4 DE FOREST CROSLEY 'ATTWATER-KENT, WESTINGHOUSE VICTOR NORTHERN ROGER'S BATTERYLESS, FADA NEUTRODYNES, Special Inducements to Purchasers Now ! 1.--FREE TRIAL in your own home. 2~THIRTY DAYS FREE EXCHANGE for any other set. 3--ONE MONTHS TREE SERVICE. 4--GUARANTEED INSTALLATION. 5--~EXPERT PERSONAL INSTRUCTIONS. 6.--UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE TERMS 7--~HALF PAYMENTS arran;ed in case of sickness or out of work. 8.--~COMPLETE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. --P--I--A--N--0--5-- NORDHEIMER, EVANS, DOHERTY, We Guarantee Lowest Prices and Offer EASY TERMS Spread Over Three Years BELL, GENUINE VICTOR ORTHOPHONI( Trade your Phonograph for an Orthophonic Leave your name for one. We will fill orders for Orthophonics in the order they are received in, as the factory is unable to fiill all orders promptly. i PER SS ------- EHS WHOLESOME and DELICIOUS Made of the following Assortments : CRISPS BRITTLE FUDGES CREAMS (Fruit Flavours) NUT CHERRY and other COMBINATION CENTRES : ; SPECIAL, PER BOX 6oc. Gough's Confectionery CED OCEEND () SEE CO -<RE ) SEED ) ED OSE CED) E> (SRE O S250 BATA BAIS THE WISE HOUSEKEEPER ALWAYS DOES HER "XMAS SHOPPING EARLY ,AS SHE IS THEN ASSURED OF THE PICK OF THE BEST FRUITS, ETC. SO PLEASE KEEP IT UP AND SHOP EARLY. : We have a splendid assortment of all FRUITS AND NUTS Required for 'XmaS Cakes and 'Xmas Puddings Without them it does not seem like Christmas Also Protect Yourself by ORDERING YOUR POULTRY EARLY Phone No. 49 right C. James 1by the skill 'Xmas Windows Store window dressing become an Bat attains its climax in the pré-holiday period. What would the main street of any village or the shopping centres of great cities be without the decora- tions and illuminations = of the store fronts? The streets without store windows seem dull and dead in com- trast. throngs pass and repass, pausing, at- tracted by the display, to see the latest novelty, to admire the beauty of the exhibit or the zrtistic effect produced and taste of the decorator. Many of the windows too, are simply "expressions of the beautiful in which merchandising is eclipsed by the spell of art, but the inspiration thus provid- ed finds reflection in countless homes and in mutual benefit. "A silent woman is a lovely thing," Where the windows are the: At the Strand All you fans who like good West- erns--sit up and take notice! ° 1 Paterson S Meat Market Paramount's latest picturization of} a Zane Grey novel, "Born to the West, nt comes to the Strand Theatre, Monday and Tuesday. Advance notices pro- ik claim it to be the best of this campany's series of similar films. Certainly, the cast which enacts if, could hardly be bettered. We find Jack Holt, the hero, Margaret Morris, "the gal," Raymond Hatton, in a comedy role, Arlette Marchal, supplying ad- ditional pulchritude, and Geo. Sieg- man playing a "heavy" as only he can. John Waters is credited with the direc- tion. As he is a new director, we can look forward to novel treatment and many surprise features. Side Pork, per ib .. Salt Pork, per tb Haddies, per ib Phone No. 6 J HI TIE AFRAID JL ==" PIANOFORTE "© EVA WILES has wmcancies for il Special--5-lbs Creamery Butter $r.gs Front Quarters, Beef, per tb .... Stew Beef, three tbs for Shortening, 3-Ib pail Pure Lard, 10-1 pails Saur Kraut, per quart Dill Pickles, per dozen Select Oysters, per quart Smoked Kippers, per ib Gold Eyes, perh .... A. PATE RSOM, Prop I REI IR ces sas I RRC PI aera DIE EE sings o poet. to make women think so. Perhaps; but it is hard one or two more pupils. Phone 20 R 3 for appointments. PETAR To the Electors of the District of Kenora. Liquor Legislation IF elected, I pledge myself that if Legislation i is introduced providing for the sale of beer in the district of Kenora, I will urge the submission of a Plebiscite to the people to say whether or not the proposed act should become law. The Plebiscite to be submitted simultaneously with the introduc- tion of the Bill and to be voted on before the third reading of the Bill. If the present Government is not returned and I am elected, I will further pledge myself to introduce an Act pro- viding for dispensaries and sale of beer in this district, subject to same being affirmed by a Plebiscite taken simultaneously with the introduction of the Bill and to be completed before the Act has recceived its third reading. Old Age Pensions To urge the establishment of old age pensions for the people of the Province of Ontario. Workmen's Compensation Act To advocate an improvement yf in the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Act. ~ Mothers' Allowances To urge an amendment of this Act so as to provide an allowance for all needy mothers with one or more dependent children. Minimum Wage Act To advocate the enforcement and proper administra- tion of the Minimum Wage Act for women and girls. Immigration and Colonization To advocate a sane and progressive immigration policy including a bonus to settlers in Northern Ontario for land A To | 1 1 1 14 0] which has been cleared and broken. Roads To vigorously urge the following road policy :-- (a) Extension of colonization roads. (b) Immediate completion of the Manitoba Highway and --in conjunction with the Federal Government--of the National Highway. (¢) Construction of a connecting link between the American border at Fort Frances and the National Highway. (d) Keep existing roads and highways in a proper state of repair. (e) Construction of highway between Dryden and Sioux Lookout. 3 It is further my purpose if elected to urge the assistance of the Government in the development of the natural resources + of our district, and towards that end the proper expenditure in this constituency and in Northern Ontario of a fair proportion of the revenue derived by the Government from this new country. HUGH B. McKINNON Dryden Lumber Company Successors to Anderson & Harris. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS FULL STOCK OF LUMBER. SASH & DOORS SHINGLES, WOOD FIBRE BRICK, LIME AND CEMENT Estimaies Bregiy Given me Rag o CROSS CHAINS WITH SWINGING BOLSTERS eA LEO HEAVY LOGGING SLEIGHS, WITH WIDE TRACK Get our Prices and Literature, if in Need of a set of Sleighs. will pay you. J. 8. CORNER Oxdrift : Ontario OF BANADA, Ltd ol It I bid "EAgen For INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY CASH GROCERY 8 Opposite the Town Hall SPECIALS aiativairaviexireviievlerizeiexivexii ersons Duty IT is a man's duty to try to conserve and preserve sight. Do not abuse, but try to to appreciate what sight does for you, by giving the Eyes the care and consideration they require. Do not tax them beyond what they can stand. When they become tired, rest them. If they need Glasses procure and wear them. 0. G. SNYDER, R. 0. Eyesight Specialist, of Ross WILL BE AT SELF'S HOTEL, DRYDEN FOR ONE DAY ONLY Bth fonday, Dec. FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH Have Your Eyes Examined Yearly Nabob Coffee, per I _ coc 69 Shorts, % 1.7 Raspberry Jam, JA2Y Rock Salt, Block iim of Molasses, 5-1b tins, per tin __.._.. .39 fWheat, good quality, oe 100-Tbz © 30 Creamery Butter, per I ee .39 Digestive Tankage, for stock & pigs Molasses, 2-1b tins, per tin ...__.. 16] 4-1bs for --_.. 25 Salada Tea, per Ib ee ... 69 Ground Bone, green, three Tbs for .25 Red Rose Tea, per 1h o_o 72 Oyster Shells, 100-tbs __._ Ll... 2.2b Blue Ribbon Tea, per Ib oo > FRUITS-- Scanda Coffee, fresh grd., per ib .. 5 CELERY, Seedless Raisins, two Ibs for __.. .84 GRAPES ' Large dn Prunes, 2-1bs for 29 TOMATOES. Mincemeat, per WH omc AT{LETTUCE, BANANAS, ORANGES, Brunswick Sardines, four tins __.... .29 LEMONS, GRAPE FRUIT. 'Harvest Peaches, 2%- tins, per tin .29 |Good Large Turnips, ver 1b ee... 03 EM'Cormick's 0Sda Biscuits, pkt., .31fBeets, four Ibs for momo 25 Christie's Sodas, in paper pkts __.. .19 fj Parsnips, four Tbs for __.__.__.. .25 Malkins Tea, 1-1b, glass tumblers, Carrots, four: IE oF Simian is 25 per phb ot hts 79 gFPotatoes, per bus. wep coimannn 1.28 T'resh Green Peas, bulk, per To __.. .10§ CONFECTIONERY 'Cooking Figs, per I mice .11 §Chocolate Bars, including Rowntree { Sheriff's Jellies, three for --...--..._ .25§ Bars, eleven bays for oem. 5G Glass Fruit Dish Free. Kowntrees, Boxes, from__ .18 a iy 50 FRUITS-- A wonderful treat for the children, 'Apples, 20-oz. Pippins, per box $1.98 1000 foes Bor cl eins 50 Binge. let 2.25 Filled with Candy. MeclIntosh 2.298 MEATS--- Johnathans -- o.com. 2.25 |BACON, Acorn, Side, per oi. 35 Keg. size crates. Sweet Picklea Ienmesnled Backs, Cabbage, 100-8 cocci 8.90 er dO a ed SR i FLOUR AND FEED-- Salt Port, Sucks, DB at 2 Flour, No. 1 Purity, per bag __.. 4.98" ickled Pork, per Ih ____.__.__. . 29