Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 16 May 1930, page 3

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New Goods at PRONGER'S Snappy New Dresses THESE are in the Very Newest and Smartest Styles; Sizes 16 to 42, in a Wonderful Selection of this Season's Shades New Sweaters & Blouses Both Coat and Pullover Styles in the Light Summer Shad:s; as well as the darker fawns; greens; blues; etc. Ladies' Skirts We have a very wise and varied selection of Ladies Skirts in.sizes ---14 to 40--all shades--and the prices range from from. $1:98 10 iwecmmmmmm-- $3:95 Sport Oxfords CORNER 'H broken up lately. She got a terrible jar. 'What happened? 1 Why, she was assist- ing at a rummage sale took off her new hat ¥ and somebody sold it 5 for thirty-five cents. Butter fat is worth money: every day in the year. Don't feed it to your hogs and calves. Get 5 McCor- mick - Deering cream separator. Marco: My girl is | like the horizion, Polo: Howzat? Marco: Never comes nearer. Pete Moline, Billy Findlay and Charlie Wright are recent pur chsers of McCormick - Deering grain drills, so are all hooked up ana ready to go as soon $Vol. 8 Se May 99th; No 4 What's the matter with as the weather per- the atoms in an ounce your wife? She's all mits. of radium 'would equal ..An ounce of cheer- fulness is worth a pound of gloom. Dunlop tires, Imper- ial gasoline and motor oils, al the time, mot something dffcerent ev- ery year. Every victory gain. ed 'makes new con- quests easier. When Fred Boom- hower of Dryden saw the McCormick -Deer- ing wagon that Sy Byington go: was like he made up his mind to get one like it, so last week he drove off smiling with a new Mec Cormick-Déeering, noth- ing like 'em he gays. The energy set free by the explosios of all that produced by burn ning about ten toms ef coal. Earle Hutchinson will address a meet ing in the hall here next Tuesday night, after which a dance will be held. Every- body welcome. Papa, whay do you call 5 man who drives a car? It depends on how close he comes to you. McCormick-Deering farm achinery iu x m_ farm equipment is al- right and the price is right. lieve ia, just buy some thing and find out for yourself. -. J. 8, CORNER McCormick-Deering Dealer Oxdrift, Ontarte y i Lot To Complete your Golf Costume--ip Suntan two tone, natural elk and two-tone elk; smart Canvas two-tone Sport Oxford. sizes 814 to 6%; also & Ralph J. Pronger Let's Start Gardening ! WE Have all the Tools; Seeds Watering Cans; Hose in 50; 75 and 100-ft, Lengths. Lots of Cheap Paints for Garden and Gates. One Set Disc Harrows Second Hamd; but as good as neew, Set New Discs; new bu Shop Worn will be sold at a bargain One Second Hand Range--Chesl: E. A. KLOSE Dryden -- Ontario QIRESINE A 2 M. J. Crosier General Merchant rr OXDRIFT -- ONTARIO _. Dealer in BOOTS DRY GOODS Ci GROCERIES ---. HARDWARE. AND SHOES FARM IMPLEMENTS Agent for-- HE LIFE INSURANCE FROST AND WOOD AND COCKSHUTT APY a COCKSHUTT IMPLEMENTS _. WHIST SCORE CARDS -- BUY your Whist Score Cards for parties, from the DRYDEN OBSERVER Sunshinefor Babies . (Health Service of the Canadian Medical Association) i The baby should spend a large part of his life out of doors in the.fresh air and sunshine. The baby needs fresh air and sunshine in order to build up a strong and resistant body. Not_only are sunshine baths pleas- ant, but they bring to the baby some thing he needs. One definite good resulting from sunshine is tha; the action of its rays upon the body of the 'baby prevents rickets. Sun baths should be taken regular- ly each day, and 3s the weather gets warmer these should be taken out of doors, rather than ip front if the open window. There is a right way to take sun baths, and this way must be followed or harm will result. Op the first day, the hands and feet are exposed for five minutes; next day, the time is ten minutes, and so five minutes a day are added unti the bath lasts for an hour. As the time is increased so should there be an extena'on of the area of { the body which is exposed to the sun. DRY WOOD Delivered ; f __Tamarac, per cord _______ $7:50_. -.Mixed Fuel per cord ..--$6:50_. -_Split Poplar, per cord. _$5:50_. Prompt Delivery SWAN SWANSON __ On the second day, expose the the legs below the knee, then the _whole leg; after that the abdomen and lastly, the chest; front and back. On the day each area is firmst exposed, the time of exposure is five minutes, and this period is increased by five minutes each day until the whole body. is given gn hour's bath daily. The baby should not have his sun bath just befors or after a meal In the reallly hot weather, his sun bath should be before eleven or after three so that he may not be_expos- ed.to the mid-day sun. Taking the sun bath out of. Toor or.in front of the open window gives the baby the benefits of both the sun_ and the air at the time, The ancient worshipped the sun as a god. We today should appreci- ate and use the sunshine as a giver of health. same Sheriff's Sale of Lands for Arrears of School Taxes School Section No. 1, in the Townsnip of Zealand By virtue of a Warrant under the hands of the Chairman and Secretary of School Section No. 1, Township of Zealand in the District of Kenora dated the 10th day of March 1930, commanding the Sheriff to levy upon the lands here'nafter described for arrears of taxes respectively dug there on, together with the costs incurred;I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that pursuant to the Assessment Act, I shall on MONDAY, the 4th day of Aug- ust, 1930 at the hour of Eleven 0'Clock in the forenoon at the Sheriff'sOffic in the Town of Kenora in the said District of Kenora, proceed to sell by Public Auction so much of the said lands as may be necessary for the payment of the said Arreans and charges thereon uniegs such ar- rears and charges shall have been sooner paid. District of Kenora, Province of Ontario { If you don't be-: i PPPS PPVv VT ew Pid or. Con: Arrears Years in Arears Taxes Expenses Total Name of owner Address Un-ptd ; ii Township of Zealand S% Lot 1, Parcel 4462 4 160 1921 to 1929 $137.26 8 13.09 8160.86 Jemes Anderson, Pat inclusive Woodstock, Ont, S.W. pt: Lot 3 g : N- Pt. Lot 8 1 83 1919 to 1929 $100.87 $10.60 $110.97 C. N Daly, Pid inclusive Guelph, Ont. 8 Pt; Lot 2 1 136 1926 to 1929 $ 66.80 § 8.44 $ 65.24 Pred Smith ios Un- inclusive Wabigoon, Ont. Pid. 8% Iat 1 Parcel 6649 2 169% 1920 to 1929 $147.28 $ 12.96 $160.28 Ismac Wooodly Ptd inclusive Moose Jaw, Sask. Towngite of Wabigoop Lot 1, Block 8 1919 to 1929 $ 13.00 8 6.25 $ 19.26 Alfred Gooch, Kenora, Ont. inclusive Lot 22, Block © 1919 to 1929 $ 13.00 8 6.25 $ 19.26 Lizsie C. Lumby, Wabigoon, Ont. inclusive : © Lot, 28; Block ¢ 1919 to 1929 $ 13.60 8 8.25 8 19.26 W. A McCullough, Kenora Ont inclusive > Lot 27; Block 21 1919 to 1929 § 12.00 8 6.25 8 19.28 Jos J. Spencer, Wabigoon, Ont. inclusive oo, Lot 2 & 2; Block § g Plan M-36 re 1923 to 1929 $198.48 $ 15.52 $214.00 E: L: Drewry, Winnipeg, Man. inclusive Township of Southworth St% Lot 16 5.. 169% 1926 to 1929 $ 46.63 $ 7.94 54.62 Albert A. Neil Ptd. inclusive Welland, Ont. The adjourned Sale, if any, will be held at the same time and place two wecks later Published in the Ontario Gazette, April 26th, May 3rd and May 17th; 1930, f Sid JOHN W. HUMBLE * = Sheriff of Kenora. Tools Garden Stecl-Briggs Seeds Garden RAKES-- ort: commmecoe- $1:10 fo------ §1:05 Garden HOES woo iinn cc vo omen. 906 to $1.20 SPADES cone. imeem emma §1:50 FORKS simmer amma $1:40 SHOVELS-- 81:00 t0 --com. comer cma car ome $1160 Garden Sets--4-pieces-- amv comms ronan $2:60 Lawn or Garden Hose-- 50-ft length-- : Red Corrugated Hose, with coupling attached. on...$4:60 Steel-Briggs Seeds As we are discontinuing Field and Clover Sceds; we.ars now offering our Timothy & Alsike a: Remarkably low prices. Sel No 1--Timothy Seed. per Ih .1214 per 100 pounds emcee. cme $11150 No 1--Alsike, per tb :25 per 100 pounds rome $24:58 Durance Hardware Dryden, Gas--OR-- Accezgories Theme 41 New Cashway Grocery SPECIALS Butter, Creamery, 3-tbs __.. $1:00 Blue Ribbon Jelly Powders, 4 for .23 Blue Ribbon Tea, per Ib ..ceoen.:562 Pickles, sweet chow and Sweet Mustard, qt jars vee. 40 Sweet Biscuits, assorted, Ib____ :19 Bananas, per Ib .icoemeesomee. 08 These prices are good as long as stock lasts and up until Tuesday, May 20th. -- 'Take notice of our display of Heinz products in the window and note he prices. J. 0. Gough, Prop Ped wird White Grocery Store Good for MON. and TUES-- Seed Oats--per bag ... Seed Barley--per bag Feed Wheat--per bag .,....ocommr Feed Oats--per bag -----rummme----- mmm 32:40 .. $2:25 $1:85 oat 02 mmm oil vm mt ow § § Gm moma 9 § a FOR TUESDAY ONLY-- Nabob Tea--per pound ----commamwe- Remona Tea--per pound ..._.. LT ie OY me | mapa § FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY-- : -- Packet SEEDS--regular 10c:i--three for wmw--e.:oamrissae 25 FOR THUDSDAY ONLY-- Oranges, reg. $1.20 per doze, --one dozen --..... :89 6 Cups and Saucers and 10 bars Soap..cowu.»s: ;88 Rolled Oats--20-1b bag--per bag ....w---m--a--=--386 Domestic, Shortening--2-1bs fOr wee. --Limit--four porands II OIE 1 H. 1. Pronger . $1:95.

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