yaad NCR a SP iin marn eA EEE VOL. IR DRYDEN, Ontario, February 7th, 1830 Council Meeting New Garbage By-12w to be Prerared --Dep't. of Health Considering Appointment of Dist. Nurse .. -- IDEAL weather prevailed and the two-day Carnival, under the ausp- ices of the Dryden. Skating Rink was ag splendid success. The ceremonies began at 8 o'clock Friday = evening, when a crowd of masked costumed skaters took to the ice and enjoyed skating until the entrance of the Quee, of the Carnival, Miss Effie Taylor. The Queen and her ladies-in-wait- ing, Mrs R. Budd and Miss Jeanette Reid, took their places in the centre of the ice, followed by Master Frank Cullen, who acted ag Crown bearer. The Mayor, Dr P. H B. Wood, then performed the important ceremony of crowning the Queen, and in an appropriate speech declared Miss Taylor Queen. of Dryden's Winter oT ER The grand march led by the Queen then followed, and the winners of sideration. i : prizes for Costumes were as follows An application was made to .the, Gent's--1st Gordon Reid; 2nd Bll Workmen's Compensation Board to Baler. have the police covered by compen- Cotrtn--tnho Binds; sation. Ladies- -1st, Minnie Reid; The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday even ing with Mayor Wood presiding, and all members of the Council present. ..Accounts to the amount of $4.- 655.12 were passed for payment on the motion of Councillors Proud- foot and Pitt. .. 2 A communication from the Board- of Health Toronto, was read in ref- erence to the resolution passed at the last meeting of the 1929 Coun- cil, recommending the appointment of a Public Health Nurse for D:y- dery and Distfidt. The department advised that the matter of the ap- pointment was being given full con- 2nd The Ice Carnival {Jimmy BEAN FEAST--CARDS--D/ANCING i real appetizing and were a credit to { Big Play Coming Dinopyric Pie Socic] A verp successful and enjopable Pie Social was held in the Dinorwic Community Hall, on Saturday night, February 1st, in aid of the prizes for the Sunday.S hool children. It certainly was a gala night for the people of Dinorwic and d striet, and they turned out in full strength in spite of the cold weather, and if SATURDAY, February 15th, Dry- den theatre-goers will have the chance of seeing the best Comedy of the season. The rlay "Welcome Home Jimmy" is just the k'nd to keep everybody laughing aad the cast is well-known in Dryden, hav- ing appeared some two years ago here in Mrs Temple's Telegram, produced by the Ingance Dramatic. Club. From all reports : Home Jmmiy" is hE to make : admit they never had hit and an invitation is given every- swh a good time since they left one to see this enjoyable comedy. , 'Home Sweet Home," : i: The Cast The social opened with selections M 3 D ~ of music from the v olin of Mr Pet- m------ Singh Si erson. and Mr Haigeans' banjo. rn -- THY, nean These gentlemen are expert music- Peggy Sommers ._.__Miss E. Davis . 3 : > ians, and you hear something worth Danny Banks _______._ Mr H. Colley while listening to, when they plry. Val Gardiner ________ Mr J. Duncan ? Then the auctioning of the .Pies Chesterfield McSwoop..M. G. Tarling handled b M at Teo A That, Mise D. Shrug was handled by Mr Bert Lyon, who i Gi Mr F. Cunnineh proved an ideal auctioneer, and had Sie Pai aE] ; a 3M, some: job en his hands because there elinda Preston _Mrs J. CTINGVON | us 2 goodly array of pies there Anonymois {yy night; but to see them was to want to buy_ them as they lo ked ui they will Silver Star Chapter, No. 177, O: the lassies and lad'es of Dinorw ec. It was decided to purchase the Evelyn Adair. necessary filing system for the rec- Tadish Comle~Monn: Proudioot ording of the Births and Deaths as Boys--1st Frank Cullen, quoted on by P. R Hari & Co. ] ; Gooner Lele SEE Sh git On the motion of Councillors Pitt Boys Comic--Norman Hardy. § and Proudfoot, it was decided to Girls--1st, Jean Dempster, 2nd purchase 600 feet of suitable fire Hazel Adair, ENE hose, also one Siamese connection, J Girls Conflo--Adel A air Councillor Wilson and Pity sve The second day's sports began | That the following tenders for the i with the dog races at 10 a.m. There delivery of tamarae wood be ACCeP- as quite a number of spectators ted. C Prouty, 14 cords; Ww R for this event and the winners are Findlay, 30 cords. This was carried. | follows--1st, Mervin Miller; 2nd, The question of the. disposal. ofp, op rineons Ded HAH Alon garbage came in for some discus- Ae ? ston, "She present system BOIS, re. neh the si races attrac- deemed very unsatisfactory. It ted quite a crowd and the particip- was finally decided to have the pol- certainly were putting forth ice and sanitation committee Pre=1 tonly of steam to get there. pare a By-law instructing all tenants =. py Wigle came in first and Andy and householders to provide suitable Vollvint second. i metal garbage cans, also to regulate On Saturday evening a splendid the collection of garbage, ashes, etc oo oe spectators witnessed a The meeting the adjourned. .. .. thrilling game of hockey, between 5 Sioux Lookout and Dryden, the local boys coming out on top with an of 3g "3 score. . .Following the game the crowd ad- journed to the Mill Hall, where Rus- Institute Meeting-- The regular monthly meet'ng the Women's Institute, Dryden Branch held in the Town Hall on I Masonic Hall, on Saturday evening,' Tommy ' February 8th, beginning at Nine o'- Dancing will be on the rrogramme, so come up and spend { evening. Admission 25c. A REMINDER -- Cabaret Dance Day, February 14th, in the Pulp Mill Hall, under the ausvices of the 3: E: S: L: This is the first of its | the year... Proceeds are in aid of the Tegion Funds for distressed Com-' ades. "THE BLUFFERS"-- ..Mill Hall, the pupils of the Con- Friday of last week was very well attended. -.. a Tre speaker of the afternoon, Rev. J W Howes, delivered.a.most interesting and enlightening address sel's Ramblers played for one of the bes; dances. held this year,. 2nd a fitting climax to two successful days of winter sport for the young crowd. E: 8: will hold a Bean Feast in the There were mincemeat pies, apple pies, lemon pies, cream pies, in fact any kind of pie you could think of, Bert in his usual manner starred the auctioneering, and by the time he had them all sold, he was a pretty tired man, and could hardly speak { For the rest of the night he had such a sore throat, but he was also mighty happy, having realized |. by . his vigorous selling the nice sum of $73:30. Then the dance began and it was i some dance. From the youngest to the oldest could be seen gaily swing 'ng their partners. Everyone was : : thappy and was having the time of "nd ever held in Dryden, and every a lifetime. Of course you simply Clock p.m. Home baked Beans and Coffee will be served. Cards and a Pleasant You are again reminded of the on St. Valentine's | Jryden Branch, Canadian Legion, Watch for details, : adulged iy, cakes, 'buns, cookies, and } all the rest of it. Coffee was also served and eats were there in a-4 hundance. : LEE a On February 28th, in the Pulp. tinuation School will present a__ two-acy Comedy, entitled "The_.. Bluffers". There will aslo be on.__. the programme musical numbers__ by his rendering two The committee getting-up of suri a fine entertain-' folk dance, parade of the wood-__f ment were Messrs Patience and Pot- en soldiers, and demonstraition__ } ter, who acted on behalf of the offi fine songs. : Wickander, Haukness, Wickander, Alfred Houde. Tohnson. Welcome ! VOU ask them how they enjoyed it, | « Currie. Larson, Evelyn Larson. Johnson. Bill Ponton 57; Clair Robertson 53; Bill Collen 49. Signe Melander 33; Knut Lun'mavk 34; Eric Johnson 27. __. _Grode TV--Carol Norman $0; Hel- en Johnson 87; Bert Robertson 81; Lesl'e Ponton 64; Ernie Ponton 62; Clga Cleson 60; Teddy Johnson 503ia Victor Shushack 40a. Leslie Armstrong 3.25; Joyce Rhind 2.89; Alfred Norman 2.88; Bert Ny- strom 2.21; Ethel Collen 221; 181fa; Agnes Smith, A. _-Grade II--Robert Merrill 1.30; Ol- ga.. Shushack 1.12; Elsie Nystron 101fa; Shushack 93; Helen. Collen 87; 'Hazel Wright_ 75b%a;.. Edwin. Oleson_ 62; Florence Burns 51fa; Irene Graham A; Herry Graham A; Emma Eri:.: came the lun'h. The men who were! * . ir fucky enough to get a pia of course | 210° Smith a); shared it with their partners. Others, \® * Roll--d44 Mr Bowd entertained the crowd: »YMENT respons'ble for the, Miller 51. Women's Curling GAME SCHEDULE .._ ATURDAY, Afterncon, Feb, 8. Miss Mitehel! vs Lenore McRaa Mrs Montieth vs. Mrs Wigle, -. TUESDAY Night, 9 p.m.-- Mrs Wigle vs. Jennie Millings Mrs Winterbottom vs. Lenore #cRae THURSDAY Night, 7 p.m. --T7:00 PuMe-- __ tem Jenn'e Millings vs Mrs Montieth --9:00 p.m-- _ M»s Wigle vs Miss Mitchell SATURDAY, Feb. 15-- er Mrs Winterbottom vs. Miss Mitchell Lenore McRae vs Mrs Montieth. School Reports RUGBY SCHOOL REPORT Sr IV-- Igna Haukness, Walter. Sr. III--Harold Haukness, Haakon Effie Larson, Gunnar Jr HI--Nora Vankoughnett, Axe) Class W--Tognvalt. Ostman, Jim Mainwright .. Ruby. Lundin,. Ja k Class I--Waldemar Ostman, Ellen Primer-- Rayno Lundon, Jeanne Number attending for month--18; Average attendance--41, Attending Winnipeg Bonspiel-- EDNA SLOAN, teacher ..Dryden Curling Rink is represen. ted at the Winnipeg Bonspici a week, Stan Phillips is skipping a Rink composed of Taylor, Megygi and Ham 'lton. The Dryden ager ation left Sunday and although we far havn't carried off any trophies they have been making a very good showing against their mora exper- weneed opponents, WABIGOON SCHOOL REPORT Grade VII--Marguerite Merril 65, 5 Grade VI-- Milo Shushack 69; SURPRISE SHOWER __ TR Mrs Deon Gardiner was delight fyi- ly surprised at the homa of ker sister Mrs Bailey Monday evening when a larga crowd gathered and a mos. happy party arranged by her friends was spent..On this occasion ha bride was presented with a hand some gift from the assembled guests following which delicious refresh- ments. were served a NOTICE __ ! To Owners of Cattle and Swine, kindly take note that after this dste February 1st, Service Fees ara to be strictly cash.--JAS HATCH Grade III--Peggy Armstrong 523: Alfred Melander 221; Eva Johnson, Ralrh Nordstrum 108ta; Edwin Little 95%a;_ Mary Me is {invited to be present and en- had > : a json 41fa, : -= 5 hl { jhad to dance, as the music was so! ; 'oy themselves, at the best dance of 000d and had lots of penn. Then | Grade I--Dotothy Wright, Malvil. no Salna 48, wees ovis Harris, Gordon Green (a). Calss II--Fila Hogan 63: Ma ie Victer Smith o i Hogan 62; Zell Henderscn 61; Fth- lel Rebinson 53. : - Jr I--Vicior Nelson, Clayton Wag- ar, Dick Wagar, Pr mer--Mellicent Wright. Att.--38. MILL BAYNE teacher Siguard. Swanscn, Deloss Bennett, .. ... "4 . ! Jr. Pr--Orville Henderson, Marie | Donohoe, Harold Miller. Pass 50% E. ROBINSON, teacher, EE Sia UT SCHOOL REPORT Sy IV--Esther Nelson 69; Gilbert Jr IV--Annie Miller 70. Sr III--Arthur Nelson 63; Joseph- of wands. . i cers of .St. George's Church, who all. | did their share towards making the | evening such a huge success. At] --- . oe ha? 4 his subject being "A Trip From Dry- ERNIE DICKSON LEADS WINN!- den to Geneva and a Look Around : PEG BOWLING TOURNAMENT -- the City." The talk, given given in { Dryden: listeners-in to K:K:Y's te Curling Draw - Ending Feb. 17th MASHUERADE DANCE-- __ the ciose of_the dance, Mr Patience : : ; : the form of a travelogue was thor-; Radio programme at noon Mondayl The Wabigoon U: F: W: O: willy an approstinte. snaweh thanhedl TT ay 10th, cl nugrly enjoyed by those present. were pleased to hear a report offhold a Masquerade Dance om St. the ladies and gentlemen op" behalf . : 3 Clayton Bailey delighted the meet- "Ernie Dickson's prowess as bowl-§ Valentine's Day, February 14th, inl.¢ the committee for the'r fine at- 1--A tken ee vs - ing with a violin solo accompanied er which was later verified by thefthe Community Hall, at 8:00 p. m. toudance, Ta flan Intimate? that' TOMO one mie WE Winterbottom by Mrs Cooper, after which refresh- biz head-lines in the Free Press. Six prizes will be given. Good musi- they were to keep.their.eyes open 9:00 P.M Poni wee Herve by members of Dickson, who is referred to as alis assured and good lunch will bel tor the announcement of a hor hes THe iets V8, dtminis depimisee GR the Immigration Committee, stalwart poil-eman, broke all prev-% provided. Be sure and come and al, which was to take place in the T--Meggiton «ic mime ve A ER Sy ous bowling records in Winnipeg,§have a good time. Admission--4§ near future. _ . .. 2 | -~ Tuesday, --Tsbruary 11th aba) TE MARRIAGES ___ .. .. when he crashed the Manles for the Ladies and Gents T5e. ..A vote of thanks was alse accer- 7.08 PM. > ..At Dryden, Ontario on Saturday, piilliant score of 651, thus topping ded Mr Lyons, the musi ians and Phillipe be iy Tuck January 25 1930, Rev. J W Howes tre big tournament_ which is beingj SpROTAL this week only REAL feveryone. So ended one of th~ fin. 2--Watt vs Pitt ~ of Dryden United Church, officiat- oinoad :t the Stag Bowling Alleys Butterscotch, 20c. per Ih-- est entertainments the citizens of 068 P.M. ing, W. Smith Crawford and Grace this week. BRYCE'S BAKERY Dinorwic ever had. ' Toni 2 Mountain, of Dryden. ; : ¥ { LADIES DRAW Cn NOTICE TO CREDITORS i) Te 2 i mms SA IEEE sr Wednesday,-- February 12th io oO ednesda In the matter of the Estate of We er RT SRE © 7.00 PM. a Fl OLE.. JOHNSON,_ late of_ the I--Witorholom www rome VS -- Phillips @f Dryden United Church, offi iating Town of Dryden, in the District A New Con fection ; SEE SE Rn A VE otis mt epioneion Skillen @.. C.. Morrison and. Monica] ....of Kenora, deceased. ~ - 1 4 : ! 9.00 P.M Brooks, of Dryden. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 3 ® $ =lamilion. eee eee vs __ Warren all persons having any claim or de- 8 Aq str 1 an ' Seat - : _ Smith MACHIN & DONLEY, Barris mands against i) Die Sg Te 5 ] ¢ - --- Thursday,-- February 13th ters, Solicitors, etc, Office on | "ho died on oh he 54 : { T00 PI # o¥aln Ploor, Downelly Block [of Aumest 1%, ab the Tow « | 1--Philips a vs . Tuck Corner Matheson & First St. |Pryden, in the District of Kenora, OoCO cl e 2--A tken he WT 2 Pitt are required to send by post prepaid. { 1 : . South, Kenora Ont. or deliver to the undersigned, J. E SBP. Gibson, administrator for the Estate § a Hutchison Cup Game ee of the said deceased, their names G osettes LADIES. DRAW Le A ls a mn in rn Re a Friday,-- February 14h Cee in writing, of their claims and 788 Pi , i statements of their accounts and @ = Almonds, -- 1--Taylor LT A J Hamilton the nature of the securities, if any § ~~ Raising " 2--Holtrof _ SI ee Skillen 'held by them. ARE Lop S n Vibert, - or om, EE 9:87PM. "AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE § = __ Orange Peel Cmmern 1--Smith _ eae SR McRae tthat after the 5th ii of si ' . Assorted Creams .__.____ 2--Watt £ --- Vg «we EE, Sy z = i A:D: 1930, the sa'd administrator teat Ee : on PREVENT FIRE a Peppermints... Saturday --bruary Leth $84 "of the said_deceased among the per- ° eo a . AS tulad MATa, Ee fize. | sons entitled thereto, naving regard 3 All deliciously coated with chocolate oes iy : = ger {only to the claims of which he shall ; : = ; = i then have notice, and that the said a Lm = Pim, oe ol td adn imsietes will not be liable for Specially pith, 3 ¢ . Aliken {the said assets or any nart thereof Priced at pd - Vr. = EE AR ee Fowlie 'to any person of whose claim he ; -------- Yeh 17th o so . shail not then have received notice. . he -------- --- pom os with sufficient i ..Dated at Dryden Ontario, this 5th 1---HcRae - ¥s Skillen n day of February, A:D:, 1930. 2-- Montieth PR -- ------------ YF oa Watt FIRE INSURANCE | | rd. 0. GIBSON... = wif Spr JL LL CEOERE WITH Administrator of the Estate of I--Varren pt SEL Li a Phillips 3 £. GIBBON, Agent, Dryden {7-14-21 Ole Johnson, Deceased. 2-- Hamilton IRI rE Winterbottom