Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 25 Apr 1930, page 1

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a pores ne in ger VOL. IX DRYDEN, Ontario, April 25th, 1930 em Finister of Labor and Local Member, Speak at Dryden MINISTERS IN MANITOBA AND ONTARIO COMPLETE PLANS mn KENORA, April 20.--Completion of 5 HOLD DIOCESAN W.A. ANNUAL NEXT WEEK * Red Cross Society Annual Meeting A number interested in the work Work on Grounds _--e--em-- 176 56 + Repairs --- 42-57 The twenty-fifth annual meeting of of the local Red Cross Society turn- Equipni-: the Keewat n Diocesz n Womens Aux 4 out to the meeting last Friday' "Tiary to the Missionary Society Of io hear reports regarding the Hosp-! the Church of England ip Canada ; : : i ital work. i nce Forward is {0 be held in St. Albans, Kenora, mh, President's report was very, Cince the above report the 1920 on April 29, 30th, and May 1st. ; : Sa h the Town gent has been received and The Presiden; of = the Tiominion |the Treasurer r Board, Mrs Farrakee, Montreal is to { the Kenora-Winnipeg highway in 1931 is practically assured, according "10 a statement by Hon. William Fin- Jayson, Ontaric Minister of lands and 'forests. Mr Finlayson and Hon W. J ubb, minister of public works and i highways for Manitoba, have be n ex- THE auditorium of the Town Hall was packed on Thursday evenng with town and country people from all over the district to hear the ad- who were presen; at the mesting. cresses of Hon. Peter Heenan, M:nis- Several other matters of interest! health, due to war service. This was indeed interesting 10 the large number of returned men {satisfactory in 'connection Wi XC work and its financiz] obligations in we wl & enovted a present 200 aga ns; which i {hank balance of $ "I The family of the late Mrs Launder, sister of the bride, was the' -) Grexton wish to express Sincere only bridesma'd and wore a preity! Regular 10c. thanks for the kindness and rose and green georgette dress with Dev elopm ent ter of Labour and Earle Hutch'nson | were dealt wth by Mr Heenan, | 5 ess of their respective parliaments. | Mr James Winterbottom acted as | chairmay, and introduced the speak- | crs. : Hon, Peter Heenan's remarks were bll now before parliament re tha un- since the war have contracted ill election as member for this constit-} vency last fall, deivered a splendid address, and his account of the var-: ious getivities in the Prowmcial Leg- islature, during the last session Was ndeed "all of interest to show thai Both speakers were greeted with __ DIED On Triday night the death occur-, red of Mrs Hester Grexton, who hos resided in Dryden for the past six | survived by two sons Henry and Ambrose Cairns and two daughters Mrs McGuire, Dryden; and Mrs McRae, Liberty, Sask. Funeral service was held from the Dryden Baptist Church on Monday Rev McAllister, officiating. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. : il 8 . TATHER AND SON B NQUET ~ The Tuxis boys of the United Church staged a splendid banquet last night in the church basement. Nearly for- dignity and humour. The guest of the evening, the Rev! H. Lane, of the Boy's work board Manitoba, suitably addressed the gathering and gave words of council and wisdom to both Dads and Sons. the King; To the Church, proposed by Elmer Wice and responded to by Rev J. W Howes; To our Dads, by R. Whiteley, and replied to by Mr A. Buchanan; To our Mothers, by C. Stansfield, replied to by Mrs Wigle. To the C:G:I:T: by George Nelson, evening was spent, the 'Dads once a- gain became boys and the boys de- lighted in achievements which would fill grown-up men with pride and satisfaction. To the Mothers who so generously furnished the provisions, to Mes- dames Wigle and Hamilion, who pre- s'ded behind the scenes; to the g'rls of the C:G:1T:, who served so ad- mirably,. the boys extend the very heartiest and best of thanks. __ CARD OF THANKS IREBEKAH WHIST DRIVE BIG I SUCCESS-- _evesing's affair was the third of a "series of similar entertainmen's held ifor the drive held that evening. to all The Wh'st Drive and Dance under the auspices of Faster Lily Rebekah splendid success. There was a huge crowd and keen interest in the Card Drive was shown' as Wednesday by the Lodge and there were very good prizes for the highest score for the comb'ned drives as well as prizes The winners were ;-- Ladies 1st, Mrs McRae; Ladies Consolation, Mrs Morris; Gents 1st F. Baler; and Consolation Mr Hays. The lucky winners of the grand priZe for the ceries were Mrs Spicer, ladies, and Mr F. Baker, Gents. . i who helped to make these parties such a success, both socially and financially. DRYDEN CURLING RINK-- Certificates covering rink shares ave. i MINNITAKI-- Easter Sorvice, the first in our history, was held Easter morning by the Bishop of Keewatn and Mr watkins and was largely at- tended. fo SAVILLE--LAUNDER A very pretiy wedding took place in holy matrimony, the Rev. Cc C. Watkins officiating The church was nicely decorated w'th Daffodils and white roses and bells. At three p. m, the bride entered the church on the arm of her father to the strams of the Bridal Chorus, and took her place at the side of the groom under an arch mad of pussy-willows and overgreens. The bride wore a white satin dress with the conventional veil & orange blossom wreath, and carried a boud- et of pink roses. Miss Margaret sympathy extended to them dur jing their recent bereavement. Mr Wal that and shoes to mtach, | lace, supported the groom. "home, and in the evening a reception "and dance was held 'n the school, where all Mabel's and Dick's friens gathered together and wished them '5 happy life. Mr and Mrs Saville ; will reside 'n Minnitaki. i Mm AH Bennett of Sioux Look- jout, spent Easter with her daughter Mrs George Ruste, her grandson Bil- ily Eilliott, accompanying her. | Miss Margaret Launder has re- gturned to Kenora, after spending the i Easter holiday with her parents. changing correspondence on the sub- the conclusion that the work can be ! completed by the fall of nex; year. Mr Clubb states that Manitob now has under contract the grading to a point as far east as Rennie, and this | in' chould be comple'ed some time Clubb plans to place this section un- Mr Finlayson has already authoriz- ed work, on the Ontario section of the highways west of Granits Lake and Mr Lyons, distri: engineer for the northern developmen; department has had the line re-surveyed and checked up during the winter. Build- Granite Lake and supplies taken over the ice and winter roads. Work on orading and construction wll begin this week with a skeleton crew which will be brought up to full strength as soon as the men can work to advantage. Mr Finlayson stated some time ago that Ontario could complete the road to the boundary this summer if Mani- oba were able to do the same. It is now likely, however, that both sec- tions will by completed at abou; the same time.--Manitoba Free-Pre:s. { This will be in the basement of the church. In the course of the nexi few days, you will rece've your in- vitation. the various hostess' your support and come along for a dainty lunch, and the Aid will be held in the basement of the church on the first Wednesday in May aj; three o'clock. WATERW ORKS Wil all parties desirous of Sewer and gracefully replied to by Aicelin Holy Trinity church on Eater, and Water Connections have their hundred and seventy-five people con Nelson. Monday, when Miss Mable Launder i applications in the hands of the 'be taken care of. The gervies will A most enjoyable and profitable jand Mr Morris, Saville were un'ted Clerk by May 15th so that the | be held at seven rather than 6:50 as Council may be able to give prop- er consideration to connections and extensions. ALFRED PITT, Chairman Water & Sewer Committee be present and give addresses, also niveg Dtlegates will attend from monnegtion; with the, actual opera- be incurred M:P:P:, who have been touring ihe! Earle Hutchinson, who made his;"® } : 2 ; +ion account. : sam $1200 of expenses to constituency during the Easter rec | first public appearance sce hig . ject for some time and have reached the Rev. G. A Wells, M:A:, of Win- The funds raised by the locallthis year was Show. the read to the The sid walk from society are used for maintenance of B'shop Dewdney. May we ask that you give DEPARTMENT -- } Soux Lookout, Keewatn, Fort Fran- ces,» Dryden and other out-lying branches. members and sisters mis- sionagy societ'es and others interest- ed ate cordially invited to attend the ihe building and. epuipment_ onlv, and the folowing report of the Dee. 1st 1928 to Dec. 1st 1929: FB p.m--Reception aj Bishipstowe guncry Receipts Treasurer was unanimously adopted. Balance brought forward $372:15 244 :50 !sad aceident,.. culminating i Fogpitel doors was kindly. fonated uy Mess Kelley and Kimberly, fhe cor ciors, who laid the town side- ralks lasy year. A new and up-to-ta more brief than usual, buy he gave ; y n ; te operating | A bery interesting outline of 'he work our new member has spent no idle Augusy of this year, leaving about 25 meetings. i : ! Rebate, Town of Dryden --- 1689:89 | table has been presented oy Dr of the Government, during the last time during the first months of his miles to the Ontario boundary still: PR propane is as follows: {Field Day ----cm--mcmmem-oem 673:90 { Wilde, in appreciation of the kind- session, dealing particularly on the term. remaining to be constructed. Mr , TUESDAY, April 20h-- __ --- [Town Grant ...ocoeeemmms - 600 :00 | nness to his som, who met with in His employment Insurance. Mr Heenon much applause and the splendid turn der contract for grading and construc by Ri: Rev A. D and Mrs Dewdney, eerie lp :1:ion this - to h WEDNESDAY, APril 30th 1 c y iy also explained the bil being introduc- out indicates that our community Jp} fon ne summer and to have the Wi = ' iY Sia pe © 182960:45 The vial statistics for the year ed for the benefiy of the 'burnt out living up to its reputation of ba'ng work completed by the end of Augu:t. 9:30 am-- Communion Service Taxes, Lighy &€ --oemm- $1069:89 chow 216 patients admitted; #3 - soldiers' a term meaning men who alert and active 'in the affairs con- 1931. ho : ; Sermon by Rev. G. A. Wells, M'A . Basement Alterations .--.. 1161:13 births; tote] of 8701 hospital éays, cern'ng the welfare of the district. Ontario to Start Work | Open collection for the Jubilee Fund. tpeurance --oommooeeeoo 80:90 and 2068 operations. 10:45 -m:--DBusiness Session. Ad-1 cen fb dress of Welcome, Mrs Carter; reply ir Mrs Gbson, Dryden. Greetings, Offic- | UNITED C ers, Reports. : 1:00 p'm:--Lunz Parochial Branch. 2:15 p :m:--President's Add HURCH, DRYDEN-- heon by St. Albans { ttion § Tastertide was a time of inspira- " ress and goement was felt as fifteen people wands Twenty-five Years" Mrs F. W gratulated the new members on their Cannifl. | 8:00 p :m--Public Micsionary meet- ing such a goodly number into ing: Selection by Juvenile Orchestra. fellowship. The message of the Address: "Open Doors" by Mrs .vening was on the 'Passion Play Fariabee, of Montreal. Chairman, of Cber- Ammerger. ; Taster Sunday morning the C. G 045 arm:--Business Session. Re- 10 T., under the able direction of ports of Officers. Constitution amend- how lender, profonted the Pagaent, ments. Election of delegates to the he fis of Faster' to a full church Dofninioy, Board . Aan. Noontide Special thanks are due to the girls aden: by Rev: Rance, : for the beautiful decorations. The i Primary Children sang thelr Easter 1:00 p.m :--Luncheon. = Ain. hal . ; ; Hvmn, ax : 2:15 p'm:-- Business Session. Re- 27,0 thy Wholp serve was os of beauty and inspiration. THURSDAY, May Isi-- ntatfon of Jun led the ourness of the : Caster fact with ewrrey: ¥fe. Every 'a to "mess to another is a Tittle dying dnayv. i the divine image. There is no gain sedi Mrs Tarrabre. Prose ior prizes. 5:00 prm:--Thanksgiving sevvi be conducted by Bishop Dew pm "neiple, re 1] 4 i i all must display if they would re- lowes will celebrate the 106th anmiv-< ,. oo wonder and power. _ersary of the Order by attending div and ingathering & much encour- 'wise step and the Church on receiv-: its . 2 , without a loss or life without death. "a cm BIG DANCE PLANNED The Men's and Women's Curulin Clubs have combined to arrange 'big dance, which will be held in © Fr d 2 a 2 years and was known and respected Wednesday evening was A ings for the first camps have been Officers' Reports. i united with the Church at the Cool Paper 17311 Fal on Friday, May 9th, by -a large circle of friends. She is A Sa : orected about two miles west of 4:15 p:m:--Ad res "Looking Bak Friday service. The" Minister con 'and they have spared ne pains oF expense to make this affair one the best, and a fitting one to TH the close of the firs; season of cuci- 'ing in Dryden. The dance Was purposely delayed so as mot to olich with other previously arranged fairs, but iy is certainly going te be 4 date to be remembered, Everything that goes to make an enjoyable dance wil be there--excellent musis, novelties, novelty, prize and al oid time dances as well as the nopiar dance muse. Don't miss chs affair, and the Curlers are counting on you for your support. of ty Dads and Sons partook of a Very| The refreshments were much na UNIQUE TEA ~ pdgts pf Barochial branches and ap- : : PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCE satisfying meal. Mr Alfred Pitt in 2 | joyed and then Going. bagi, the On. the Foutteerth of May the ROR of branch i 5 "Sly. Sneing the Festival of professor J. W R. Nettram « characterist'c way acted as Toast- {floor beng well filed. Ladies Aid will = entertain their lly en Dio. Sunday School by Post, Fsn% =: le was extolled in Hymn iro] India will visit the Tnited master and graced the occasion With! The Rebekabs w'sh to extend thanks friends to a SILVER GUEST TEA Miss Carpenter. | Anthem and Sermon. The message Church on May Eth. 3:30 pm: --Adlrers to Juniors bv' cn the Resurrection as a mnvarsal © This is a chance ip a generativn to hear a great Missionary statesmoi, 'a friend of Dr Stanley Jones, Mahatma Gandhi, ; George F. Dyker, the student Mis- sicnary to the Tas; and V ry- Sing songs by the group and a now being prepared and will be ready hear a pleasing programme of ODDFELLOWS ATTEND oo Tt was felt and expressed shat Bas. Jon Fie ls will arrive in Dr on solo by Jim Browy varied the even- for delivery to shareholders on Mon- { music. The date, the 14th of May. © DIVINE WORSHIP tor lfe all deep things begins in "fay 2n 1 and EH Yia work ing. o yi day at the Royal Bank. f Members of the Ladies Aid please | Lay mystery and it ends like all high on I7ay 4th in the West old. Tonsts were drunk to His Majesty ----------" "m= ~~~ note that the regular meeting of! ry yg nendent Order of Od df 1. - thnes in a grea; courage. This Gervices at Aubrey, Eton-Rughy and Pine Grove the same time as .s8% year. 1 "ine worship Sunday, April 27th at 7 pn, in the Baptist Church Extry seating has been provided, and so arranged that at leasy one the song service will be dispensed with for this occasion. 7 i The Pastor has chosen for his "theme: 'The Bible versus the Critic" All are welcome to attend. 2d LF SPIT YA SF PAE ST RAE BR fierce ee Ee g v i After the ceremony a wedding ° PIE } breakfast was held at the bride's 1.8Y if 4 supply at this ! rice jloseltes Regular 76. To Week-end Special 1 pound 55¢ Jergen's Royal Palm Seap Special--4 for 25¢ Frost action in roads is now at its worst. Let us all co-operate in conserving our roads. Avoid unnecessary use and unlawful over-loadng. Individual Consideration will result 'm Community Satisfaction Your kind co-operation is earnestly Department of Northern R. T: LYONS, District Engineer andi CUR cited. Expello Kills Moths Just hang ip a closet that's all. | Changes in Two Sizes 50c and $1.00 DRY Woon For full particulars ask the Ticket Agent : Delivered : ' __Tamarac, per cord ------------ $7:50... 3X3 Je 8. Winter i 85 : __Mixed Fuel per cord 86:50. FX Tick INSURANCE __Split Poplar, per cord____$5:50_- icket Agent ; : Lh Prompt Delivery De den Ont - a i I6WRE WITH § SWAN SWANSON __ Ny a Fin § E. GIBSON, Agent Dryden f. Plone 6 Dryden. 251288 TARE IMPORTANT Will Be Made Sunday, April 27, Train Times 1930

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