pan orn TT area of the province some sixty | per cent and providing a further frontage of 600 miles on the tidal | . waters of James and Hudson bays . in addition to the 150 miles whit | , Ontario previously had on James aE though the fringe of this district thas been penetrated to a certain extent, its great expanse has lain, figuratively at our back door un- explored and unexploited, await- ing the time 4 view of its mineral-bearing possi~ 1 district of Patricia is formedsby with an area of some 150,000 ' square miles or slightly less than | ially to the south, with geological 'hitities: "and with water -pewopsy a Sei THE DRYDEN OBSERVER ~ nag EE anc aa cs a PATRICIA -- AN UNEXPLORED | ~~ = DISTRICT os Seals, in aid of Toronto Hospitals have just been 18- [some seals, of dif- put up in assorted (By J. W. Pierce, 0. L.5,, D. L.S.in Saturday Night). With the recent discoveries of gold in the Red Lake and neigh-. boring areas, a district has come into prominence about which comparatively litile, up to the present, has been know. This is the district of Patricia, the largest district in the province of Ontario, 1 of funds to carry on s hospitals in Muskoka aintenance of patients y will you get good but your money will 'ea greater end, for » someone in distress, double-barred Red ry. packet. Wone others g by school children and fe ; rect Trem mal Seal De- half the total area of Northern | Unter fee pine aoaniong - Ontario. hole ; ms This district, formerly .in the } eridian line from English river Northwest Territories, was added | to a point some 180 miles north- to the province by Act of Parlia- erly therefrom, was surveyed in ment in 1912, thus increasing the 1921 and 1922. = From this latter point to Hudson Bay the bound- {ary passes the eastern end of Isiand lake, but this has not ah iyet been defined upon the ground, Lying toward the northeast are the "waters of Hudson Bay and James Bay, together forming a great "inland sea 600 miles in width and 1,000 miles in length. The fisheries of this region have only been slightly investigated. South of the southern boundary of Patricia, traversing Northern Ontario, are three transcontin- ental' railways affording easy access from other parts of Can- ada. In the country to the south and southeast of Patricia these railways tap some of the greatest mineral developments known to date. Here also is the source of raw product--timber and pulp- wood--which has given rise to a number of large pulp and paper and lumber companies. The famous Clay Belt of North- ern - Ontario which lies south easterly from the district of Patricia and contains sixteen million acres, of arable lands north of the height of land, promises well for the future of this country from an agricultural point of view. Attention is now being turned in this direction and thriving settle- ments are dlready in evidence. The strategic location of Palri~ in, «50. far .eas.. transportation, resources, and possible markets are concerned, is such as to make it apparent that this district is logically on the eve of develop- ment. bay alone. Since that time, however, als when conditions would be ripe for its development. In its solitude it has remained as a land for the trapper and the Indian with "a few fur-trading posts scattered along the principal waterways but with large areas of the interior devoid of any trad- ing posts whatever, areas- which must indeed be rich as regards fur bearing animals. As a paradise for the trapper and the occasional sportsman in search of game who wished to travel away from th% beaten path, it has remained un- challenged practically up to the present day. Our information even. as yet is not extensive. From what little that we do know, we can assume that this is a naturally timbered country espec- formations that will prove a valuable asset from the point of capable of being harnessed into immense developments. The dis- trict has a great many lakes, rivers and topographical features, some of which are not even sug- gested on present maps. The Although full of possibilities waterways, as far as can bey that await only the action of in- gathered, abound in fish --a dustrial enterprise for their real- potential food supply for the future. Wi The southern boundary of the ization, it is amazing to find that our actual knowledge of this dis- trict is really very meagre. ' Be- yond-a-few widely separated, ex- ploratory . geological investiga- along which are such lakes as tions along some of the more Lake St. Joseph and Lac Seul,| prominent water routes, nothing each upwards of 50 miles in|was known of the country up to length. The western boundary, a!a few years ago. the Albany and English rivers; Every dollar received ! ale of Christmas Seals | these seals in lieu of LAUNDRY Dry Cleaning Several Houses fOr : RE or ii SATE 1 SPACE FOR WINTER STORAGE OF CARS For Particulars Apply AJ LOCK issuer of Hunting and Trapping Office Phone, No. 20 Licences Pressing _ White Street Laundry DRYDEN, Ontario ET EE A SRR ES vy res ly B.C Le Li rape eeas tious? Wa a) So > CH HED) GHD (SE) ED ) GH - ) CHED ) -SD- S» (C00 | '[reasurer's Sale of Lands for Taxes IY virtue of a Warrant given under the hand of the Reeve of the Huni- :ipality of Machin, notice is hereby given that unless the arrears of wus, gether with the costs and charges, be sooner paid, I shall sell by Pubii- .{ Eagle River, in the District of Kenora, at the hour of four ¢'clock in © i{ternoen, the lands mentioned below. 114 Lot 10 Con I Sanford, Patented, 160 acres, Taxes $172.15. Owr ~~ Adam Dickson, clo F. T. Hall, K.C., Cobourg, Ont. si 41% Tor 6 Con. 5 Sanford, Patented, 160 acres, Taxes $166.28. Ga. uii-- i vker Qiser, Gananoque, Ont. GEORGE RUETE, Treesulsy {lagle River, Ont., August 16, 1926 Municipality of Buc enim inoal nin i 2 SN eS EO YB En Ce Sar ee or CE ED §) ED EE E> CT () SE () SNE) SER 9 O SX) S06 /1cCORMICK = DEERING SLEIGHS TWO INCH, TWO & ONE HALF INCH, AND THREE INCH. SHORT REACH LONG REACH CROSS CHAINS WITH SWINGING BOLSTERS | Aad Gy JR HEAVY LOGGING SLEIGHS, WITH WIDE TRACK ,Get our Prices and Literature, if in Meed of a set of Sleighs. It will pay you. J. §. CORNER Oxdaift Ontario Agen For i INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF CANADA, Lid Announcing: | Vest Pocket Kodak Model B--$5 The Vest Pocket Kodak, Model B, loads with distinctive ease, the autographic' attachment is countersunk, the fixed focus lens is mounted in the new Vest Pocket rotary shutter, the price is the lowest ever for a folding Kodak. But you're sure of good pictures even though the cam- era is hardly as large as your hand. Print size,1 56x25. i Let us show you this new Kodak \ GOUGH'S 'CONFECTIONERY v "CASH GROCERY Opposite 'the Town Hall Auction on Saturday, the 27th day of November, 1926, at the Sehool Eu 3e "Sin, Sr Mrs C. Smith,