piety prema or VOL. 2 DRYDEN, Ontasio, -- May 30th, 1930 #® Nominated | y HON PETER HEENAN FORT FRANCES, May 28.--Hon P Heenan, minister of labour, was en- dorsed as liberal candidate in: the Kenora-Rainy River Ridng at 2 nomination convention held here. Delegates were in attendance from all parts of the constituency, while representatives of the labour party also were present to support Mv Heenan's candidature. Dryden del- egates at' the convention were Messrs H. M Davidson, J McKay and J L Skillen. 2 ANNOUNCEMENT Mr and Mrs Duran of Mnnitaki announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Fannie Gertrude to Robert Roy Douglas, of Dryden. The wedding to take place on June 18th. oT LUKE'S A: Y: P: A A; the regular meeting Lukes A: Y: P: A: held recently in the Parish Hall, Rev W R Tindle in- stalled the officers for the next term The following are those duly instal- led: President, Mr J. A Robinson; Vice- Presidest, W Moorehouse; Secretary, Miss Edna Taylor; Treasurer, Doris Thorpe. After the mew officers had taken their chairs, speeches were called for where upon the President and Vice- President acquitted themselves right nobly and were heartily clapped. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded unanimously to the ret'ring presid- ent, Mr TF. willard for his work gmeg the time the local branch of the | A: YP: A: was formed. Refreshments were served and a gocal half hour followed. --s-000---- i ST LUKE'S GIRL GUIDES-- The Girl Guide Company is now in full swng, with three full patrols formed and a fourth partly filled. On Wednesday master Rev. WR Tindle, inspected the Guides, and gave favourable com ment on the work accomplished since the formation of the Company. On Wednesday, May 21st, the ev- ening was spent iu reviewing the Gu de knots thoroughly; studying het Guide Law and in Company dril: ling. ? From now on, every Wednesday everyng at 7 instead of T:30 as formerly. Nex, Tenderfoot tests. "0ak Farm' The S-act play "Oak Farm" pro- duced by ;alented players from Wald- hof on May 22nd, in the Strand Theatre, dealt with the worthy saeri- fice of a farmer, who mortgaged his a college education. Katherine Schoonenberg. the handsome hero, and elder son of Farmer Weterby, was anxious to be- ~ome worthy of his sweetheart Telen (Annie Kurtz) so accepted his Dad's sacrifice, saying that with- 'n three years he would return, a wealthy man. Jonathip Prune, vil- lage postmaster and holder of the mortgage on Oak Farm, had acqrired cnowledge to jhe effect that the faim was valuable, so confinued to get old Wetherby in his clutches. To accom- plish this he fustrated all communi sations between Donald & hig father, mtil the old manwas ready to believe 'hat Donald had either lost all love for his home and family, or else was dead. Three years pass and the mort- gage becomes due. Farmer *Wether- by is stricken with despair ab ths psychological moment, Donald ap- pears in person, a wealthy oil man from Kansas. Everything is settled and the rasrilly J onathen receives his ust deserts. Joe (Hans Green) Donald's kid brother and Sally (Vale Kellberg) provide the hum- sur ao a marked degree while Cyn- hia Wainer, village spinster, and grand matrimonial catch keeps the conversational ball a-relling. The proceeds from the play were in aid of the Dryden Red Cross Hos- pital. ] May 14th, Scout-: the Guides will meet a p.m, 3 Wednesday, May 28th, it is os hoped that all Cu'des will pass their i 4 * of Bi: CONSERVATIVES ORGANIZE-- A good meeting was held at the Oxdrify Community Hall on Manday May 19th. Conservatives joined from Eagle River, Pine Grove, Glengoland Oxdrift, Aubrey and Mipnitaki. A- bout ffty members joined. The next meeeting Will be held on Monday the 26th at 3 pm: . is a special meeting; called to ar- range a Social in about Wo weeks t'me, when we hope to be able to have some good speakers from Ken- { freshments will be served free and a dance at the social. A Silver tea in aid of Holy Trinity Church, Minnitaki wll be held at the home of Mrs Pateman Thursday June 5th, from 3 to 5 pm. " NOTICE--Re Telephone Serviee: Owing to changes in the switch © board all telephone service will be cut off sometime on Friday, and will be off for possibly two days. : | 4 i FH] } fi) PREVENT FIRE as faras ossible This is a safe, efficient, non-poiscncss recommended cis onffsepie {or bolk inden] G extemal use spray in the treat Hanociifing Phamacits , PEFTH ORY Cit beloved home in order to give his son new U: 8: tariff. Farmer Wetherby, honest, toil-wol 1 untutored owner of Oak Farm, was | taken well by Pat Schollard, and his | meek, patient wife was portrayed by | Donald, This | ora, Dryden and other dstricis. Re-! antiseptic for both internal and external : suse that actually kills the germs. § Highly CUTS, BRUISES, BURNS, SCALDS, TONSILITIS, 'SORE THROAT, 2 2 MOUTH WASH, efficientininpoison: "AFTER SHAV- ING,. SKIN DIS- EASES, ERUP- TIVE DISEASES, such as Small Pog, Scar. let Fever and Measles: also as an injection of diseased or inflamed con- ditions. § An absolute i wid in every home Hise in emergencies. HIME To the Editor FS | Ye Olde Country of | Now that the date is set for the | Faire "elector : : our I Public | election again, of our Padeval Po 1 Oxdrift celebrated the 24th in 2° servants, it certainly behooves the Tiveryone has his or her moral, civil and soc al obligation but be- yond these, the obligation of citizenship js perhaps the greatest of 1,11. One evidence of progress is the slow but certan dying act of poli- tical bitterness of fifiy years ago. That recognized authority on national od by Dr Adam Smith University said "The safety of 'ndependent men who will support ihe man for the position irrespes- tive to a great extent of party con- siderations.' Senator Mark Hanna party whip of the US: Republican party many: vears ago sald: --Get out the flags and band wagons three weeks before an election, ges the suckers up in the air and keep them there until af- tor they have voied, and then let L them go where they like. They will forget everything before the next election.' i And that sentiment is still retained by some candidates. But most peo- ple are not mot to be deceived by that sort of thing and the flag-wav-. ing days have nearly passed away. People are doing more thinking themselves. We note the Ut: Sy tariff has been given a good deal of consideration in England as Mr Bald: win recently made the statement im , parliament: "When the conservative "party is returned to power, a pr oteg- tive policy will be adopted and it will be recalled that England had always been highly protective bitek 45 the Free Trade Policy advocated by My Cobden and Mr Bright was adop- ted. Thirty years after that Eng- lands budget did not balance. It is to be hoped our soon to be held elen- tion will be given serious thought by Canadian Electorate. -W.¥. i " 1 Mp T. Corness of Fori Willam has "joined the Motor Sales Department (of Durance Brothers. Mrs Corness and baby have also arrived fo reside here. EN Mrs Chas Harris anl children left for Fort William. Mps Harris wl! leave shortly to, atiend the wedding of her sister at Saul; St. Marie & will later join Mr Harris at Ham- ilton where they will reside, The Sale advertised for Friday at 'M. McTavishe's, Oxdrift has been | cancelled for 4.0z. bottle 25cC 8-0z. bottle 40c¢ 18-02 bottle 7Z5C have a good time. sconomics John Stuart Mill, supporl- of Glasgow , any | country depends upon the number of | for | ; {very fitting and unique manner by! | Electorate to do some serious think- dint, of aard work & splendid co- ing, practicularly in reference to the j operation, good results were achiev- Ted. | The day was fing and the attend- ance excellent at the hour of open- ing! In a short and ftting speeh, the Rev Jd W Howes declared ™ the Fair open and exhorted everyone po gq J In the Baby Show, there were 18 entries, bonny, well-developed boys' and girls. The judges, Mrs J Mon- tiath and Miss Hopkins worked hard anid finally declared the following as winners. 4 Under one year-- May Robinson, ¢ FEiura Stephenson. i 'Between 2 and 3 years--Bert Boyd. Between 3 and 4 years--Lorne Me Tavish, Elmer Richardson. 1 Ye olde curiosity Shop was a truly remarkable collection of antiques, and novelties, wierd and wonderful re there. . The Farm Products, Garden Plants ind Seed Stalls were fine togiimonies to industry and esthusiasm. { Naturally the Lunch Counter and Refreshment Booth were: well pat- ironized. The Basketry, Fancy Work and Condy Stall had a good display "| 4'd well. i The Horseshoe Contest was a great : success, with everyone keyed up to] } business. | Co-oanut-Shies; Hoop-La; Fighing Pond, Fortune-telling, all added their | wota to happiness and the financial Sucress. Sports between the Schools were a feature. Glengoland played Oxdrift at Soft-ball keen rivalry existed, Glengoland finally winning the game The Hard-ball game betweey Ox- drift and Dryden kept things going and added liveliness to the proceed- ngs by one of the searching parties, prac . We are told that we should eat to (Ly a general disease of the obdomen is apt to be blamed on the stomach, which is then said to be very upset. Very often, the last thing eaten is thought to have ds- agreed with the stomach. , When there is discomfort of pai Child Lost at Dinorwic. An excitement was created in the community generally by the loss of 1" the region of the stomach thera i the little 2-vear-old girl of Arthur! something wrong, but it certainly Jeske, living on the Dyment rogd, { locs not mean that the gtomach is "three miles east of Dinorwic. The | necessarily responsible. Abnormgl & 'eh ld was missed at eleven in the diceaged conditions of the stomach Co qorning of Wednesday, and was; 0ccur, put most of the distress Is found twenty-four hours afterwards ; blamed on that organ is not caused primarly, bs ihe stomach, sly unharmed by the exposure. Worry, nervous strain and arsiaty About fifty people were engaged in are real causcy of pain crcurring I the search, and had a flash not been | the upper part of the abdomen. The received before Thursday noon, : aibusiness man who works under ten- couple of hundred men from Dryden | sion, who hurries through his fumeh, were prepared and ready to help in jad who does not take time to relax , the find. : yay expect to have an upsed stomach The onset of many of the seule STOMACH TROUBLE | diseases 15 accompanied by loss of up pette nousca and sometimes vO Food plays an important part in the imiting. - Tv securing and mamtainng of health. {ag an cuch cases the stomach of the body, is affected live and not live to eat, which js ome ;Lody. way of saying trat we should not eat! Heart discase may mean that he too excess In addition to avoid ng! comply of blood to the stomach is excess, it should be taken into con- oot sufficient to allow thy stomach to s'derab on that the body Demands}do its work properly. Ag a resol a well-balanced diet which will in-'it is difculy for the orgom of the clu. milk and milk products, fresh stomach to digest focds which re- wooetables and fruit. qure = considerable time for io per food and proper digest on [digest. Under such circumstances, an importance that cammot bel+he use of foods which are difficult presized. The stomach does | to digest may be followed by dist- work day after day & does motlress, but the heart and not the «v often fail to do so. Tt stands a |stomach is really to blame. over-ey iis To Si of abuse withous prot-| When the stomach goes on 2 est and as long as it doe its work |rampage we should not think =o without atiracting attention we do not give much thought to this im- portant organ. much of the lagt thing eaten as be- ing the cause, but rather consider his as a symptm of the conditon which requires attention. vi Pain or discomfort in any part of See Banff and Lake Louise on your way to the The parade was humorous and! quite effective, the music indes "ribable. The whole business was a splendid | sxperiment: and if i; becomes an! ammnol event, will undoubtedly brivg | lots of people to Oxdrift on each | 94th of May. Th, ladies were great, ly encouraged by the financial re.) turns which they fully deserved con... sidering the work done. The play in the Community Hall wind ng up the day was thoroughly enjoyed. Everyone played their part well and went home happy. Now for the next. Palm Ice Cream 30c Pint 60: Quart Chop Suey Ice Cream-- full of Fruit and Nuts acific Coast and California Two delightful days to Vancouver, - Through America's Wonderland, the Canadian Rockies, in an opem Obeer- vation car, Glorious 165 mile day- light cruise to Victoria and Seattle. The Trane Canada : Limited LOW SUMMER FARES Ulira modern, luxurious travel--sun foo Drdden 'ycom, library, lounges; smooking pa room; buffet; baths and valet service, SEI.55 Dining Cars noted for their umexcel- to Vancouver, Victoria, led cuisine. and return yw $125.35 to Los Angeles return 7 J. S. Winter, Ticket Agent Dryden, Out. C auadian Pacific Ask also about our astern Tours, Tor full Information and Literature ask: RAILWAY TIMES .85¢ Pint --_-- 70: Quart PECIAL-- for Saturday & Sunday 3 Tce Cream Cones for ----.. 10c. Banana Splits .oeev vem 20c. Tee Cream Sodas -- eet = 10c. De- and Servicing partment will continue to operate as before, under reliable and efficient management. My Repair Drydn Jewelery Ontario DRY WOOD Delivereu __Tamarae, per ord S200 -.Mixed Fuel per cord rn S000 __Split Poplar, per cord... $5 50. Prompt Delivery SWAN SWANSON ._ A. G. RIPLEY | THE DRYDEN HOTEL ©. O-SELT, Pion, Licensed as a Standard Hotel Under the Liquor Control Act. RATLS--$2:50 per day--without Bath $3:00 per day with Bath, MEAL TICKETS--$7:00 per week. We will be pleased to Cater to SMALL PARTIES of 6 to 12 persons ip our Strictly Private Dining-room. -- Quick Lunches Served at all Hours.-- Bring your Friends for dinner, « fernooh tea, or supper. Good appetizing Mesls--daintly served. Tivery Meal a treat. , Try us lonce and you will be -Convinced, it's the best place in vi LOWIL wa id : a [ Entrance to Lunch Room--side door on Van Horne St, \/ ;