Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 16 May 1930, page 1

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+ $ as to the reason for his wisit, our! Yd rie VOL. IR DRYDEN, Ontario, May 16th = or Sh--pi-- Local Member Visits District E. Hutchinson, M.P. ad a visit to Dryden and District arriving on Wednesday night May 7ih and leav- | ing at noon Sunday. When interviewed by the Observer? representative said it was only in the line of hs duties gnd several matters were being looked into. More par- ticular interest was being paid to the question of road ma'ntenance and the extension of the present system of highways. Mr Hutchinson expres- sed Tegret that it had been impos- sible to go over the Richan road a* all on account of the wet weather. The same remark appl'ed more or less *o a large number of ths routes aside from the main highway east and west. In fact several very ba' spots exist in that road also, but there ar, at present a number of maintenance men a4 work who should rapidly improve the bad spots if res- onable industry was shown at all. Every Minute Enjoyed Asked by our reporier as to his itinerary, the member smiled and said that he had no set schedule th's time; visited Dryden and a few outside residents on Thursday, and was entertained i, the evening at the home of Mr and Mrs H. Pateman where a large number of friends from near Oxdrift gathered to visit and discuss matters with their rep- resentative. On Friday several mat Prof. Nertam Here Monday night in having a visit from | Prof. Netram of Central Ind a. ices of the Misg'onary Society of the United Church of Canada *o lecture on 'The Hope of India' The Board and Session of the Church met him at the supper table where during the course of a splendid meal Prof. Netram answered many questions & gave much Fghi on Indian affairs. Mr and Mrs A. Pitt acted as host and hostess and no words are adequ- ate to describe the hospitality | and provisions made. The members and: fapsion return thanks for a ve satisfying and enlightening time. | The evening meeting in the United i Church was a great success. Before | an audience filling the church; Prof. ; Netram gave a splendid lect ture. Dy He compared a christian civiliza- "on with that of India; showed how | Ind'a is held back by superstitions; obsolete religious rites and caste digtinctions. Then procesdad to state how the only hope of India Teonomica ly; Intellectual y Socially and Spiritually Lies the way of Christ. ¢ Gandhi is d's llusioned: Educaton : of itself is insufficient; Commun sm is athiestii and false economically. The only hope of Canady, India, and the world lies in acceptance of the Jesus way of life. Iy was 5 truly remarkable address ters in Dryden demanding attention! occupied the morning. In the after- i noon a motor trip west as far as' Gunne with calls at several farms was the order, and returning at night to Dryden, it had been a pleas- ure to attend the first annual Ball of the Curling Club. On Saturday our M.P.P. motored to Shallof Lake (getting mired on the road) and lat- er east to Dimorwic; calling at sever- al points and spending an hour at Wabigoon. i) The ..Finlayson Visit Mr Hutchinson expressed the opin- ion that Hon. Wm. Finlayson would, § if at all possible, carry out his pronyse to visit Kenora Distr ct soon and decide on the number of im- provements to be undertaken this summer. The representative also ventured an opimion that the pulp- wood situation was such as demand- ed the planning now of relief meas- ures should the market not improve He beleved that conditions through- crammed with facts; Lightened with humour and full of genuine religious passion. This visit will do an immense a- mouni of good to the Missionary cause and the kingdom of God in Dryden. IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR dear father and husband Robert M. McKee who passed away May 19th 1 1929 The monih of May again is here The saddest to us of all the year; So quiet and quickly was the call The sudden death surprised us all. : A bitter grief the shock severe To part with one we loved so dear. --Inserted by wife and family. Oxduift; Ont, LO.OF DANCE-- The I.0.0.F will hold a Whist Drive and Dance in the Town out the whole country conditions throughout the whole coun | try would be improved as a result) of the new budget. Asked if the new 4 ariff on fruit and vegetables would not tend to increace the prices, he replied that is -was very hard to say until a trial had been given the new rates. Fruits for eastern and central Canada would very likely come in by boat-load ~~. from British West Indies to Halifax - and Montreal, owing: to free entry should hold prices at the usual lev- el as when using the same description } 3 ; of commod'ties shipped a; rail from Southern U.S. points. Will Hold Meetings Will you take part in the coming | Dominion election ?" "I am not in.the habit of desert 1 ing tried and true friends," replied Mr Hutchinson, 'and if I can be of any service to the District's great- est friend, the Hon. Peter Heenan that will be cheerfully given. Mr Hutchinson will address mee®- ings at Gunne on Monday, May 19th; " PREVENT FIRE as far as possi "PREVEN T nancial logs by ki )M, Agent, Dryden 73 Hall on Monday May 19. Whist commences at 8:30 sharp, Lunch Pron Admission 50c. Oxdrift, Tuesd lay May 20th; Wabigoon oq Wednesday, lay 21st. While hert he. received a wire to address @ Union Meeting of labour men in Fort Frances on Tuesday May 13, and will try to accept. So far he has found only a few hours' time to attend to his private affairs sme the session ended. Land i Dryden was distinctly favored on Mr Netram came under the ausp- ° "Dryden Public School Report Er Low percentage due to illness. Room 9--Sr and Jr IV--Hons.-- Julia Makuch 86; Barbar, Jones 81; Gyeneth Jones 80; Lolg Dean 80; Margery Crawley 79; ona MProud- foot 75; Winnie Boomhower 75. EY Livingston 74; Wilson 72; Marion: Beck 71; Wright 70; Margot Anderson Jean 70; Ruby Leid 70; Jessie Cole 70; Mary | Blake 70; J'm Vankoughnett 70; Dor- othy Ankney 69; Lloyd Wigle 69; Fred Lappage 68; Jean Hutchison 57 Lester Ponger 66; Esther Mercer 65; Pn iE ilen Norgate and Gladys Vankough- nett 64. equal; Yola Sfreddo 64; Lily :Lewis 64; Jean Wilton 60. Below 69 p.c--Margaret White 59 Bill Wige 57; *Nelie Hardy 56 Pott Ernewein 54; Henry Sfreddo 54; *Thomas Turnbull 53; Vivian | Wice 52. Jr IV--Pgss--Ella Bill Hardy 62. Below 60 per cent--Hazel Asp 62; Adair 09; Kitty Hooker 58; Jim Baker 55; s Mozitie Rogertson 55; Bill Rutter 52; Oscar Nymark 389. Room $--Jr IV--Hong-- Tessie ' Chipman 77; Ines Sfreddo 76. Pass-- Marion Asplund 72; Alma Brisson 72; Neil Campbell 69; Lia Buchanan 6s; Bob Hawke 68; May Howarth 67; Gordon McTavish 67; Violet Moline 67; Aubrey Pinkerton 67; Ray Hatch 67; Duncey, Turner 66; Clifford McGuire 66; Olga Stein- er 66; Mary Watt 66; Eddie Alexan- der 65; Bill Reid 65; - Jim McMona- gle 65; Andy Volluar 64; Muriel Bailey 64; Bonnie Kenthot 63; Lil-l, lian Diity 63; Jean Dempster 63; Carre Douiol 62; Raymond Wice 62; Lena McMaster 61; Gladys By- ington 61; Colin Procdfoot 61; Arn- old Nymark 60; Mae Nelson 60; Est- her Robinson 60. Below 60 p.c--Clayto, Bailey 58 Isabel e Norgate 58; Brian Barber Gordon Field 56; Joe Koshon 53; Mary McMonagle 49; Jack Bartlett 45; Evelyn Miller 41; Orval Pinker- ton 37. Room 7--Sr II!--Mildred Ripley, 89; Helen Johnson 85; Ruby M'Guire 85; Emma Strutt 84; Tommy Craw- Tok 84; Howard Reany 83; Christina Stovel 81; Annie Makuch 80; Edie May Wright 80; Grace Taylor 79; Berthil Moline 78; Eihel Fido 77; Edna Martinson 76; Bert Boomhow- er 76; Leila Foulis 76; Florence Dagg 75. Pags--Nellie Sfreddo 74; Martinson 73; 'Bob McCallum : 73; Filee, Wigle 71; Hubert BRar'lett 70; Mike Semak 70; Grant Buchanan 69; Margaret Edye 68; George Erne- wein 68; Agnes Blake 68; Billy Nor- vis 68; Annie Chaschowy 68; Eileen Cooper 68; Russel Hawke 67; Bob Cunningham 63; Ann Smith 63; Glad- vs Buchanan 62; Charlie Robinsan 61 Frank Brisson 59; Jim Louttit 58; Gordon Nymark 58; Dorothy Strat- ton 57; Elva Currie 57; Gordon Rob- Harry Re i 08 1s D i "nl ir A ou a rl ne 2 i A EE ink k Toot Brush To repair the damage Daily Brushing and 3 polishing with Dr West's , Bx re [) 5 tooth Paste, using a Dr West's Tooth Brush SY ble ahead hy George Barber 85; "at his summer home during the aft Cyril 2 wood Robinson 64; 61: 5 lie Reany 92; Evan Jones $9.6; Mor} BOY SCOUTS & CUBS-- The Boy Scouts met in the Parish { 'Hall for their regular meeting on Celebrates 80th bir thday . t May 12th. Several new members | | thave joimed the troop. The boys hay nab a were oii) on | showing the keenest interest in their Mr Andrew Hutchison proprietor of , work and cn Thursday May 15h the the Tourist Hotel on Thursday May troop had the'r final examing'ion for: 8th; when he celebrated his 80th their tenderfoo; bo izes. birthday, and a reception was held ' It is hoped htat the majority pass' - 'so that we shall have boys ready for: ernoon and evening, a large number promotion as patrol leaders when of friends calling to pay their re- the troop "enlarges its membership. ; spects. -- We have nearly enough new boys | Born in Goat lA on May 8th, 1859 now to start a third patrol, { 'Mr Hutchison came to the Dominion The Wolf patron won on each ev- (with his parents in 1855 and the ent 'n the games played on Monday family settled in Vaughan Township, evening. The following men and near Toronto. He later resided in Jrmen have expressed their willing- Port Elgin Bruce County, and came ness to serve on the troops commit- west to the 'Distric; of Kenora some jtec: Mr T. Alexander; Bert Berrey; thirty-six years ago, settling 4 Dry- T. Crawley; T. Edye; N Jackson; W den. He was a farmer in Port Elgin iMoorehouse; F. Willard; Dr Wat & but took up hotel-keeping in Dryden 'Mesdames Gibson; Collison; Winter- and he is known 'and respected, bottom, Maunsell and McRae. The throguh all parts of Kenora district; ' committee will be notified as to when as a genial host and! one greatly ,the meeting will be held. interested i farming. Duty Patrol for the week end ng | Mr Hutchinhon came to Kenora in}May 24th--Wolf Patrol, 1923 as lessee of 'the Tourist Hotel.] Scouts meet on Monday the 19th; A host of telegrams were received jand Thursday the 22nd. Cubs meet hy Mr Hutchison during the day and ?on aay 21 at 2% bm DEATH OF WM, ALLAN -- A very old resident Mr Wm. Allg of Eagle Diver, hag jus; pase=d a- way; and many 'friends will be shock- ed at the scdden death, Hr Allon had not been well for some time; bu. wag not considered dangercusly a and had been to Eagle River with & {neighbour on the day of his death. IThe same neighbour called the next evening and ?lting no respshte, walked in and found him dead ia bed "having evidently died im his sleep. sit The late Mr Allan was a native ox Scotland having come te this Country very long ago and had been a wvesi- dent of Eagle Liver for about thizty years. Tle was seventy-sir years of age & has no relatives that any one knovz of except a niece in the US. Mr Alan Vved on a farm situated on ire Teaver River, and many old friends - 71 recal gathering at "Cas- tle Allan" for a hunt years age. No public gathering was eongiger- 7 complete without "Old BRily" ¢o ep the loung people amused. Trmeval sreangements are being made for Friday the 16th at 8 © at St. Matthew's River, or & Tm, Church Eag!» bauquets of flowers. A constant stream of visitors called at the sum- mer camp to personally pay their re- spects to the guest of honor.--Ken- ora Miner and News. WILL ADDRESS W. I.-- Miss Chapman will address Worn- en's Institutes at Osaquan--May 20; Ignace--May 21; Dyment--May 22; Dryden--Town Hall--May 23; Oxdrift, even'mg, May 23; Waldhof--May 26: Richan--May 27; Rideout --May 28; Kenora--May 29; Keewatin--May 30th. Everybody Welcome. Miss Chapman is editor of theWom en's Section of the Ontario Farmer and was at one time Assistant Sup- erintendeny of Ontario Women's In- stitutes. LEN My knowledge 'nson 56; {Clarence Neely 54; Nora Bauer 50; [Carl Heard 47; Ronald French 46; Kenneth Xerney 38. --Absent for examinations, Room 6--Jr III--Hons.-- Bertha Wilton 85; Mickey Pronger 80; Myz- lie Moore 49; Lloyd Adair, Room 5--Sr II (a)--Hons.--Mary Archibald 82; Winnie Cole 81; Bern- ice Salisbury 80; Stanley Lock 80; Dor's Harris 80; Hjlmar Moline 80; Marjorie Robertson 78; Audrey Tew Pags-- Marjorie Boomhower 74; Amnie Donger 74; Rheda Davidson: 74; Mary Yaworski 73; Addie Pilk- ey 73; Tommy Cooper 72; Gertrude Will be at Self's i) or Mak plete No Extra Charges for E:sminatioa & .Ground according to eye-test in single. vision whit, Lenses. A wonderful Selection of Frames. & Experience 18 your guarantee O. G. SNYDER, R. 0. Eye Specialist, of tat Dryden House M ON L, Har. on Margaret Ray Room Padi II (a) --Hons. --Char- 2 THE DEYD: Irene Stovel 87; i *Christine Mak uch 84; *Annie Rothatyiski 84; Barb- garet Ripley 89; "Harold Reany 79; Watt 73; ;Douglas Hatch 71; Phyllis i #8 Orvile Ankney 73; ara Humphreys 84; Betty Brown 83; # Mildred Robinson $ 79; Els'e Yawonski 78; Joyce Winter- fi bottom 77; Jean Morettin 76; Frank Reid 75. B Pass-- John Livingston 74; Mary § Licensed ag ¢ RATES--$2.:50 per day-- MIL Je. 30118 in ou: Davis 68, BER Mie Jr II (b)--Pass--Jack Heard 74; Aaron Robinson * SOUPS-- 73;; Likan Kellar 72; Delviy, Skene 2" cvenm. of Tomato Soup. .__ .15 69; Matalia Gibbons 67; Isabel §# ; - Bl Vegetable Soup __________ 10 Archibald 67; Hazel McGuire 66; 4 Mac Wigle 65; Marjory Sherwood oa SANDWICHES -- #%. 65; Gordon Brampton 64; Paul J Ham Sandwiches ---__.--.... .10 5 i Cook 61. 1 3 2 Cheese ose .10 !*_Equal, Mn Beal in on 0 i ae WR Tomat 10 ; Room 3--Class II--Hons.--Mildred fi Tomato _._..___.__________ : gt Asplund 85; Bryan Crawley SI; ' TE LO a. {Gladys -Auren 79; Albert Klose 76. fi Pork - 10 Pass--Henry Johnson 73; Bobby é Fors on Toney ---- 20 Taylor 78; Mervin Irven 73; Helen \y Sardines on Toast _.l.___ 29 Gough 69; Mildred Wright 63, i Pork & Beans and Bread Class I--Hons.-- Carl Whitehead and Butter __..._..__ 85 ; Nancy Sherwood 86; Jim Tew ps C. O. SELF, Frop. a Standard Hotel Under the Liquor Control Act. We will be pleased to Cater to SMALL PART IES of 6 to 12 Strictly Private Dining-room. LIGHT LUNCHES--Served at all times éxcept Mea! Hours LIGHT LUNCHES TMOUNICID HT, OF "MACHTN = Fleming 71. Sr II (b)-- Emma Fleming 78; A Court of Revision will be heid ## Claire Ernewein 78; Stella Leise 78; > Regt River on S:rturday, May Sis Doly Neil 77; Bernice Bailey 77; ih oh r of 4 0 'clock in tte afier- Venice Morettin 76; Marilyn Wilson a i 7 > 76. 3 : --r CRO. BUETE, Clark Pass--Helen Nelson 74; Freda Box] Representative Wanted for Dry-., : i " i Ee 71; Frankie Cullen 70; Albert Fergu La TT 5 TCVN r BEYDZ son 68; Horace French 63. Farle ~ °° 'fo handle Sab Fae=.. | COURT OF REVISION Tew 40; absent for 4 examinations. Motor Cars snd Trucks, EA Court of Revision for the Town Sr II (c)--Hons--Phyllis Hewit--~ Anyone interestd apply to "Yof Dryden will be held in. the Town {son 81; Ivadelle Bowes 76, ZW, FB. "SHRUMHM, F Hall on Thursday, May 20th; 18230 . Pass--Mary Liese 74; Mariam Liv- { * Room 9 Central Hotel bat the hay of 2 20 pm. to hear 'ngston 69; Ralph Smith 68; Mary- Friday and Saturday Evening, and d "ring Appeals against the {belle Wood 68; Mike Cook 67; Roy| May 16-17th. __ {Asses ay Rol for the said town. Evans 67; Fred Clinker 66; Sher-: ¥ 3 E. CIBSON, Clerk; T Town of Dr ices i SE < | AL TICXETS--$7:00 per week. ny pach CAKE & PASTRY-- Apple Pla iii Whi Raisin Bla i 0 vali MN Ply wei aE Cream Cocoanut Pie_______ 10 Cake i iipimn SN 10 Bung oo oa 0 MORE iii ee Seated I i TE Toffee ae

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