Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 12 Sep 1930, page 1

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o- ~-r Bo n Observer = Ea The Dryde DRYDEN, Ontario, September 18th, 1930 The Annual Fall Fair Up to the present weather condi- tions have remained ileal for tha gardzp crops, If you have any rea- Swanson-Edgren A very quiet but prétty wedcing was solemnized on Sa'uvday, Sapt, 7th, at 10:30 a:m, at the home of The Highway Route .Myr S. Swanson; when As rd Viet ,oria, youngest daughter of BMvi TJ At thy meeting held at Fort Wil. and will pass through a country of lings with the Frost King, just ask Edgren, was united ir, mariage to liam last week, Mayor Wood and incomparable lakes and recrea jona}l him to keep up the good work azd remain in the north until the end of this month at least, Seemingly it is a grol thing we will have more space accimodation this year, judgirg Ly the size cf the Pumpkins, Squash, Citrons, Cah- bage and the abundance of Ripe Tomatoes that aré around, Don't forget to leave stems cn Tomatoes and Onjons this year, at least three inches, Your entries will be dis- qualified if it is not so, In the Special Exhibits ¢f Wild Frut Preserves, the varjcus items must be named, please rememb-r this, Since the publication of the Prize List a further donation t:- wards Specials has been received from Earl Hutchinson, Ms: P: P. Mr Hutchinson has also promised to be with us on Fair aDiy, A meeting of the Direc'lors is to be held on Friday, Septamber 12h at 8 pgm for making final arrange. ments, Anyone desiring a Prize List may apply at the office of the Secre'ary A J Tock, can also be obtained for $1:00. We expect a large number of entrie; Please have yours in early, ANNUAL MEETING-- __ ~The annual meetisg of the Dryden Branch of the Canadian Red Cros; Society. will be held in the Town Hall on Friday, September 19th atpitcher--it isnt a mending tape or Eight o'Clock p:m for the purpose glue pot, of. hearing the various reports and appointing a new committee for 'lh ensuing year, Everybody interset d in the work of the Red Cross 's cordially invit:d to be present. NOTICE : A meeting of St Luke's Girls © Guild will be held at the hime of Mrs Wm Kerney on Tuesday September 16th at Eight o' lock pm, Important business t> dis- cuss and a full turnout is re- quested, ; Tax Collector Wanted-- fat 'Applications for Tax Collector for S: S. Britton, and Wainwright will be received by the undersign-q till September 25th 1930. T H HENDERSON, Secy NOTICE to Ex-Servic, Men-- All those in need of Fu:l Wood for the winter who are under stran. ded dircumgtances @sn nicsive ib gratis by making arrangemen's with Comrade KEN EDYE "W. R. CLIMENSON Piano Tuner .. .. will be in town this month -_ leave your ord>rs at Pronger __ and Armstrong's Store. MUNICIPALITY OF VAN HORNE : Applications will be received by the undersigned until Septembar 15, for the position of Tax Collector for the Township of Van Horne and Glengoland School Sectin for 1930, Salary $100:00. Applicant to furnish Lond, G. WICE, Clerk Membor.hip tick ts | Oscar, eldest son of Mr Swanson, The bridal couple sto.d wnder a Lizkes were beautifully decorated wh.te bell ani the color scheme was sastauflly cur: ried out throughout the house. Rev J W Howes of the United Church, officiated; Mr CC Swanson, brother of the groom acted as best man and Miss E Morton was bridesmaid Mr R J Pronger, brother-in-law of the bride gave the bride away, . After a sumptuous w:d'irg break fast, at which only relatives were , present, the happy coulpe depart:d fon the noon train for an extended trip to Banff, Take Louise and the "Arrow Lake, 1 The bride wore a blue and poarl gray fall ensemble with correspond- jing hat to match, and grey hose and gloves, A black stole to gr.oms (gift to the bride completed he cosi- ume, ghz bridesmaid, Miss Elizabeth Morton, wor, a blue crepe de chine and chiffon velvet dress, Upon their return Mr and Mrs Swanson will reside in Dryden, den delegates remarks to the ccn- vention as reported in the Journal, "Mayor Wood, of Dryden, asserted than Hon Wm Finlayson, m nister of lands and forests, repeatedly has assured the people in tkat region that Dryden would be situated on the trans-Canada Highway Alfred Pitt Speaks ____ Alfred Pitt, Dryden pioneer ass .r- ted that as long age as tke Dryd n convention of 1919 no other route was mooted than c¢pe link ng 'he lakehead with Dryden and Kenora He said th's region was optimistic enough 'at that time to expsel com- pletion of thy road with'n five years but sponsors of the original route now are being confronted wih = new generation of activity champ. ioning another route, Fort Frances' effort to enlist t-e suppot! of the lakehead cities in 1926 on a southern route proved a"- ortive, he declared, but they are resuming their fight, Ha believed the point well taken thai a unit-d front should be presented to the government, Fort Frances has disturbed the harmony and disrupted conditions, The brief is not supported by facts he said, Mr Pitt submitted that Fort Pran. The peaks of dréad are higher ces already js the hub. of 'tha finest than mountain tops, Imagination al- werk of highways as compared 'o ways exaggerates difficulties Noythe splendid isolation of Dryden. He Imagination Exaggerates Difficulties Worry won't repair the broken Lift your tongu, from the aching 'teeth and your thoughts from your troubles, Nursed Irritations soon justify the gloomiest expectations, body ever fell as far as his fear felt that 'the business men of the tumbles, lakehead should incline to the nor:h Doubt is a magnifying glass|ern route because business eman- which enlarges stumbling blocks to impossible barriers and disappoint.- ments into defeats, If half the time wasted upon des pairs had been devoted to repairs, society would be several centuries nearer the mellenjum. The fish that got away is not the biggest in the stream, Tomorrow is Inventing better chances than yest- erday bi Ha There always are enough timb- er in the wreck to make a raft. The average success, when analyz ed, discloses a revamped failure, Therefs hardly a big business that hasnt suffered soma srhtbacks and made its getbacks, i The panic of 1907 and '21 practic- ally bankrupt>d a thousand enter. prises that have since moved Inte ating from that source relatively is far 'greater than from the southern area, Development will profit lake head cities even more, he said. A clay belt along the northern rout» will" support a population - of 100 000 the melon Patch, So why should you expact easy sliding ? A fussing, brooding brain isn't fit to make decisions or qualifiel for ac curate judgement, There is no place for constructive ideas in a mind sickened from the souring spilled milk, Opportunity despises quitters and self-deprecators, A pessimist pads the odds against Times highway is constructed, nd Mrs § Alfred Pitt and delegates from Ke-{possibilities. ar " nora and those at the Head of ihe) Mr Pitt estimatcd that the high- successful in having way via Dryden and Kenora csuld | the meeting decide on the route via: Upsula, Dryden and Kenora, insteaq of the one to the south which tle southern region, More.ver he said, Fort Frances delegates were after. Herewith is a report of the Dry. e constructed at a cost much less 1an the proposed road through the jthe question of route may cceur to the military authorities, and the further away from the border the th. better ty maintained, . Mayor Morrison of For; Franess, said that whatever decision th. meet ing reached, the border c'ty people were not going to be resentful They presented their case, he said, sin- cerely believing the best inetrcst of the lakehead cities will be sori ed by a direct trans-Canada connec- tion with Fort Frances." Delegates have since left for Tor- onto from all interested points in Northwestern Ontario to at'end a meeting for the purpose of urg'ng immediate construction of the trans Canada Highway, and Mayor Wood has left to represent Dryden at this important gathering, _ . Since the meeting at Fort Wil- (liam last week, Port Arthur has 'gone on recordi as favouring the ; Fort, Frances route, which they be- lieve would make increased busi- ness for ther own city, They, Port Arthur and Fort Frances, will now Yecommend the construction ef two jhighways, one via Dryden and one to the south, a move which most peo ple agree will only mean a delay in the construction of the highway - The following telegram rece'ved from Mayor Wood by Alfred Pitt last night sounds mos} encouraging to the district, Toronto, Ont, Sept, 11, 1930 ALFRED PITT, ' Dryden, Ont, - Meeting very satisfactory. No de- finite promise as %o immed ats ex- tent of work, but government defini. tely comm 'tted in our favour with verbal assuranc, of speedy action, i (Signed) P H B WOOD § i \ himself, . Stop searching for the clouds and watch for rainbows. --~Canadjan Finances --_ Card of Thanks-- EEN Mrs W J Martin wishes tp ex~ press appreciation for the kind- ness and sympathy extended io her during her recent bereave- ment, Great Events Cast shadows before Sunday, September 21st is a very | % significant day in Dryden and Ox- drift, The Un ted Church will have a vist from Rev J W Little of tte tp Rel gious Education Council of Man. | &&: itoba, My Little was a former pas|¥ tor of the Dryden and Oxdrift fields |R% The Dryden Church Anniverzary ] Milk Corrects Yon, imancial logs fname 1 sufficient | FIRE INSURANCE | -¢ gewaz Win #and the } EB GIBSON, Agent, Dryden Opening of the Oxdrift Acid Mouth Church will be celebrated Services |e that day will be at the following time: DRYDEN--Sunday Schcol, 10 a:m D vine Worship, 11 aim; Divine Worship, 7 p: m; Preserves the Teeth, Wampole's Magnesia of For Burns and Scalds OXDRIFT-- Opening Ceremony, 1:30; Dedication Sermon 2:30 Divne Worshp 8:20 pin, i Special music by the Dryden C:|W¥ G: I T: at the afterroon service in Oxdrift ya Monday evening at 8 pm in Ox- drift's new Church the Dryden sen. ier Chor will give a concert, Along with Rev J W Littl, and Wd! local ministers a special repres:nta- tive of the Winnipeg Presbytery oe wil vst Dryden and Oxd;ift J Churches, |i Keep thece dates open and wor-- a ship at Dryden and Oxdrift, Sept- ember 21st, Antacid an effective Mild Taxative 6=0z. . 25¢c 16-0z. - 50c¢ and Ltd. el ; start teaching Tuesday, Wednesday,' Locals I Mrs E. Dearden has returned al$- er spending a holiday in Port Ar- f thur, Mrs Holmes and Miss Jean Holmes of Winnipeg, are the guests of Mr and Mrs A Paterson, Miss Olive Ray returned to Win- nipeg Sunday, after spending 'a weeks holiday at her home here Mrs I Howe and Morris Howe & Norman Hardy returned last week after visiting Mrs Howe's daughter Mrs Bryant, at Hamilton, Ohio. Mrs O M Nymark has returned from a trip to Kenora, G Hohn have retur: their honeymoon Myr and Mrs ed after spending in, the west, Mrs P Moline left for th, west Thursday, being called there owing {o a serious motor accident in Which her sister was gravely injured on Fowl Supper The Fowl Supper to be given by the Ladies Aid of the Oxdrift Uni- ted Church will not be held. follow- lowing the Opening og September 21st, on -account of the many events in the community during that week. The Fowl Supper is pow planned for October oth, The next meeting of the Aid 's to bz held in the Church basems:t October 2nd, when final arrange. ments will bg made, PROF. F E&IMONS B: My; L: R: S. M Concert; Violinist; Plenlst Priva, teaching for beginners av Special Prices. Pipils prepared for highest Di; loras & Consert Work For application apply to : TRONGER & ARMSTRONG ; Music Store | highway between Toulin, and Win- njpeg, . Jno McKay has returned 'after of ficating as judge of the Crops in Whitefish Valley in the Rainy Riv- er district, Miss Aubra Cleaver, nurse at the local Red Cross Hosrital has been trans? rred to a similar posjtion jn the ast, Miss Florence Barker js spending a vacation in Reglngs J L Skillen has left on a wisit to Fort William, At the Nineteenth Hole-- If there are any new-comers to Dryden who wish to join tht Golf Club for the remainder of the ses- son, a fee of $5:00 will be collected for membership dues; Out of town players may use the course at a charg, of 85¢ per day or $1:08 per week The publi¢ is reminded that these Rules will be" strictly enforc d and non, but bonafide members or pay- ing visitors will be permitted to play, as it is cbvicusly unfair to others, especially at the present time when the tournament games} are being played. Great enthusiasm is being shown by the contestants whe 'are matel. ed as shown by thg list in the Drug Store window, with handicaps opposite the names, = Harvest Festival-- Wy Next Sunday the Baptist Church will observe Harvest Festival, wie: the Church will 'be decorat qd with Grain, Vegetables, Fruit and Flow- ers, The Pastor will preach appro- priate messages for the occasion, DRY WOOD Deliveren __Tamarac, per cord. _.. __..§T:89 _ -.Mixed Fuel per cord ..__§8:8%.. 3 Split Poplar, per cord_.__§8 3&__ SWAN SWANSOH __ § CHARLES SILVER 8 § Licensed Auctioneer | § Address--Charles Street § § Dryden, Ontario . § §Call or write for appointments§ . sie i M. J. Crosier General Merchant oo OXDRIFT -- ONTARIO __ ee : TIRES--Goodyear Tires 30x31; High Pressure, progress 0 RCC 4.40-21--Balloon Liiva vies... $6.75 4.50-20--Balloon ce _ceses... $786 4,50-21--Balloon _.____ veevie 3TG0 TUBES-- Cah 30x314 i pe RSS GAD-2Y ee ve A 450-20 iio A Sais LL BO Ev 3120 REPAIR KIT-- Thrge oiZ® oe y.iee OO Balloon Blow Out Patches... :48 These are only a few of the Cagh Values at CROSIERS ; et --. -- WATCH -- for the announcement eof the High School Boys' Orchegten dance soon. : ou =] The Surest Way iso Sale of Home Cooking-- The I.adies Aid of Dryden United; Church will hold a Sal, of Home Cooking, September 20h from 3 to 6 pm in th, Dingwall Motors | Show Rooms, "To Cpen Studio September 16th © Prof, F Simmons, the new violin and piano teacher at Dryden will and Thursayd at Mrs Flemings resi- | dence, Thiose who wish to stort this coming week will please fill their lesson, Do not forget the special Violin offer, this applies to both adults and children, By NOTICE-- EARL C, POPHAM, Barrister Solicitor, etc, of Kenora will be in Dryden, Tuesday morn ng September 16th and may be consulted at Self's Hotel be: tween the the hours from-9 a, m til 4 pum, a fo Fight Hard Times Specialized training is the stirest weapon against bard times. Employers do not dismiss skilled office help when business is slack, for the reason that they cannot be easily replaced. Train now so that you will |} be prepared for an office posi- 3 tion when the opportunity comes to vou. Any temporary self- |8 denial will be repaid many time: - If aver by your additional earning power. § {Were IST 7 pa [the entry forms and return them to : on oy Sa it . } ocentiically recte wi- Pronger & Armstrongs Music rs dual instruction and a high 2 |or may call personally at the studio, standard of thoroughness have 4 Mr Simmons will try and please resulted in our Placement De- ' everybody by making special ar. partment annually receiving [A |B irangements and suggestions for the more thee 2.900 caiis prospe:iive Pupils, He also asks | Lrain in amit Nene LY, Sa ; ° ' (Lanada's larges empieymen 2 Aeverybody to suggest what ime centre. Write for free prospectus i would be most convenient to take of 'courses. THE SUCCESS BusiNEss COLLBGE Portage Ave. at Bdmeston St. WERNIPEG (Owners of Reliance Scheel of Commerce. Regina, but not com if « nected with other Suécgss Col- | leges in the Wea) :

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