vn FE RTH ERE is a test which easily proves the value of Gum-Dipping---the extra patented Firestone process of saturating and insulating every fibre of every cord in a Firestone tire with rubber to eliminate internal heat and friction---the greatest | enemy to tire life. A two-ounce weight is suspended on the end of one strand of a cord (a) takenfrom an ordinary tire. The strand breaks in 15 seconds. A similarweight is suspended on a Gum-Dipped strand (b) taken from a Eirestone tire---i: remains unbroken for 45 seconds - -- three times as Jong! Firestone dealer equip your car witha set of these stronger, 'tougher, more dependable tires that hold the world's records for mileage and endur- ance. See him to-day. FIRESTONE TIRE and RUBBER CO, OF CANADA LIMITED : Ontario Let your nearest Hamilton - builds the only &U Foi GOLDEN STAR LODGE AF: & A: M:, No. 484, G:R:C; iaets in the MN ozomie Hall Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month. p.m., in the Town Hail. Visitors Cordially Invited. brethren cordially favited. : F. j. COOPER, WM R. McMONAGLE, WH i. 0.5. DRYDEN LODGE, Ho, 184 Yeasts the Bivet amd Thind Wednesday of each month at eight Visiting . CAN. LEGION NOTES-- Comrade E. Dearden was apnoin- ted as delegate from the Dryden branch of the Canadian Legion to atiend the Provincial Convention, held at Fort William last month. He returned full of enthusiasm ov- er the remarkable growth and in- creased activity of the Legion thru'- out the Dominjon of Canada. The new legislation which goes into effect very shortly unger the ngme of the Veterans Act will create means for assistance to the ex- service man, who may not have any or illness and yet health is so underminded by the hard ships and exposure suffered during wed in the struggle living. of earning a Provision is also being made for. pension ng unemployable Veterans by reason of physical or mental diabsil- ity, and those who have reached the age of 60, at the rate of $430 ver] year to a married man whith income exempter] up to $150 per year. The City of Fort Wiliam extend- ed bounteous hospitality to all the. delegates and Col. LaFleche, Domin- ion Presilent, gave preliminady re- marks concerning the huge hegion Pilgrimage to France in 1932. It ig intended to hold the first day of the big Conventin in Montreal, this session will then adjourn and be re- sumed at Vimy Ridge, where a "I Memorial will be unveiled and a service held. Negotiations are be- ing made with the rail and steam- ship companies which may make it | ~ossible to have the return fare not greatly in excess of $200:00. To make this wonderful trip pos-- gible for 4 greater number, schemes will be founed for making sma 1 periodical contributions to a fund held by each branch, whereby Leg- Allowance { highly informed war-time medical history of wounds; whose general that period, is physically handicap-, jonaries can gradually save enough to reghize the necessary amount. Fur- 'ther details wll be announced later. Of more importance is the "in- tention of Placing 4 Memorial Foun- tain on the High School Grounds in "the gardens which are being built there. ; With. the help of the School Com- 'mittee and the Town Council it may be possible to build , Stone Memor- ial bearing a large plate giving th names. of all men in Dryden, who imgde the Sunreme Sacrifice during the Great War. It is unrerstood fer in this subject almost immediat- ely. Ss Don't forget the Legion whose greatest object is to help each other and respect the names of those who did not return. i1:0:0:F:, DRYDEN LODGE No. 417, meets in the Tewn Hall Dryden every Monday evening at 8 p.m. G. R HAMILTON, N:G: C. ETTLES, Rec.-Sec Et Builder @& JID Vinterbottom Lumber Yard TI AE iA [ i that the three Organizations will ML AE I A BEE FEGEEERAREBEISHEERIRARIATEINRNAT IE AHTRALTREIN Er de et ET iy § = = = i wi gma £ July Sale - Clearance of Dresses ds . g Every Dress' on ouy Racks will be cleared this 'month at fi % greatly Reduced Prices. All Chlidrens Dresses Reduced to half price. Girls Khaki Suits Middy and Knickers reduced from $2.25 to $1.25 Suit Boys Wash Suits Extra Good Value in fine Broaddoth $ 1 00 to $ 1 23 drill suitings in Oliver Twist and i Middy styles, : a suit Boys & Girls Jazz Caps made of flannel, fancy trimmed 25¢ RIT FREER EINE EI HI, = 2 2 = E E E = = =] : = = E E = = 8 5 PO RRR aterson's Meat Market Pork Rolls, per I ete 3 Spare Ribs, per Ib :20 Side Bacon--whole or haff Contractor. LUMBER--- -- ROOFINGS-- LATHS-- __ One Piece SHINGLES -- PLASTERS-- Quality -- and -- Service "CEMENT-- WINDOWS and DOORS or a Carload Ontario LR TTT A. ©. BERREY, Sec'y B. SMITH, Secy 1929 Pontiac COACH Just like new Cood tires 0:y--£850.00 1923 Star TOURING in fine condition, 5 good tires " onty--g125.00 WITH AN be long remembered. THAT COU ERE is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to secure famous used cars "with an OK that counts" at savings that will CA 5 Due to the tremendous popularity of the new Chevrolet Six, we have an unusually large stock of fine used cars. To clear this stock at once, we offer, not only the usual reduction featured 1628 Ford COACH, Just Overhauled in new shape 2t--3475.00 1929 Chevrolet 1% ton TRUCK CTASSIS a real bargain «$495.00 1926 Chevrolet Landau SEDAN, Overhauled--good tires, 2t--3A475.00 yearly at this time, but DOUBLE REDUCTIONS, meaning prices that are nothing less than sensational. Benefit by these amazing values. Come NOW-~--today! UC-130X THE MOST SPECTACULAR VALUES WE HAVE EVER OFFERED! 1927 Ford Del TRUCK in nice Condition, new top, only--$195.00 1929 Chevrolet SEDAN Rung & looks like new 0nly--§695.00 1929 Ford 1%-ton TRUCK Warford transmission Good Balloon Tires only--§575.00 1926 Ford TOURING nice running condition good tires : Only--§225.00 1926 Star TOURING just overhauled, new top, runs like new only--§325.00 CO. i Phone6, A. PATERSON, Dryden RRR RRL: EERE RR RER AER ERE IL Sr TO EF Sr I ER Es EELS All the Leading Makes ORTHOPHONICS; PIANOS; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; SHEET MUSIC; STATIONERY ; OFFICE SUPPLIES; KODAKS and FILMS; SINGER SEWING MACHINES; We specialize in these lines because we have the world's best makes. Our Service Department is Prompt and efficient Pronger & Armstrong Dryden, Ontario A Select Line of Of All Varities & sreen (/egetables Of Every Kind in Season