Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 31 Dec 1926, page 3

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SE THE DRYDEN OBSERVER = Soa re TBE ° s © or Se ne 3h iH . ; i = I 5 HE I Minnitaki Concert Rod and Gun WALDHOF XMAS those Municipalities into one, or. form J [I HL. EL ; : ] . ~ FEVONE 4 : Wall ey Union; but remember the EC : Ss Sm end, SURG CONGRRS en Sn ni ae a le | MINNITAKI--On Monday, Dee. £1, °F Interest to the spor ia My =) or May yours be a Prosperous New 1B) | a erson S eat ar cl at five o'clock, the Minnitaki Sunday P8blic is. contained in the January Your! ER CE § 1927, issue of Rod and Gun to the WALDHOF Quy' School. closed * for - ; : - School scholars, with their parents and Chi & Cv oar ae Seheol scholars, with their pa el : ; : : ristmas cver and New Year close ; effect that the well known sporting | the Christmas Holiday in a most a friends gathered in the Schooi, where ; at hand, we take this o ortunity to ho ils Ll ad-prevnred - 4 «4 magazine has been accepted as the | wonderful manner, with a concert by| ] 7 vp 5 tie btauics had prepered the most (ficial '1 C Ton 'Silver Lh i N ) : wish all readers a most prosperous x 7 oi i 10 hi T f H WW : 7 dainty feast, which was amply don officia organ of the anadian e pupils. New as a rule, we get New Year.--Waldhof Correspondent. at ty Afier tea, games were Fox breeding industry. With the Jan-|a very nice concert from our local justiz : Atle 2 S ! 3 : ¥ 2 oT played by vonng and old. Games that VaIy issue, the magazine has become | artists, but this concert has left every Yea by y gE +L BILIOHASE } ; oy ; 3 the older ones had forgotten, but Bed and Gun and Canadian Silver |thing behind. © The selection of the Enjoyable Evening of a old nes ] Tg : ib ' 7 + : : 0X rs u thal f parts was o most 1 i nevertheless they came back naturally Fox News and it is announced th Yorks wes 2. 7ost lucky ore, and all Dancing and Drawin ig. once they had started each month, the magazine will carry in| the little players filled the different DYMENT, Ont--A Bie 44 ey had sta . : ji i as able tim The Family Coach was the most dition to its egular sporting and ou |rells so exactly and with so little Fh iy = LE oy 'he mily ¢ $ 3 : Feil was spent in the y ne sopular, and the paying of forfiets the C00r features, a full section of sixteer [trouble t Jt was simply amazing. | WV? Fpen: a oy wi] a *n he SORPULAY, OF $163 yO CLE ie : cvenino er 4 7» most funny, we mean the redeeming Pages, devoted te the interest of thr | Since ever, thing was so good, it is im- | PV NE pl ie aD np ' 10510 » VEC 2 20 x ji : = . A » rawing of the forficts, Some songs were sun: silver fox and fur breeding industry. possible to soy which was best and] 6% wion being a A a Gall (9 HY, ; 2 - "The change is made as a result of | who pla ed best. However, it has for hs Avtozraph Quilt by 0% : 2 : ; : : il Y s Insti : nber be- La 5 te rapid growth of the Canadian|heen proved aeain that living under | Men's Institute. Quite a nun Suny To the : an were pre Sih with : 5 A J : ; it is|ing present and dancing was indulged an Look hv fron. the Sunday School, Sliver Fox Breeders' Association and : pioneer conditions, as we do, jb. igi = Rr x so HE a huok ¢ Irons Dunaay School, ; ia oh it A ph es ; in till midnight. Music was furnished | i& gan 1 a ; ; throele "ood thle of contents for Januar v with | pute evident that we can have some HE alse a book each sent by Mr Westbrock ' ; | by Mrs Marr, Mr J. Smeltzer and Mrs | stovies and articles on hunting, fishing | fine, wholesome and clean entertain- i a : IEE = trapping and keenel and cutdoor sub- | ment, hose an those youngsters have |Iennedy. We Wish Gur MANY FRIENT DS & CUSTOMERS A IT AND HAPPY NEW YEAR ET A LoL 9} rd &hd = UG or our late student, from Toronto. Some other smaller rifts were given, with Phone in 6 A. PATERSON, els Pr : AN a Fre (ill fi fi [HEE 1] 117 52 TT NI -- ] ES Se id Mr M. S. Campbell, Dryden, held the I candy, nurs, opples and oranges, and JOOS J : : ; At EN oi -- ------ 'oq ar sryone started for I Rod and Gun and Canadian Silve: Mr J. ig the efficient prinei-] TBM number 39 for the Autograph at 11.30 cveryvene started for home. : : 0 48 : ! LiL There was also a guessing We hope t) make this event a veoular OFX News is published monthly by W.| pal of om school, received a most | RUE ee 4 ; e.a0pe £5 ma er Ti r 7 es et contest on a Xmas Cake which contain- one, trying to make it more snjoyable +- Taylor, Lta. Woodstock, Ont. hearty ovation at the close, and he Were Su : re to make enjoyable ; 7 i as i ; ; desire of the 8,500 members to have or | curely deserved some. After the|®¢ & tiny embroidery scissors. next time if that is ie official organ te assist them. concert, all the pupils received from |i@'2e number of guesses at ten cents of : FE Ty The first Siiver Fox section is a very| the hands oi Santa Claus, [a present Spek Wore nde, but none correct, then ) --NOTICE-- promising one. The Vt editor on tnen went home very tired, but) had to be prem for. Adam B ennot 1 will not be responsible for any debts I. R. Barr, of Summerside, has » happy and proud--because they had being the holder of the luck tiicke: contracted by my wife, Mary Esther {oq 4 whol selection of fox mews an i coal number 39. A{ entertainment ther: - Robinson, after this date, unless my photographs and the account of the fo- ti also, was a gift of a Fumed Oak Desk written order is presented. (Signed) exhibits at the oRyal Winter Fair | Mr A "Monter was taken to Dryden [or the teachers use, presented by the CHARLES S. ROBINSON, Toronto is particularly good. hospital in a very critical condition, WL i, 23 well an some other necessary Minnitaki, Ontar'o. pe -- inn has a vers ng had to undergo an operation. | icles for the school children, namely i i ADE pan] Pie Vithout Further complications it is ex. | "hamel bent and desert Spouns for : ey « Tal in ha will recover: ®e proposed hot lunches, and dish Ww pan donatzd by Mrs Higgins. hit Hi a ro Hi ne i e Wish our many friends. Mr Otto Gangloff runs as a candid- : . : i ~ Many thanks are tendered by the s ° n+ neill he M li iy : h 1 3 z ° 9 ate for Councillor in th uniecipali ji ie 5 ATR \ HUSIiCai ! we < ents of Machin. Anyone who takes an jn- | /Bstitute tc ali ve hgtped i oy and happiness i : 5 forest in Municipal affairs should not | BUMerous ways to make this a Sno 7 ALT yd : i id overlook. this. 3 ; to Mr McCracken, who kindly acted as J and good fortune throughout Qe - = 2520 : chairman, to Mrs Knowles, who always | : ; Slightly used, but in Good Condition SE fnds his assistance as floor manager. the Com ing vear SE a! Lowi We wish the Dyment W.I. a More ; Can ne N ew Year Lg Prosperous New Year than ever. ho MAHOGANY UPRIGHT PIANO, full, EDISON DISC, Large Cabinet Style As you' people' receive this paper, ; yr if size, 715 golive a J Mahogany finish, with 15 latest New you can e¢nunt the remaining days of : > : i = " : nineteen twenty-six or IA ¥ : : A DOHERTY ORCAN, nice tone $38.00 | Edison Records, only Sh be $75.00 n neteen tw 7s gi on one hand, and BARGAIN SALE ) Regular price, new, $275.00. verhaps a Little review will not hurt. PE : ; Bb. Gy g ORN CR HOUND BACK MANDOLIN, with oo Tr oT gsr aut ABS .. VEHIS is our first Sle at this Store, anc --- & INISON CYLINDER PHONOGRAP} | fhe eurly pure of the year was a most ; ] : a 5 i iE 6) AT ; 2 rather than. keep these ' WINTER O : d; . ; a : CASC, ONLY ll °0 The highest priced Cabinet Machine beuntiful one, but weather conditions GOODE tn wivek, we im to Clas then X ry . ntario 2 : LIGH GRADE SPANISH FOrPAn | over made for Cylinder Records. |interfered, and destroyed the fruits of off at REDUCED PRICES. These} Agen For ' . witheaes. Juin fei Ch ii finish, with 60 recos cur labour or cut the value of the same Goods are our regular stesh amd arc | INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF CANADA, Ltd * pecially selected and ood as new, fo | flown to a minum, However, we : 5 RADIO SET, four Tubes, loud spec! : : go y are wb Rey Time Tow Sen the BEST © F QUALITY. 1 you a Bim TT er enly $60.00 sve still b d as long as that is a y QE a ) EE th RS rR A ay i rd 'for any of these goods, cal § Mil i A TA IB 4 Ei © COLUMBIA CABINET STYLE, wit) | 4 Tn = Are a oh in ti 4 secure these Bargains, ar "- LARGE MANDOLIN BANJO, in plush 14 yocgrds, Walnut finish, reg. $105.0 i a ha AE = they will nol he on our counters long BRING YOUR lined case, only o.oo... 24.00 Yo Complete for o.oo... $50.0 rian i a 09 nln BomY ob Yim prices. © The goods includ T ] 3 Beyer Linden h cipality of the Wabigoon Valley {if ay {f a EDISON DISC (New Edison) cox pict VIOLIN BOW AND CASE, you plense), Lut nothing hegpensd, the following. 1 with Jiamend point reproducer and 2 iE V olin, Dies by one of Vesrat This doh nok Ton that the idea wil! CAPS, regular $1.25 N OTARY FUBLIC Jeno) ds, ONLY ot rl - $460 fom Bay's : leading musicians » Onl $6.0 rot return and perhaps sooner than we ; Sale es ot Ss a sa pt RR a th CONVEYANCER TERMS--CASH. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS, Scme JACK PINE, o | o-i'ove, * Ono ecitai thing is that the] SHIRTS. regular $2.20 & $1.50 3 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT WHAT HAVE YOU? Diyden Red Cross Hospital cannot be Sale ......__.__ $165 & 1.10 ") : General Practice ipt hanging in the balance, and wef SWEATERS, regul: ar $4.9, aud I 4 - eevee Ch i) = : ie i a yw 26.45 i $ ; ressing Documents of all descriptions will be Torced to take some steps {cf $6.45. : st AE ky we i bt Pos skilfully and carefully prepared SOCKS, regular Pron 8€ er od its usefulness without the slightes: Jduibt, =zolid. Another matter which CC. for Ontario and all Western Ms: 3 CC Smith. ly Provinces at reasonable charges. Sori =~ : : : a ; 5 oo : Expert Accountanc Book- avi aXivaxivayirativa: OG RAC we might consider the development NAT Sr Vain" Pw ih 1 Ys Nu 0 000, tens an] WOOL SOCKS, regularr .70 and .60. V ute Dtreet Laundry Keeping and Auditing, ; sin 7 : yo Dryden - Ontario Statements Prepared. 0¢ ls hii El 7 a crganization, we have no control over EL ly RE J 1926 has made for us, many new friends and, hing, and must take afl the good MOCCASINS -- oll mmm THE BOULT th py A 3 for HE YE? 5 i bad things which a provincial or 5. v ! pt ! Sa strengthened old friendships. We ask you to | 200 rmment like to give or Sg) wo WA, WEARE | MERCANTILE AGENCY N MOCCA SINS all size: Borsiat: Sarit All departments of the Efficient Se Sram 5 Mercantile Agency Service, and ~TINNITAXI, ONTARIO Protection to the Retail Trade irom us. We have no out the appointment of the accept this as an appreciation and as an earnesg' Keep away ] J ii terent oificers which work among us. BRR (orem Fe thir ! Ld wish that vou may eh Ccy in "rT APP YY NEW Bacause we do not exert ourselves, well 7 1.cires,_. $a tH dec Ax mriccen 3, AEA DEB T COLLECTION AND bv : #0 at our best as an unorganized ow' BU CKSKI IN MOCCASINS ope A 2 JUS TMENT SPECT ALIST < 5 "EAR, vitor. Ves it has been said that . regular. $1.90 & 1.40. ' ee For-, rrespondents to all principal 3] ; , it is not necessary to TEE RI DCL DRC Ls 1 ED, ly 6 HN DEERE P LOW Co. ints in Canada, England, and S--rr poorer than we really 5 HORSEHIDE MOCCASING «ve is John Deere Equipment © S.A. Members New Vo x s . tro, and advertise a lie because we are sizes, regular $1.25. : for Every Farm Use. and St. Louis Mercantile 3 i 0) : 2 7 not DOOY. = Bole en ae 103 Stat QUALITY and SERVICE Pxchange. ry £1 oer C 0 hd y Po prove this, just go back ten years COL SOCKS, regular .70 & 60. TIME PAYMENTS . , Office :-- ot il [il "hink how it was then, what we Bl lines, Sl nite 2, Daiters Pool Hall Bid gn "ad nt that time and then look sround ema RUBBERS, regular Arg. Ted Suit Purchesess "DRYDEN, Ontario. TE TEE ii Oh yes, thereis not much{$165 and £1.76 : he son : Re ST i cays the pessamist. Bu: Sale oi 1.B58 & 1.65 es e man will admit that a big§ BOYS WOOL MITTS, regular .45. Be ® ioe has taken place, and in ten I i ye ti 1 §= vears more thie change will still hell BOYS LINED MITTS, regular .50. m : § grater. Are we going to have some hi Sr So '1 ; say in this development which is going 'S WOOL MITTS , regular .60, on, or will we remain still an "Un-§.35 3 0, ized Territory," and have ow BRB Li bem al, AT BE dictated from government MEN'S PULLOVER ITTS, regular rs, whe sometimes have no in-f%1 10. HEAR' TIEST GREETINGS : orga 4 fu J Fa - x "A a : 3 < 33 TO WISH OUR MA NY FRIEND |orast in our district, except their Bale bl ane .8 LL bi Ba 5 salary. Some of us may be afraid] MEN'S LINED PU 'LLOVER MITTS and ] A ARIS Y : of the cost.' But no doubt it could not eguiar $1.55 ! ® ND CU TOMERS 20st much mere than the present eostly Sale _... a nn = BEST WE SHES A Ri hii Bri ht and by nc means satisfaetory un-§ MEN'S MUI ESKIN MITTS, reg. 3 "% z 1g, rg organized territory. A & 70. or me One good thing i sthat quite a few iL A 2 oe alu of those unorganized fellows have of MIN'S LINED MITTS, regular 1.46 TET v YW EAT hig feeling fc1 unity, simece Toronto Sale __.__. 1.15 HEALTH, EAL TH HAPPY AND PR SPEROUS NEW ent them a tax bill, and it would be MIIN'S BUCKSKIN PULLOVERS, . veal fun if we could find out how Jj recuiar $1.20. ATED PROSPERITY - YEAR. neh taxes there is going to Toronte ER v1 el 9 frin this unorganized territory. Novw§ BOYS PULLOVERS, regular .90. THROUGHQOU FF TE COp NG 0 y ellow vavs. he might just as we! EE ERE ERA SN 4 05 78 / here ax to Toronto. Of cours: CHILDREN'S MOCCASINS, reg. g, paving here he who pays ha §.95. ove or less control, but we all know Sale I how far our control af Toronto goes This is just to tell you readers that ir : gr Bo Wi shit Phone 14926 it will not be possible to organize §_, SORONER wf a EY Y €s ri CE fMNo. 49

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