Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 31 Dec 1926, page 1

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VOLUME VIL DRYDEN, Ontario, DECEMBER 31st, 1926. Letter from Hospital Com. The following letter has been sent to each of the School Sections of this @® ~ CANADIAN RED CROSS HOSPITAL Dryden, Dec. 16, 1926. Te Sec-Treasurer, School District. Dear Sir or Madam--The undersigned Executive Committee of the Red Cross Hospital wish to draw your attentior te certain facts. The Red Cross Hospital was practic- ally presented to this District by the i Red Cross Authorities. This was the first experiment in Hospitals under the Red Cross Auspices in Northerr Ontario. At the time, the promise was made that provided some willing ness was shown on the part of the people here, ic support the Hospital the Red Cross Hospital people woul P:: any deficit. This promise war made for thiee years, and the time is now up. It is now expected by the Red Cross that the Town of Dryden an: the people of this district, will take move of the burden than in the past. The Town of Dryden is not able, nov cannot be expected to assume th: whole load. If has oceured to us, you Committe=, that the logical solutior of the matter, because there is no other crganization, is for each School Dis trict to make an annual grant, a: send the cheque to the Secretary o vour Hospital Board, who at present is F. Madder, Dryden. It is not te much to ezpect $50. from the smalie: school sections, and $100. from tl« larger. This sum of money will b small distributed through your assess ment, but the combined total from the schools, or receipts from this source will be of greal assistance to the suc cessful operation of this essential in stitution, which is not of Dryden alone, but serves the whole district. You may or may not know, tl dozens of patients are unable to mak any payment at all. We are getting this into your hands in time for you annual meeting and we hope that you ratepayers will give earnest considera & tion to this important subject. 4 Yeurs truly, : EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. - I. MADDER, Secy-Treas. The Secy-Treasurer is very pleace io say that already he has receive the first reply from the issue of thi: letter by having $50. sent from the Vermillion Bay School District. Bac' district will be reported as receive by this paper. anit. Coming, January 12th, 1927-- in the TOWN HALL at 8.60 p.m. Under the Auspices of the Women's Institute, who are making this occasion their annual open night, Mr G. Gustar, of the Canadian National In. stitute for the Blind, will illustrated pictures taken from real life, depicting a story of gripping in- terest to you. There will be several musical numbers and the members of ithe W.I. will serve refreshments. A hearty welconie is extended to all who are interested. CENTR AL HOTEL for SAT.--and--SUN. Tee Cream Bricks, i each 35¢. 1 Eskimo Pies Dixie Cups, J Six for 25c. 4 LJ oive give Hips SN SEEN N N iy, vi \ Tare Vea E 3 You Ta | On Your Property! "Make aNew Years "Resolution NOW always fully y protected nough Talk it over with us « J. E. GIBSON, Agent, Dryden Dr Dingwall Mayor by Acclamation Dr Dingwall was re-elected Mayor, and there is only one change in the Council, this being the addition of J. S. Wilson who fills the vacaney caused by the retirement of Jas. Klose. Ihe 1927 council will be as follows: Dr D.G. Dingwall, Mayor; A.J. Clemp- son, M. Bailey, J. McKay, J. S. Wilson, il. Wilde and P.H.B. Wood, Councillors. Alfred Pitt was also nominated for Mayor, but failed to qualify, and in ad- dition to all the members of last year's council being nominated, the following names appeared on the board:--A. G. Ripley, T. Proudfoot, J. S. Wilson, M 8. Crh with the exception oi M1 Wilson, none of these qualified. "The only change on the School Board which was caused by the voluntary withdrawal of M. S. Campbell, is the addition of one new member, A. A Gould. The remaining two membexr: R. G. Wigle, and M. F. Cook were re- elected. The three members who will finish their two year term this com- ing year are: H. Humphreys, D. Blake and Geo. Wice. THE gathering of ratepayers in the Town Hall, Monday sight to hear re- ports from the Mayor and Councillors, also Chairman and Members of School Board, and to nominate candid- tes for the ensuing term, was attended ky the usuel number. It is unfortun- ate that more ratepayers do not attend these annual meetings as this meeting was particularly interesting in many respects. Mayor Dingwall covered the years work of the retiring council in & thorough manner, explaining the delay to the Sewer System, and giving detailed information in connection with the establishment of this system, in- cluding the streets to be covered by the three mile pipe line, cost of installa- tion, estimated assessment per foot, for this purpose, ete., as proposed to pe carried out during the year 1927. The whole proposition as outlined in the engineer's statement, read by the Mayor appeared to be well within reach of Dryden's finances, and onc which should make a favorable appea! lo every Dryden citizen. Taking ad- vantage of the excavating for Sewers, the present waterworks System would be extended and at a much lower cost than otherwise would be the case, wit: the result that Dryden would the: have at least a comparatively moder- ate figure, » complete water and sewer] system, which together with electric light and telephone system already io operation would make Dryden a real up-to-date town, with the singl ception of geod sidewalks. Th: the iatter long felt need would then logically and naturally follow the sewer lines, a completion of the 3 owiler coulid then be laid to good Tayor alsc gave an aceount of 13 trip to Fort William in connection with the Road from Emo, Ontarie, connecting with the Government High- way. This report indicated that prompt and adequate action was being taken in this matter and that assurance was already had from the Minister in charge that Diyden would be given opportunity to present its views. The members of the Council gave an accounting of the handling of these departments, as also did Chairman Wigle, and members of the School Board. Each member giving evidence of being impressed with the importance and responsibility of his own department. Alfred Pitt spoke at length, and in a particularly pleasing and interesting raanner. Mr Pitt called attention to the particularly splendid financial standing of Dryden, as shown in the vearly statement, and the very low assessment rate, making it easy and safe for the town to proceed with the sewers and water extensions, alse suggesting a Municipal Skating Rink as early as this could be attempted, and endorsing Mr Jas. McFadyen's plea for erection a mortuary at Dry- den Cemetery at an early date. Mr Pitt's suggestion in regard to Rink wag strongly endorsed by Messrs Cook, Campbell and Proudfoot, but drew fire from some members of the old Council 'who held altogether different views. Corament or the side would indicate that, this idea of a Municipal Rink is a popular one, many holding the view that in & town containing several hundred ycung folks, that some pro- vision should be made to offer them clean spoit during the long winter months. A most amusing part of the meeting 'waz the verbal battle between Coun- '1 members of the City Council: Alder- cillor Bailey and Thos. Proudfoot. Con- siderable warnith developed during their exchange of compliments, whick brought ahout much laughter at th: time and abundance of comment dur ing the following day. The speech-making started at 8.3¢ sharp and ended at 11.30 p.m. MEMORANDUM OF A SPECIAL MEETING REGARDING HIGHWAY City Hall, Fort William, December 20, 1926. PURSUANT to notices sent out by His Worship, Mayor Crawford, a meet- ing was held in the Auditorium of the City Hall, on December 20th, at 8.0¢ p.ui., there were present the following men Russell, Hartley, McLeod, Me- Cullough, Murphey, Sear, Ross, Loone; and Anderson; members from the Roard of Trade and the Young Men's Foard of Trade; J. Murphey, sr., W. A. Dowler, W. Webster, G. R. Duncan. R. S. Richardson, J. F. O'Brien, J. E. Smith, F. Cunningham, P. L. Gavin, J. R. SE D. M'Nichol, H. H. Beeman, J. W. Thomsen, A. Jarvis, J. Bell, F W. pi O. Ohlgren. There were also present Mayor D: Dingwall, Mr Clempson and Dr Wood of Dryden, and Mayor G. Greer o! Sioux Lookout. Mayor Crawford was voted as Chair man and A. McNaughton, Secretary The meeting was called for the pur- rose of considering--without delay--: comphrensive program for the com- plete construction of all roadways connecting Fort, William, Port Arthur Sioux Lookout, Fort Frances, Rain: River and Kenora. Considerable discussion took place i which all out-of-town delegates took a lively interest and the following motior was unanimously adopted. Moved by Megsrs W. A. Dowler, C C. McCullough: "That this nieeting of the members of the City Council of Fort Willian and executive Members of the Board ot Trade, and the Young Men's Board of Trade of Fort William, and a rep resentative from the Trades and J.abour Council, with the Mayors and other representatives from Dry den and Sioux Lookout, support the view of Dryden and Sioux Lookout that they are entitled to the con- struction without delay of the con necting link joining them together with their capital town, Kenora, anc with the main capital cities of North- western Ontaric at the Head of the Lakes, and that the district of Rainy River should be united with the Head of the Lakes, even if for the present, that connection should have to be made in part through Minneso- ta; and believe that the plan propos- ed for the, Rainy River-Kenora connection sheuld be adopted for all connecting links, and a comphrensive program for the complete construc- tion of all the links by contract, on the basis of repaving the cost in forty years, be decided upon wilh- out delay and put into force with cnergy ana carried out with all pos- sible expedition and that to the end of a co-operative effort on these lines, a general meeting of representatives from all four Ridings with the four Provincial Members be called as soon as possible te secure a united front and make & common eflort to con- solidated North Western Ontario"-- Carried unanimously. \ His Worship, Mayor Crom, was authorized to arrange for a meeting of representatives from the Provincial Legislature on or about January 5th, i927. After a hearty vote of thanks by Mayor Greer and Mayor Dingwall for the splendid spirit of co-operation that had been extended to them, the meet- ing then adjourned. STAR POOL ROOM & BARBER SHOP. in the Freidman Building A nice, clean, comfortable place with excellent Pool and Billiard Tables. BARBER SHOP We ask you to give us a trial in the new Barber Shop Highest Class Work. We cater especially to Country trade, and invite you to call in when in town. Ladies and Children-- --Special Attention. "be held in St. Luke's Church on New LOCALS at his home here. and Mrs Alfred Pitt. L. Sfredd¢ left Monday for Winni- peg where he will reside. Ernie Payne, a former resident of Dryden passed through here Tuesday on his way from Regina to Ft. William. Chas Hexkle, of Winnipeg, is spend- ing a holiday in town. Leslie Withrow and son returned to Fort William Tuesday, after spend- mg a holiday with his parents, Mr and Mrs S. Withrow, Dryden. Mr and Mrs Thos. Corneill spent Xmas with relatives in Winnipeg. Jim Colliss wag down from Winnipeg lo spend the holiday with his i Mr and Mrs Thos. Colliss. Max A. Ray was down from Koes cver the weekend. Mrs M. J. Cresier, of Oxdrift, was a visitor to Dryden, Monday. Miss Margaret = Gardiner, of = the Royal Bank Staff, spent Christmas at ner home in Kenora. Mr and Mr: W. Robertson, and Mz A. Robertson from Cartwright, Marn., are the guests of Mr and Mrs Spicer. | Jack Skillen spent the weekend wit) his parents in Fort William. Miss Walch, Gairnbrogie School teac- er, left Wednesday for Sioux Lookout, where she wili spend the holidays wi. lier sister. : Hughie Hill left last week to spend |! the weekend in Fort William. G. Hohn, of the Wright Store, spent the weekend in Fort William. Miss F. Tustain, who is attending basiness college in Winnipeg, is spend- ing the holidays with her parents. Miss Dorothy Gordon who has beer teaching in the west, is spending her vacation at her home in Dryden. 'n Winnipeg. Miss Olive Ray came down from the :ity to spend the holidays at her home. | Miss Ruth Edgren, Winnipeg spent Xmas with her mother in Dryden. Sunday for Toronto where she will at- tend business college. Miss Hassard, of the Continuation school staff, is spending the vacation in Torontc. been attending normal school at North: Bay, 1s holidaying at her home in Oz: drift. Art Williams, formerly of Dryden, arrived in town Saturday, after spend- ing several! months at Red Lake an:! Hudson. Arthur Clempson was up from Port Arthur to spend the weekend at hi:! Lome here. Mrs Rhodes and daughter, Nancy, from Winnipeg, are the guests of I | and Mrs W. Sutton. Br and Mrs F. H. B. Wood and Maxr:+ spent the holiday in Winnipeg. Miss E. V. Ingall left Wednesday fox Fort William to spend the Christma: holidays with Mrs A. Duncan. Frank Porter spent Christmas Dryden. Myr and Mrs W. Sutton were holi- day visitors to Winnipeg, returning ome Sunacay. While bringing a load of fish in from the camp out on the lake, Russell Lott had the misfortune to freeze hi: foot, Friday. However, Russell i; still able to navigate. Miss Marguerite Morris from Trans- cong, is spending the holiday at her home 1m Dryden. Miss N. Noreus is spending a months | vacation &t her home in Kenora. ir J. K. Guthrie was re-elected Reeve of the Muvicipality of Van Horne, by acclamation, and the Council is as follows-- Jas. Hatch, Albert Moore, R. Begg, and C. C. Pilkey. Following is the score of a bowling match between the Sheiks and C.P.R. C.P.R.--Campbell 402, Payne 456, Berry, 887, Morison 467.--Total 1712. Sheiks--Beddome 486, Sfreddo 451, Upton 465, Reid 432--Total 1782. Watch Night Service-- The usual Watch Night service will Year's eve, beginning at eleven o'clock. Rev. R. A. Smith will deliver a short address. Diamond Drill Arxrives-- A most interesting event this week was the arrival of a diamond drill for, the Contact Bay Mining Co. The drilling machinery which more than filled a whole freight car, was trans- ported out to the Bonanza mine where Arthur Pitt is spending the holiday Mr Walter House also of Winnipeg is the guest of Mr One Teaspoon Full of is equivalent in Vitam: 9 Eggs. 'and Bone Building. STANDERDIZED COD LIVER The Dryden Pharmac OIL n A Content to-- 1-1b of Best Creamery Butter. 51% quarts of Milk, or Ask Your Doctor Prevents Colds' Ideal Tonic; Health Giving, 8 and 16-ounce Bottles {{:he afternoon, the following property; Dr and Mrs Morison spent Ly on 4 tion and a frame house, also a frame Miss A. Yn Eagle River left Miss Mildred McGonegal who hac | AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Farm Lands. PURSUANT to the powers of sale contained in a mortgage or charge, which will be produced at the time o1 { sale, there will be offered for Sale by 'Public Auction at the Central Hotel, in the Town oi Dryden in the District of Lenora on SATURDAY, the 22nd Gay of January 1927, at two o'clock in namely: The south twenty-five (25) chains of lot namber tive (5) in the First Conces- sion of the Township of Wainwright, acres. The property is situate 1within one mile of the Town of Dry- den amd if is said there are about fifty- five (55) acres clear and under cultiva- stable and a log stable on the premises. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. « Terms: Ter percent cash and a further twenty per cent within thirty days after the sale, | and the balance secured by first | mortgage on the property with bar of | dower, if necessary, payable in five equal znnual instalments with interest on whele unpaid prinerpal at eight {& p.c.) per cen! per aniium, payable with each instalment as each insfal- ment becomes due; or tihe purchaser at nis option may pay the -whole purchase price at ik a of sale or within thirty fer, For further particulars .apoply to DAVID ROBERTSON, Vendor's HE ali 4 tan, Ont., or . GIBSON, Di tyden, VALE None 40H NSTON,. A netic veer. ! YS fo VN ie] on THAN ES Ont. CARD Mr and My in tne District of Kenora, containing ® d offer § family in. this Funeral of the Late Johnny Crerar. 1T was a very sad group of. friends and neighbors who gathered in the United Church, Dryden, on Sunday afternoon to show their sympathy to the bereaved family and to pay their last respects 10 one. who had so suddenly been snatched away from their midst. Johnny, for that was the name by which he was known, was a quiet, uvnassuming youn man, who had only recently reached his majority. He had therefore passed that awkward stage in a boy's life and had become a very good mixer ameng young people. This made his tragic ending even more pathetic and sad. The young people of the whole community have felt the terrible skioek of such an abrupt termination of a life which had begun to enjoy living. The service in the United Church was very sad indeed, but the minister Rev. H. A. Rivers, endeavored to bring a note of comfort to the bereaved onns, by choosing as his text Isaiah 66 18 "As ese whem his mother com-, forteth, so will 1 comfort you," and be- sought the saddened ones to turn te Him who was "A Man of Sorrow and Acquainted with Grief." A large number of friends followed {he cortege to the Dryden Cemetery, where the body was laid to rest. Everyone realizes that in such a time 4s this the word sympathy is far too cold to express the veal feeling of the community. The very warmest sympathy that any community can is extended to this bereaved terrible trial. May they find God « shelter in such a storm and trust in Him though they may nor be able to understand. He is not dead, the child of our . Crerar and. family wish to ry eer many friends and neighbors who showed every kindness and sympathy, during their recent sad bereavment. Such kindness and sympathy has done much to help them bear the shock of so sudden a death. Oxdrifs, Dec. 30th. REE A x Fh WANTED--ONE NEW ERA PITT- inan's Shorthand Book .--Apply Cry SH torn. atfection, but gone unto that school where he no longer needs our poor. ,, "otection. : hy Himself doth rule. Mr Ha ley, aseistant town electrician his font to Dryden from oceup the Withrow ~jed by H. Davis. 'taki, was re- "mality of ~ will rt is moving Oxdrift, and wil, house, forme ly occu, J. EH. Patterson of Minn, re Reeve of the Munici, fachin by acclamation. There % an election for Councillors this ye.. COW FOR SALE a 2ply to Sh REID, 2 ed TI TI as six nominated have qualified ar only four are required. 1t is to be installed. It took nine teams of norses more than a day to M. HUTZAL, Mgr haul it from: the depot to the mine. THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON from Gough's Confectionery =

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