Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 17 Oct 1930, page 1

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4 AR 'Melbourne 'of: Java. pe NOTICE--AIll Ex-Service Men-- A meeting of the Canadian Legion B.E.S.L., will be held in the Pulp © Mil] Hall on Sunday, October 19th 'at three o'clock p.m. & tend a cera Tl NOTICE All ex-service men wishing to at- the Aumsticg Poet will please get ¢ soon so as to ie Ln the en ex- ricted may be known, oe VOL. IX DRYDEN, Ontario, - October 17th, 1230 = "The Phantom Sq gadron" (by 4 DE BOURLAIR) (Continued) After dinner Dick again went 0: ,Aerdrome and received plane which had been throughly overhauled and: polished up. He pay- =d the mechanics and climbed into the cockpit," As he rose into the 'air, he turned the nose of his plane westward, towards home. Every- thing went well, until off the coast Suddenly Dick sighted a number of tiny specks low down in the sky, and as they approached, Dick saw that it was an American airplane squadron. Seeing Dick, gave chase. Dick flew a fast plane and he realized that discretion was better than valour, so he threw the throttle wide open and the plane swept forward towards Aden, He couldn't gain much and when he had to slowed down on account of engine trouble, the Yankee planes forged ahead.: - Suddenly as they came within range, a burst of bul- lets ripped from the leader's gun End Dick's altimeter and speedo- meter ceased to function. In front of him, Dick could isee Aden and he breathed a sigh of relief, but the Yanks still held on and were rapid- ly drawing nearer. = He felt dizzy and was conscious of a stinging pain in his shoulder, his plane was just a bundle of rags around the engine. Then his already faltering engine | stopped dead, but the aerodrome was scarcely a mile ahead of him, Just as he thought the next burst of bullets would finish him, he heard | the 'welcome boom of anti ' aircraft guns as a shell screamed just past him and: exploded above the Ameri- cans who turned back, realizing | that they could do no more damage. Dick landed just as he dropped into unconsciousness. Dick woke to find himself in bed with his head aching painfully As he Tooked around, he saw that he was in a 'small room while outside sounded the roar of high-powerad motors . and through the window he could, see the aerdrome with planes taking - off or landing all the time. Just then the door opened and 2 man appeared, "How are you feeling now?" he asked, "You were pretty well knock- ed about." "Fine," answered Dick, "except for a bit of a headache, 1 arrived Rete just in time." - Commander Richards was: a short well-dressed man in breeches, leg- gings and a flying helmet. "You'll be able to fly hom, in a few days," he said, "The. government Will sup- ply you with a plane, I suppese you havn't heard about tha Phant- om Squadron yet?" "No," replied Dick, "It's a pirate aeroplane squad-' wn' continued Mr Richards. "The papers say that it is silent and invis- able, but I think they must exagger- ate. It flies for Britain and makes vaids against Yankee squadrons us well as bombing along the American coast, It is certainly a mystery and' no one has ever seen the Squadron.' "Sounds interesting," replied Dick "It's a pleasant mystery anyway, as long as it flies for Britain." Two days later, Dick again stap- ted home and reached London with- out mishap, | ® "Well," said Major Benson, as Dick entered headquarters: , "Hav, you found anything out about col- onel Lockhart?" ' "No," replied Dick, "I've done all (Cont'd. on page two) Ty Teachers Institute, Convention The Annual Convention of the Kenora Teachers' Institute here on Wednesday, and some one ;hundred and five teachers of 'district assembled to participate in a very interesting program. The session was opened by the singing of "O Canada," while the opening exercise was conducted by! the Rev, J. W. Howes, of the Dry-. den United Church. The delegates were then warmly welcomed by Mayor Wood, who wished the teachers both a pleasant and profitable stay in Dryden. He discussed in a very pleasing man- ner how education had been carried and improved since our forefathers. Mr George Wice, chairman of the School Boartl, welcomed the teach- ers, and hoped they would enjoy their stay in Dryden, The minutes of last year's con- vention were read by Mr Jefferson, secretary, and were adopted as cor- rect by the convention. The president, Miss Hassard de- livered a very pleasing address. She remarked on the number of new 'teachers this year, and also on the progress of education. Mr Washington, of Ignace, gave a very interesting talk on Germany. A more detailed account of which we hope to print later. At the time of writing the report 'of Thursday's and Fridav's Session was not available, but will be publ- ished in full in the next issue. 'OXDRIFT FOWL SUPPER-- It is becoming a generally excep- ted maxim, if you want a good feed! 'go to Oxdrift's Annual Fowl Supper ! Js people who visited the Oxdrift {United Church last Thursday, had a (full? time. Provisions were as' Ladies did their part loyally | both in the kitchen and} Between supper and the starting of the Concert, pictures were shown of various places on the European Continent where Dr Morison, the evening's lecturer had visited, Spec- rial thanks are due to My McRae for his service and help. The evening's program with a selection by the Orchestra, Messrs Whiteley, Turnbull, Collins,' and Greenhill. The Dryden United Church choir contributed choruses and Anthems in an excellent manner. Solos were rendered by Messrs J, Brown, opened . this | opened | qe Whist and Dance Prize Winners The High School Boys Orchestra 'Mill Hall, Friday, last was ong of the outstanding events of the year, A record crowd attended and at 815 7p: m., the Hall was filled The game started later than adver- tized, owing to lack of tables. Forty being required for the night Twen- ty hands of Whist were played and Dancing started around 11 p.m. Midnight lunch being served and prizes awarded the winners of same are as follows: Ladies--1st Mrs Mrs H. Gammon. Consolation--Miss Vera Bailey. Hidden No:--Mrs A E Berrey Girls High--Miss K. Millroy. Gent's--1st, Mr Baden Smith; 2nd, Mr Lorne Whiting, Consolation--Mr T, Alexander. Hidden No.----Mr J. Brown Boys High--C. Gammon, The Spot Dance wag awarded to Mr Norman and Mrs Sheschowy of Wabigoon. The Card Dance was won by Mr Smith and Misg Ella Anderson. Mr and Mrs T, Lewis, of Oxdrift captured the prize for the Old-time Waltz. The winners of the coupon draw are ag follows: -- " Mrs H. Gammon, 100 tbs Flour; Mrs Brignall, Ham; Miss L. Stephonic, Bx. Apples; Mrs J. Volkmar, 5-gals. Gas; Miss J. Ovenstone, 4-1bs Butter; C. Boyle; 2nd, Whist Drive and Dance, held in the' Hallowe'en Masquerade Plans are going right ahead for the big Hallowe'en Masquerade, un- der the auspices of Silver Star Chapter No. 177, O.E.S, There will be prizes for--Best Hallowe"sn Original Costume, Lady or Gent; Best Fancy Homemade Costume, Lady or Gent; Best Orig- inal, Best Comic, Lady and Gent; Noyelty and Prize Dances, A prize also for Holder of Lucky Number Admission Ticket, and the prizes are very attractive and well worth the trouble of preparing a costum Dont be sorry after that you missed a great time, but start plan- ning now and make it a point to be on hand to enjoy the event of the season. We've already Meard of some weird Hallowe'en Costumes that will My E. Olsen, Potatoes; - Mr M. Cadario, 2 doz. Ginger Ale. Dancing continued until 8 a.m, ;and a pleasant nights entertainment was the order of the whol, evening. The many friends of Morton are pleased to sze her out' i! {ital. of Dy; Dingwall being the hero the hour. SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING-- The semi-annual meeting of the Lryden Curling Club will be held in the Town Hall on Thursday even- ing, October 30th at 8 pm. sharp Skips and Rinks will be picked at this meeting. If you intend Curling this season, please register your iname on lists posted in several of the Stores and also at the Royal Bank.--J SKILLEN, Secy. 'tive powers and discrimination in the = selection of his material fo lecture, held the interest of both Hardy, and Mesdames Bartlett and young and old. McPherson. Accompanists, Mr H. Gammon, Mesdames McPherson and encouraging report Chipman, My Russell Pollard gave a .very of the church, The minister thanked The writer would like to pay trib-iall who helped to make the event ate to the choir, which he had never heard sing to better advantage. i such. a success. Altogether, a very ARDY time ' Dr Morison, in a very interesting came to an end by the singing of narratve took the audience from the 'National Anthem. ! Canadian shores via Sco.land, Eng-; | Pictures that were on salg that land, and Northern and Southern 'night, of the church and officials, France, to Italy and Switzerland, may be obtained from - Mrs T. J, 'then back home. By good descrip- Latimer. Wa PREVENT nancial loss with sufficient FIRE INSURANCE E 7 LLHENRs WITH »E ans, Ager, Dryden and rose al get one at thi in dainty color No need to borrow blue s, red, green, 13 when you can s price. on the finance] I pense entailed Win Harry for a Masquerade. bountiful as the harvest. From 530,004) after her recent serious opera- hand for the time of your life, i 7.30 and even ofter the Concert ;tion in the Dryden Red Cross Hosp- e and well, at the tables. but don't let that stop you, think up one better. There wil] also be prizes for fancy and various comic ideas, so there is a wide scope to ex- press your originality, In their usual excellent style Rus- sel's Ramblers will display the lat- est music, and the lunch will be a real hallowe'sn affair, we've even heard: there's going to be pumpkin pies. e. {Mr scare you out of a few years growth|t Pretty Wedaing SMITH--BROWN GLENBORO, Man., Oct. 9--Monday, October 6th at 8 p.m., the Glenboro United Church, artistically deecorat- ed with foliage and flowering plants | for the occasion, was the scene of a very pretty wedding, whem Evel- ine, daughter of Mr and Mrs Geo. Wilson, was united in marriage to Mr Arnold Eric Smith, son of Mr and Mrs Edgar Smith. Rev. J B Francis, formed the ceremony. : entered Loher The bride the church to the strains - 2 [aX Arni Sveinsson, on princess lines, ted with coremet of prarls, her only ornament, being an heirloom necklace that was worn at her wedding, and she carried a bouquet of bridal] roses and 1} 7 ralley. The bride wan by the bridegroom's sister, Miss Grace Smith, dressed in a Swiss gown of Bermuda green silk geor- gette attend 23. Mr Norman Fallows eg, acted as best man. Be- ing the church, which was packed with: friends of the happy couple, Rev, J. B. Francis, on behalf of the church board, presemted the bride and bridegroom with a Bible, pastor of the church, per-iiclnp 's Bridal March, played byih She was dres-1, sed in white georgette crepe made: with veil surmoun- jing by her grandmother !o lace and ca.rying a bou-| 5% ST ER SY g Leite i of Thanks ? We take this opportumity to thenk all those who contributed in amy way to our Whist Drive and Dans .on Friday i The attendance fag exceeded the ex ig of the Committee, We esp colly wish to thank theses fwho were good cnough to hunt op j tables and cards, for tc them we 'owe in a large measure the success of the Whist Drive. To all Who d with giving out the lunch, : pologise to ali, for net sgtart- at 8:15 as stated, but mber of peopls t cards and ot hav. 8, for so large a czewd as beyond our contrsl. ants who donated prizes and pe r that ni: ight, we thank you r ek "the Oxdrift Lad AL iim Vegetables the Anglican a of Eagle from River. Pester Longer: "Hells, Iorman! Going to the show tomight?™ Horman Nardy: "Nope' got io save ray cash to this being the first ized in the church. It doesn't mean that you need go to any great expense, in fact the committee agrees that an inexpen- sive original costume will be as at. tractive as a costly one. The Hall will be attractively dec- orated and another thing worth considering, = is the reagonable ad- March was played. A reception was of the bride, Leh was served, prettily decorated mission charge of Seventy-five cents Sons and centerel with the wedding { of- town guests vere: The bride's travelling dress James Taylor, ev-iwas a very becoming suit of nose-ilis A. L Snyder, which isn't much when one considers cake. great amount of work and in' the preparation the {wood basket weave Keep the date the RE left for Winnipeg, open and he on after to match, and a fox fur, the gift of The happy couple son of 2 take my giz] to marriage solemn. y six the Masquerade Pa " At the close of erade Party the Gif Guides are giving in the David Hall the ceremony, Mendelssohn's wedding | Thyred ay, October 36% 4 so A > Pester Lon-en; held at the home|} do thy same." which a dainty 3 the tables being spend with pink carna- "Good ides, think their honeymoon, and will hen reside in Drydem, Omt., Out. Mz and Diza Jorothy and Jimmy, Miss Bdith Cuih. bert and Miss May Harprigon, of "Ninnipeg; Mr and Mrs N. Hedglkin- ; Belmont, and Miss Emily where they will Campbell, of Minnedosa, D cloth, with hat DRIVE CAREFULLY HE Highway Safety Committee has | been urging motorists during the year to exercise CARE, COURTESY and COMMON SENSE in the operation of their vehicles. The Committee apps ciates tl:e whole-hearted support its efforts have received from every source. We have had the best of co- -operation from the Advisory Committee, which is composed of some of the leading citizens of the Province, from the press, from motorists and from pedes- trians and, as a result, driving conditions have improved. Let us contirue to be - traffic conscious and at all tim=s CARE- FUL and COURTEOUS when driving. Severe penalties are provid- ed in our motor vehicle laws for those who are care-' less or inconsiderate of the rights of other users of the highway. The Financial Responsibility Law which became effective on September 1st provides that the driver's license and all motor vehicle permits of a person convicted of any one of the following offences shall be suspended until proof of financial respon- sibility in the form of a certificate of an insurance company, a bond or securities is filed with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, The HON. GEO. Write :--Motor Vehicles J3 ranch, The season for wet, slippery pavements is here that special care be exercised by all drivers of motor vehicles. every word of this advertisement ighway Safety Committee S=cure a copy of the Highway Traffic Act. EE prs © and demands . . and read corefully READ CAREF TULLY hout holding a chauffeur's license, negligent driving or &&- eed Hmits or property riving wi OF Opera Ll Reckless or ceeding the allowable if any injury to persons OCCUrs, Driving, or being in charge of & motor vel while intoxicated; 2 any other ¢ 21 offence invelving the use of ctor vehicle. Evading responsibility following em accident. Operating a motor vehicle in a race : or on a bet or wager. Sh surs, operators and owners af notor vehicles are warned that the i hi of this law must be applied in every case ACCIDENT REPORTING The law now requires every person directly or indirectly involved in a motor vehicle accident, if the accident results in any personal injuries or property damage apparently exceeding fifty collars, ©0 report such accident to the nearest police officer. A penalty is provided for failure to so report. Remember your Perso onal Responsi- bility whenever driving 2 moter vehicle or you may be required to prove your Financial Responsibi lity. HENRY; Chairman Parliament Buildings, Toronto.

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