nmr ----" ao oe - * . ET REESE SESE EE EEE EEE EES EIEIEEE DRYDEN BAPTIST CHURCH we We Preach "A Changless Christ for o ® 9 Rene Daiter's Lg | 10 a.m--Bible School > Q » of 11 am--Morning Worship-- i ERE EAR BAAD HA TET ATIF HIT FL LL Bi The Lord's Supper and recep'ion of LR new members. = 6:50 p.m--Gospel Service-- s : 2 'The Cross as an Eternal Fact the SECES IO Tal first in , series of four messages on = The Men Who Crucified Christ, L ts if you enjoy the oldfashioned Gos- i= YOU will take a real pride ip the smart style and fresh new us pel, our services will appeal to you. EF beauty of the Ford just as you will find an ever-growing Ee Rev. T. E. McALLISTER, Pastor = Satisfaction in its Alert, Capable Performance. ge - i \ i TINT IIRC N 0 iy] From the new deep radiator, to the tip of the.curving =i JNITED CHURCH OF When Things are Quiet . b rear fender there is an unbroken sweep of Tne a flowing Fi i CANADA, § Dry a oi Business must be Uf erace of contour and harmony of Color herctofore iL OXdrift--180 Sunday School; 230) snntnE HEU @ 5 thought possible only in an expensive car. = of Tn bv EY Cig | d e) = At to tay's low prices, the New Ford is an Ca Ng Dryde Si we 4 2 ms Cue timu ates . 8)! fi: value, for it combines everything you wani or Bond ina Hg 31 2m, fing Wore HT > 3 f= Motor Car. Beauty--=Safety--Comfort -- Speed ir 3h : tid Divine Wotslis ; oh] Acceleration--Ease of Control--Economy-- Reliabil' ty anl Long f5e A oandan fue tation in sive : 6): Ug Lis, ; © = morning and evening services. & YOU may have noticed perhaps thai the Large Departmental & ; i Ee Soe en il The SR of the even'ng in £7 Stores never admit to business being bad; it seems contrary to Nef I= ra 5 =i] hody of the choir will be on ST. 3 theit creed. It seems that pyschology rlays a part in business 7 = : 7 | Le CECILIA" (the Patroness of ths Or- = that if everyone shouts hard 4imes, this really brings the hard _ i= 1 1) . ive ] O I's I= gan) - a --- times, and so it behooves everyone to be cheerful. fic fe Preliminary Annsuntement-- Sales and Service FZ Prof. Netram (Central India) will ot LE Vi 7 that de- f= i Well we really believe there is something to i and i= 7 pression may exist whese it should nos exist, but we fail to_see I= firyden and Kenora, Ont. ie Eons: Calo Chien Yo To h e anyone can be cheerful who wants to work and yet can HL r= = ists Th ha £ ranarat' for Le Te LER Ee Ee EI oy, ee OF a Somerton pot find it. i SILNSNETE Dryden. Nor do we think anything is gained by passing it over as simething unimportant. 1 is vitally important to all of us JW. HOWES, Minister te i val < | a Progressive Shoe | DRYDEN PARISH CHURCH i This is the time when Governments borrowing money 2 2 St Luk'es Jow rates of interest, should undertake huge works; and among Hospital Ci STER = a =r SASTE these the trans-Canada Highway. ag Sire 8990 ro Hls Cowden: Ls iol m---Hol mmiunion; Meantime we have too large a stock. a FIRST ne hdl on WHEN CONSIDERING THE 10:00 a :m--=Sunday School; » ne ar *hi without ND 11:00 a -m-- Morning Praver: If. you have money, we will sell you many things witho 7 NN Ay PURCHASE ; : 1 a :m--Morning yer; profi; to curselves except gett'ng rid of the article. 2D CLASS is Ee OF ONE, OR 7:00 p:m:--Hvensong. MODERATE PRICES HAVING ONE REPAIRED W. RB TINDLE. Bector. : "DONE WHILE YOU WAIT" JOBS CONSULT US : PORCELAIN KFi'CHEN TABLES-- i SPECIALTY, ; E Qn ing THAT 13 OUR SPECIALTY | Bonts for Spr me Hgts BT ise on UR RINGS [Rest Grade WORK BOOT, SHOE POLISHES and LACES Teather Solg ti MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE ; He WORK BGOT, PROMPT ATTENTION L. M. BEATH & Co Sole With one drawer, size 42x25; Catafogued in Winnip:g at $875 plus freight. ALE Our Store Price mmm samme 55100 MENS TROUSERS--See one of the windows for quite an as- THE JEWELERS Men's SHOE---Elk, sortment and Sel ctions. P.O. Box 240 lL GREENEIL Canadian Jewelers' Association Done, Sole miei, Absolutely new, is a line seff-betted; snappy for summer or Dryden. Ont. 14 od --Members-- na Black: BOOT, box A 0 : cheap encugh to work in. E re ir : 3 2% X L ) in ; ad Then again odd lines; culled from stock Ew : er RUS, gle 54:97 '. 4 Bu Tuer LLANE Bl ACK OXFORDS, Welted i : i A RE a S465 = BOW BACK KITCHEN CHAIRS--The regular price is $1.75 Best Grade BLACK OXFORTS, made in England, Heavy | Cleared Our Store Well For Our Ve haven dozentoclear at ooo. $1:25 each i ¢ ; Pl i $7:50) | : See one of the Windows for Furniture Oddments. Monday, Tuesday, Men's BLACK OXFORDS 7:50, New Spring and Summer Stock CLIVE BROGKS m double Sole, Smart -..__. $6:50 ; ; ; \ . : which is now unpacked and WICKER CHAIRS & ROCKERS--Selling at $9:00; $10:00; The Return of Sherlock Holmes FF WILLARD 3) $10:50; and $11:09. Paramount News : Comedy on display. ida wi 13 ey Aga Classified Complete New Stock of 0s 3 : WEDNESDAY -- --THURSDAY FOUND--LADIES WRIST WATCH ® 9 WICKER TABLES--Selling at $9:00 and $11:00__ LOT LANE nfl BAVL PAGE, to. Owner can have same by applying I 1 di es Sh 0 es Now at discount. o ' at the Observer Office and paying for The Girl From Havana | this advt. | ; A Story of the Gem Thieves and a Girl Detective "FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR] --All the Latest Styles and Shades NENT UNDEAD Comedy-- "VERNON'S AUNT" . Cattle--One Team Heavy Horses. 23 BALBRIGGAN COMBINATION--Sized 36 +o 44--all kinds i TN [PULP MILL FARM, Dbyden, Ont. {os well av Black Shor: Sleeves---Knee Length; Shor; Sleeves--Ankle Length; ! FOR SALE-- YOUNG PIGS, $12:0 FRIDAY -- ny A air, six weeks old on April 30th. --§-om-meemeeee ~ ALSO os Long. Seavey -ivikle ngth; % SATURDAY . [Fo Tames, oon: i JANET GAYNOR and CHARLES FARRELL in __ _ . -- = Ri : FOR SALE-- FOUR GOOD] WORK 9 CREAM COTTON SHIRTS and DRAWERS-- Pretty nearly Lucky Star Horses, in -good condition, good [ e fl S d fl hen : 2 workers; and one Driver, one set of i ; Wa + { Harness with breeching, also in good This is really an Sy because most of this is worth COMEDY----- ---- NEWS : ay ? " cond'tion.--Apply G. M GANGLOFF, regularly $1.25 and $1.5 os Vermilion Bg Ont. 25/2 f Ie ' There 's rea'ly no need for it at_all but we have these A SEE TI FOR SALE--DURE BRED BARE BE r fl En nil FT EE me oniades At ies "awpled in the window; fullest stock inside. : ETE JT Rock Hatching Eggs. Imported Cock- per garment --___ ------_______..:79 | eral --Highest award at Dryden Ag- THE BAZAAR Hc. ta 85. Store. WOMEN'S SHOES--We have a littie_table near the front door with from 15 to 20 pairs; assorted at all times; in styles and sizes. 3 Priced at oe o.oo $2:95 If your foot is narrow; you should not. miss looking ricultural Society for 4 years in suc- cession. Price $1:00 per setting, -- EUGENE McMONAGLE, Dryden. FOR SALE-- GERHARD; HEINTZ. man Piano in mahogany; excellent | To Suit Every Purse and Taste. y 2 condition. Full Octave. Price $325: 00 over cur perpetual clearing line at__ ____ ------ mm meee. 350 Cash.--Apply for information at the | * And it will surprise you wha' cay be done at_.___..$2 00 OBSERVER OFFICE Paints Varnishes Brushes. FOR RENT -- TWO FURNISHED EC cd 7 rooms, ready for immediate wna 4iivas tion--Box 1, DRYDEN OBSERVER | CARNATIONS --We regret_that, the florists advise we cannes get any quantity to amount to anything. By malsng this an- nouncement in time; we trust to_save any disappointment, We can of course take Rosery Orders at their pPHce. One Hundred to One Our Painis Will Satisfy . Color in the Home Means Sunshine ! =! FOR RENT -- FULLY MODERN == Stucco House, with Garage, oy Duke | i 5t.--THOS. PROULFOOT i 00 wear {OT a ET 0 48 par Re TO LET--4-ROOMED SUITE, wate: Inid in, $15 per monih,--R. H PRON: GEN, Dryden, Dzs. Ready Mixed PAINT---Can be obtained in all co ors-- OO Pi oe er HN VERY; VERY SPECIAL-- 4h Decorative ENAMEL Paint--This Enamel wil dry in half an hour--each can .. tm . 80e To Fit all the Family. BREAD--on Monday and Tuesday May 5th and 6th--we_ will sell 500 loaves of Bread at 5c a loaf TE and ALL Popular Colours--drys quick y; scan, Sr -------- ABs, ah 3 VARNISH STAINS will beautify and refine you homes-- FOR SALE. I 3 bh No Phone Orders. Bree a EE Leh 50¢ --apply R H. PRONGER' S OFFICE 7. Limit--Five Loaves to a Customer. og ; = i ! Dryden i GOODE OF EVERY > EVAN-LAC Brushing Lacquer can be obtained in Sta! n Colors ! FOR SALE SEED OATS, GOV'T DESCRIPTION tested Victory No 1, Certificate No : BOUGHT BCH CB ha ee 20¢ rr -- i rr r---- } 59-2619; Price $3:25 for 3 bushel ; Ca Eeec R : ° L] Tots $15 aa pi or ii? Day ALFRED PITT, Limited. oh rey ER a DRDYDEN ~~ - ONTARIO Ww E THORSEN & SON Oxdrift, Ontario a! 3 | FOR SALE--ONE TEAM HORSES, ' 50 Plymouth Rock Pullets--Apply to New & Secondhand Store J. H MOESER, Waldhof; Ont 3 DRYDEN -- ONTARIS