ask you to That is What the Conservative Party 0. vote for on July 28th. IT EMBRACES NATIONAL PROBLEMS OF GREAT and Immediate INPORTANCE, Such as " A National Highway= Unemployment : an The spectre of unemployment h An all-Canada. Highway is vital os ployment has to the future of this country. Mod- made a definite appearance in our orn commerce, industry and trade midst. To provide means of labor for J i 04 bie fi call for its construction from the afl citizens of this, Dominion 1s ay far roaches of the Pacific to the imperative duty of the Federal Gov- Atlantic Ocean. The Hon. R B ernment and the Province. Bennett, as leader of the Conserv- Li Returned io Power the Conser 3 ative Party Hak proclaimed. the vative Leader will call a Special Ses- Construction of a Nationa! Highway sion of Parliament to evolve some as the avowed policy of the Party means to allay the present menace i of unemployment, ® Conservative Cand &. Inserted by the Liberal-Conservative Publicity Committee, Dryden.